
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

Reinarudo · Action
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98 Chs

Chapter 11: The Goddess of the Hunt

A person wearing a uniform can be seen chasing someone "Dammit Captain! didn't I told you I ain't cut out for running missions." as the swordsman was very exhausted from chasing the criminal at the far distance "I have a clear shot Aiden if you want I ca-." "Save it once I'm out Sis come on give me something to enjoy while doing this mission." Aiden exclaimed while the people in the area were in shock as to what's happening "Besides Sis if you fire here the people might be caught in one of your arrows." Aiden exclaimed (Aiden and the Archer on top are using their comms in this moment).

"Tchh I swear if he gets away I'm telling Captain about this swordsman." she said while withdrawing "Now then to catch this guy and we can go home after this." Aiden said.


Arthur and Dorothy were heading towards the school gym to have a battle because when Arthur woke up very early he took an embarrassing photo of Dorothy while she was asleep drooling.

"Did you get the permit?." Dorothy asked in a grumpy voice "Ofcourse I did, It's a perfect oppurtunity to see who's more stronger among the two of us." Arthur said as he was excited to fight Dorothy "Hmphh! I'm far more stronger than you." Dorothy said as she looked the other way, the two had a quarrel about who's stronger among them until they arrived at the gym.

They both entered the school as Arthur showed the guard their permit signed by Sir. Charles. As they entered the gym "If I win you delete that photo." Dorothy said "If I win I get to keep it." Arthur replied as he holding his sheathe "Why do you want to keep that photo anyway?." Dorothy asked as she was curious "You look cute in it." Arthur replied and the two went to their respective places.

Arthur was at the left side of the court while Dorothy was at the right "Hey let's make this interesting." he said "I'm listening." Dorothy replied and gave Arthur a smirk "If one of us leaves or steps outside the white lines will loose the battle." Arthur said "And that'll be you Arthur." Dorothy yelled out while fired fireballs at Arthur, he then blocked every fireball by using his sword "Well too bad for you Dorothy this sword has gone through hell enough to withstand magic attacks the battle has already been decided." Arthur went in closer to Dorothy, but instead of feeling surprised from this Dorothy was enjoying the thrill of battle, as Arthur got close he slashed Dorothy *same as the field, the gym has a setting when used it can soften up the weapon and the spells used by the users in the area* but Arthur realized it he sliced up an afterimage of Dorothy and was now behind him "You really think that's going to stop me Arthur?." Dorothy mocked Arthur and activated a spell "Well the thought had crossed my mind." Arthur turn around and slashed Dorothy behind him and yet again all he could hit was her afterimage "You're really underestimating me aren't you!." Dorothy exclaimed with joy, and then Arthur was hit by a fireball, he was then forced to back away.

And once he took a step backward a trap magic activated as Arthur noticed he quickly leap unto another area "Be careful now, you wouldn't want to loose this early in the game right Arthur." Dorothy said while giving Arthur a smirk "(Dorothy is really getting serious here, well looks like I have to return the favor) You're really amazing Dorothy." As Dorothy heard what Arthur said "(W-W-W-WHaT's this AbOut!?!?! where did that come from??)." "But I'm not going to give up here!." Arthur exclaimed and he stood up and charged at her and Dorothy moved from one spot to the other to avoid Arthur's strike "(She's fast!)." Arthur was astonished at the moment seeing Dorothy move from one place to another, his eyes could barely catch up and once he made a move he then realized that he was already trapped in the area by strings placed by Dorothy herself "(When did she?)." Arthur then hypothesized when she was moving from place to place she was already placing the strings around the court "Impressive Ritsu, but you think mere strings can stop me?." The swordsman said with joy as he too was enjoying the thrill of battle once he made a strike to one of the strings it wasn't cut "HAHAHAHAHAHA you believe that weapon can cut one of my strongest threads?." Arthur was already in a situation he can't get out of "(I have no choice I have to do it) Heh You leave me no choice Dorothy, don't blame me for what happens next." Arthur said while closing his eyes and remained calm in the area, Dorothy was being cautious on approaching Arthur and instead she shot a few fireballs to keep Arthur distracted.

Once the fireballs were in Arthur sight, he managed to block everything and cut out the threads in his area "(What!? those were my strongest threads how come he got ou-- wait a minute he seems different)." Dorothy squinted her eyes and used her power to look at Arthur's aura and what she saw was Arthur's Aura was forming a wing on his left side "Arthur what did you do?." Dorothy was shocked and at the same time amazed at Arthur's abilities one after another he would always have something to surprise her with "You forced me to use my Trump card and now I'll be winning now." and after that Arthur disappeared and Dorothy had to move to another spot however Arthur was already following her, from one spot to another the two clashed around the court with her staff Dorothy managed to guard off Arthur's strike one by one but for being a MAGE class she has no way of completely defending all of Arthur's strikes until..

"I have to admit you're powerful Arthur." Dorothy was thrown all the way into the left side of the court but was very exhausted from casting spells right and left "Same thing about you Dorothy." while Arthur was thrown at the right side of the court and was already exhausted from using his special ability "(I'm running out of time) Well then Let's see who's the strongest between us with this last blow how does that sound?." Arthur exclaimed out of joy as he was truly enjoying the battle "(I don't have much mana left I have to end this with this strike) Sounds fine by me don't come crying to me if you loose alright." Dorothy replied.

"Ackerman tenth style, Excalibur!." Arthur yelled as he charged towards Dorothy, her traps that were placed around the area have been set but thanks to Arthur's speed he manages to slip right through.

And at the same time ...

Dorothy casted herself with boost magic and charged in with her staff hoping to exchange blows with Arthur, as the two were getting closer and closer "I got you now!." Arthur slashed with all his might but ..

"You've really forgotten what my true class was haven't you?." Dorothy said while above the swordsman, as Arthur looked above him Dorothy was already done chanting her spell and launched it "Guilty Crown!." Arthur didn't gave in then and jumped towards the gigantic spell Dorothy launched and then

"Don'yoku no ya."

once they knew it, an unknown arrow hit Dorothy's spell and caused an explosion, as Dorothy was exhausted she couldn't move and was falling from the air and Arthur went towards her to catch her from falling.

"Who are you!!." Arthur yelled while princess carrying Dorothy, there was smoke everywhere they both couldn't make out who shot the arrow..

"This brings me back, good times." the woman sighed out of relief "Sorry I had to cut in and stop your mock battle It's a hobby of mine to stop fights like this when I was younger." as the smoke was starting to clear and the figure was barely visible "You didn't answer my question, who are you!?." Arthur exclaimed "Well I'm Emma, Emma Kurumi well I guess I'd also like to call myself the Goddess of the hunt, Atalanta." Emma said while giving the two a kind smile.

End of Chapter 11: The Goddess of the Hunt