
Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk

Hey Guys, this story is written by Sinyk on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied Sinyk's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter and the 7 angers), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on patreon. Pisses me off to no end. Art is by CruderFive1 on DeviantArt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guys and... guyettes, This one is of epic length. And by that I mean really really long. For those who sent me a note about 'Four Heirs' and thought it long - well, this one blows that one out of the water for length. So, if something only up to - say - 150k words is your cup o' tea, then this isn't for you. No sir-ree! This story hits approximately 480k words. To stop all the whining and bitching right now - yeah, like that's ever going to happen - you'll figure out this is a 'Haphne' story; Dumbledore is (somewhat) good but still manipulative as per canon; Ron's an ineffective non-entity; Snape tries to keep sticking his beak in - and get's it repeatedly thwacked with a rolled-up newspaper; McGonagall gets over her hero-worship of DumDum (I mean, Dumbledore); Hermione is a good friend; Sirius is free; kids are kids; and teenagers are walking bags of hormones. The story follows canon a lot; and I've even included many quoted sections out of the books. I didn't do this to pinch JKR's works. Rather, it's in there to demonstrate similarities while being a different story. So, no biatching about that, either. You've been well and truly warned. Yours, Da crazy bastard who thinks he's an author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H3llhound2dea1h · Movies
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87 Chs

Chapter Fifty Seven - The Talk

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Fifty Seven - The Talk




After the Leaving Feast the night before, where Gryffindor won the House Cup, the Eight were soon on the Express heading back to London. Between them, they were making plans for what to do over the summer break.

"So, Hermione," said Harry, getting his Protectee's attention. "I'd like you to come to Potter Manor for one day of the break with me and Daphne. There's a couple of things there you need to see."

"Like what?" she asked.

"My family tapestry, for one," he replied with a shrug. "Plus, I also thought you might like to have a look at the Potter family library."

Hermione perked up at that; as Harry knew she would. 'Too easy,' he thought.

"Is it bigger that Uncle Cygnus and Auntie Isabel's?" she asked.

"Yes, actually," said Harry.

"When can we go?" she eagerly asked.

"It's something to arrange with your parents," replied Harry. "Besides, I think they might like to see it, as well."

Looking to the others, he said, "The invitation's open to all of you, by the way. I hope you'd like to see the home in which Daphne and I will live once we marry."

That earned him grins all round. But, it was Luna who asked, "Have you asked Hermione about her home, yet, Harry?"

A little shocked, Harry replied, "Oh, dear Luna, I had forgotten to ask her. I'm so sorry." Then he turned to Hermione and asked, "Hermione, I promised Luna a long time ago that I'd ask you if you'd ask your parents if it was okay for Luna to visit your home. She is quite interested in seeing a muggle home for herself, and learning about things such as televisions and kitchen appliances. With your parents' blessings, would it be okay for Luna to visit?"

"Oh! Of course!" replied Hermione, before turning to the younger blonde. "I'll ask them straight away, Luna. I'm sure, though, they'll be ever so pleased for you to visit. If you give me your floo address I'll floo call you as soon as I can with their answer."

Then the two girls, the oldest and youngest in their group, quietly conversed while Hermione answered some questions about muggle furniture; and Luna tried to explain about Wrackspurts and Blubbering Humdingers.

"So," said Harry, "everyone's on for visiting Potter Manor at some time over the holidays? I shall even have our elves provide lunch for everyone. Callie will be thrilled to be of service."

Everyone agreed.

"I think I'm going to finally be able to start stocking my new greenhouse, this summer," said Neville. "It wasn't finished in time, last year, for me to get in there and make a start."

"How are you going to care for the plant life if you're going to spend nine months of every year at Hogwarts?" asked Hannah.

"Ummm - I haven't thought that far through, yet," the boy said. "I think I'm going to have to purchase a house elf to look after it for me while I'm away."

"If you need the loan of one, in the meantime," said Harry. "I'll tell Rizzy, my 'outside' house elf, to come and give you a hand. He's supposedly well-trained on working within a greenhouse."

That made Neville happy. "Thanks, Harry. That would be appreciated. Then Rizzy can teach the house elf I buy how to do the job, too."

"It's no problem, Neville," replied Harry. "I know Rizzy is not feeling all that happy, at the moment, because there's only a very small section of the Potter greenhouses operational. And only one animal to feed."




