
Animara Empire of The Fallen

A world full of humanoid animals called Anisarians divided into 12 different habitat nations. Petty squabbles and past rivalries have erupted into all out World War between the nations, forcing all caught in the crossfire to choose a side. In the chaos are five interconnected stories of heroes and villains, mighty rulers, and humble refugees just trying to make it through the turbulent times they now find themselves unable to escape from. Only the strongest shall rule in an age of betrayal, conquest, and atrocities. But in a world turned monstrous. Some will not give in to what instinct demand's them to be in order to survive. Only time and blood will tell who will stand victorious, or rule over nothing but an empire of the fallen. Note: Some chapters may be unfinished. Still a work in progress as I figure out storylines, structure and motivations. Faction Guide: Allied powers: Ocean Monarchy, Forest Federation, Desert Republic, Northern Coalition. Axis powers: South Pole Empire, Deep Sea Confederation, Savannah Sovereignty, Swampland Horde. Neutral/Territory: Volcanic Isles, Jungle Nation, Tropical Tribesmen, Nocturnal Nomads. Mercenary factions: Army Ant Raiders. Fire Ant's. Visual Reference For look and Art style of each faction: https://www.pinterest.com/freedomforclone/_saved/ Character/allegiance/title/species Guide: OCEAN MONARCHY: Shena Veso. Lieutenant. Hybrid Shark. Fereen Vosento. Corporal. Flying Fish. Whelios Whelorum. Retired. Octopus. Dregadon Veso. Deceased. Great White. Nora Veso. Widow. Great White Neso: Private/gunner. Tiger Vesa: Private/medic. Queen angel fish. Kiros: Sgt. Sea turtle. Argus. Admiral. Sailfish. Koa. Prime Minister. Sea otter. SOUTH POLE EMPIRE: Veadora. Empress. Albatross. Ryana. Princess. Albatross. Aravos. Exiled Prince/Warden. Albatross. Garotan. Varangian Guard. Polar Bear. Nea. Servant. White Seal. JUNGLE NATION: Naru. Hunter. Orb Weaver Spider. Esiva. Seamstress. Orb Weaver Spider Nadia. Archer. Orb Weaver Spider. Naya. Weaver. Orb Weaver Spider. SAVANNA SOVEREIGNTY: Ryo Sen Serasi: Janissary. King Cobra. Chai'ra. Janissary Apprentice. Cheetah. Kenno. Commander. Crocodile. Darg. Sgt. Warthog. NORTHERN COALITION: Boreca. Queen. Snow Leopard. FACTION FLAGS/SYMBOLS South Pole Empire: White winged Diamond, light blue background. Ocean Monarchy: Three golden Scallop Shells. Sea blue background. Savanna Sovereignty: Golden scarab in center of golden sun, black background. Volcano Islanders: Five different flame's one atop the other representing four different clans. Red, orange, black, blue and white. Yellow background. Tropical tribesmen: Pink waterlily amidst light green background. Nocturnal Nomads: White crescent moon, white star at center. Black background. North Pole Coalition: White Snowflake amidst grey background. Forest Federation: Five light brown interwoven branches representing five different federation states united as one. Forest Green Background. Swampland Horde: Ring of tan teeth, representing ancestors of death to honor in life. Murky green background. Deep Sea Confederation. Conjoined purple lightning bolt striking downward like jellyfish tendrils. Solid black background to represent darkness of the depths. Jungle Nation: Light Green Hexagonal jade ore stone. Dark green background. Desert Republic: ? Garotan the great army of the fist. Iron grey fist set between black and dark green background. Kashan the outlaw prince army of the claw. Blood red claw marks amid bright green background. Army Ant Raiders: White Ant skull amid blood red tattered flag.

Extinct_Vessel · Fantasy
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55 Chs

The End of an Era

Nadia sat gazing longingly by a window swaying in her hammock back and forth gently. Staring out into the rain soaked yard that greeted her amidst the darkness of the jungle just outside her view of the window. A view that now seemed unnerving and frightening in a way she could not explain anymore.

The young bored spider then silently crept out of bed and leaned her head against and over the edge of the ladder that separated the living room from her and her sister's bedroom upstairs.

