

In a world transformed by a mysterious red cataclysm, factions of humans and animals have merged, creating unique and powerful beings. Kai, a determined young man, enters a prestigious university established to foster unity among the diverse factions. will kai be able to uncover the history behind the cataclysm and will he gain any powers. all in the story ahead **kai does get awesome powers ahead so please wait till i release that chapter ;)

CrazyDiscoverer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

the boy who eats chips

It had been a few days since Kai had broken both his wrists, and now he had taken the makeshift supports off. Even though he was pretending his wrists were still broken due to the awakening of his beast will, he kept it hidden since he was a human.

As a result, Kai couldn't do mundane tasks like eating or writing. However, instead of struggling, he had help. Talon and Lyria would help feed him, while Queen XVII, the perpetrator of his injury, usually wrote his notes for the week. Living in such lavishness made him feel guilty, but Kai was sane enough to know that one's life comes before their feelings.

Even if he wanted to reveal that he had beast wills—more than one, in fact—he couldn't trust that his friends wouldn't snitch on him to their families. He knew Queen was related to the royal family of the Beastians, but he hadn't asked Talon or Lyria much about their family backgrounds. "Better be safe than sorry," he thought. Reflecting on what had now become his ordinary life, Kai walked through the classroom door.

He crashed into someone. When he looked up, he saw triangle-shaped chips flying in the air and behind that veil was a boy around his height with brown hair and a fair tone. Both of them had fallen to the ground, and Kai glared at him in anger. The boy looked up and sighed. "Man, why are you so upset about that incident? I already apologized, you know."

Kai looked to the side and replied, still with some hate in his voice, "I still haven't forgiven you, Jay. You don't know how painful it is to get your wrists broken." Kai wasn't lying; the pain of breaking his wrists was still fresh in his memory.

Jay had a slight frown on his face and continued, "You know we're the only humans in this class. We humans gotta stick together to survive, you know that, right?"

Kai shook his head. "It's not necessary here in Avalon. If you still hope to discriminate against others, I hope you don't associate with me."

Sighing again, Jay said, "Alright, my bad." Hearing that, Kai started walking into the classroom.

Jay had a dejected expression on his face. Gathering his courage, he called out, "Kai!"

Kai turned back. "What?"

"Well, you see, it's my birthday today, and I'm inviting you to my room to celebrate."

Kai looked at Jay and saw the expression of a lonely kid. He couldn't help but see himself in Jay.

"When I was a kid, my parents were usually busy with work, so I had a solitary life. I wanted to change myself while entering this place and have somewhat succeeded."

"Sure," Kai replied. With that, he turned around and walked to his desk.

Jay's face lit up with a mixture of surprise and relief. "Really? Thanks, Kai. It means a lot."

Kai nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "No problem. See you later then."

with that kai went in the classroom while jay went outside mostly to buy another bag of chips.