
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

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98 Chs

Chapter 10: A Girl's Memory

"It was Ten years ago... I killed a person."

Ten years ago...

"My Father was a scientist, my Mother was just a simple housewife she would take care of me all the time since Father was always at the basement doing his research."

"Hey Doryy you got a second?." Carla Ritsu asked while she was preparing their dinner "Yepp." The young Dorothy agreed and gave her a wholesome smile "I want you to give your Father's dinner for me, you think you can handle the challenge?." I knew she was joking around but I still went to give Father's dinner, once I arrived at the staircase leading to Father's basement I could hear him talking to someone else.

"You sure about this Professor? If I defend the facility here, who knows what might happen over there?." The Swordsman leader said.

"Don't worry old friend I have already finish building my defense droid so there's no need to worry." Ian Ritsu replied.

the door was open a little and I could barely see who father was talking to..

"Well I can be there within the hour you sure you wouldn't want me there with you?." The Swordsman Leader said.

"We'll be fine, you know this brings me back when we were in high school." Ian Ritsu sat on his chair drinking coffee.

"Yeah me doing the defending stuff from bullies who tried to destroy your science project." The Swordsman Leader said while laughing.

"And now look at us, You became a full fledged Swordsman while I became a scientist." Ian Ritsu said raised his cup.

While all I could see was Father, I was really thinking who that person father is talking to but I already knew then that they were friends..

"Sir you have letter from the Mrs." Random swordsman gave the letter.

"Thank you, It seems my son now knows how to send letters." The Swordsman Leader said as he reads the letter his son made for him.

"Smart boy." Ian Ritsu said while coding the droid to activate.

"Hey don't forgot about the promise alright." he said.

"Right!, depends if she wants it I have to ask her first." Ian Ritsu replied.

"Well we should let them meet first and then let them decide." The Swordsman said with a smile on his face.

(In this Kingdom, arrange marriages are a common thing here)

"Well you decide on the date then." Ian Ritsu said while crossing his arms and giving him a smirk.

"Hmmmmmm how about this weekend? does that sound good?." he asked.

"Well I'm pretty much free that time .. Sure, I know! you should bring your Family here as well then we can have lunch at my place." Ian Ritsu said while excited to see his old friend again.

"That sounds like a great idea! This weekend alright." he said while doing a fist bump on the screen.

"You got it!." and my Father did the same.

The call ended ...

at the Facility..

"Hmmmm looks like he's got into trouble while I was gone.. but he stood up for his sister.. I can't wait for you to meet Ritsu's daughter my boy." said.

At the house..

As Father was done talking to his friend I knocked at his door




"Who's there?." Ian Ritsu asked in a sarcastic way.

"Food service." I replied.

My Father then chuckled and opened the door..

"Here it's dinner time Father." Young Dorothy placed his Father's meal on his table

"Hey Father who were you talking to just now?." I asked out of curiosity "Oh just an old friend from high school." My Father replied.

"Hey Dorothy, you must never reveal your true class to anyone alright, you have to promise me ." at that moment I knew my Father was being serious "I promise Father." I replied while giving him a smile.

*But the World had other plans*

The Next day..

an Assassin has been spotted by one of our surveillance cameras..

"Honey! wake up we have an Assassin on our borders we need to get you and Dorothy out of here." Father repeatedly tried to wake up both me and Mother as fast as he could.

The Assassin was already at front of our house..

"Hold it right there! You are trespassing on Imperial territory state your business." Security droid asked out of hostility, the Assassin didn't answer the droid and kept on walking towards it my Father already heard the security droid's voice from the inside and knew the Assassin has arrived.

"You two head for the back now!." Ian Ritsu exclaimed "Wait! what about you Father?." I asked out of terror from the events occurring right now "I'll be right behind you, remember our promise Dorothy you must never tell anyone." Ian Ritsu said while he was grabbing his gun "I promise Father." I replied and by that me and Mother went towards the back gate.

The Assassin at the front and My Father's security droid were already caught in a duel and my Father was planning to go and help his droid, then as me and Mother opened the back door...

An Assassin stabbed my Mother at the front.. I was scared I didn't know what to do at the time.. so by accident released my full power...

