Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.
Chapter Eighty One - Where in the World is
As Harry pulled away from the kiss with Daphne, the Minister said aloud, "My Lords, ladies and gentlemen; I present to you, Lord Harry James Potter-Slytherin-Gryffindor, and his wife Lady Daphne Ophelia Greengrass-Potter."
The guests rose in their seats and clapped.
Turning to look at the guests, Harry blushed as he saw many of the ladies within the audience, especially up close family and friends, were crying. Looking across, he even saw Pansy Parkinson dab her eyes with a lace handkerchief as Malfoy rolled his.
On 'his' side of the divide, he saw Professor Flitwick was standing on his chair almost bouncing up and down in happiness. Alongside him, Professor McGonagall was similarly dabbing her eyes.
Standing in the middle of the aisle, just before Harry and the, now complete, bridal party were about to walk off the dais; was young Colin, happily taking photographs.
As the recessional, Mouret's Rondeau, played, Harry first shook the hand of the Minister before he hooked Daphne's arm in his own and escorted her back up the aisle. Behind them, Neville did the same for Tracey, and each of the twins did the same for Hermione and Tori.
Daphne wanted bridal party photographs taken out in the garden. So, Colin had come and scoped the place out the day before, to know where to take them. He led them around to the front of the manor to have photographs taken there, first. Once all the guests had left the marquee and gone indoors, he led them back around to the back gardens to have photos taken out there.
With the light finally fading away, they headed indoors and allowed for photographs to be taken in the small - for a manor - entrance hall in front of the huge Potter crest opposite the front doors. There, they were joined in succession by guests who wanted a photograph taken with the 'happy couple'
Finally, when Harry felt like his cheeks were going to cramp from smiling so much, the posed photographs came to an end and the newlyweds led their attendants into the ballroom for the reception, as Sirius called for all to rise and, once again, welcome them.
Now it was Sirius's and Remus's chance to shine as co-hosts of the evening acting in the role of Emcees. And, after a quick introduction and overview of what would happen for the evening, they called for the wedding feast to be served.
While he and Daphne sat in the centre of the head table, Harry was able to look out across the guests enjoying the meal. However, every now and then he would glance down at the recently restored wedding band sitting paired with the betrothal ring on his left ring finger - or look over to see the one on Daphne's finger - just to make sure it was real.
The speeches were restricted to only those people on the 'approved' list to give them, and to go for no more than five minutes, so the reception would not get bogged down by people droning on and on. This was something both Harry and Daphne insisted upon.
Remus led with the Toast to the Bride and Groom. He kept it quite sweet with just a small, playful jab at Harry.
Harry followed with the expression of thanks to Remus and Sirius for being part of his 'first' family. Then spoke about his love for those in the wedding party, before toasting the bride's maids.
Neville's response speech as Best Man on behalf of the bride's maids was quite funny, while also respectful.
The Minister gave the toast to the bride's parents. And, thankfully, didn't use the opportunity to politicise.
The speech from the father of the bride was quite poignant; but, also, quite uplifting. Cygnus was a great orator.
Gran then gave the speech to the groom's parents as one of remembrance for the heroes they were. And used the opportunity to remind everyone that Harry was just as much a hero.
Once the initial speeches were out of the way, Sirius had the elves bring out the Potter family pensieve.
"It has become a bit of a tradition in muggle wedding receptions," he began, "to show on a big screen photographs and moving pictures of the bride and groom growing up. These scenes are usually things like, their first baby photo, their first day going to school, school and sporting awards they receive, a visit to the beach or an amusement park, a graduation day, their first 'date', and so forth; happy memories of a childhood.
"But, we're in the wizarding world and we can do things a little differently." Indicating the pensieve, he said, "Unlike muggles we can display memories. And, Remus and I went around and collected a few - special - ones." Then he evilly laughed. "Mwa! Ha ha ha ha!"
That earned him a few laughs from the guests while Harry groaned and dropped his head to the table. Which earned him a few laughs.
