
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

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Chapter 22: Back to School !

"It's been 2 weeks since that battle with the villain, and today we're finally going back to school... or so I thought." Arthur narrated

"Errrghhh I don't feel like going back to schoo-- *snore *snore." Dorothy said as she shoves Arthur away from her "Don't tell me you've gotten used to this." Arthur said to himself while Saya was still in sleep mode "Hey Saya, you too come on we'll be late." Arthur poked Saya hoping she'd wake up and talk some sense into Dorothy "Let me sleep! Let Master not go to class today." Saya replied as she punches Arthur's face slowly.

"Not you too." Arthur said as someone was knocking on their door *Knock *Knock *Knock "I'm coming!." Arthur then opened the door "Good Morning my King." Carla greeted him "I'm glad you weren't affected by our suspension." He says as he takes a deep sigh "What do you mean?." She was curious "Dorothy and Saya aren't going to school today." He replied with a tired look.

"Well like Master and Servant." She said as she peaks on them "Anyways let's go Carla." Arthur gets his bag and proceeds to head to the door "But my King are you sure it's fine for them not to come as well?." Carla asked "*sighs I'm sure by tomorrow they'll come to their senses and go back to class." He replied as they both left for school.

As the two were heading towards their school "How are you feeling Carla?." He asked out of concern "I'm feeling great my King, I'm just sorry for being a nuisance." She said as she felt guilty about it "Is she thinking about the time she was battling that guy?." He thoughts to himself "D-Don't worry Carla what matters is that you're safe." Arthur replied to cheer her up.

"And also about the whole 2 weeks you guys cleaned the whole gym area without me." She said as she feels even more guilty "It's fine Carla you were doing your best enough to recover from your injuries, I'm just glad you're safe." He then patted Carla's head.

As they reached the room.

"Heyyy Heyyyy!! Arthurr you're backk!!." Gray greeted him as he put his arms on Arthur's shoulder "We've missed you buddy!." Gray said "Hands off my King peasant !." Carla was furious and aimed her pistols at Gray "Well looks like Carla has missed me too." He said "I'm glad you both could finally return in class it has been very boring without you guys." Gray said "Ummm excuse me?." Patrisha raised her hand "Patrisha? yes what is it?." Arthur asked "Is Dorothy coming today?." She asked out of concern for her friend.

"I can't really say she doesn't want to come to class today bu-." He thought to himself just when Dorothy and Saya arrived at the room.

"Good Morning Everyone!!." Dorothy gave a huge smile as she greeted everyone with full of energy "Please calm yourself Master." Saya said "Dorothy!!." Patrisha rushed towards Dorothy and hugged her very tightly while Arthur noticed Saya almost initiating Self defense mode "SAYA!! DISENGAGE!! SHE'S A FRIEND!." Arthur waved as fast as he could to draw Saya's attention "Hmm?." Saya noticed "Disengage now! she's a friend." Arthur whispered very softly "Understood." Saya replied as she disengaged her self defense mode.

"I've missed you so much." Patrisha said "I've only been gone for two weeks Patrisha don't worry, see I'm fine." Dorothy gave her a huge smile "Well yeah but I was worried about you." She said "And you too Saya." Patrisha continued as Saya was shock to hear her and couldn't figure out what she's feeling.

"Guys! Sir Charles is heading this way!!." Franklin yelled out as everyone went back to their respective seats "We'll continue talking later alright Patrisha." Dorothy said as Patrisha agreed and they all went back to their seats.

Gray greeted their teacher while the rest followed shortly and sat down "Good morning Class today I need you to find a pair in 3.....2...1." Sir Charles said as everyone were panicking on who to choose as their partner.

As obvious Dorothy grabbed Arthur's arm and claimed him as her partner while Saya was crying and Carla was furious looking at them.

"Master ?." Saya reacted "Tchhh I forgot that she's a fast one!." Carla said as she bites her thumb "Hey you wanna pair up?." Carla asked towards Saya "I agree." Saya replied meanwhile Gray was devastated to know Carla already has a pair.

"Alright now that everyone has found a pair, I want all of you to face me off, two versus one." Sir. Charles said as everyone were shocked, while everyone were excited and hyped up to fight their own teacher "What?." Arthur and Dorothy reacted.

"Because of what happened a few weeks ago you kids might get into trouble, while you're outside the school's and dorm's jurisdiction so I at least want to explain all your flaws and how to grow from them, sounds easy enough right?." He explained "But Sir? what is this truly about?." Luck asked "Just as I said, you don't know when or where trouble could be lurking so I at least want to help you defend yourself if you ever come into a situation like that." Sir Charles replied.

"Hey Arthur, do you think.." She said "Yes, this is because we were there." Arthur finished Dorothy's sentenced "I hope you four don't take this the wrong way, I just don't want any of you guys getting hurt from the outside world." Sir. Charles thought to himself "Alright first pair!." Sir. Charles said "Hang on! we can't fight here in the room and don't forge--." Bell said "Oh you're right! the room is too small for us to fight in, and we can't use the field so we'll use the Gym!." Sir. Charles replied "I'm sure that's not what he meant." Everyone in the class thought to themselves.

