
Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk

Hey Guys, this story is written by Sinyk on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied Sinyk's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter and the 7 angers), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on patreon. Pisses me off to no end. Art is by CruderFive1 on DeviantArt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guys and... guyettes, This one is of epic length. And by that I mean really really long. For those who sent me a note about 'Four Heirs' and thought it long - well, this one blows that one out of the water for length. So, if something only up to - say - 150k words is your cup o' tea, then this isn't for you. No sir-ree! This story hits approximately 480k words. To stop all the whining and bitching right now - yeah, like that's ever going to happen - you'll figure out this is a 'Haphne' story; Dumbledore is (somewhat) good but still manipulative as per canon; Ron's an ineffective non-entity; Snape tries to keep sticking his beak in - and get's it repeatedly thwacked with a rolled-up newspaper; McGonagall gets over her hero-worship of DumDum (I mean, Dumbledore); Hermione is a good friend; Sirius is free; kids are kids; and teenagers are walking bags of hormones. The story follows canon a lot; and I've even included many quoted sections out of the books. I didn't do this to pinch JKR's works. Rather, it's in there to demonstrate similarities while being a different story. So, no biatching about that, either. You've been well and truly warned. Yours, Da crazy bastard who thinks he's an author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H3llhound2dea1h · Movies
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87 Chs

Chapter Forty One – The Pact

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Forty One – The Pact




February turned into March and then April. There'd been no further attacks since the one just before Christmas break and Easter was fast approaching.

Harry had played another game of inter-House Quidditch playing as seeker for Ravenclaw against Slytherin. And this time there was no psychotic bludger to deal with.

However, the entire Slytherin team were on brand new Nimbus 2001s with Draco Malfoy as seeker. Harry thought it was going to be a difficult game and they'd be lucky to win. However, what was even worse was the level of cheating the Slytherins engaged in.

Harry was often pinned in both sides by opposing players. And he received a belting from a beater's bat on more than one occasion. He was just thankful he now wore top quality armour under his outer robes. Otherwise, he'd have been knocked off his broom, or seriously injured, before the game was even partway through.

By the time Harry had caught the snitch one of the Ravenclaw beaters and one chaser were out due to injury. Harry thought the game lost, at that point. However, Draco was such a poor seeker Ravenclaw were able to scrape a win by ten points once he caught the snitch simply by outflying his wanna-be nemesis.




During their Easter holidays, the Second Years were given something new to think about. The time had come to choose their subjects for their third year, a matter the entire group took very seriously.

"It could affect our whole future," She told the others as they pored over lists of new subjects, marking them with checks.

"I just want to give up Potions," said Harry.

"We can't," said Neville, gloomily. "We keep all our old subjects, or I would have ditched Potions, too."

"But that's very important!" said Hermione, shocked. "Especially if you want to go into Herbology, Neville."

"Not the way Snape teaches it," said Harry. "I haven't learned anything from him except how not to be a professor. Everything I've learned in that class I've taught myself from the texts. In class, I just do everything from what I've learned through the books, and tend to ignore him."

Neville had been sent letters from all the witches and wizards in his family, all giving him different advice on what to choose. Confused and worried, he sat reading the subject lists with his tongue poking out, asking people whether they thought Arithmancy sounded more difficult than the study of Ancient Runes.

Eventually, Hannah took pity on him and helped him to choose Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. And explained how they would both help in a career in Herbology.

Hermione took nobody's advice and signed up for everything.

Harry smiled grimly to himself at the thought of what Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia would have said if he tried to discuss his career in wizardry with them. Not that he didn't get any guidance; Cygnus, Isabel, Sirius and even Remus were eager to share their experiences.

"Depends where you want to go, Harry," said Sirius via mirror-to-mirror. "It's never too early to think about the future, so I'd recommend Divination. People say Muggle Studies is a soft option, but I personally think wizards should have a thorough understanding of the non-magical community, particularly if they're thinking of working in close contact with them. Play to your strengths, Harry."