"MOOOOOTHERRRRR!!!!!!!." Full of rage I summoned every weapon from the classes out of thin air and pierced them at the second Assassin.. My Father came back for us "Carla? Carla???." My Father was in tears while picking up his dead wife "I need to get you somewhere safe." My Father grabbed my hand and led me to his basement..

once we arrived at the basement.. he removed a sheet revealing a suit...

"You stay there Dorothy okay Daddy's gonna be right back for you just stay there." My Father was scared, I could see it in his eyes.. I was placed inside the suit.. I could hear the battle getting closer to the basement.. I was scared.. I was crying inside the suit thinking about both my Mother and Father..

Until... the battle reached the basement.. as I peeked through the Helmet the Security droid my Father built was already half beaten up but was still fighting the Assassin, My Father, wounded and was heading towards the suit I'm in "You gotta keep going." My Father said while in pain "What!? Father What about yoou!!." I was bursting in tears because I was scared of what's going to happen, My Father then turned on the computer, programming the suit to head towards a destination "Fatherrr!!! What are you doing!!!." I kept on yelling and as I tried to get out of the suit, it wouldn't let me as my Father just locked the suit "I kept on knocking the helmet screaming to let me out "FAAATTHHHEERRRRRR!!!!!!!." "Dorothy this suit is heading towards your grandparents house, you have to press the button in the suit."

"But I don't want to go!!!!!!!!." I screamed out of disagreement "You don't have time Dorothy, you have to do it!!." My Father yelled at me crying "I don't wanna leave you." I was in tears, then the Assassin managed to destroy the security droid and was heading towards me and my Father out of fear I pressed the button and before I was launched I took one last look at my Father and all I saw was blood streaming down his face while giving me one last smile "FATTHHERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!." I cried out in pain while I was launched..

Then I woke up in a bed, in a different bedroom, a different house.. I realized it has been three days since the attack and I was already at my grandparent's house.. my Grandfather walked inside the room..

"I'm so glad you're okay Dorothyy." My Grandfather was in tears as he hugged me "My Father? Where's my Father??." I asked out of concern and the only thing my Grand Father gave me was a voice recorder, In it there was only one recording.

"Hey sweety, the moment you're hearing this message.. I maybe.. I'm sorry for what I did to you, I want you to live, I want you to live a normal life, make friends, find someone special, go to school, find a job, please live for us alright your Mother and I will always be watching you, and don't forget our promise alright I love you Dorothy." the message ended.

I was depressed for days, just replaying the same message over and over..


Me and Dorothy were silent..

"Well now that you know, you must be afraid of me now." She asked, Arthur then caress Dorothy's cheek "Nonsense, why would I be afraid of you?." Arthur replied (I didn't tell Arthur about my true class and how I killed the Assassin.. I just told him I stabbed him in the stomach) "Dorothy, nothing will ever change my mind on being by your side, I promised to protect you and I will, I don't care about your past on who you were or what you've done then I'd still protect you here and now, be there for you when you need someone's shoulder to lean on, I don't judge people by their past." Arthur said while giving me a smile "I-I-I-I-I know about t-t-t-the promise part." I said it to him softly "Oh y-y-y-you did ummm." Me and Arthur were embarrassed at that moment but I was happy to know what Arthur said and I was wishing we would both live our lives to the fullest.

"Alright It's almost 6 Dorothy we should head back now." Arthur stood up and as Arthur started to walk I grabbed his hand.. "Ummm.. Dorothy-." "Don't look Arthur." I was smiling as I held Arthur's hand and at the same time embarrassed "A-A-A-A-Alright then we'll be going back to the dorms now." Arthur was nervous as he said that and I was really glad I met him.

The people at the dorm were surprised to see us holding hands "Whoahhh Arthur you didn't told me you and Dorothy were." Gray said while giving Arthur a wink while, I was so embarrassed I couldn't let go of Arthur's hands but on the other hand I felt really calm and my heart was racing.. I guess I answered Arthur's love..

Then at Dorothy's old house... it was in a ruin already.. and in the basement.. one female humanoid droid activated "I must find--."


End of Chapter 9: A Girl's Memory