
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Teen
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665 Chs

It's nice to meet you

The next morning

Evie had just taken a shower and she was getting ready for breakfast when she sat down on her dressing table to do her hair, when she saw something funny.

"What is that?" asked Evie to herself as she took her pink hairbrush that Bella gifted her, to brush her hair.

There was a white powdery substance falling from her hair as she brushed her hair.

"Don't tell me it's lice" said Evie in horror

"NO, it can't be lice, I just washed my hair" she said as she dropped her pink hairbrush on the table and started itching her hair.

"Gosh" said Evie as she shook her head like a madwoman.

"There, that should do it" said Evie as she stopped shaking her head, and looking in the mirror

She picked up her hairbrush and began to brush her hair again, she looked away from the mirror for a spilt second, when she noticed something small and black on top of her head.

"AHHHHHHH" screamed Evie as the little black creature turned to the mirror and smiled as at her! It was a small mouse and it seemed to be enjoying itself on her head.

"AHHHH, GET OFF GET OFF GET OFF" Shouted Evie, she felt like hitting her own head.

She was too scared to touch the mouse, so she used her hairbrush to try to hit it off her head.

But something happened, as if it was all an illusion, as soon as she tried to use her hairbrush wack the mouse off, it just disappeared.

"What it's gone??" asked Evie in disbelief as she tried to calm her raging heart.

"Hahaha, Oh I know what's going on here" said Evie as she laughed almost maniacally.

Without wasting a second, Evie went straight to her room door, she opened it and walked straight to the direction of room the room of the culprit, she barged right into the room without even knocking, which startled Maddie.

"What are you doing here?" asked Maddie as she rolled her eyes when she saw it was Evie.

"How did you do it?" asked Evie

"How did I do what?" asked Maddie as she feigned ignorance

"Oh cut the pretense, tell me how you did it" said Evie

"I know that Annie isn't here so just answer me" said Evie angrily

Maddie smiled and said "Two words"

"Illusion spell" laughed Maddie

"Ahhh well I must commend you, I was really scared, but you better be prepared for my revenge" said Evie

"Whatever you say little girl" said Maddie

"Now if you would excuse me, I was bust before you barged into my room" said Maddie

"Hmph" said Evie as she was annoyed

"Oh and also, go fix your hair, it looks like a bear attacked you" laughed Maddie

"Haha, we both know that a mouse did" replied Evie as she fake smiled and walked out of the room leaving Maddie to gloat on her victory.

Meanwhile in Stella's Office

"Good Morning Aunt Stella" said Annie as she walked into Stella's Office.

"Good Morning dear, how are you?" asked Stella

"I am very good Aunt, and how are you?" asked Annie

"I am well, my dear, Thank you" said Stella as she smiled

"So are you ready to meet Professor Sapiens?" asked Stella

"Yes, yes I am" said Annie

"That's great, but before we go, have you seen your father? I haven't seen him for a while" said Stella

"Ahh yes Aunt Stella, he said that uncle Captious wanted to take him and my mom somewhere" said Annie

"Ahh Okay then, let us go" said Stella as she stood up from her chair.

"Okay Aunt" said Stella

Meanwhile outside the Palace.

The Sun was shining really brightly, the trees were very green and a carriage had just stopped.

The carriage stopped in front of four storey building, it looked like a new building, it was built with red bricks and it had a black gable roof.

Sounds of laughing children who were playing could be heard coming from inside the building.

"John, Lisa welcome to Hope for all Orphanage" said Captious as he, John and Lisa were standing outside the building

"This is where me and your father grew up" said Captious

"Wow it's so big and beautiful" said Lisa

"Yes I agree it's a very nice place" said John

"I am glad that you think so" said Captious

"But it was not always like this, back when I was a young boy, this building was only one floor, and it had a little playground next to it, but the building was renovated recently" explained Captious as he, Lisa and John, walked into the Orphanage and he waved at the dark-haired woman who was sitting at the front desk.

The woman waved back at him with a smile and Captious went to meet her.

"Is she awake?" asked Captious

"Yes she is Professor" replied the woman

"Ahh who are these newcomers behind you?" asked the woman as she noticed that Captious was not alone like he usually was.