But the only thing Harry felt he was really good at was memorising, Quidditch, and losing his temper. In the end, he chose the same new subjects as Daphne, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, feeling that if he was lousy at them, at least he'd have someone friendly to help him. And he was told they were both devilishly hard subjects. At least it could be something that would be a challenge for him. He hoped.

At the last moment, he also added Muggle Studies to the list. He'd heard from older muggleborns and -raised the previous year just how out of date the subject material actually was. And wanted to see it for himself. If it proved too antiquated he could easily drop it early for no penalty.

When he finally got in to see Professor Flitwick to discuss his choices the little professor was genuinely quite excited. "Just like your mother!" he exclaimed. "Mind you, she dropped Muggle Studies like a hot dragon's egg after only a few weeks. She mentioned something about - let's see - antediluvian notions of what's right under our noses - yes, I remember it well because I had to look the word up. Imagine that! And it's never wise to insult a goblin's nose, you know."

When his Head of House finally calmed down he told Harry he was more than happy to accept his choices, and that he'd also be winning a bet with 'some' of the other staff about what he'd choose. "Professor Dumbledore seemed to be of the belief you'd choose Divination and Muggle Studies, as it's be the easy option for you," he said. "I have no idea why. You're one of our top students!"

Harry left the interview happy with his choices and amused at his Head of House's antics.




On Saturday, the eighth of May, Harry hurried down to the Quidditch pitch early to talk to the Weasley twins about the weaknesses on the Hufflepuff team. He was hoping the Gryffindor team would defeat the 'Puffs to make the last game of the season, Ravenclaw against Gryffindor, the decider.

So far Hufflepuff had defeated Slytherin, Ravenclaw had defeated Hufflepuff, Slytherin had defeated Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw had defeated Slytherin. That left the Gryffindor against Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor against Ravenclaw matches.

Gryffindor had already lost to the Slytherins due to a weak performance by their seeker. But their chasers and beaters were extraordinary. When Malfoy finally caught the snitch, Gryffindor were only 120 points ahead.

Though they had already lost a game each, both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff had racked up considerable points with Hufflepuff slightly ahead; and it was the points that decided who won the Quidditch Cup. Hence, Harry was hoping the Gryff's would win.

He was in with the boys, talking, when Lee Jordan burst in. "The game's been cancelled," he blurted. "There's been another attack." before running out again.

Harry sighed and said, "Well, at least I can't be blamed for this one. I've been with you guys all morning."

"And we'll swear by that..."

"... for you, Harrikins!"

"As will we," said Alicia Spinnet, one of their chasers, who'd just walked in with the other two girls.

"Thank you," said a very heartfelt Harry.




Harry waited for the Gryff's to get changed out of where they'd gotten to in their Quidditch robes and walked with them back to the castle.

As they were approaching the main doors, Professor Flitwick was waiting for them. The diminutive professor looked quite anxious.

"Professor?" asked Harry. "We heard of the attack."

"Yes, Mister Potter, I know," he said. "Please come with me."

With a sigh, Harry said, "Surely, Dumbledore doesn't still think I had anything to do with these attacks, does he?"

"No," said the professor. "Please follow me. We're going to the infirmary; not the Headmaster's office." And walked off.

Quite concerned now, Harry hurried after the quite quick Charms Professor.

"Professor Flitwick?" asked Harry. "Why the infirmary?"

As he was hurrying after the much smaller professor, Harry noticed the students were no longer looking at him in fear. Now they were looking at him with shame and sorrow, ducking their heads down or turning them away.

By the time they reached the doors to the infirmary, Harry's emotional state was approaching panic. 'Pleaseplease, don't let it be Daphne or my other friends,' he prayed. But, if it wasn't, why was he being rushed to the infirmary; and why were the other students reacting as they were?

Trotting in through the double doors to the infirmary, Harry quickly looked around. He saw Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey hovering over someone lying in a bed. On seeing him, all except Snape looked at him with sadness. Snape just looked back stoically. That, in itself was a worry because the man wasn't on the edge of sneering at him.