After arriving at the station at Kings Cross and bidding their other friends a safe trip home, Harry, Daphne and Astoria travelled back to Greengrass Estate with the elder Greengrasses and the Grangers. They headed over to the old Midland and floo'ed home, this time; the Greengrasses and Harry to Greengrass Estate, and the Grangers to Dagworth-Granger Manor.

Of course, the first few days were telling Cygnus, Isabel, Sirius and Remus all about the year that they hadn't covered in their letters; something which had also abated, somewhat, this year due to the greater workload of classes and assignments. Plus it was really the first time in a long time that Harry had sat down with Astoria to talk.

After she berated him a little for not spending enough time with her during the school year - and Harry apologising profusely and telling her he thought she would much prefer to spend time with her new friends instead of an old fuddy-duddy like him - she told him about her new friends and her new mortal enemy.

"Oh?" asked Harry. "And who would this foul villain, or villainess, happen to be who has the ire of my favourite future sister-in-law?"

"Her name is Romilda Vane," spat Astoria. "She's a cow. The old heifer thinks she's better than everyone else and better looking than everyone else."

"But, we know that's not true, don't we, Tori," said Harry with a smile. "I don't even have to know what she looks like to know you're more beautiful than her. Because, in my mind, you're equally as beautiful as your sister and I happen to think your sister is the most beautiful person in the world."

"Awww!" said Tori in a mock-whine. "Why did it have to be Daffy who managed to get herself betrothed to you?"

"Because you wouldn't be born for another two years?" replied Harry.

"That's so not fair!" pouted the girl.

Harry chuckled, leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Tori blushed quite prettily.

"And what about friends?" he asked. "Someone as wonderful as you should have loads of friends."

Blushing, Tori said, "Yeah, there are a few friends. A couple of girls in my dorm - and - umm - this boy."

"A boy?" mock-exclaimed Harry. "And just who might this scoundrel be; hmm?" he asked in his mock-threatening way.

Astoria looked back in shock and exclaimed, "Harry James Potter, don't you dare!"

"Dare what?" he asked feigning innocence.

"Don't you dare go all Angry Harry on him," she firmly replied. "He's just a friend. And - And I'm not going to tell you who he is!"

Harry chuckled again and said, "It's alright, Tori. I promise I won't - unless, of course, he harms you."

Tori hugged him and said, "You make a good big brother."




On the late Saturday morning after they returned to London, the group, plus the Weasley twins, gathered at Greengrass Estate to floo to Potter Manor. Harry had to go through first to add the new names to the ward book - the Grangers were two of them, as they also asked to come along. Harry was happy to have them join them.

Once everyone was safely at Potter Manor, Harry led the group up to see the family tapestry. There, he pointed out to the Grangers the name Dagworth-Granger, which set the whole investigation into Hermione's birthright in motion. The Grangers stared at the name in not a little awe.

"So, we're related in some way?" asked Wendell.

"Yes," replied Harry. "Then again, I doubt there's an Ancient House that is not related to every other Ancient House in some way. It's the whole pureblood dogma that led to it. For instance, Sirius is my cousin through my paternal grandmother, Dorea Black," and he indicated her name on the tapestry. "Through her, I'm also related to Draco Malfoy, a boy in Slytherin House in our Year at Hogwarts."

"If we were to not include the muggleborn students, I'd say I'm probably related, in some way, to two thirds of the student and staff population; including the Weasleys. With them, about half."

From the tapestry Harry showed them the rest of the upstairs, including the Lord's and Lady's chambers, and the close family member's rooms; then through the guest wing.

Returning downstairs Harry showed them the Lord's personal office, which still had the broken basilisk fang and the Sword of Gryffindor on top of the desk - and some of the other rooms before leading them to the library. As soon as they walked in, there were gasps of surprise from some. Hermione, though, almost squealed before running over to the nearest bookshelf.

Harry wasn't able to pry Hermione away from the books until he promised her she could borrow some when she wanted, and that he had a personal surprise for her out the back.

After a quick tour of the gardens, this time without their deep covering of snow, Harry called Rizzy and had the little elf lead them to their 'guest'.

When they were still quite some distance from the stable and corral, Hermione saw, right away, Buckbeak lying on the grass sunning himself. The Grangers were stunned just looking at the creature. But there was another squeal from Hermione, who immediately threw her arms around Harry's neck and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"You did it," she exclaimed. "You saved him!"

When the girl pulled back, Harry said, "Technically, no. I asked Rizzy to unshackle him and bring him here for sanctuary. The Ministry will not find him here."

"Thank you!" she cried, enveloping him in another 'Hermihug'.

