
Animated Magical Beasts

Cyan Walker, is a salary man living on earth. His hobbies included playing video and mobile games. Until he got bored and discover anime. He was new at it. But got addicted to it. Every day after work, he will watch his favorite anime including Fairy Tail, Demon Slayer and any other popular animes. It even got to the point he started using half of his money to buy anime merchandise. One day, inside an anime merchandise store, when he was buying anime stuffs, calamity strikes. And it take his life away. Only to realized... He reincarnated in the world of magical beasts!? With a unique system at that! Follow Cyan Walker as he wander the world of magical beasts while he grows into power.

knight_of_spades · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Wind Slaying Spirit Butterfly

Cyan woke up with a ray of sun hitting his face.

As soon as he woke up, he starts his day.

He goes to the bathroom and fixed himself for a new day.

Today was the beginning of his journey of beast-taming!

When fixing himself, Cyan put on a bracelet that is made of cobblestone and has a bead in the center.

It was a spatial heirloom left by his parents. It contains the gold and treasures left to him.

Although he could put it in the inventory of his system, he didn't do that. After all, it is his trump card and secret. He doesn't plan to expose it to anyone, not even his grandma.

After doing what he had to do and making sure he doesn't forget anything, Cyan walks out of his room.

When he goes out of his room and makes his way downstairs. His grandma was already there.

"Grandma Kaye, good morning." He greeted me with a smile.

The old woman greeted a smile back while handing out a cup of tea.

"Good morning, grandson."

The two settle in peace. Enjoying the relaxation that tranquil air brought to them.

"I'm heading out, granny," Cyan says just as he was about to stand up and make his way out of the house.

"Take care, okay? And always remember my reminder." His grandma tells him with a worried expression.

"I know, Gran." Cyan just smiled in what he hoped was assurance.

There is always one thing that his grandma reminded him of.

It was to put his trust first and always in himself. It is not just a simple reminder.

His parents died in a secret realm. Although their bodies were mutilated, one cannot be sure if it's a work of ferocious beasts or a beast that is contracted by someone.

After all, his parents back then had a lot of achievements and meritorious deeds.

One's fortune attracts greed and envy.

That's why his grandmother always told him to trust himself always and above. Whether it's his instinct, guts, or assumption.

In the wildlife here, you're responsible for your life and death after all.

Shaking his head, Cyan began to tread on his way today.

That is the Obsidian Trading Market.

It is a black market where you can exchange for anything you need as long as it is of the same value.

There, he plans to look for his first beast.

After all, some pet beasts and resources there are not appraised.

The merchants that sell there only determine the energy value to maximize its value of it.

In official markets, although some resources are the same energy value they are not the same in price because of their different usage.

So here, it's the opposite. So everyone that came here has the mentality of a gambler.

But the one that benefits here is the merchants because after trading those resources, they sell them to official markets at the right highest value of the said source.

But some have been favored by the goddess of luck.

Back then, there is a commoner who has just awakened. But they don't have money to buy a pet beast so with just a mind of a gambler. That commoner goes to the trading market and trades every heirloom their family has to exchange for a three-star potential beast.

In the end, what he got was a mutated earth rock lizard. It has a dual attribute of earth and fire so it is called a magma rock lizard and it is a four-star potential beast.

Now that person is a Diamond Rank Beast-master.

There are encounters like that and that one is just one of them.

So with that being said, Cyan wants to see if he can find a pet beast that is of high potential and also mutated.

With the identification function of the system, Cyan feels that he can.

He also wants to see if he can find a beast that may suit his taste and a unique card that he got.

Last night, he thinks what beast he should prioritize first.

And he felt that the best choice was a beast that is all-rounded. A beast with sufficient combat and defensive power coupled with auxiliary abilities.

Because the more efficient and strong the beast is, the stronger and greater power he has.

So he also picked anime characters that also matched what he thinks.

The first that came up is Fairy King Harlequin from Seven Deadly Sins. There is also the Fairy King Gloxinia.

Needless to say with their magic ability—Disaster, is very powerful.

And also their every skill such as the Pollen Garden of Fairy King Harlequin. Moon Drop is a skill of Fairy Kung Gloxinia, coupled with its overwhelming attack power, such as Cursed Vine Tree.

And many more.