Quickly, Harry rushed over to find out what was going on. And found Daphne lying on the bed, frozen. Her eyes were open and she had a look of surprise on her face, just like what he remembered seeing on the face of Justin Finch-Fletchley. She was petrified.

He did not know how long he stood rooted to the spot. He didn't think he'd even breathed the whole time. His stomach felt as if it had dropped out to hang between his knees. He barely heard a sound until he felt a hand land on his shoulder.

Snapping out of his stupor, he found Dumbledore had moved to stand next to him.

"Harry," the old man gently said. "She's alive. Just petrified. As are your other friends."

Hearing the old man's words Harry was, at first, relieved. But, when he mentioned 'your other friends', Harry felt his panic begin to rise up again. He snapped his head to look into the eyes of the Headmaster and croaked, "Who?"

The old man guided him past Daphne's bed and past the other adults. Then Harry could see who.

"Miss Davis and Miss Granger," the old man said, as if Harry couldn't see for himself. Neville, Susan and Hannah were standing near their beds. They'd been crying.

Hannah, looked up and rushed over to him. "Oh, Harry," she sobbed. She was quickly joined by Susan in a similar state. Neville looked away and didn't approach.

Turning to Dumbledore and the other adults, he asked "What happened? - No - I can see that. How did it happen? Where were they found?"

"They were on the second floor," said Dumbledore sadly. "Near the intersection of two corridors. Miss Granger had a mirror in her hand and Miss Greengrass and Miss Davis were either side of her."

Harry slowly made his way back to his betrothed's side. The adults allowed him through. Dumbledore conjured a tall chair for him and he sat down in it with a nod of gratitude.

He gently reached out and placed his hand over Daphne's own where it appeared to be holding her robes against herself low on her chest. Her other hand appeared to be reaching out as if she was resting it on someone's back.

"Have you asked the portraits what they saw?" asked Harry.

"The portraits were all frozen, Harry," replied Dumbledore. "Just as they were at the scenes of the other attacks."

"The house elves?" he asked.

"What about them?" asked the Headmaster.

"Have you asked them if they saw anything, or have any information?" Harry almost snarled.

"Errr - No," replied the old man. "But that is a good idea. Thank you, Harry."

"The castle ghosts?" he asked.

"None in the area," replied the old man. "And, after what happened to Sir Nicholas, I would fathom the same would happen to them if they were. And, possibly, the house elves.

"Any who, I must toddle off. I'm about to expect visitors!"

He didn't know how long he'd sat there, but the adults had all left before he next noticed. The two girls and Neville were also gone.

Rising, he moved away from Daphne to visit Tracey on the next bed. Standing between the two he could see how it appeared both girls were leaning over the bent over form of another.

Moving to Hermione on the next bed, he could see she had been laid on her side. She appeared to be hunched over and peering at something in her right hand, which was held out before her. He left hand was against herself holding her robes in tight.

Finally, Harry noticed Neville hadn't left and was, in fact, sitting on the floor against the wall with his knees drawn up to his chest and his head resting on his knees. His arms were wrapped around his folded legs.

"Neville," called Harry to his friend.

Neville didn't move except to shuffle his feet slightly. A few moments later, Harry saw the other boy's shoulders jiggle slightly. He was crying.

Harry moved to kneel in front of his only male friend. With a sigh, he softly called, "Neville. Please look at me."

After a few moments Neville raised his head and, sobbing, said, "I couldn't protect them, Harry. They got hurt because I couldn't protect them!"

Harry was stunned. He was stunned that his friend felt he had somehow let him down by not protecting 'their' girls. And, he was stunned that his friend had taken that role onto his own shoulders.

"Bullshit!" snarled Harry, looking the boy in the eyes and hoping he'd look back. "It was not your job to protect them. That role belongs to the Headmaster and his staff. They failed to protect them. They let us down."

Harry reached out with his hand and gripped the other boy by his chin, turning his face to force the boy to look at him. "Look me in the eyes, Neville, and see the truth!"