"You're most welcome," he said. "And he's no burden, as Rizzy is happy to take care of him."

"What is that?" asked Wendell.

"It's a hippogriff, Daddy!" exclaimed Hermione. "His name's Buckbeak."

Hermione then walked forward towards the head of the beast.

Monica looked ready to dash out and pull her away, but Harry grabbed her by the arm and quietly said, "Just watch, Monica. Hermione knows what she's doing."

Hermione walked head on to the animal and stopped about five feet short. Buckbeak warily watched her approach. Hermione waited a few moments, before she dropped into a slow curtsey, and waited.

A few moments later, Buckbeak gave her a returned nod. And she moved forward again with a wide smile.

She stood there gently brushing down the beast's neck for a few moments and talking softly to it.

Returning to the beast's front she backed away for a few feet before, once more, dropping into a curtsey. The gesture was returned and Hermione happily returned to her parents.

"Wh - what was that all about?" asked her clearly shaken father.

"I was paying my respects, Daddy," she smiled. "He really is a wonderful animal."

"Please, don't do anything like that in front of us again, do you hear?" asked her shaken mother.

"We're taught how to be safe in Care of Magical Creatures, Mum," she soothingly replied. "I would not have approached any closer if Buckbeak didn't bow back. I promise. Once he bowed back, though, I was completely safe."

"But, still..." her father sighed. "It was - disconcerting - to see you so close to that sharp beak."

After they returned inside and enjoyed a wonderful lunch prepared by Callie, who was almost in heaven cooking for such a large group of people after such a long time, it was time to leave the manor.




From Potter Manor the wizarding adults who'd accompanied them returned to their own homes while the Eight and the Weasley twins headed for Dagworth-Granger Manor.

On exiting the floo, Harry almost lost circulation in his thighs when Dobby hugged him. "The great and wonderful Happy Potter, Sir, is visiting Dagworth-Granger House. Dobby is so happy!"

"Hello, Dobby," replied Harry. "I've heard you're very happy here."

"Oh, yes, Sir!" replied the elf. "The Grangies are wonderful masters and mistresses!"

Harry smiled back at the elf and said, "I'm happy for you, Dobby."

Hermione then gave the wizarding world raised children a demonstration on how the television, VCR, and stereo worked, including how they were powered; before moving into the kitchen and showing them the appliances in there.

Luna was chock full of questions, as were the twins.

"Dad would love to come here and see all this working," said one of the twins.

"He has his own collection of plugs and batteries," said the other.

After their quick trip around the house Wendell set the VCR and television going with a showing of Star Wars - a favourite in this household. The group were completely spellbound for the two hours it took to play. They barely noticed when Dobby produced popcorn and butterbeer for them all.

When it finished the excited wizarding teens were just about jumping up and down. The twins tried to re-enact some of the scenes within the movie, and there was a lot of 'May the Force be with you,' in deep bass voices.

Wendell rolled his eyes and muttered to his wife, "I wasn't that bad, was I?"

"Only for the first day or two," she replied, just as quietly with a smile.

"It's hard to believe it's been more than fifteen years since that movie came out," sighed Wendell.

"You forgot you took me to see it on one of our dates?" she asked, almost dangerously.

"No, no!" said Wendell, not falling for the obvious trap. "It - just feels like only yesterday when we were married."

When Monica smiled back Wendell breathed a mental sigh of relief. 'Ducked that one,' he thought.

Turning to the group, he said, "Alright, now. Unless you have permission of your parents to stay longer, I think it's about time everyone headed home."

"Can we come back and see..." asked one twin.

"More of those moving pictures another time?" asked the other.

"With the permission of your parents, of course you can," replied Dan.

"Before the twins, Daphne and I leave, though," Harry said to Wendell, "I wanted to ask if you have any board games in the house? And, jigsaw puzzles? I want the twins to see some different types."

"Why - yes," replied Wendell. "I believe they're in the cupboard under the stairs."

Daphne, who was holding on to Harry's arm, felt her love suddenly tense. She gently soothed him as Dan went to the cupboard and brought forth about a dozen such games and jigsaw puzzles.

He took them into the lounge and left them stacked on the coffee table. Indicating each, he said, "I have Monopoly, Scrabble, Ludo, an Australian game called Squatter - which is actually good fun for adults - Backgammon, Sorry, Yahtzee, Mousetrap - which Hermione loved - Uno, and a couple of other young children's' games. In jigsaws we mainly have 1000 and 500 piece ones as Monica loves them, but there's a couple of larger 100 and 150 piece ones from when Hermione was little."

