
Anime Amalgam: Odyssey of a Glitch

"Step into a realm where gods collide, and an anomaly is born. From the world of the Cube, three powerful beings merge to create a new existence, one destined for a mysterious new world, teeming with monsters, demons, gods, creators, and even extraterrestrial entities. Follow the journey of this young, enigmatic glitch as he navigates a world teetering on the edge of chaos. Will he become its harbinger of destruction, or will he rise as its unwavering protector? To uncover the answers, dive into the captivating tale of the anomaly in 'Anime Amalgam: Odyssey of a Glitch' and prepare for an adventure like no other."

writer_in_disguise · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


'Has it been 18 years since my birth'

Raizel, the pale pink-haired youth, contemplated the intricacies of the world as he reclined in a rocking chair with a book covering his face.

He spoke aloud, acknowledging the diversity of the world. "This world is filled with many creatures—humanoid, non-humanoid, mortal, immortal, gods, and many more."

As he continued his train of thought, Raizel pondered the potential threats to his peaceful existence in this unfamiliar realm. "There are many creatures that can threaten my peaceful life in this world."

His mind shifted to the powerful beings that could disrupt the tranquility he sought. "The powerhouses of this world are troublesome—the leader of the Shikigami, Mahoraga, the first human emperor Rudra, Mink King Garuda, Naga King Vrisha, Titan King Godzilla, Dragon King Ghidorah, Demon King, and those gods. They all pose a threat, but if they dare to harm my brothers, I will end them," vowed Raizel.

"From the small kingdom of Iron, I conquered many lands and now rule over them," Raizel proclaimed aloud.

"Indeed you have, brat," replied Malkith, his appearance showing little change.

Curious about the well-being of the others, Malkith inquired, "How are the other two brats?"

"They say that everyone is weak in the academy," responded Raizel, his face still obscured by the book.

In the past eight years, Raizel had worked tirelessly to make his empire prosper. Numerous academies, covering various disciplines such as science, magic, swordsmanship, and more, had been established. Yggdrasil, an academy for the exceptionally gifted, was also a creation of Raizel, along with several other prominent empires.

Concerned about the youngest brother, Malkith asked, "What about the little brat?"

"He is meditating," revealed Raizel, a hint of emotion breaking through.

the person reffered to as 'The Brat' by Malkith, was the youngest brother of Raizel Red was currently 15 years old, with Nika and Darion being 17 and Raizel himself being 18.

"Raizel, how is the brat's power progressing?" inquired Malkith.

"Well, Red can now summon a Patron Saint-level beast, not Pokémon as he calls them, and fuse with them," responded Raizel.

In this world, beasts were creatures with minimal to no intelligence, driven solely by instinct. They were hunted by various creatures based on their rarity and rank, with legendary beasts being exceptional. Red's Pokémon, however, defied the traditional definition of beasts due to their intelligence and the potential for increased strength.

Beasts were classified into ranks based on their rarity and strength:

- Copper: Small-level beasts with the ability to kill a human (e.g., horned rabbit - common).

- Iron: Medium-level beasts with the ability to destroy a group of six trained humans (e.g., gale wolf - rare).

- Silver: High-level beasts capable of destroying a town (e.g., orc king).

- Gold: Super-level with SSR rarity that can destroy a county (e.g., blood raven).

- Platinum: Lord-level with SSSR rarity capable of destroying a small country (e.g., wyvern).

- Legendary: Extreme-level beings with high intelligence, considered legendary.

As for Pokémon:

- Beginner level: Can destroy one trained human.

- Intermediate level: Can destroy a group of people.

- Champion level: Can destroy a large town.

- Master level: Can destroy a county.

- Patron Saint level: Can destroy a small-medium country.

"Big brother!" exclaimed the 15-year-old boy.

The boy possessed blackish-grey hair and blood-red eyes, donning a black inner banyan with a red hoodie casually draped over his shoulder. In his hand, he held a yellow rodent, adding a touch of curiosity to his appearance.

"red it seem you have finished your trainig"said raizel

"yep i want to have a spar with you"said red

"all rigt"said raizel as he snap his finger 

a barrier was created inside the barrier was a space with area 1000 sqm

Red looked at raizel as his eyes shone pikachu jump down from his head a fire dragon appeared on his right and and a giant blue turtle with bazookas appeared on his right

"charizard flame thrower'said red out loud

in the next second the orange 8 foot dragon released a massive wave of fire

"pikachu use thunder bolt and enchance the fire"said red as pikachu shot yellow thunder towards the flame combinig with it making a chinease dragon made out fire and lightning

seeing this raizel waved the book in his hand creating a giant tsunami of air thet devoured the flame andthunder before reachingpikachu who was sent flying back and blastoice used his body to shield the wasve of air

"blastoice hydropump"yelled red

"charizard evaporate it using flame thrower"yelled red as the flame and water made contact creating hot steam covering the area were raizel was sitting

"pikachu thunder bolt"said red

as pikachu created a large amont of lightning which was enchanced by the steam

woosh a stone was thrown out of the steam only having the diameter of 2 mm 

seeing this red created aura and psycic bbariers around himself before using pcycic to slow down the ston which it did only enough to not kill red

Seeing this red smirked making the pokemon in the field disapate and a new figure emerged a large 15 meter tall ice bird

"Articuno, fuse with me," said Red, opening his arms and making Articuno nod. Articuno transformed into light particles, merging with Red's body.

Red, now shining, underwent a complete transformation. His blackish-grey hair turned into flowing blue strands, and his eyes became a mesmerizing turquoise. His attire changed into a large, elegant blue robe with a dark blue banyan.

Standing at an impressive 6 feet 4 inches tall, Red had grown majestic blue, ice-like wings that spread out from his back. The transformation was nothing short of spectacular.

"Now, dear brother, are you ready for round two?" Red asked, his eyes gleaming with newfound power, making the prospect of their spar even more enticing.


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