
Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk

Hey Guys, this story is written by Sinyk on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied Sinyk's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter and the 7 angers), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on patreon. Pisses me off to no end. Art is by CruderFive1 on DeviantArt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guys and... guyettes, This one is of epic length. And by that I mean really really long. For those who sent me a note about 'Four Heirs' and thought it long - well, this one blows that one out of the water for length. So, if something only up to - say - 150k words is your cup o' tea, then this isn't for you. No sir-ree! This story hits approximately 480k words. To stop all the whining and bitching right now - yeah, like that's ever going to happen - you'll figure out this is a 'Haphne' story; Dumbledore is (somewhat) good but still manipulative as per canon; Ron's an ineffective non-entity; Snape tries to keep sticking his beak in - and get's it repeatedly thwacked with a rolled-up newspaper; McGonagall gets over her hero-worship of DumDum (I mean, Dumbledore); Hermione is a good friend; Sirius is free; kids are kids; and teenagers are walking bags of hormones. The story follows canon a lot; and I've even included many quoted sections out of the books. I didn't do this to pinch JKR's works. Rather, it's in there to demonstrate similarities while being a different story. So, no biatching about that, either. You've been well and truly warned. Yours, Da crazy bastard who thinks he's an author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H3llhound2dea1h · Movies
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Chapter Forty Six – Cygnus Rants

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Forty Six – Cygnus Rants




When Harry and Neville walked side-by-side into the Great Hall for breakfast, the Hall went silent again.

Neville rolled his eyes while Harry snarked out clearly, "Yes, ladies and gents; it's the Great Neville Longbottom and his friend, Harry."

That earned them, at least, a few smiles.

As the two girls were still in the infirmary with the other three, there was none of their friends sitting anywhere for whom they needed to look. With a twitch of his head and a mutter of, "Gryffindor," Harry indicated they should sit at the table of the Lions. They joined the Twins and the rest of the Gryff' Quidditch team.

"Morning," said Neville.

"All!" said Harry, as the pair of them sat.

"Oh, no!" said Katie Bell with mock horror. "The twins have infected them!"

The twins just grinned at each other before bursting out with laughter. While Harry and Neville did the same.

The two quickly loaded their plates and set to eating as much as they could before they had to return to face the music in the infirmary.

"They're awake," said Neville.

"Who?" asked Angelina Johnson.

"Those petrified," said Harry.

"Good," said Oliver Wood.

"So, why aren't you up there?" asked Angelina.

"It's breakfast time," said Neville.

"And, they yelled at us," said Harry.

"They - yelled at you?" she asked.

Both boys nodded.


"It seems, they weren't happy," explained Harry

"... that we went down into the Chamber of Secrets," explained Neville

"We did rescue young Miss Weasley."

"And, killed the basilisk."

"But, they still yelled at us for it."

"Stop that!" said Katie.

Both boys grinned again. The twins cracked up.

They were only partway through eating their breakfast when they were approached by Professor McGonagall.

"Mister Potter. Mister Longbottom. The Headmaster would like to see you in his office."

Turning to look at her, Harry said, "It's a Sunday, Professor. My betrothed, and our friends, have only just been revived and we're expected back there post haste. To save valuable time, what is it that Mister Dumbledore wants?"

With an annoyed glare and pursed lips, she replied, "It's Headmaster Dumbledore, Mister Potter. And I have not been informed as to why he wants to see you."

"My apologies, Professor," said Harry. "I had not been informed the Headmaster had been reinstated to his position. Is this the case?"

"Yes, Mister Potter, I believe so," she said.

"Fair enough, Professor," he said. "However, as I have already stated, I have another - far more important - engagement at this time. If it is a matter of great urgency, I and my magical guardians shall be happy to entertain the Headmaster in the infirmary in, say, fifteen minutes?"

"The Headmaster does not like to be kept waiting, Mister Potter," she said.

Harry sighed and said, "But its quite alright for a student to have three consecutive meals interrupted. Very well; I shall send a message to my guardians they're expected in the Headmaster's office immediately because he 'doesn't like to be kept waiting'."

Harry stood up and said to her, "Ready for me to knock your socks off?"

Dropping his wand into his hand, Harry stepped over the bench and looked towards the double doors to the Entrance Hall. He raised his wand, gathered a bit of extra magic, focussed on his pleasant thoughts of kissing Daphne while holding her in his arms and incanted, "Expecto Patronum!"