She saw her mother once again attempting to school her sister in another mathematics lesson. Nadia could tell that she was just as tired and frustrated about their new situation as they all were.

The schools had been closed for weeks as a result of trouble brewing on the very borders of Orevan. Her father and mother had decided it best to have them both take a leave of absence from schooling like all the other children for the time being until the danger was repelled at the border as usual.

Nadia had only heard stories of army ants from father. Of how they were creatures of pure evil who only desired to take and take from others. Nadia knew such malicious people existed in the world, but surely the part about them eating people was exaggerated. Just the stuff of legend.

It had to be.

"Again dear." Esvia yawned down below at the kitchen table. Rubbing her weary eyes. Little Nya yawned soon as well as a result of her mother's contagious exhaustion.

Nya continued trying to finish her test mother had assigned for her. Just because school was out doesn't mean she wanted her daughters to fall behind in their studies. She had always said knowledge must constantly be replenished or else a mind will grow stale as bread.

Nadia smiled as she stared down at them both hidden from atop the rafter. Mother was making a very good teacher despite her clear exhaustion and slight sadness which had consumed her in recent weeks.

Less and less people had been buying her tapestries before the danger started to loom over everyone's head. She missed seeing the familiar faces in town and had to stop weaving because there was nowhere left to put all of the carpets she had been crafting nervously. So now, to keep herself busy she had been caring for the both of them full time. Trying to keep everyone's spirits high despite the isolation. Nadia appreciated her mother's commitment but wished she would just rest.

It's not like they had any thing to do right now.

Suddenly Nya's little head knocked against the table with a loud thud, fast asleep. It was a clear sign as any she had enough studying for the day.

Esvia stood up and wrapped all eight of her arms around her small daughter to carry her up to bed upstairs.

Nadia quickly and quietly ran back into her hammock pretending to be asleep. Hearing mother climb up the walls to carefully place her sister in the silk hammock on the opposite side of the attic, before kissing her on the forehead for goodnight. Nadia thought mother would go back down after. Only to feel the familiar kiss on her forehead as well. Causing her to smile slightly.

"Good night dear." Esvia whispered with a warmth and compassion unequal to any in the world she thought.

Mother then quietly and gracefully climbed down the sheer walls back to the kitchen in candlelight to read her book and wait for father to come home.

Hours passed. And Nadia still couldn't sleep.

Something felt wrong.

Father normally was back by now. Nadia always heard the door creek slightly whenever he entered, careful as not to wake them both. And she always stayed awake wanting to hear that he had made it home safe and sound, almost as a sort of tradition of good luck she had created for herself. Somehow thinking it reassured herself and would make it that he would return the next night like he always did on time.

Except tonight he wasn't.

Nadia could hear Esvia fiddling with her fingers nervously downstairs. Flipping pages. Not reading any. If Nadia was feeling this anxious about him being late, she couldn't begin to imagine how she must be feeling.

Nadia slowly got out of bed. Leaning toward the edge of the attic to see her mother silent by the candle beginning to die. It was now sunrise. Still nothing.

"Mom?" Nadia whispered. Trying not to wake her sister.

"Hmm..?, Oh yes dear?" Esvia muttered anxiously. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I'm worried about dad." She replied. "When will he be back?"


"I don't know Nadia." Esvia said in sorrow. I think he....

The door suddenly swung open with a nervous fury that startled the both of them. Father then stepped in panting and slammed the door shut. Locking it quickly and clumsily.

Esvia knocked over her chair as she rushed over to hug him. Father remained in bewildered silence as he turned around to face her. Grabbing tightly to her back almost in tears. But Nadia could see that there was no love or compassion in his eyes tonight.

Only fear. Fear of something he could not control or anticipate the sheer senselessness of it all.

"What is it!" Esvia said frantically as she looked at her husbands face, her hands shaking. "Is everything alright? Are you hurt?"

"Water..." Father gasped. He was parched. Trembling. Terrified.

Esvia immediately ran over to the kettle by the cupboards. Filling a glass of fresh water as father clumsily unfastened his spinneret kit to fall to the floor and collapsed into the chair by the table devoid of all energy. Hunching over and Putting his hands to cover his eyes in pure dread.