"Ahh Mary, this is my nephew John and his wife Lisa" said Captious

"Ahh wow, it's so nice to meet you both" said Mary with a smile.

"Thank you, same here" said John and Lisa smiled.

"I would come out of this box that I am in and hug you, but I have too much work to do" said Mary as she laughed.

"Haha it's no problem" laughed Lisa

"Maybe you can do that later, but for now I am going to see her" said Captious

"Okay, then see you later" said Mary as she waved

Captious made his way to a familiar room he knew well and he knocked on the door.

"Come In" came the small frail voice of a woman.

"Madam Lizzy how are you doing?" asked Captious as he entered the room and hugged the woman.

"Ahh Captious, you did not tell me that you were coming" said Madam Lizzy

She had aged a lot from the last time we saw her, all her hair had turned white, her skin was wrinkly, she wore glasses and sat in a wheel chair.

"Well I wanted to surprise you" said Captious to the woman that was like a second mother to him.

"Ahh, and who are these young people you brought along with you?" asked Lizzy as her eyes went to Lisa and John that were standing nearby.

"Madam Lizzy, this is my nephew and his wife" said Captious

"Your nephew?" asked Lizzy and Captious nodded

"You mean Jack's son?" asked Lizzy

"Yes" replied Captious

"Ahh why didn't you tell me" said Lizzy

"Come here my boy" said Lizzy and John came closer and bent down and Lizzy hugged him.

"It's nice to meet you, what's your name?" asked Lizzy

"It's John ma'am" said John

"Aww what a nice name" said Lizzy

"And you dear, come here" said Lizzy as she was talking to Lisa

"Give me a hug, what's your name?" she asked

"Lisa ma'am" said Lisa

"Aww John and Lisa, what a wonderful couple" said Lizzy

"I brought them here today, to show them the orphanage" said Captious

"Oh then let's go, I want to show them around" said Lizzy

"But you shouldn't be moving around too much" said Captious

"Oh hush Captious and push me" said Lizzy.

Captious sighed and pushed Madam Lizzy as she was sitting in her wheelchair.

"Follow me, let me show you around" said Lizzy with a smile.

To ordinary people, Captious was just one of the members of the High Council, but only few knew of how he valued his country, as soon as he could provide for himself, he worked towards giving back to his community and rebuilding the old Orphanage he grew up in.

To the residents and workers of the Orphanage, he was their most valued person, as he always came here to play with the children, or assist in anyway he could. When Madam Lizzy's age started catching up to her, and she could no longer move like she used to, he made sure to hire caretakers that would take care of Lizzy and the orphanage.

Meanwhile back in the Palace

Stella and Annie walked through the halls, until they reached a Office, in the far east of the Palace.

Stella knocked on the door, and it opened.

"Good Morning Sapiens" said Stella

"Good Morning Vice Chancellor" said Sapiens as he showed his respect.

"What brings you here this morning?" asked Sapiens

"Oh I just came to escort your newest student to you" said Stella and Annie moved from where she was standing behind Stella.

"Good Morning Professor Sapiens" said Annie

"Mhmm Good Morning to you too" said Sapiens he was not too cold, but he was not friendly either.

Annie felt like Professor Sapiens did not like her, and she didn't know why? well she just shrugged the feeling off and said

"It's nice to meet you"

"Mhmm" replied Sapiens.

"Well let us get started, here is a book, you can go sit there and read" said Sapiens as he handed Annie a book and pointed to where she should sit.

"Okay" said Annie as she took the book and turned to go to where she was told to seat.

Once Stella saw that Annie was out of earshot, she turned to look at Sapiens and her face looked serious.

"Sapiens I am warning you, if you do anything to Annie you will regret it" she said as she whispered.

"Do I look like someone who has time to bully a teenager?" asked Sapiens non-chalantly

"I cannot answer that, just heed to what I said" said Stella

"Bye dear, I have to go now see you later" said Stella as she turned to look at Annie with a smile.

"Okay bye Aunt Stella" said Annie as she smiled back.