A large stag surged out of the tip of his wand, and charged forward a few paces before turning around and trotting back. The Hall went silent. To it, Harry said, "Message to Lord and Lady Greengrass in the infirmary. Headmaster Dumbledore has just summoned Neville and me to his office through Professor McGonagall, interrupting our breakfast. Apparently, he does not like to be kept waiting. So, as my magical guardians, could you please join us there as quickly as possible? Thank you."

The stag turned and bounded from the room, out through the doors.

Harry turned back to a completely silent room. Everyone was staring at him in shock again.

"How's your socks, Professor?" he grinned.

Neville laughed. The message Patronus was something they'd been studying during search breaks the past three weeks. They thought it might come in handy when they separated and wanted to call the others to them. Harry was the only one who could do it, so far.




Harry and Neville walked side by side behind Professor McGonagall along the corridor leading to the Headmaster's office.

"Slow down, Nev," muttered Harry to the other boy. "We want to give time for Cygnus and Isabel to join us before we pass beyond the gargoyle."

Neville nodded and immediately slowed down.

"How's your Occlumency, Neville?" Harry asked louder.

"Quite good, actually," he replied. "Uncle Algie taught me and he say's I'm quite good. Why?"

"Well," replied Harry. "I've noticed, on a couple of occasions, that the Headmaster has this naughty habit of trying to use passive Legilimency to look inside my mind. So, I recommend you have your shields firmly up and set to hurt."

"Mister Potter," said Professor McGonagall, annoyed. "I do not believe the Headmaster would do such a thing."

"Then, Neville and I having our Occlumency shields set to cause significant pain to anyone attempting Legilimency upon us, will make no difference whatsoever. Correct, Professor?" he reasoned back. "So, if the Headmaster suddenly grips his head in great pain, you will have learned your belief the Headmaster would not do such a thing will have been in error. Yes?"

Instead of answering, Professor McGonagall's stride just became more determined. Neville was just about to instinctively increase his own pace, when Harry reached out his arm and held him back their slower pace.

As they were approaching the gargoyle, Harry heard running footsteps coming from behind them. He stopped with Neville to wait. It was Sirius.

"Professor?" he called.

Professor McGonagall stopped and turned to see who it was.

"Sirius?" she asked. "Why are you here?"

"Informing you, by order of their magical guardians, neither of the boys is to enter the Headmaster's office until Cyg... Lord and Lady Greengrass join us," he panted.

With a frown of mild frustration she said, "Very well."

Both Greengrasses entered the corridor a short while later. Neither looked happy.

"Minerva!" called Cygnus. "What does Albus think he's doing?" As they walked up to them.

"I am not privy to that information, Cygnus," she replied.

There was a few moments hesitation while he stared back at Professor McGonagall. "You two," said Cygnus, looking at Harry and Neville. "Back to your breakfasts. Now. After that, you will go directly to the infirmary. You will obey no instructions to the contrary. Go."

Both boys nodded and took off.

Turning to the Professor, he waited until the boys were well out of earshot and said, "Well you should be. The Headmaster should have little contact with any of the students without both their Deputy, and the individual student's Head of House, being fully aware as to why. It's in the Charter, for Merlin's sake!

"So, in other words, Minerva, you are currently in remiss of your duties as both Deputy and Head of House."

"I do not appreciate being spoken to that way, Cygnus," she angrily said.

"And I do not like being forced into the position where I must do so," he retorted. "Now, we will be going to see Albus, to see just why he thought it was necessary - and so urgent - that the boys' breakfast had to be interrupted on the very day their betrothed and friends have been woken from their petrification." He held out his hand in the 'after you' gesture.

Dumbledore was sitting at his desk, carefully mentally reviewing the questions he wanted to ask the two boys, when his alert ward went off, just before there was a knock on the door.

"Enter!" he called.

Professor McGonagall walked in.

"Ah, Minerva. Thank you for..." he started until he saw an angry Cygnus, Isabel and Sirius walk in after her.

"Minerva?" he asked. "I thought I asked you to summon..."

"Shove it, Albus!" barked Cygnus, striding forward and stopping almost against the leading edge of the desk. "Explain to me - right now - in excruciating detail - why you felt it was both urgent and necessary to summon young Harry and Neville to your office."

"Ahhh..." said Dumbledore, quickly gathering his thoughts in the face of the angry Lord in front of him. "I wanted to talk to both boys about their experience down in the supposed Chamber of Secrets. I felt it was necessary for me, as Headmaster, to have a better understanding of any threats to the school."