Neville stared back through tear-filled eyes.

"I, Harry James Potter, do not accept - nor recognise - that my friend, Neville Francis Longbottom, is in any way culpable for the harm caused upon our loved ones, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis and Hermione Granger," he firmly said. "Do you accept my word?"

Harry let him go, and Neville took a couple of deep breaths before firmly nodding.

"Good," said Harry firmly. Then he stood and offered his arm to Neville.

Neville accepted the offered arm and Harry helped him to his feet. The other boy used the sleeves of his robe to wipe his eyes clear.

"Now," said Harry. "You, I, Susan and Hannah are going to figure out just what is causing this. Then, you and I are going to go and deal with it. Agreed?"

Neville nodded a couple of times with his head before he lifted his chin, stared back at Harry with grim determination, and said, "Where a Potter goes, a Longbottom will be with him."

"And where a Longbottom goes, a Potter will be there at his side," said Harry, holding his right hand out.

Neville reached out with his own right hand and they warrior-gripped each other's forearms just as the two girls walked back in.

"How much did you hear?" asked Neville.

"Almost all of it," said Susan.

"Where do we start?" asked Hannah.

"The scene of the crime," said Harry. "We know what happened. Now we're going to go and see where it happened. There's something about the body positioning of the victims that I think contains the answer, or part of the answer, to this. I'm hoping the scene of the crime will give up more information."

"I know where it happened," coughed Neville. "I was one of the first people on the scene."

"Alright," said Harry. "Let's go and have a butcher's."

The other three didn't understand the term but knew what he meant. They were about to leave when Harry said, "Wait one, please."

He walked back to Daphne, leaned over the bed and gently kissed her on her cool lips. "I love you," he whispered. After a moment, he straightened and walked over to Tracey. He kissed her on the forehead and said, "We'll be back when we can."

Then moved to Hermione and did the same.

Straightening up from Hermione he said, "Alright. Now I'm ready."

The four left the infirmary to begin their investigations.




Neville led them directly to the spot. He indicated where they were standing and what else he saw.

With a frown, Harry stood and bent over a little like he saw Hermione's frozen pose and asked, "Here, like this, Nev?"

"Almost," said Neville.

Susan suddenly fished a small mirror out of her pocket and stepped forward offering it to Harry. "Here," she said. "Hermione was holding this when she was found."

Harry accepted the mirror and gratefully said, "Thank you." Then he bent back over and tried to hold the mirror like he remembered her hand positioned.

"Like this?" he asked.

Neville moved to stand where it looked like Daphne was standing. He even placed his hand in the middle of Harry's back.

"Yeah, that's about it," replied Neville.

Harry stared at the mirror and found, if he angled it just slightly from where it was, he could see straight down the middle of the cross corridor.

"Damn!" he said. "That's what she was doing."

"What?" asked Hannah.

"Hang on a sec," he replied. "Nev. From where you think Daphne was standing, look at the mirror in my hand and tell me what you see."

Neville moved slightly and, after a moment, said, "I can see down the other corridor."

"Good," said Harry. "Now move to where you think Tracey was standing, and do the same thing."

Neville moved to Harry's other side and stood as if he was leaning against him a little. A few moments later, he said, "I can see down the corridor from here, too."

"Alright; ladies, if you wouldn't mind, head down the corridor until I tell you to stop, please," he asked them.

Both girls jogged down the corridor until Harry barked, "Stop!"

Looking in the mirror he said, "Can you move to your left a couple steps?"

The girls moved as requested.

"Good," called Harry. "Alright. How much of either of us can you see?"

Susan called back, "Just your hand with the mirror and the top of your head. We can't see Neville at all!"

"Good," he called back before straightening up and stepping forward. "Alright. Come back. Thank you."

The girls came back and Harry was standing there with a frown.

"What are you thinking?" asked Susan. She understood a scene re-enactment when she saw one; or, in this case, participated in one. She'd helped her aunt out with such a couple of times when it dealt with something around a small child.

