
Anima: Sorcery In Shadows

in a world where undead and sorcerers exist for ages until now in modern era, a powerful energy known as Anima Mundi has awakened, granting extraordinary abilities to the sorcerers who defends humanity against the monstrous creatures of undead. For centuries, the earth has been threatened by malevolent forces, including undead creatures and monstrous beasts that prey upon humanity's souls and flesh. To counter these threats, a clandestine order of knights, known as Knight Magus, was formed. Their duty is to wield the arcane powers of Anima Mundi and safeguard the world from the encroaching shadows. At the center of this conflict is Renji, a 23-year-old graduate from the prestigious ALIVARD University, a secret institution that offers sorcery degrees to those chosen by the Anima Mundi. Renji is a lone wolf, a cool and enigmatic young man who prefers solitude Having mastered potent sorcery techniques, Renji is one of the few individuals entrusted with the knowledge to defend humanity. Renji's life takes an unexpected turn when he is sent on an undercover mission to the Philippines. As he poses as a student in a high school university, he encounters the darkness lurking within society, even in the midst of daylight. However, it is during a fateful night that Renji's true trials begin.

BurningZeroDegrees · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 2: Darkest hour

On an unknown street, a young girl sprinted as if being pursued by an invisible threat. Desperation etched upon her face, she sought refuge wherever she could find it. Spotting a fenced property, she leaped over the barrier with grace, narrowly escaping the clutches of her pursuer. As she caught her breath, a mysterious figure passed by, unaware of her presence.

Just as the girl began to feel a glimmer of safety, an old man emerged from the house within the property. With a weathered face and kind eyes, he beckoned her urgently, urging her to seek refuge inside his abode.

Old Man: "Quickly, come inside! It's safe here."

Instinctively, the girl trusted the old man and sought shelter within his home. Grateful for his intervention, she accepted his offer of tea, seeking solace from the events that had transpired.

As the girl sipped her tea, the old man began to recount tales of the undead, describing their terrifying nature and the danger they posed to humanity. The girl found comfort in his words, reassured by the knowledge that her pursuer was a creature of darkness.

Expressing her gratitude, the girl thanked the old man for saving her from her potential demise. She felt a sense of relief, convinced that she could stay within the safety of his home until sunrise, ensuring her journey home would be uneventful.

The old man, wise and experienced, used the passing hours to impart stories and life lessons upon the girl. Each tale carried hidden messages and profound meaning, preparing her for the challenges that lay ahead.

As midnight approached, the old man offered the girl one final lesson—one that would shape her perception of trust forever.

Old Man: "Remember, my dear, never trust anyone."

Before the girl could fully comprehend his cryptic words, the old man's visage distorted, transforming into a grotesque abomination. Sharp jaws and teeth replaced his kindly expression, leaving the girl paralyzed with terror. In a swift motion, the monster extended its neck, devouring the girl's upper torso, leaving her dismembered and lifeless.

Thus, the girl's trust and innocence were shattered in a horrific twist of fate, forever etching upon her soul the harsh reality that appearances can deceive and danger lurks in even the most unsuspecting places.

As the police meticulously investigated the crime scene, Renji passed by, his curiosity piqued by the gathering of students. He approached a fellow student, eager to learn more about the situation.

Renji: "What happened here?"

Student: "An old man reported the incident to the police. They're trying to figure out what happened."

Unbeknownst to the student, the old man had deceived the authorities, acting innocent and providing false information. Renji realized investigations of the police would be futile, because Renji already know that this is an act of evil creature's doing that even authorities can't understand.

With a sense of determination, Renji made his way to school, patiently biding his time until nightfall. It was only under the cover of darkness that he would have the opportunity to investigate the crime scene without drawing unwanted attention.

As the day progressed, Renji focused on his studies, waiting for the veil of night to descend upon the city. The anticipation built within him, knowing that he held the key to uncovering the truth behind the heinous act that had taken place.

When the moon finally rose, casting an ethereal glow upon the streets, Renji ventured back to the crime scene. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the distant sounds of the city. Shadows danced along the walls, whispering secrets yet to be unveiled.

Renji carefully examined every inch of the house, his keen eyes searching for clues and unraveling the layers of deception. Each step he took brought him closer to the truth, as if the very walls of the crime scene yearned to reveal their secrets to him.

Piece by piece, Renji began to reconstruct the events that had transpired, his mind a whirlwind of analysis and deduction. He pieced together fragments of evidence, revealing a sinister plot lurking beneath the surface.

As Renji delved deeper into his investigation, seeking the truth behind the heinous crime, another scene unfolded in the corridors of the school. Night had fallen, casting a veil of darkness upon the deserted halls. A group of students embarked on their science project, utilizing various classrooms on the third floor as their film sets.

Unbeknownst to them, the old man responsible for the girl's demise lurked in the shadows, his true intentions concealed beneath the façade of an innocent custodian. He diligently cleaned the hallways, his actions veiled in a sinister aura.

Ken, one of the students, approached the old man, his voice filled with concern.

Ken: "Sir, you shouldn't be working so late at night. It's not safe."

