
Ch-14 Sea king meat

Inside his store, James was smiling looking at the peace of sea king meat on his inventory along with the devil's meat. He could finally buy the sea king meat he didn't have the chance to taste, it cost 5 million dollars ten times the price but it was still fine.

Also, he bought two devil fruits for the shop but it isn't that important he places them on the inventory. He got Zushi Zushi no Mi for 250 million and Inu-Inu no mi, Model: Werewolf for 250 million it cost that much because it was a mythical type Zoan.

It brought his currency down to 500 million left. After checking if he can really take out the meat from his inventory James went towards the second floor into the kitchen.

"Golden experience! Can you make me Shushi" James said as golden experienced floated towards the rice cooker before washing the rise from the drain and cooking it.

'Pretty easy I should have done it my self but I'm too lazy to do it' James thought as he wonders where all these ingredients came from little did he knows there's a small portion of currency that was being taken away.

After a while, the rice was cook Golden experience brought a bamboo mat with plastic wrap all over it before placing some seaweed sheets before adding the rice first while it was still hot.

He spread the rice on the seaweed sheet before adding the Sriracha, and the sea king meat that was cut in even proportion. Then Golden experience started to roll the bamboo mat to create the perfect round sushi.

Golden experience brought out a knife and cut them in equal proportion before getting a small bowl and pouring out some soy sauce with some wasabi.

After everything was done he places them on the table where James was waiting. Smelling the food James smiled happily before grabbing it by hand and place them in his mouth. "Hmm so good!"

James said it taste like ordinary sushi but the one thing it greatly surpasses any other sushi dish was the meat. Just like what the system desire it was sweet but not too much just the perfect balance.

It tastes so well that without James knowing it he finishes every single piece of the meat. Looking down the plate James smiled before washing the plate.


Back in the city, James appeared in the alleyway he wanted to ask Komi if she wanted to try out some sushi he made by himself with a little teaching from Golden experience. He brought a basket with him inside was the sushi he made.

But once he got out of the alley he saw a portion of people repairing their home from any destruction that happened and looks like there are more people coming from the center of the city.

"Seems like the people that were evacuated was coming back to the city slowly, Hope Komi is, safe," James said as he materialized Golden experience legs and jump up high at the sky landing silently at the tallest building.

"Let's buy the observation haki from one piece how much does that cost again?" James said while a screen appeared in front of him showing him the different observations he could buy from manual to grandmaster he could buy it with a single press.

As he looks at the price he closed the screen his face a little pale as he smiled helplessly. The haki manual cost a hundred thousand dollars. It isn't that much but he needed to pay one billion dollars to obtain observation.

The manual is only there to teach him how to utilize and increase his mastery with it and he was fine with all of this its just the cost would take him some time.


"I could only look around my self but she seems to be pretty wealthy I can already mark someplace that I don't need to look for. Then I can start by going to the tallest building first then slowly trying to find her"

James said as he looks down at the building he was standing on. Currently, he was on the tallest building in the city so he had to go down and walk indie and ask the people if they know Komi.

James jumps downwards freefalling while staring at the streets. People began to notice the falling man as they crowded on the ground a few meters from where he would be landing.

"Oh my god! There some one falling from the sky!"

"Is it the end of the world? Oh no, wait it's just a man! Well nothing to see here than just a normal day"

"Sigh! All this commotion just for a person falling from the sky"

The people said with disdain showing their true collord but there's also some that were worried for James. In this world, the strong ruled, and the weak are left for dead the only ones who cared for the weak are the kind people and kind family members.

Seeing he was getting near the ground James rotated his body making his feet headfirst to the ground as Golden experience feet materialize and are ready to take the coalition and force from the landing.

As he was getting ready a blur once again came towards him carrying him in a princess carry as James look at the person who caught him. He was surprised and embarrass once again it was Komi who caught him.

'Why do I feel like I'm the princess and she's the prince in this story of mine?' James thought as Komi brought them to a nearby roof of a building letting James down before looking at him with her big eyes.

James smiled awkwardly looking at Komi. "Hello, Komi we meet again just like the first time we met," James said with a smile. Komi nodded her head not speaking but still looking at James with a small smile on her face that no one could see.

James smiled before handing Komi the basket with sushi in it. "Here komi I made you some sushi it's my thank for paying for the food the first time we met hehehe"

James said as Komi held the basket with both hands looking down her face a little red but she still nodded her head before looking at James once again. A quiet silence envelopes them as neither one of them could speak first.

Taking the courage James opened his mouth. "I was wondering if you want to go get some food? It's my treat this time what do you say?"

Komi nodded her head before pointing at the basket. "Picnik?" She asks while James was surprised Komi speaking is like finding a gem in endless earth or an Oases in an endless desert.

James smiled happily and nodded his head. "Sure you can lead the way I'm still not too familiar with the city and now that a crisis happened right hehehe" James laugh at the ned as he followed Komi who started to walk away.