"Whatever it is causing this, it isn't something coming in contact with the - victims," said Harry. "And it's not a cast spell, else it would never have hit Daphne or Tracey."

"Unless it hit the mirror first," said Susan.

"A spell hitting the mirror would not have hit all three at the same time," muttered Harry. "Which is clearly what happened here. Something affected all three, together. Their combined - frozen poses - tell us that."

"I'm going to need to take a look at the other victims," said Harry. "I hope there will be something about them that gives us more information we can work with."

"After dinner, Harry," said Susan. "It's getting late and we need to eat."

With a sigh, Harry nodded and said, "You're right."




As the four walked into the Great Hall the student body fell silent. Some whispered to their friends and others alongside them. Neville led them to the Gryffindor table and the Gryffindor Quidditch team motioned them over, especially the Weasley twins, who made room for them.

Harry sat at the bench next to Alicia Spinnet who, surprisingly, lifted her arm and gave him a hug with it.

Harry sighed and said, "Thank you. I don't know how I'm going to handle these three weeks until the Mandrake Draught is brewed and administered."

Slowly, the noise around the hall increased. Susan, sitting on the other side of him, was trying to push him to eat and, reluctantly, he was loading his plate.

He looked up at the head table and noticed Dumbledore wasn't there.

"Where's Dumbledore?" he asked Alicia.

"Rumour has it he was sacked late this afternoon," replied Alicia. "And Hagrid's been sent to Azkaban for opening the Chamber of Secrets again."

"Oh, for crying out loud," said Harry, getting loud, himself. "Are all witches and wizards in this godforsaken world stupid?"

Harry slammed his cutlery down and stood up. The Hall went quiet again.

"Here we go," muttered Neville.

Harry stepped back over his bench seat and turned to the rest of the Hall before turning to the head table.

"Unlike the majority in this Hall who have repeatedly demonstrated to me, each day, that they completely lack any logical thought process, I prefer to actually find out information from those who might actually know before I consider jumping to any hare-brained conclusions.

"And - he's off and running!" murmured Neville to Hannah sitting alongside him. She quietly whacked him on his arm.

"Professor McGonagall, was Albus Dumbledore stood down from his place as Headmaster today; and, was Groundskeeper Rubeus Hagrid arrested and sent to Azkaban?"

Professor McGonagall stared back with her lips a little pursed.

"Mister Potter, I realise you've had a very bad day, today..." she started.

"Nowhere near as bad as my betrothed, Lady Daphne of House Greengrass, or Lady Tracey of House Davis, or Lady Hermione of House Dagworth-Granger," he ranted. "And, by the sounds of it, Albus too-many-middle-names Dumbledore; and especially not as bad as it sounds for Rubeus Hagrid!

"Now, I've just spent the better part of this school year, over eight naffing months, being accused as being the Heir of Slytherin, and being the one who is the cause of five students, a ghost and a mangy old cat being petrified. And all because you, Albus, and the rest of your staff didn't stamp on it from the get go as being verbal bullying as you should have done.

"So, for the purpose of clarification - and replacing rumour with fact - was Dumbledore sacked today, and was Rubeus Hagrid carted off to Azkaban for a crime what any idiot can quickly prove he did not commit?"

"Yes, Mister Potter," she coldly said. "To both!"

That got a lot of the students animated with gasps of shock and whispering.

"So, you!" he continued to rant, pointing a finger at her. "And the rest of you; sit there stuffing your faces, pretending everything's fine, while your own colleague is being dragged off to that hell on earth called Azkaban!

"And not one of you is making even the bare modicum of an effort to contact legal representation for your so-called friend and colleague, to ensure he doesn't spend a single moment on that island."

"Some bloody friends you are!"

"What do you mean you can prove he didn't do it?" glared Professor McGonagall.

"It's all in the public records, Professor. In June 1943, Hagrid was both expelled from this school and sent to Azkaban because it was believed he opened the Chamber of Secrets back then. You, at least, should remember this, because you were a student here at the time."