"This is what I was talking about, you two," Harry said to the twins. "Some of these games are for young children and can loads of fun for them. Others, such as Backgammon - which is a strategy game - Monopoly and Scrabble are for the olders.

"The same applies to the jigsaws. These are mainly solitary activities for a person to do. And all of them can take many hours from start to finish. Some jigsaws can take weeks to complete.

"If you add these sorts of things to your product line, you can easily create a new craze in the wizarding world. And, most of these games will run you about two galleons retail. Of course, they're much cheaper when you buy them wholesale to sell. I firmly believe they will be a big seller in your store. And, they're also packaged - as you can see - to allow them to be easily displayed. The packaging, itself, acts as a display."

"These are..."

"... brilliant!" said the twins in excitement.

"What's even more brilliant," said Harry. "Is that this is only a very tiny example of what's available out there in the muggle world. There are literally thousands of different games available on the market today. Your job is going to be talking to the muggleborns and -raised to get an idea of what they and their parents loved, and stocking those."

Indicating each he explained, "Games such as Scrabble, Backgammon, Monopoly and Ludo have been around for many, many years; and, yet, are still a big seller even today. I doubt there would be a single home in muggle Britain, at least, who does not own, or has not at least played, Monopoly and Scrabble on more than one occasion.

"At the minimum you should be stocking those, plus much more, in the board games' section of your store. The same also goes for a wide range of jigsaw puzzles. However, you're also going to be limited to games that do not have an electronic component. That is, one's that require batteries.

"However, all such games that require batteries, by muggle law, must state it requires batteries, together with what size of battery, on the packaging. You simply do not stock those games. Until, at least, you are able to get past the problem of magic destroying them.

The twins were even more excited about the games and jigsaw puzzles than they were about the movie when they left. They were already talking about how best to market the games to the wizarding world when they left.




Pettigrew had finally found his master and, on no sooner finding him, was given a task to complete. The dark lord, through minor Legilimency from the body of a snake it currently inhabited, told him he needed Pettigrew to break into the local muggle healer's office.

That night, Pettigrew was in his animagus form and watching the local muggle healers. He was waiting for them to close, so he could break in and go through their files. His master told him that the local muggle healer would have extensive files in a filing cabinet, usually behind the receptionist's desk. In those files he was to search for the details of a young pregnant woman. The woman must be ready to give birth within the next couple of weeks.

Once he had the details of the woman, he was to go to her home. If others lived there, he was to kill them. Then, using the Imperious Curse, he was to force the woman to walk into the woods with him; back to his master.

The dark lord had also been teaching Pettigrew certain spells. Pettigrew did not know why, but they were specific healers spells used in magical surgery. One of them was a very specific cutting spell. Pettigrew did not like to dwell on why for too long.




Back at Greengrass Estate, the next morning, Harry sought out Cygnus. He was in the informal dining room.

Taking a seat opposite, Harry asked, "Got a minute or two?"

"Of course Harry," replied the older man. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm - wondering, when it was, that the Ministry claimed Potter Cottage in Godric's Hollow. According to my property portfolio, I actually still own it. However, they've claimed it and made it a - monument - to the end of the war."

"Ah!" said Cygnus, understanding. "Yes, they did that very shortly after Voldemort was destroyed."

"Well, were they legally allowed to do that?" asked Harry. "I mean - alright - they can claim it as a monument. But, as I still actually own the property, shouldn't they have bought it from me - my estate, I mean - or, at least be paying rent?"

With a frown, Cygnus asked, "You mean, they're not?"

Harry shook his head. "Not one knut is finding it's way into the Potter accounts. So, I figured, either they've completely forgotten they need to..."

"... or, someone is pocketing it before it gets to you," finished Cygnus.

The older man sat back and thought. Harry watched him and, knowing the man now, waited for him to figure it out.

"I - remember voting on this soon after the war," mused Cygnus, leaning back. "I recall we made a decision. And, I recall that decision would definitely not have seen the property effectively stolen from you. Merlin, everyone thought you and your parent's heroesNo one, would have stood for you being cheated of your money."

Leaning back forward and resting his crossed arms on the table, he continued, "No, there was definitely an agreement to pay rent with an option to approach you, when you were old enough, to purchase the property from you."

Harry sighed and said, "I'm not too fussed over the lack of rent being paid. As you understand, such monies represent an almost insignificant fraction of the Potter wealth. However, I find myself quite annoyed about being cheated of the money."