But there's also another option that Cyan included. The Northern Sky Country is popular with flying beasts and wind-attribute beasts so he also thought about whose anime character meets his needs.

Which is the Sky Dragon Slayer, Wendy Marvel.

Her unique magic Dragon Slayer makes her combat power outstanding. Coupled with her Enchantment abilities that allow her physical combat unit to rise even more. And there is also the healing magic attached to her Sky Dragon Slayer magic.

So with that in mind, Cyan has three choices to pick from if ever there is a beast that matches these characters.

Sin of Sloth, Fairy King Harlequin.

The commandment of Repose, Fairy King Gloxinia.

And the Sky Dragon Slayer, Sky Maiden Wendy Marvel.

Along the way, Cyan saw magical beasts one after another.

Such as a bear with a shining rock's spine on its back.

A wolf with sparks on its body.

A sparrow whose body is green with some wooden brown spiral-like patterns on its body.

And many more.

After a few minutes of walking, Cyan arrived.

The alley at the entrance of the Obsidian Trading Marker was so dark. The shadows there seem to be moving and there seem to be eyes gazing at them.

If it weren't for identification, Cyan would have thought it was his imagination. But it's not, because, under his eyes, texts appeared after one another.

[Race: Shade Cat

Affinity: Shadow

Potential: Four-star

Rank: Top Silver

Skills: Shadow Strike, Shadow Hide, Fleeting Shades

Description: A cat that likes to live in the dusk. It is a beast that has a gloomy personality.]

He was dazed, after all, it was very hard to see a four-star potential beast. Even the teacher and mentors at their school, at most, their beast is only three-star potential.

Shaking his head off, Cyan walks to the entrance door. Which is by the way, inconspicuous.

The door was almost wrecked and full of dust and spider webs that no one would think there would be a person willing to come over here, given the environment and atmosphere here.

When he got inside, he was entangled by how many people walking there and the stalls set there.

"Here, brother, this is a crystal nucleus from a gold-rank beast!"

"Madam, this is an intermediate diamond grade artifact I got from a secret realm that descended at the Great Jade Forest a while ago."

"Sir, please take a look at this. This is an array formation of light affinity that I acquired from an ancient tomb!"

Different calls and negotiations are shouting from here and there.

If it was before, Cyan would have possibly believed this. But not this time.

Under the identification function, most of the things here are fake. Though some things that merchants didn't know still introduce are useful.

For example, there was a guy there waving his hand saying this is top silver-grade soil.

But under Cyan's gaze, it shows different info.

[★ Golden Jade Dust

• ???

• It is an Earth affinity resource that allows Earth magical beasts to increase their physical attributes and Earth affinity. By using it with spiritual liquid, the magical beasts can even comprehend the skill—Golden Fury]

Golden Fury is an immediate skill that enhances one physical attributes for a period. During this state, all the earth skills will be layered with gold elements. Increasing both attack and defense power.

Although it's useful, Cyan doesn't plan to buy it. After all, his not even sure what would be his beast.

So Cyan continue walking here and there. And he was starting to get bored.

Until his eyes sharpened as he encounter an inconspicuous egg on a table in the narrow corner to his left.

The egg was light blue with some black and purple hues lining it. The colors are intertwining in an implicit manner that's why it can be mistaken as a beast with defects and low quality.

Even Cyan is so surprised that such an obscure egg has something special.

If it were someone perhaps they would think it is an egg with defects.

But under Cyan, all information is revealed.

[ ★ Wind Slaying Spirit Butterfly (Mutated)

• Potential: Five-star

• Description: A wind elemental creature bred in the lands of wind killing. Because it is born in the areas of insects, it assumes the form of an insect. But then a mutation occurred, it absorbs the blood of a Wind Killing Dragon.]

A wind elemental creature!

One had to know that elemental creatures are rare and can grow to the pinnacle of strength. They are four-star potential beasts that can grow to five-star potential.

Although they can't evolve, because they have specific elements means they have high attainment to that and learns skills in that branch of a specific element.

Elemental creatures are formed in an environment where mana is abundant and the energy of specific elements is rich. Their skills however vary because it depends on the creature around them. Their shape and traits also depend on it.

But elemental creatures always have one talent that some beasts cannot awaken and learn even if they try to. That is—Elementalization.