She just nodded while glaring back.

"At that time, a Fifth Year Ravenclaw student named Myrtle Malone was found dead, right?"

"Yes," she replied. "In the second floor girl's bathroom. The one she currently haunts."

"Yes. The ghost we now call Moaning Myrtle," he said. "Hagrid was - to use current vernacular - dobbed in by a Sixth Year Slytherin Prefect named Tom Marvolo Riddle. Riddle told then Headmaster Dippet it had to be Hagrid because Hagrid was raising an acromantula as a pet, and that the acromantula was responsible for killing the girl. That led to Hagrid's expulsion and term in Azkaban. As a bloody fourteen year old!

"However - on examination - the body of Myrtle Malone was found not to be marked in any way, nor her body to contain any trace whatsoever of acromantula venom. Therefore, the evidence that led to Hagrid's expulsion and incarceration, the word of another student, was found to be completely false. It was a lie!

"And yet, that same student - Tom Marvolo Riddle - was given an Award for Special Services to the School, had his photograph and the false story of the event printed on the front page of the Daily Prophet - with both the award and the front page now being proudly displayed in the Trophy Room here in the castle - and was made Head Boy the following year. With the last one occurring after it was proven Hagrid's acromantula didn't do it, and the boy lied.

"No one then stepped forward, other than to see him released from Azkaban, to ensure poor Hagrid received justice! His wand was unjustly snapped, he was forever forbidden from using magic even after the evidence against him was proven false and he was effectively exonerated. And, the only job he's ever held is the low paying one of groundskeeper, here at the Hogwarts. A school he is forever forbidden to study within. And a job of which he is, right now, the longest serving member of staff! Your staff!

"And the most galling of all, Professor, is that you were a Seventh Year Gryffindor Prefect here at Hogwarts at the time all this was happening. And Dumbledore was the Transfiguration Professor. You know all this. In only one month it will be the fiftieth anniversary of Hagrid's unjust punishment. And in all that time, you and Dumbledore both - let alone anyone else - have done nothing to help Hagrid clear his name and to finally get the magical education he is due.

"Well, now it's happening again. Poor Hagrid is being carted off with no evidence whatsoever he is responsible for this latest so-called opening of the Chamber of Secrets. And not one of you are stepping forward to stop it."

"So, Professor, I now ask you all, are you going to sit there and continue to stuff your faces, or get off your arses and get your friend and colleague the proper legal representation he should have had in the first place?"

In the silence that followed, Professor Flitwick slowly rose to stand on his seat. "Well reasoned, Mister Potter. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a floo call to make."

"No, Filius," McGonagall said, reaching out her hand, without looking, to grab the Charms Master by his arm. "I do."

Without another word, Professor McGonagall used a napkin to lightly wipe her mouth, placed it alongside her plate, rose, and quickly left the Great Hall by the staff entrance.

Professor Flitwick hurried after her.

That got the student body talking excitedly among themselves. Just as Harry was about to return to the Gryffindor table, Snape snarked, "One hundred points from Ravenclaw for your cheek and effrontery, Potter!"

Harry ignored him and returned to sitting at the table. He didn't have the strength to snark back at the man that effrontery and cheek meant the same thing.

"Bloody Hell, Harry," said Neville. "When you go on a rant, you really don't hold back."

"Oh, I'm not finished," said Harry picking up a goblet of pumpkin juice and downing more than half of it in one go. "I have no doubt I'll be embarrassing Lockhart the same way, in the near future."

Thinking about it and shaking his head, he said, "No, I've got a better way that just talking about it; even if it is in front of a full sitting in the Great Hall."

Both Professors McGonagall and Flitwick returned to the Great Hall and resumed their meals about thirty minutes later. Professor Flitwick caught his eye when they were pointed out to him and, with a slight nod, acknowledged him.

Harry knew legal representation was now heading towards Hagrid.