"I'm still waiting on the urgent part, Albus," growled Cygnus. "What was so urgent about that, that it could not wait until at least they had finished their breakfasts?"

"Ah. Perhaps I did not make myself clear to Minerva..." he tried.

Spinning to stare directly at Professor McGonagall, Cygnus said, "Apparently, he is blaming you for the boys' breakfast being interrupted. So, explain to me..."

"Albus!" barked the shocked Professor. "Tell them the truth! You told me 'immediately', and I'm willing to hand over a pensieve memory of the event!"

Cygnus spun back and said, "Well, it appears your deputy is not willing to take the fall for you, Albus. So, try again. What was so urgent that it could not wait until they had at least finished their breakfasts?"

"Errr - I recall I did say 'immediately', but I did not believe it would be taken so literally. I meant, of course, immediately after their breakfasts."

"You've been involved in politics for almost fifty years, Albus," retorted Cygnus. "You have risen to Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump. You have always been very careful with your choice of words. So, I know you do not make little slips like that. In other words, I do not believe you in the slightest."

Leaning forward and placing both fists on the leading surface of the desk, Cygnus leaned forward even further. "In the past two years you have summoned young Harry to this office on at least half a dozen times. That is triple as many times as the serial troublemaker standing just behind me was, in the entire seven years he was a student here, himself.

"I have also reviewed the pensieve memories of both Harry and Daphne of each and every time they've been summoned to your office. At no time has there ever been shown a lawful reason for you to summon them."

That worried Dumbledore. He did not realise the two children would do that.

"So, as the magical guardian of both Harry James Potter and Daphne Ophelia Greengrass I am officially informing you of the following points. One - at any time you desire to speak to them in future, either myself, Lady Isabel Greengrass or Lord Sirius Black will be present for the entire time..."

"Is this completely necessary?" Dumbledore asked, as if speaking to a petulant child.

"Clearly, yes!" barked Cygnus. "Two - you may not seek to speak with them when it will interrupt meals, classes, their etiquette club meetings, visits to Hogwarts, Quidditch games or other student activities. Three - you must provide at least three full days notice of your desire to speak to them. Four - any message you have for either of them will be in writing and signed by you; and such notice will not then automatically, or otherwise, destroy itself. And Five - should you breach any of the aforementioned four points, I shall be withdrawing both from Hogwarts, permanently. They can attend Beauxbatons or one of the other educational institutions.

"Now, have I made myself perfectly clear to you, Albus? Or do I need to go over my points again?"

"No," replied Dumbledore, quietly. "I believe you've made your point very clear."

"Good," said Cygnus, firmly. "So there will be no - further - misunderstanding, you will have those points in writing before the end of the day.

"As to your urgent need to speak with Harry and Neville today," he said, a little calmer. "They are currently finishing their interrupted breakfast. After that, I have ordered both of them to attend the infirmary to visit with their just revived friends. In our presence only, you may speak with them both there.

"If you do not take me up on this offer, then you show yourself to be a liar about just how urgent this matter actually is to you."

Standing back up straight, Cygnus said, "We'll see you in the infirmary in a little while, Albus." He spun about and led the way for Isabel and Sirius back out of the office.

As the door closed firmly behind the three, Professor McGonagall was glaring at Dumbledore. "How dare you try to shift the blame to me, Albus Dumbledore."

Dumbledore mentally winced. His Deputy never used his last name in conversation.

"You can consider yourself notified I will never act as your messenger girl, ever again," she growled. "And you will find I will be talking to the rest of the staff about just what you tried to do to me here, today."

She spun of her heel and stormed out.

Dumbledore sat there and mentally moaned about the situation. He needed to find out what the spirit of Tom had said to the two boys. It was for the Greater Good that he know. The spirit of Tom might have given information that was necessary for the fight against Voldemort when he returns.

Now, he could only ask his questions in front of others, and that was unacceptable. Others could not know for the security of the magical realm; lest Tom or his followers find out.

He needed to ask his questions in such a way that it would not be apparent why he was asking - or could he feign not completely understanding what he was told and beg for the memory of the event. He could claim the spirit of Tom might have said something that the boys didn't consider important but he - in his greater knowledge of the castle, magic and mature wisdom - would see as a risk to the school.

Yes. That would do it.




Harry and Neville had returned to their breakfasts but had to make up new plates, as what was left in front of them when they left was already removed by the house elves, and would have been cold, anyway.