Mother approached timidly and handed him the glass. To which he drank profusely, spilling over himself from his shaking hands being unable to properly grip the cup.

"There's..It's. Father began to mutter nervously. Suddenly he caught Nadia Staring at them both from atop the stairs.

"Nadia go to bed." He said with as much control as he could muster trying not to wake her sister. He was angry. She had never seen him raise his voice at her. Ever.

"But, father..."

"I said now!" He shouted again. This time he meant it. He didn't want her to hear what he had seen. She would not. He would not allow it.

Nadia obeyed and quickly ran back into her hammock, bundling herself under her blankets. Barely able to hear brief phrases from the quiet conversation begining just downstairs.

"What happened?" Asked mother. Kneeling down to be eye to eye with father.

"There gone..."

"Who's gone? Dear talk to me please.."

Naru raised his head slowly below. The candlelight flickering against his face and soul, masked by darkness. A soul more terrified then it had ever been in his life.

"The town....."

"Burned to..... ground.. Dead...Dead everywhere.

Esvia's black eyes expanded in fear.

What....? What do you mean? Esvia asked nervously at his rambling.

Entire town.... consumed by flames. Red littered the gutters below. Dead littered across the streets of stone. Women, Children. Corpses piled so high, it look like mountains of flesh among the smoldering black sky. The heat. Like nothing I've ever felt. It was scorching. It hurt. Dry. My throat. They left nothing. Nothing left... They were laughing at what they did. I saw them all from the trees. What they were doing...Laughing...Laughing...

Father began to cry.

Esvia leaned in and hugged father. Trying to console him as best she could. Father sniffed and continued no matter how badly he didn't want to relive the horrors he had just witnessed.

I know what I saw. As clear as day. The colors and flag of a golden sun. I know those colors anywhere. It was the Savanese looting the bodies of our people and desecrating everything they came across. I'm sure of it. And I know what they're plan is. Its scorched earth. Devastation the likes of which you and I have never seen in our lifetimes.

You don't know that. replied Mother. Fiddling with her hands nervously, trying to come up with a safer and more plausible alternative to total war. Perhaps it was just some local bandits. Or..Or. a group of....

"I know what I saw. An army. A brutal but well trained army leaving scorched earth. Devastation likes of which you and I have never seen in our lifetimes. They're destroying the countryside in every direction like a plague. I saw thousands marching up the road. Heard Bombers and Scimitar scout fighters flying just overhead leaving a trail of scorched earth and dead behind their wake below. I swung back here as fast as I could through the trees while they were finishing off the survivors, trying to stay out of sight, but I fear it is pointless whether they saw me or not. They'll find us eventually. We can't bar this threat at our doors and pretend it doesn't exist or we will share in our neighbors fate. We have no choice." commanded father. "The Savanese are here."

"We have to leave Orevan."

Esvia raised her mouth to her hand in shock. Her eyes

The two sat in disheartened silence. Terrified about what world they were now about to confront come sunrise.

Mother and father sat in silence by the fire for quite some time. The hearth casting long dark shadows across both their weary faces. Both dreading the path they knew they and their children would soon have to face. They had lived in peace all they're lives. Only now, such times were well and truly behind them.

How long do we have?

By my guess. Father shrugged. His voice heavy with sorrow. A few hours. They'll be here by dawn. And if were not gone by then. Were done for.

But..Where will we go? Esvia said tearfully. What will we do. Our whole life is here. This was your father's home. Your grandfathers.

"It was." Replied father. But that life....is past. They are gone. But we are still here. I will not have these invaders do to you and the girls what they did to the other families I saw along the roads. What I saw. I....

Father clenched each of his eight fists tightly. Before pounding them to the table in a sudden burst of anger.

It will not happen. I will not risk it. This is a house of wood and stone. To even consider weighing its value against you and the girls all is a concept I could never imagine or invite. I love you all to much to do any different. And every second we stand here arguing is more ground for them to cover. Ground that will lead them this way.

"I don't know what will happen next." Said father. But we have to leave. Now. while we still can. We will go. Anywhere but here. We'll take as much as we can carry on the wagon and leave in a few hours. Our best bet is north. We have to get out while they're still time or else we'll never get the chance again."