As everyone got in the gym "Alright class this here is George Anderson He's the one who sets the bounded field here." Sir. Charles introduced as everyone greeted George "Good Morning students, please refrain from using any moves or techniques that could be fatal, I wouldn't a teacher's death to happen here so." George joked around as everyone laughed "Hey George you're making me look bad here." Sir. Charles played along "Sssh I'm in charge here." George silenced Sir. Charles "Yes sir." He replied "I have a question Sir. Charles." Gray asked as he raised his hands "Yes what is it Mister Dawson?." He asked "Aren't we banned from any activities such as these one from the principal?." Gray asked "Oh boy don't tell me." George looked towards to Charles out of suspicion "I'll deal with the principal later I just wanna prepare my kids for the uncertain please go along with this George." Sir. Charles begged "Geez you always become a father figure to your students, but always hated being called "MISTER"." George said "Thank you so much George." He was grateful.

"Well class for today this is an exception so I want the first pair to step in the court." Sir. Charles said as George proceeded to activate the bounded field while the other students sat down and were spectating the fight.

"Who is it? Who went first and challenged Sir?." Franklin asked "It must've been Luck and Rex." Cane said "We're right here you know." Luck replied "Sorry." Cane said "I wonder who is it." Lisa said "I'm all fired up! rawwrrrrr!!!." Gon stood up from his seat "Hey you need to calm down." Febby said as she lets him take his seat "Yes Ma'am." Gon replied out of embarrassment.

Arthur chuckles "What is it?." Dorothy asked "To be honest I just missed all of this." He replied as he was giving her a smile "Well I'm getting all fired up too." Gray said "Hey I don't want you standing up like Gon alright." Patrisha said "Don't worry I'm not li--." Gray didn't finished his sentence as he saw Blake and John on the screen "WWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOO GUYSSSS!!!!!." He stood up anyways cheering for them (like how a soccer fan does when the team wins) Patrisha was so embarrassed "Don't worry Patrisha." Dorothy comforted her "Despite his attitude Gray's a reliable person." Arthur said while one of the pairs were at the top simply watching the battle take place "Ummm Reid, when are we going to--." Cassidy asks timidly "Shut up, we'll go once I say so." Reid replied in a frustrated tone "Tchh why did I have to pair up with this excuse of a swordsman." Reid thought to himself (Reid is a Fighter class, he thinks too highly of himself and never trusts anyone.) (Cassidy is a Swordsman class, she's a silent person and very shy when it comes to other people including her classmates.)

As the battle started Blake and Rex started to head towards Sir. Charles head on "Hmm a frontal assault?." He said to himself as he throws his spear towards them Blake dodged the spear and Rex stood his ground and fired multiple arrows towards Sir. Charles, "You guys forgot I can manipulate my spea--." He reacted when Blake grabbed unto his spear "That won't wo--." As the arrows were already in front of him out of reflexes he grabbed each arrow that was shot towards him and broke them.

"He broke the arrows!?." Rex reacted "Don't bother with that just keep firing while I deal with his spear." Blake said as his pet snake came from underground and hold unto the spear as well.

"I see, distracting me with Rex's arrows so I won't be able to use my spear." He said as he breaks every arrow sent towards him "Can you hold unto this?." Blake talked to his pet snake and it agreed "Thanks." Blake then rushed towards the distracted Sir. Charles "We still have an advantage." Blake thought to himself as he was getting closer to him clenching his fists, Once Blake was in front of Sir. Charles, Rex stopped firing and as He broke off the last arrow he was already expecting for Blake to appear "Impossible! you were distracted I was sure by that." Blake reacted "Wrong move using your pet to hold unto my sacred weapon." He said as he dodged Blake's punch and took a few steps back.

"That was good teamwork you got there, but underestimated your enemy." He said as he noticed something slimy on his spear "What's sticky?." He asked to himself as he looked towards his spear Blake's pet snake was already facing towards him "Hidden ability "EYES OF MEDUSA!." Blake yelled as Sir. Charles was frozen.

"I messed up." He said to himself as he is unable to move while Blake was getting closer ready to deliver the final blow "Eyes of Medusa only lasts for a few minutes that's all I need to finish the last blow." Blake thought to himself.

"They're gonna do it!." Gray said as he was feeling nervous "Too slow." Sir. Charles was able to move again "Crap!." Blake thought to himself as he was the one in trouble "You two put up a good fight, I commend you and your partner's teamwork." Sir. Charles said as he tried to hit Blake with the spear "Rex!!!!!!." Blake yelled as an arrow that has been charged with mana was shot "Ability Rubber." Blake said as he dodged the arrow by bending his body as if he was an actual snake and made way for the arrow to hit Sir. Charles.

because while their teacher was busy focusing on Blake, Rex for the whole time was charging his arrow with mana preparing to fire at any moment, pushed way back from the court "You two have done well, I'm proud of both of you you guys get an A+." Sir. Charles said as the two high five'd each other out of happiness that they passed meanwhile everyone spectating were confused and shocked.