Before they were finished, Sirius sat down next to them. "Neville, Harry," he greeted them with a smile.

"Sirius?" asked Harry.

"I'm here to make sure you're not bothered by the staff and have an uninterrupted trip back to the infirmary when you're finished," he said.

"What happened with the old man?" asked Harry.

"Something to share in private, Pup," he replied. "But, it's all good."

Harry nodded and continued to eat.

It was just then that the post owls came swooping in. Harry received a copy of the Daily Prophet from Hedwig.

Scanning through the first couple of pages, he was happy to see the whole incident about the Chamber had not yet made the paper. So, they'd have another free day, at least, before the whole of the wizarding world learned of their battle with the basilisk.

Showing the front page of the paper to Neville, he said, "A reprieve, Nev. Nothing about our battle, the basilisk or the Chamber."

"Thank Merlin for that!" said Neville with a feeling of relief.

"It won't last long," said Harry. "I estimate it'll only last until tomorrow morning before the name Neville Longbottom is a household name throughout wizarding Britain. And only a couple of days later before it's dispersed throughout the wizarding world."

Neville groaned and whined, "Now you've just put me off the rest of my breakfast!"

Harry just clapped him on the shoulder and said, "Welcome to my world. I've had to put up with the whole Boy-Who-Lived nonsense for almost two years now."

"You know," he said. "I used to dream of being one of the close friends of Harry Potter, wizarding saviour. And go on all those wonderful adventures with you that Lockhart wrote you did. Now I'm wondering if I should run away as fast as I can."

Harry and Sirius both laughed. A couple of the Gryff's joined in with snickers and giggles.

"Don't worry, Nev," said Harry. "I'll see what I can do to make next year as exciting as watching grass grow or paint dry."

"I'm probably going to hold you to that," muttered Neville. "Then, before the school year is even remotely finished, I'll be wishing we did something else exciting."

Harry just grinned back.




Harry and Neville had returned to the infirmary a little while earlier, tailed by their escort, Sirius.

Sirius noted Dumbledore had yet to arrive but did not doubt the man would, sooner or later.

Harry made his way to Daphne's bed and gave her a quick kiss. One she returned with enthusiasm. Pulling back, Harry noticed two sets of other parents either side of both Colin and Justin. There was also a younger boy with Colin that looked like he was a younger brother.

"Harry?" called Hermione from two beds away.

"Mmm?" he asked.

"When did you learn to cast a fully corporeal patronus?" she asked a little sweetly.

"That's what we'd like to know," said Sirius. "Did you know your patronus takes the form of your father's animagus form? It near scared the life out of me when it came in and spoke. I thought your father's ghost was paying us a visit."

"Sorry about that," grinned Harry. "And, yes, I did know it takes the form of Prongs - and that's what I call him, by the way - and the four of us who weren't taking unintended three week long naps, have been trying to cast a patronus for a better part of the entire last three weeks.

"So far, I'm the only one of us other four who's managed it." Turning to the three girls he said, "And, yes, I intend to teach it to the three of you."

"Well, it really surprised my parents, when they saw it," she said. "They thought it was a ghost, too. But, how did you get it to speak?"

"In that form it's called a messenger patronus," said Harry. "It's very useful to send short messages to people you want to receive it in a very short amount of time. However, it can only be used as a messenger when there aren't any specific threats around. If there are, then it will immediately attack the threat."

"Could you show me again, please?" she begged.

"I'd like to see it again, too," said Daphne.

Harry said, "Alright." And moved to stand near Madam Pomfrey's desk, looking down the length of the room.

Popping his wand out of his sleeve, he raised it in a dueller's stance and said, "The secret to casting a fully corporeal patronus is a very happy memory filled with love. It has to be a memory of a happy moment in your life when you felt on top of the world. More often than not, it will probably be a very personal memory.

"Put that in the forefront of your mind - let it infuse you in remembrance - and simply point, incant and cast with your magic."

Harry gave himself a few moments to bring up his happy memory, drew in a bit of magic, pointed his wand forward, and cast in a clear voice, "Expecto Patronum!"

Prongs, again, shot out of the tip of his wand and took a couple of trots forward, looked about a bit, and trotted back to Harry.

Harry reached out and stroked the near-insubstantial creature down it's long muzzle. "Good boy!" he said. "You can go now." And Prongs faded away. "And that's how you do it," he said.

"Wow!" exclaimed Daphne. "I mean, wow!"