"As would I," sighed Cygnus.

"So, I'm thinking of letting my inner Slytherin come out and play, over this," said Harry, carefully watching his future father-in-law.

Watching back carefully, with a slight smirk Cygnus asked, "Oh?"

With an answering smirk, Harry replied, "It should not be too difficult to track down who it is that's - diverting - the money into their own vaults. They will most definitely be working for the Ministry. We only need to follow the money trail from the public records to find them.

"That is, which department authorises the ongoing payments, who signs off on it, who's responsible for making the transfer occur, et cetera. Along that line, we'll soon find who's diverting the funds; and, where those funds are going.

"Now comes my inner Slytherin. We now have a hold over that particularly disgusting individual through - holding the evidence."

Sitting back again, Cygnus grinned back and asked, "And if it's the Minister?"

Still smirking, Harry replied, "Then we squeeze his nads until he squeals like a little girl. And get everything out of him we want whenever we want."

Cygnus roared with laughter.

After he'd calmed down a bit, Harry said, "However, if the miscreant who's pocketing the money is pretty much worthless to us, Aunt Amelia get's a floo call."

Nodding while grinning his head off, Cygnus said, "Then it appears I have a new investigative project before me."

"I find myself hoping it actually is the Minister," said Harry

"Me too!" said Cygnus.

"I'm also wondering, once we discover the identity of the miscreant, if we'll also find more," said Harry.

Prophetic words, indeed.




Pettigrew was pleased with himself. He'd found the perfect woman; a young twenty-two year old who was almost nine months along. That very night he found her home not far away. He breathed a sigh of relief he would not have to kill any children, as the woman and her husband were expecting their first.

Finding them asleep in their bed, he killed the husband with a barely whispered Killing Curse before turning his wand on the woman.

"Imperio!" he whispered.

When she immediately awoke her eyes glazed over and her face took on a blank expression. He had her rise and get dressed in only a dress and light weight low-heeled slip on shoes.

Once she was ready, he gave her her instructions on where to go and what to do. Then he transformed back into his animagus form. She bent down and picked him up, before dropping him into one of the large pockets on her dress.

In no hurry, she simply walked out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and out the front door.




A couple of days later, Harry was sitting at the informal dining table going over House Potter finances when Daphne walked in and, from behind his chair, leaned forward over his shoulders to hug him to her chest. That, in itself, wouldn't have distracted him so much. However, he was also feeling her breasts resting on his shoulders. It was just the sort of thing to throw his concentration into disarray.

More and more he had taken to notice the changes that were occurring to his betrothed's body. And, he really liked it. He liked it too much, on occasion, as it made it rather uncomfortable to be a male, at times.

"Harry," she purred. "You know how I prefer to go shopping towards the end of the summer holidays?"

"Mmm?" he squeaked.

"I need to go early for a short trip this year," she purred again.

"Mmm?" he squeaked again.

She then pulled away a little to lean down and breathe softly in his ear. "I need to go and buy some new underwear." She then kissed him lightly on the neck before whispering in his ear again. "My bras are now too tight for me."

Harry felt as if he was hit with a body bind spell; so frozen to the spot he was.

"Will you take me shopping, Harry?" she purred, before standing up straighter and running the back of his head between her breasts.

"Iiii..." he squeaked.

Harry suddenly jumped up and almost knocked Daphne over, before he ran out through the door and into the parlour. He raced to the fireplace, grabbed a handful of floo powder, tossed it into the fireplace and cried out, "The Black House!"

He stepped in almost before the flames finished forming. And was whisked away.

Daphne had started to follow him out of the kitchen when she heard the whoosh of the fireplace and Harry's almost hysterical cry for the Black House.

Dashing in to the parlour, she was far too late.

"That little - shit!" she angrily exclaimed, just in time for both her parents to enter and hear her.

"Daphne!" her mother exclaimed in shock. "What ever brought that on?"

Turning to her mother with a scowl, she replied, "I wanted Harry to take me shopping in Diagon Alley. He bolted!"

"What sort of shopping?" asked Cygnus. "Besides, you usually want to do that towards the end of the summer break. Why now?"

"I need to go and shop for some - items now," replied Daphne with a knowing look at her mother.

'Ah!' thought Isabel. "And, I take it he didn't want to go?" she smiled.

"He ran like someone set his bum on fire!" replied the girl. "I think he's gone to hide out at his reprobate of a godfather's place."