That talent allows them to change their form into that specific element for example this Blue Sky Spirit Butterfly can change into the air. They can also use it to copy the form of creatures that have the same element as them.

And most of all, it allows them to comprehend skills of their element, and when using skills, there is an added boost to every aspect of their skill.

In the history recorded here, there are only nine elemental creatures that have been bred.

Burning Fire Spirit Crow and Crimson Flames Spirit Lotus. Those are two elemental creatures of the fire element series.

Earth Armor Spirit Lizard and Earth Cave Spirit Lizard. Two of the earth element series.

Wooden Fae Sparrow. One belonging to wood element.

Deep Sea Spirit Whale, Blue Sea Spirit Eel, Clear Pond Spirit Koi, and Profound River Soul Carp. These are elemental creatures belonging to water elemental.

Now, there is one elemental creature of wind element!

It's no wonder no one got to know the preciousness of this egg. One reason may be because this is the first wind elemental creature.

And this one also happened to have the mutation. Meaning to say there are two different energy sources needed for this elemental creature.

Unlike those specific elemental creatures, they only have one energy source and that is their specific attribute.

But this Blue Sky Spirit Butterfly is different. Counting its wind element, since it absorbs the blood of the dragon, it may have another attribute.

Only when the dragon's blood has been refined it absorb maybe it will be revealed.

Not wasting any more time, Cyan immediately goes to that stall.

He was met by a chubby middle-aged man with a pale complexion. He has a mole on his right cheek near his lips.

Calming down himself, Cyan straightforwardly asks.

"What is the considerable price of that egg?" Cyan said while pointing to the egg that he sees.

The chubby man was surprised to see a young man in this place. But since it's a potential customer, he didn't mind. Business is business after all.

"Brother, this egg pet beast although we didn't know its specifics aside from that it is of wind attribute, we already determined its value."

"Its energy is comparable to that of top gold or even basic diamond resource. So it must be a four-star potential beast!" The chubby man exclaimed excitedly while rubbing his hands.

Surprised flickered in Cyan's eyes. So cheap!?

After all, it's not a four-star, but a five-star potential beast!

But then, Cyan understand. Maybe the reason why they can only determine it as the four-star potential beast is because of its circumstances.

The egg hasn't received the energy source it should have. And because of that, its potential hasn't been stimulated.

For Cyan it's a good thing, after all, if the merchant knows it's a five-star potential beast, he may have to empty all the treasures he has.

But since it's a four-star potential as this merchant says, he can still bear it!

Not wasting any more time, Cyan looks up at the bracelet he was wearing and immediately thinks about what he needs to exchange.

On Cyan's palm, what appeared was a glowing purple orb with some flickering symbols inscribed. It almost occupies his whole hand.

The chubby man's eyes can't help but widen!

He can't be mistaken, when it comes to energy value he still has brushes.

He immediately determines the purple orb is a diamond artifact!

Such an artifact is brought, which means that the young man in front of him is a young master of a big family.

A big customer! He may have a big harvest here.

"This is an Indigo Orb. An intermediate diamond artifact. Its functions are amplified skills that can be stacked here and used. It can also be used as amplifying when forging artifacts."

"As for other functions, I don't know. You can find it yourself. Nonetheless, its value is satisfactory, right?"

Cyan eyes sharpened as he said it while handing out the orb.

Inside, he was crying because his heart was bleeding! Just looking at the surface energy, its value is already high. Not to mention its strategic functions!

But he endured it, for this beast!

And as for this artifact, he still has artifacts of the same value inside this bracelet. So it's not a loss.

"Certainly, brother, take this! And here are some wind energy crystals as compensation for the excess price you used!"

The chubby man said excitedly while handing out the egg to Cyan.

The egg was placed in a wooden box with some glowing white crystals on it.

This artifact even if it's not sold, he can use it for himself! And even use it to forge some artifacts that can be sold! The chubby young man thought.

Perhaps shortly, this young man will also go back to trade again. So to gain favor, the chubby young man added dozens of wind crystals.

Cyan can't help but be surprised by such an attitude. But he understood.

Maybe shortly, he will go back again here!

So without feeling lost, Cyan immediately put the egg inside the bracelet while bidding goodbye to the chubby man.

He now has an egg of a five-star potential beast!

Now, he just has to contract it!