"Eloquent, as always, Miss Greengrass," he smirked back.

"Prat!" she called back.

"Wow, Harry!" exclaimed Colin. "Can you teach me to do that?"

"Can you teach all of us?" asked Cygnus.

Looking to Colin first, he said, "I tell you what, Mister Creevey. I'll make a deal with you. If you get at least five out of seven Exceeds Expectations or better next year, I'll teach you. I'm sorry, but until then I don't think you can cast one, anyway. It requires magic of sufficient power lacking in a normal eleven year old.

"As for everyone else. Yeah, I can teach it. As I said, it requires sufficient power, a very happy memory and focus to use that memory," he said. Turning to Cygnus he said, "I take it you cannot cast one yet?"

Shaking his head slightly, he replied, "No."

"Come over here, please," said Harry. "I think I can get you casting one pretty quickly."

Cygnus, frowning a little, walked over. Harry had him bend forward and whispered in his ear.

"I want you to think back to the day Daphne was born," he whispered. "Have that in your mind. Think about how it felt to hold your new daughter in your arms. Drink of that feeling. Let it fill you so it feels as if you're going to burst. Then stand and incant, Expecto Patronum, pushing with your magic."

"That's it?" asked Cygnus.

"That's it," replied Harry stepping back.

Cygnus gave a nod and stood up straight. He drew his wand, calmed himself, and cast, "Expecto Patronum!"

Instantly a large silver eagle flew out of the tip of his wand. It lasted barely a few seconds before it faded away. But, Harry could see it was because the man was in shock at what he had just done.

"That was very well done, Harry," said Dumbledore, from where he was standing just inside of the doors leading out. "And an outstanding first effort at a patronus, Cygnus." Walking further in the old man said, "Clearly, you are a very good teacher, Harry."

Cygnus enveloped him in a very unmanly hug, before planting a kiss on the top of his head. "Thank you, Harry," he emotionally said.




"Is there anything else Tom said to you, Harry?" asked the old man.

Sitting at Madam Pomfrey's desk - with Dumbledore sitting behind it, of course, and Neville, Harry, Sirius and the Greengrasses on the other side - Harry was looking like he was thinking hard about his chat with Tom.

With a shake of his head, Harry sighed and said, "Alas, Albus; I don't think there's anything else you need from us about this. Riddle was quite the chatterbox, but it was all about how great he considered he was, how much and what young Miss Weasley told him about me and herself, and how much he pulled the wool over your's and the other staff's eyes while he was a student here."

With a sigh, the old man said, "Yes. However, there may have been something you would have considered inconsequential, but could be vitally important to the safety of the students here. I know you may believe it would have no bearing, but wiser and more knowledgeable heads may know differently.

"So, I believe it would be very wise of you, and safer for all, if you allow me to have your memory of the event."

"I'm sorry, Albus," sighed Harry. "But I gave my memory of it to Cygnus, here. And I really don't want you to see it. You seem to be taking far too personal an interest in me for me to be comfortable with. Until you explain yourself for your reasons for doing that, the less you know about me - and are involved with me - the more comfortable I will be."

The old man frowned and said, "You seem to have a pretty good recall of what happened."

Harry shrugged and said, "Somewhat. But, I assure you, I handed my memory of the event to Cygnus last night."

"He did, Albus," said Cygnus. "I reviewed it when I arrived home, last night. And I can confirm he's telling you the truth and hasn't lied."

Turning to Neville, the old man asked, "And, you, Neville?"

"I gave my memory to give to Uncle Algie," said Neville.

And he did, earlier that morning, before breakfast. Cygnus had it. When the old man tried to question Neville earlier, Neville said he remembered very little of the chat because he was trying to help Ginny.

Another sigh of disappointment from the old man and he turned to Cygnus. "May I review the memory with you, Cygnus?" he pleaded. "It's vitally important."

Cygnus sat for a few moments before he replied, "I'll think about it, Albus. I'm still not happy with you, at the moment. And, I think we need to keep our distances from one another until things cool back down.

"However, I can assure you, this wiser head did not see or hear anything in the memory that would place the students in this castle in any danger."

"I also noticed you didn't first ask me if you could ask Cygnus to review my memory, Albus," said Harry. "That's yet another sign you have no respect for my wishes."

Frustrated and blocked at every turn, the old man left a little while later, without what he wanted in the first place.




Once again this is not my work. Original work is written by Sinyk on fanfic.net

H3llhound2dea1hcreators' thoughts