Esvia nodded reluctantly with the plan. Squeezing tighter to the edge of her multi colored dress in frustration and breathing aloud slowly. Desperately trying to keep herself from breaking down into tears. Nadia could hear her mother's frantic breathing. Hearing her normally calm and graceful mother acting like this unnerved her immensely. No. It was terrifying.

"Heyyy.." Father said softly. Kneeling down and holding Esvia's hand as she sat with her head lowered in dispirit in her chair. "I'm scarred too. But we can do this. "We always have."

Esvia gripped tighter to his hand and nodded. Wiping away her tears.

"Alright.." She said. "When do we leave?"

"Now. Father said anxiously."

Father stood up in his chair and immediately began to pack up food and supplies from the pantry in a large sack hung against the wall. Esvia hesitated for a few moments instead before standing up and looking up toward the loft, her hand held tightly against the ladder.

"Nadia!" Come here please!" She called quickly out upstairs.

Nadia pulled back the cover's and sprinted across to lay across her stomach, her head over the edge. "Yes mom! What is it? She replied fearfully.

"Wake your sister. We're going on a trip. Pack your things right now and help you're sister as well. Only carry what you both absolutely need."

Nadia hesitated in replying.

...Yes mom." As Nadia began to stand. Mother said one final thing quickly.

And Nadia. "Mother said closing her eyes and turning her head in fear. "If we don't. If we don't get to where we're going. I need you to take care of you're sister. Can I trust you to do that for you're father and I?"

Nadia gulped faintly trying not to show it. Knowing full well that not getting to where we're going meant something far far worse. She didn't want this responsibility. She didn't want this burden. But seeing her mother's stone cold expression of fear for her children's safety overcame all of Nadia's hesitation. She was being strong for them all. And so must she. At least for now.

"Yes mom.." Nadia mumbled before quickly turning away in silence.

Nadia sprinted over to her sister fast asleep in her golden silk hammock. Clutching tightly to her tiger doll and dreaming. Only to be awoken from that fantasy to be faced with the new unfamiliar world their family was about to enter.

"Hey Nya?" Nadia said nudging her sister's shoulder. "Sis?"

Nya awoke groggy and rubbing her black eyes' Yawning and standing up in her bed which swayed back and forth.

"What? What is it? I was dreaming. Nya replied. Her hand gestures were a bit sloppy from waking up but it was still barely legible. They're was a waterfall, and a giant rabbit. and..

Sounds very interesting! Nadia interrupted. Trying not to sound rude. "Ive got great news!

Really what is it?

"We're going on a trip." Nya said. Altering the truth so as to not cause panic. Nadia herself was scarred beyond imagination. She could only imagine how her young sister would feel.

"I'll help you pack you're things, but we can't take too long. We have to leave right now ok?" Said Nadia, her pulse racing.

".....Ok?" Nya replied hesitantly. Standing out of bed onto the cold wooden floor and stretching her eight little arm's wide apart. "Can I take Mr. Stripey with us?" She asked clutching tighter to her doll and turning it to face directly at Nadia.

"Of course you can." Wouldn't want to leave him all alone out here now would we? Nadia smiled. Straightening out the doll's orange fur with her hand.

Nya released a faint smile. "No I guess not." She replied. Clutching tighter to her doll in a nervous growing fear of something that definitely didn't feel right. Nadia had never touched a doll in years.

Before Nya could ask why she was acting so strange. Nadia patted her naïve sister on the top of her blue headscarf and ducked underneath her feet held swaying above off the ground. Reaching for the large bag under the golden hammock and pulling it out to drag across the floor clumsily. Nya's wide innocent eye's started to observe her big sister's frantic behavior of hastily cramming both of their clothes' and belongings into the same bag with alarming concern.

She didn't pry as to why. Instead kneeling down beside her big sister to help push the content's inside quickly. Using her full body weight to squish the bag while her sister tied it off at it ends with some webbing. Nadia wanted to say thank you for her sister's skill as a much appreciated paperweight but kept at the task at hand. Her little sister was catching on fast just like her. But before Nadia could say anything to her beloved sister.

There was a sudden knock at the door that made both their heart's stop. They never had visitors.

The whole family turned so silent. The only sound that could be heard was the pleasant swaying of leaves outside their home that had just become someone else's.