"What we're being graded??." Lisa asked "They did great!." Luck said "I never knew we were getting scores from this." Gon said "Me either." Febby replied "It's great that they passed." Cassidy said out of relief for her classmates "What are you saying? these are our rivals for perfect scores." Reid said "Well they're our classmates so of course I'd be grateful that they passed." Cassidy replied in a soft voice "Tchhh." Reid reacted "I wonder if we'll be able to pull it off with her as my pair?." Reid thought to himself concerned about him passing with Cassidy as his partner.

"Wow Blake has really grown from the last time I've seen him fight huh." Arthur said as he was amazed with their results "Huhu of course you are, after the whole L1 royale he swore to himself to get stronger and this is the result of his efforts." Gray replied feeling proud for Blake "I hope you have a plan on how we're going to beat Sir. Charles." Patrisha said "Huh? what? No I don't have any." Gray replied with a straight and innocent face "URRRGHHHHH GRAYYY!!!." She was frustrated and decided to focus and think of a strategy for the battle later "Oh boy looks like Patrisha's had enough of him." Dorothy said "Well I'm surprised she hasn't murdered him yet." Arthur said sarcastically "Master, we're going up next." Saya said "Really? who's your pair?." Dorothy asks "Her." Saya replied and pointed towards Carla sitting next to Arthur "Heh!? Carla!."Dorothy and Arthur reacted as they just noticed Carla next to them the whole time "Hehehehehe My King I just came to tell you we're up ne-." She got interrupted by Gray "No, she was there the whole time." He inserted in "I'm going to kill you Dawson!." She replied drawing her pistols out "So you're here to pick her up?." Dorothy asked "Yes." Saya replied "Good luck to the both of you." Arthur said "Thank you." They both replied "We'll get an A+ like them My King we'll show you." Carla said "Yes for we have a brilliant strategy on beating Sir. Charles." Saya said.

"We'll be looking forward to see it." Arthur and Dorothy said simultaneously "Thank you Master." "Thank you my King." They both replied and proceeded to head towards the court "Those two have gotten quite well together haven't they." Arthur said "I agree, it makes me feel like a proud Mother watching two of her daughters all grown up." Dorothy replied as he held Arthur's hands "Hey don't say things that might be misunderstood by others." Arthur replied while Patrisha and Gray were totally shock from seeing the two of them act like this right next to them.

"Must be lucky." Gray said as Patrisha stared at him.

as Saya and Carla arrived at the court "Looks like one of the students who took part on that battle a few weeks ago are the next pair to face me." Sir. Charles said "Hey! should you really be saying that?." Carla asked "Don't worry I told George to mute our voices for now but once we start the battle they'll be able to hear us so I suggest the two of you remain silent about what happened that night." Sir Charles said as he twirls his spear around "I see, so this whole activity was because of us huh." Carla said as she draws her pistols "I guess you could say that I don't want what happened to you four happened to the other students." Sir. Charles said "Come on now Sir. you're making us cry, so I suggest you give us that A+." Carla rushed towards him while firing multiple bullets "Is she serious on getting close with long ranged weapons?." He thought to himself as he kept on dodging her bullets "could you stop moving! and stay put!." She yelled meanwhile Carla was simply watching them fight.

"Alright then I guess I'll accept your offer but I'll be heading towards you." He then rushed towards Carla and was planning on swinging his spear to Carla pushing her back, but he then notices her smile a little bit too late and Carla draws her blade to block off the swing from his spear.

"You really think I'd be coming towards you without a plan." Carla said as she shoots another bullet at close range while Sir. Charles leaps in the air and twirls his spear protecting him from the bullet.

"Hmm now I get it, you use your left hand for that blade of yours while you use your right for your other pistol, Impressive." He acknowledges Carla "You're looking at the person who helped my King learned to perfect his swordsmanship." She said as she rushes towards him while firing bullets.

"I see." He said as he spins around with his spear on the ground creating cover for him "You're not getting away!!." Carla said as she slashes the dust but to see he was gone "Carla behind you!!." Saya yelled out "Gotcha!." She aimed her pistol behind her but what was there was his afterimage "Checkmate." He whispered "You think?." Carla replied as she blocked the spear's strike with her blade and took a step back away from their teacher.

"You have good instincts miss Brewsworth but are you really going to let your friend here take all the glory?." Sir. Charles called out Saya who has been at the far corner simply observing them the whole time.

"It's a little early but I guess we have no choice." Saya said as she was walking slowly towards them and out of thin air her weapon appeared.

"A scythe huh? that would make you." Sir Charles said "Yes an Assassin Class." Saya finished their teacher's sentence and everyone was so surprised to see Saya with her weapon "I never knew Saya was an Assassin class." Arthur said "Well she doesn't really use her class that much, but she's a good user of that scythe believe me." Dorothy replied "And how would you know that?." He asked Dorothy was then thinking of the times when they were still suspended where at one time she requested Saya to spar with her...

"S-She told me so." Dorothy said as she tries to whistle.

"You ready Saya?." Carla asked "Yes, I have observed enough Let's go!." Saya replied as the two rushed together.

End of Chapter 22: Back to School !