
Anime Dragon Evolution

Hello everyone, Fuji Saito Desu! Did you know?... when I woke up in this dark and scary rough cave the first thing came to my mind is I got Kidnap. But who will kidnap a useless teenager like me?... even the kidnapper sell my kidney they will gain nothing because it's already full of impurities and on the brink of destruction! that's what I got for drinking tons of Drinks. Back to the topic I'm currently strolling this dark cave and noticed that I have a tail and there's a glowing fly circling around me. Arriving in front of water pond I saw a Dragon that has cool appearance it has Black scales around it's body and Glowing violet hair. Wait!? is this me? I become a dragon!

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 4

Celes, How long did I take to Evolve?

[Report: You take a Hundred years, to finish your evolution]

"Damn, it really takes that long,"

Is it just me or this place suddenly change, but everything here is all white and black, but why do I feel that something changes here.

[Report: This place was starting to give birth to the Law]


[Report: due to you staying here for a long time, this Dimension recognize you, as the law of Star's and Creation, I suggest for you to leave this place for a moment]


[Report: This Dimension will try to bind you up and you will not be able to move to another dimension once it finish]

Damn, I'm gonna used the ultimate moved of every Joestar.


I immediately used Collapse and arrived far away to Hii-Chan due to not wanting to cause a large explosion next to her.

I used Traveler and arrived to her embraced.

Noticing my arrival Hii-Chan continue to hug me and walk around the dungeon while thinking and said.

"Why everytime you evolve will end up as a cute dragon," Hii-Chan asked while slicing a Catfish.

"I don't know, But Negishi-san better give us a reward for killing those bandit that planned to kill her,"

Hii-Chan nod because it was troublesome but she just see this as a training on killing humans.

"But, why are they targeting her?" Hii-Chan said with a serious expression.

The two if investigate the place and came to know that those people was tasked to attacked that Carriage.

"Maybe someone leaked the information about the reincarnator's," I jokingly said but there's a possibility it will happen.

Hii-Chan can't help but nod and understand that someone might leaked that information.

"Don't worry, I'm just guessing this but maybe it's because she's a Vampire, and that elf is a vampire hunter and she has a last name, right?"


"Maybe it's because they are noble," Hii-Chan nod because noble will try to kill each other as long as they got the territory of the other noble and it's wealth.

"I hope so, can you asked that skill of yours if all of our classmate reincarnated as a human or a monster,"


[Report: Most of your classmates was reincarnated as a human, Elf and only few people got reincarnated as a Monster]

I told Hii-Chan the information I got.

the two us spend the night talking with each other, while I'm in her embrace, because she doesn't want to let go of me.

"Hmm?...what is this? I received a skill called [Star Forger Dragon]" Hii-Chan said while tilting her head in confusion.


What a weird skill it has the name of my race.

"What Skill is that"

"It says, [Summon the reincarnated Star forger Dragon and able to use the downgraded version of its power]" The moment she said her smile grew wider.


"I didn't know that I will become someone else skill,"

"So do I?"

suddenly I appeared in her embraced and give me a smirk. "Now I can call you no matter where you are,"

"Do whatever you want,"

"Of course, I am"

Ignoring her words, I decide to practice my Sphere of Distortion and Sphere of Collapse, sending it to the outer space, I don't care if it hit someone as long as it will give me a level.

"Finally, I found the sea!" Hii-Chan shouted while swimming in the water.

I decided to make myself float in the water and got wash away by the wave.

Many sea type monster show's that has similar appearance to Shark and Sea Dragon.

All I do was cut the fabric space and slice them into half while doing nothing.

Hii-Chan got surprised because my control to my magic become stronger and My resistance was gonna become immunity.

I sense that someone will come to our location at fast speed, Hii-Chan got alerted and a large explosion happened.

Looking at the explosion came from. Hii-Chan was already brawling with someone while using some of my skills.

I decided to not interfere to their battle and watch it.

The Loli that Hii-Chan fighting managed to land a hit on her stomach but the one she hit was an after image.

Hii-Chan kick her stomach send her fly while throwing up some blood.

While flying the Loli sent a large ball of magic attack and hit Hii-Chan.

Hii-Chan used collapse and appeared beside her and tried to punch her in the face but she catch it and sent a Abyss Magic.

Hii-Chan immediately used Traveler and Kick her in the face and slice her using Rot magic.

The Loli munch something and her wounds started healing and smiled at Hii-Chan.

Hii-Chan used collapse and scape the moment she saw the enemy wounds was already healed.

The Woman looked at me and I immediately use traveler and punch her to her abdomen sending her flying.

Sigh, Hii-Chan there's no shockwave if Hii-Chan using my Collapse skill but if I'm the one using it there's a large shockwave happening.

I looked at the Loli and she glared at me.

"Why are you interfering with my business with her?"

Yabe, I can't understand her.

Celes can you create a skill to translate her words.

[Language Translation was created]

"Can you repeat it again? I can't hear you because I used some skill to block the sound,"

She glared at me and said, "Why are you interfering with my businesses to that creature,"

"Why you asked? Because she was my girlfriend and I'm not interfering at all, I know that you will attack me from that intent of yours,"

"I see," She nod and tried to punch me but the moment she tried that I suddenly got teleported to the embrace of Hii-Chan.


My name was Negishi Shouko and I was born and raised in Japan.

But before I knew it, I found myself as a baby, in some place that wasn't Japan.

I thought I would be able live my life without a care in the world.

Until that day. A giant white spider shows up with a upper body of a woman, she was munching a little monster that has a cute appearance.

At that moment I came to know that there's a monster living in this world, I'm scared to get out of the House and town.

Looking at the moon, I heard from Merazophis, that the Woman Spider was currently staying in the forest, that nearer in the town, and she was carrying a dragon in her arms.

Apparently the dragon was still a cub, and they expected that the Woman Spider, kidnap the cub and planed to lure it's mother to attack the town.

sigh, and that spider woman have a similar appearance to Wakaba.

Tsk, the Princesses of Luck, who got the attention of the sleeping prince of the school that always treat everyone kindly even they are ugly or handsome.

The most annoying thing was the moment he nonchalantly confess to Wakaba-san, Because of that many girls, got heartbroken. of course I'm included to them.

We even hope that Wakaba will dump him, but she nonchalantly accepted it.

The day had passed after the confession many of our classmates was absent even the boys was included.

Wakaba and Fuji-san, was talking to each other just like a normal day, it made me realize that the two of them was compatible with each other.

If I'm beautiful just like Wakaba in the past maybe I will have a chance on him.


(Mc Pov)

"Sei-Kun, Sei-Kun, tell that again," Hii-Chan said.


"Boo! I want to hear it again," Hii-Chan said while rolling in the floor.

"Are you a kid?"

"I am," Shiro said and starts rolling in the floor. "So tell it!"

"Ok, Ok, You win stop rolling in the floor,"

I stand up and hold her hand and said, "Wakaba-san!"

Hii-Chan blushes but looked at my eyes.

"I know that my confession in the school was too half ass, and I know that you don't want a attention in the school!"

"But the moment those friends of my question me if I like someone, the time I spend with you in your apartment came to my mind,"

"I love how nonchalant you talk with me,"

"I love your sense of Humor,"

"I like cooking together with you,"

"And most of all I love how you make fun on every situations you are in,"

Kill me! I cover my ace and start digging a hole and hide inside of it.

Hii-Chan was grinning like an idiot in the corner but I can see that she was blushing and enjoying my reaction.

This goddamn sadist.