"Well. No doubt you need to go," Isabel said with a light chuckle. "I'll go and get Astoria and we'll make a girl's excursion of it," she said firmly, before she turned around and headed out the door heading for the stairs.

Daphne sighed. She'd hoped to be able to purchase some items of underwear that she could later wear to - entice - Harry's physical affections. She was beginning to worry her betrothed would never touch her in any way other than what he could do publicly and the one time she basically ambushed him in the Come and Go Room.

She would need to broach the subject with her mother and hoped she'd both understand and aid her. After all, she and Harry were betrothed. It wasn't being - cheap - of her to want to escalate things a little now that they would both be fourteen. They were to be married in three years, were they not?




Over in the Black House at Grimmauld Place, Harry was currently sitting on a couch in the parlour in a full body bind. And his godfather - that traitorous dog - was trying to give him 'The Talk'.

When he'd come flying out of the fireplace, Sirius was quickly in the room with his wand drawn.

"Harry?" he godfather said, not a little worried once he saw the look of almost fright on his godson's face. "What's wrong?"

"Daphne!" he blurted. "She - she - wants me to go - go - shopping with her!"

Frowning, Sirius asked, "And what's wrong with that?"

"She wants to buy - unmentionables!" Harry exclaimed in almost horror.

Giving that a moment to sink in, Sirius barked with laughter. "And she wants you there to ask you your opinion?"

Harry vigorously nodded. "She - she's done it before! In - Hogsmeade!"

Sirius leaned against the door frame while he roared with laughter. Eventually, he couldn't stand any longer and fell to the floor laughing himself silly.

"It's not funny, Sirius!" said Harry, a little hurt at his godfather's reaction.

After managing to get control of himself, Sirius said, "Oh, yes it is, pup. But, not for the reasons you think."

The look of confusion his godson returned to him had Sirius chuckling again. "Harry; she wants you to know what she's going to be wearing under her clothes. She wants you to be thinking about that."

"But - why?" the boy pleadingly asked, begging to know.

"Because she knows what effect it will have on you," replied Sirius. "She wants you to have a physical reaction to her when you look at her."

Harry looked confused for a moment before he suddenly looked back in horror. "You mean, she - she knows what I'm thinking?" And he blushed, mightily.

Sirius looked back and gently said, "Of course, she does. And she wants you to think of her that way - in a sexual manner."

Looking at the expression on Harry's face, Sirius stood and said, "I should have had this talk with you last year, at the latest." Indicating one of the armchairs, he said, "Take a seat, dear godson. You and I need to talk."

Warily, Harry approached the indicated armchair and sat, while Sirius went and sat in the other one.

Thinking for a few moments and twiddling with his wand while Harry carefully watched him, he asked, "What do you know about how little witches and wizards are made?"

Harry looked back in dawning horror for a few moments, before he suddenly shot to his feet and made a break for the floo powder and fireplace. Expecting the possibility of such a reaction, Sirius was quick with a Body Bind Curse and Levitation Charm. He levitated Harry back to the armchair and sat him down on it.

Still looking horrified at his godfather and struggling within his bindings, Harry couldn't believe what was happening. His godfather, the man he trusted to be a friend more than a father figure, was going to give him 'The Talk'.

"Now," said Sirius, corralling his thoughts. "Let's talk about the changes happening in your body first. Then we'll go into the changes happening in Daphne's body. And then we'll go into why these changes are happening.

"I hope you're comfortable," said Sirius. "This is going to take a while. I've been preparing for this talk since you were a baby.

Settling himself better into his own chair, he began, "Firstly, your own bodily changes..."

Harry mentally whimpered. He had been betrayed.




A while later, Remus floo'ed over. The first thing he saw was the son of his best friend trussed up like a Christmas turkey in one armchair while Sirius appeared relaxed in the other.

Frowning, he asked, "What's going on?"

A little unctuously, Sirius replied, "I'm carrying out my godfatherly duties by giving Harry 'The Talk'."

Surprised, Remus looked over at Harry, who was pleading with his eyes.

Smirking, he said, "I'll leave you with it, then." And walked out of the room heading for the kitchen. Harry watched him go with murderous thoughts on his mind.

"Now, where were we," mused Sirius, dragging Harry's attention back to him. "Ah, yes. Some of the fun you can have, without going to full coitus..."

'Oh, Merlin!' thought Harry. 'They shall pay. They shall both pay for this injustice!'




Once again this is not my work. Original work is written by Sinyk on fanfic.net

H3llhound2dea1hcreators' thoughts