Just as the meal was winding up, Harry heard his third most hated voice from behind. "So, Potter; you got your betrothed, her friend and the mudblood..."

Before anyone could even attempt to reach out to stop him, Harry was up off the bench, jumped up onto it while turning about, and jumping off the other side while his left fist swung down from on high to crack solidly against Malfoy's right cheekbone.

Landing on his feet, Harry stepped forward as Malfoy staggered back, and rabbit punched him as hard as he could with an uppercut to the solar plexus.

With an 'uurrgghh!' sound Malfoy rocked further back and bent at the waist with both hands coming around to cross and grip his abdomen.

A final step through and between the two bullyboys, who were standing there flat-footed, and Harry finished him up with an uppercut to the bent over face, breaking the boy's nose and sending him sprawling back onto the floor.

Before the shock passed everyone else, Harry barked at Malfoy where he was writhing on the floor trying to hold his nose and abdomen at the same time, "If you ever use that filthydisgusting word in relation to my Protectee, Lady Hermione, again, you and I will cross wands in a Class Three wizard's duel!"

"Potter!" barked Snape as he was hurrying from the head table, followed by Professors Flitwick and, lastly, McGonagall. "One hundred points from Ravenclaw for that disgusting display of fisticuffs; and detention, with me, for the rest of the school year!"

"No!" snarled back Harry. "I refuse to recognise any form of punishment meted out by you, or anyone else, until a proper and full investigation is carried out by the Deputy Head as per the Charter of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Section 9, Subsection 16!"

"How dare you!" snarled Snape after a few moments of incoherence due to anger.

"I dare, Potions Master Snape, because I am in the right!" snarled Harry. "As is any student who makes the same claim when met with the overtly biased nonsense you laughingly call discipline."

"I'll handle this, Severus," barked Professor McGonagall coming forward, at last. "Mister Potter is correct in who deals with this sort of incident."

Snape, though he looked fit to blow a gasket, just glared at Harry before he levitated Malfoy and headed off with him to the infirmary.

The two bullyboys looked set to follow when Harry said, "Freeze right where you are, you two. You're witnesses and I won't have you heading off to collaborate on your stories."

"Mister Crabbe, Mister Goyle, stay right here," ordered Professor McGonagall. Turning back to Harry she demanded, "Alright, Mister Potter. Explain to me why you felt it necessary to strike Mister Malfoy repeatedly like that."

"Certainly, Professor," replied Harry in a calmer voice. "When you hear it, please note, I'm also willing to provide a pensieve memory of the entire event."

McGonagall nodded once in acknowledgement. And Harry relayed the entire event with the dialogue included verbatim.

Looking around, she asked, "Is there anyone here that has a different view of what happened?"

No one disagreed, not even either bullyboy.

Then Harry said, "I remind you, Professor, that Miss Granger has worn the Potter crest on her left shoulder since the 31st of October 1991, thus signifying she is a Protectee of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter. Mister Malfoy is fully aware of what that means. He is also, no doubt, fully aware of what action I could have taken, and may have to take yet, and did not."

Professor McGonagall grimly nodded back and said, "I certainly hope that will not become necessary."

"As do I," said Harry. "However, I will not flinch in carrying out my sworn duty to my Protectee."

With a resigned nod, she said, "Right now I must interview Mister Malfoy. I trust I will be able to find you in the Ravenclaw common room if I need to speak with you again on this matter tonight?"

"Yes, Professor," he replied. He had wanted to go and visit Daphne and the other girls for the rest of the night, but knew he couldn't go there now that Malfoy was in there."

As she and Professor Flitwick left to go to the infirmary, Harry turned to his friends and said, "If you three have the chance to visit the infirmary tonight, can you - you know."

"Yeah, Harry," said Neville. "We can."

"I'd best hie off to the Ravenclaw common room, then," he said. "Good night."

"Good night," said the other three, plus a few others, especially Gryffindors.




Once again this is not my work. Original work is written by Sinyk on fanfic.net

H3llhound2dea1hcreators' thoughts