The old man, his face contorted into a twisted smile, responded with a voice laced with menace.

Old Man: "I have to work to feed my family, young one. Sometimes sacrifices must be made."

Ken, sensing an underlying darkness, persisted, trying to dissuade the old man from overexerting himself.

Ken: "I understand, but don't push yourself too far. Take care of your well-being."

The old man expressed his gratitude for Ken's advice, his words a façade masking his sinister intentions. As Ken turned his back, preparing to return to the film project, the old man's menacing smile deepened, his eyes filled with predatory hunger.

In an instant, the old man prepared to strike, ready to devour Ken without hesitation. The darkness that cloaked his true form shifted, revealing the monster that lurked beneath the surface.

In the crucial moment when the old man transformed into a menacing abomination, the group of students filming their project caught sight of the terrifying spectacle. Fear and urgency gripped them as they shouted a warning to Ken, their voices filled with desperation.

"Ken, behind you!"

Ken swiftly turned, just in time to witness the monster's sharp fingers poised to strike. But before the abomination could carry out its deadly assault, a powerful force intervened.

With lightning speed and precision, Renji appeared on the hallway window, wielding a spell blade that sliced through the air with lethal accuracy. The monster's attack was abruptly halted as it fell to the floor, shocked by the sudden interference.

Renji, standing before the fallen abomination, commanded the group of students to run. His authoritative tone left no room for hesitation as they heeded his words, fleeing from the scene, their hearts pounding with both fear and gratitude.

As the students made their escape, Renji prepared himself for the impending battle against the monstrous foe. His resolve hardened, fueled by the determination to protect others from the horrors that lurked in the shadows.

As the battle unfolded, the monstrous abomination extended all its fingers, launching a flurry of attacks towards Renji with astonishing speed. However, Renji's honed reflexes allowed him to evade each strike with remarkable agility.

In response, Renji summoned the power of Ignis Fumen, unleashing a blast of fiery energy towards the monster. Yet, the abomination's impressive durability allowed it to withstand the onslaught, emerging relatively unscathed.

Undeterred by the monster's resilience, the abomination grew arrogant, charging at Renji with overwhelming force. Sensing the impending danger, Renji swiftly chanted a spell, channeling his enchantment: "fire spell, degeneration utilize: Blazing Dispersion."

A radiant aura enveloped Renji's right hand as he unleashed a devastating strike. The power within his hand surged, and with precise hand signs, he plunged his hands deep into the abomination's stomach. The unleashed attack consumed the monster, eradicating it completely.

Silence descended upon the hallway, the remnants of the abomination dissolving into nothingness. Renji stood victorious, his breaths steady and his resolve unyielding.

The battle against the abomination had come to a definitive end, but the implications of its presence and the shadows that plagued the world remained. Renji knew that he could not rest until he had unraveled the truth behind these malevolent forces and put an end to their reign of terror.

In the aftermath of the harrowing encounter with the undead, Renji emerged from the school building to find the group of students anxiously waiting for him. Their faces etched with confusion and fear, they looked to Renji for answers.

"What just happened back there, Renji?" one of the students asked, trembling with unease.

With a composed demeanor, Renji began to share the truth about the creatures of darkness that threatened their world. "What you encountered was an undead, a creature of darkness that seeks to prey upon humanity. They roam freely every night, spreading havoc and despair wherever they appear."

In the aftermath of the harrowing encounter with the undead, Renji emerged from the school building to find the group of students anxiously waiting for him. Their faces etched with confusion and fear, they looked to Renji for answers.

"What just happened back there, Renji?"

one of the students asked, trembling with unease.

With a composed demeanor, Renji began to share the truth about the creatures of darkness that threatened their world.

"What you encountered was an undead, a creature of darkness that seeks to prey upon humanity. They roam freely every night, spreading havoc and despair wherever they appear."

He continued,

"There are those among us, like me, who possess the power of Anima Mundi. We are knights magus, tasked with defending humanity and eradicating these malevolent monsters. The undead that attacked you was responsible for Maria Jhane Almeron's death earlier."

Renji's words sank in, leaving the group in a state of shock and disbelief. The reality of a world plagued by creatures of darkness was both unsettling and incomprehensible to them.

Determined to protect his newfound allies, Renji imparted valuable knowledge.

"Stay safe at night and remain in well-lit places. The undead cannot exist in the presence of light, so it will be your sanctuary against these creatures."

Unbeknownst to Renji, in a dimly lit room in an undisclosed location in Manila, four mysterious men clad in dark suits huddled together. Their voices hushed, they discussed the recent death of Grundy—the monster Renji had valiantly defeated.

"He was weak," one of the men coldly remarked.

"No wonder he was defeated by that knight magus."

The atmosphere thickened as the conversation progressed. The leader of the group spoke with a chilling finality, "We must take action now. Renji is a threat to our plans. We must eliminate him before he unravels our true intentions."

Unknown to Renji, a new peril loomed on the horizon—a sinister force with a deadly agenda set to converge with his path. As the shadows deepened, Renji's resolve would be tested, and the enigma surrounding his adversaries would only grow darker.