
Animeverse Prime

After his death, our Mc drifts into the void for an unknown amount of times and finally when he gets out of the void he finds himself in a library full of books in rows with no ends. After strolling around he discovers a man in glasses taking notes very attractively but after waiting for a long time he finally couldn't wait because the man is not taking notice of him. So with his own initiative, he calls... “Excuse me??? ” Mc “…”Glasses [Silent ] “Excuse me??? ” Mc “…” Glasses[Silent ] “Excuse me??? ” Mc “… ” Glasses [Silent ] After calling in a low voice for twice our Mc thought the man might also have a problem with his ears with his eyes so he shouted “EXCUSE ME~~~??? ” After hearing this shout the glasses man almost broke his pen and angrily looks at our Mc “I heard you the first time you called, so no need to shout. ” “…. ” Mc [Silent ]

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

New Genre

Tokyo, Japan…

At present Neo is drawing something on his notebook with a serious face in his room taking care of Yoruichi from time to time who is sleeping right above his lap.

Misty who was cooking just finished her cooking decided to call her son for dinner and knocked on the door "Neo. the dinner is ready. "

"I will be done soon, mom. " Neo replied from inside the room without stopping drawing.

"What are you doing? " Misty asked with a curious face as her son always stops doing whatever he is doing the moment he hears about food.

"I am drawing mom. " Neo said casually without much care.

"What are you drawing? " Misty asked with even more curious face.

"Manga mom. " Neo said while moving to the next page.

"What Manga? " Misty said and opened the door without caring because now she is unable to contain her curiosity anymore.

"Mom you almost made me make a mistake. " Neo said with a dissatisfied tone but didn't stop putting color in his art.

"When did you learn to draw so good? " Misty asked with an impressed face looking at her son drawing as his art looks even better than some professional manga in the market.

"I don't know I was just trying to create the story I was thinking about and it came out so good. " Neo said shaking his head as he is also surprised to his artistic skills but thinking properly it might have something to do with his gifts which is too much OP for normal people.

'Is it related to god's hand but why is my drawing so bad compared to his? ' Misty asked herself looking at her son's perfect artwork which she doesn't compare with her own and even felt ashamed of herself for comparing her bad drawing with this masterpiece but thinking he is her son she started feeling proud of him and got curious about the manga then asked "Can I look through the Manga? "

"Sure l have already finished the first chapter already of the book. "Neo said while taking out a drawing book and handing it to her and continued drawing more.

"Tokyo Mew Mew" Misty read the name of the manga with an interesting face and praised with a smile "Good name. " then started reading.


 Ichigo finds herself acting like a cat one day after going to a zoo exhibit. She later discovers that her DNA fused together with a cat's DNA, making her a magical cat girl. Her role in this world is to defeat aliens who take over animals and make them into monsters.


After finishing reading Misty wanted to read more and looked at her son "What happened next? "

"I am still drawing the next chapter. " Neo said with showing her his notebook and closing it he took Yoruichi and said with a smile "Ok let's go I need to eat something quickly. "

"Alright. " Even though she wants to know what happened next she still cared about her son's but still asked "Do you want to publish your work son? "

"Is it good. " Neo asked with a curious face.

"Yes very good and I think your manga will get popular among kids of your age and girls very much. " Misty said with a confident smile.

"Then I will be happy if we can publish my manga. " Neo also wants to share his work with everyone.

While sitting on the dining table Misty asked "Why did you draw a magical girl manga son no more importantly where did you get the idea of a magical girl in your mind son? "

"I don't know. " Neo role is shaking his head.

"Did the cat girl idea cane from Yoruichi? " Misty asked looking at the cat in her son's hand.

"Maybe. " Neo replied thinking this is quite possible.


A few months after Neo's book got published and by this he has also published a few more magical girl's books and started a new Genre in the manga and Anime would know as Magical girl for the first time in this world.



Devil's Territory…

Sona Sitri the younger sister of Serafall Leviathan one of the 4 Devil Kings of the underworld is getting dressed by her elder sister in a magical girl dress.

"Hold on this stuff like this So-tan. "Serafall said with a smile while handing Sona a magical girl wand.

"What is this thing called Sister? " Sona asked with a curious face looking at the strange stick with a star at the end.

"This is the... " Serafall started explaining what this thing is and how it works.

"But do we really need something like this to use magic don't we already use magic without using something like this kind of strange things. " Sona asked with a confused face as even she can cast magic without moving her hands so she wasn't able to understand what is the use of this strange thing.

"Look at this Manga drawn by a great Mangaka Shinchan-Sensei who stated a New Genre in the world called Magical Girl. " Serafall said with great respect and started explaining his great Neo really is.

"Is he that great? " Sona asked with a curious face because she has never seen her sister ack like this before.

"Yes. " Serafall nodded with a serious face.

"Is this the reason for you calling yourself a magical girl? " Sona asked with a curious face because after reading these books her elder sister started changing and finally started calling herself a magical girl then always dress her in a magical girl dress and sometimes her best friend Rias even though she liked when her elder sister smile acting like a magical girl and doesn't act serious like before but us also worried because of her sudden change from these books.

"Yes and I think I was always missing thus in my life and it was my Destiny to become a Magical girl. " Serafall said with a very serious face but after looking at her magical wand she started acting like a child once more.

(Note: in this universe, Neo is responsible for Serafall's magical girl craziness.)


Back in the human world…

It is already almost a year from the time Misty took Neo's manga and helped him publish his work in a famous company as he is still too young but as his mother, she decided to help her son.

At present Neo is five years and six months old and finished learning every way of using Chakra and at the final page, it is written if he wants to learn, use or unlock other energy in his body he needs to battle with a strong opponent in this world and defer it in battle using all the things he has learned from his chakra training as an exam and only after passing the next energy controlling and energy will get unlocked.

"So I need to active, my Rinnigan then makes this hand seals take the exam. " Neo said with a nod after activating his Rinnigan than he started making the hand signs that are instructed in "The book of Seals" when a small portal opened and he entered to participate for the first exam and a real-time fight in this world.


After arriving at the other side of the portal he wasn't able to see anything except endless void, and in every direction, there is a mix of iridescent colors which surprised him and the quality of chaotic energy made him feel uncomfortable ease so he used him unlimited chakra to cover himself with a ball like a barrier and the in the last page of the book found the words changing " Challenge the Great Red Dragon and make it submitted to you on its own will then ask it to form a pet contract with you to clear the exam. "

"Do Dragons really exist in this world or is this the work of this book of mine. " Neo asked with confusion but suddenly he heard a loud cry from his back.

Next time fight in the dimensional gap, Neo vs Great Red.

Please read auxiliary chapter 2 before writing any questions.

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