It didn't turn out as bad as Harry expected. Yes, there were a few of him as a baby with his parents - He remembered chasing the family cat on his toy broom and giggling like crazy. And, projectile vomiting on Peter Pettigrew. But, what made it funnier, was Sirius narrating what people were seeing.
After running through Harry's infancy - no one wanted to show what happened from October 1981 until he returned to the wizarding world - they moved on to Daphne's childhood.
From those, he learned that, as a child of about five, Daphne had accidently discovered a spell to turn everything pink when she picked up her mother's wand. Everything. Including the house elves, the manor and - more importantly - her mother and baby sister.
Then they moved on to Harry and Daphne together. Short memories of them getting to know one another at the Estate when they were eleven, and then at Hogwarts. Their first transfiguration, first charm, working on assignments together in the library, Harry blushing when Daphne kissed him on the cheek in public, her running into the Great Hall on Valentine's day 1992 with her first twinned roses - and snogging him in front of everyone - them sharing a picnic by the lake, a short part of Harry and Neville fighting the basilisk in 1993, Harry loaded down with shopping bags on a shopping trip to muggle London, their dance at the Yule Ball, Harry trying on new clothes while Daphne ordered him about, and his reciting of poetry to her in the Great Hall while carrying a large bouquet of red roses. A lot of memories were covered in a short space of time.
When it finished a lot of the guests were talking excitedly among themselves. It was a wonderful concept and Harry could see a lot of guests really enjoyed it. Though, it was embarrassing for the both of them, in some parts.
With that concluded, the newlyweds led the opening dance on the dance floor. The bridal party then joined in; quickly followed by others.
Harry managed to dance with Daphne, Tracey, Hermione, Susan, Hannah, Luna, Isabel, Monica, Aunt Amelia, Gran; and even Pansy for a short time. As the evening was winding to a close - and guests were slowly filtering out - Harry realised just how happy he was. Life felt complete.
The feeling was not to last.
The newlyweds had decided to flee magical Britain that very night to start their honeymoon. Neither trusted either Sirius, nor the twins, not to unmercifully prank them on the very night they were married.
Once all the guests were gone, the two changed into travelling clothes. Harry left the note he'd prepared earlier on the informal dining table - a place he knew would be checked - and, together, they grabbed their luggage and used a goblin prepared portkey to take them to the International portkey arrival point in Washington, DC, in the USA.
The shift from Merlin's Bridge in Haverfordwest in Wales, to Washington, DC, regained the new Lord and Lady Potter another five hours of 'day'. It was a few minutes to midnight when they left, and almost exactly 7.00pm when they landed.
Passing out of the International arrival point and through magical customs and immigration, Harry realised they'd arrived in a hidden section of Dulles International Airport. "Okay, wow!" he said.
The pair then exchanged some Galleons for American Franklins and United States Dollars. Then moved across to the domestic portkey departure area to take a portkey to MaNY; the Magical area of New York. From there, they took a public Floo to the Greengrass Penthouse. They were met in the penthouse by a Greengrass house elf.
"Hello, Gabby," said Daphne to the elf.
"Miss Daphne!" exclaimed the elf. "How be you?"
"We're well, thank you," she replied. "You're aware that, as of tonight, I'm now Lady Potter?"
"Oh, yes, Miss Daphne," gushed the elf. "And be this Lord Potter?"
"That's correct," she replied. "This is Lord Harry James Potter-Slytherin-Gryffindor."
"Welcome, Master Harry," said the elf, coming forward and taking Harry's hand in both of hers and touching the back of his fingers to her forehead. Harry remembered the gesture from when Daphne was recognised by the Potter elves.
"Thank you, Gabby," he said.
Stepping back, the little elf told Daphne, "I have prepared a light supper for you both if you is hungry. You will also find Time Jump Potions on your night stands in the master bedroom."
Gabby then popped away with their luggage.
The entire trip from Potter Manor to Penthouse Greengrass took them less than half an hour, and most of that was spent passing through customs.
Now that they were finally at the first stop on their honeymoon, Harry became quite nervous. "Umm," he tried. "Shall we give Gabby time to get everything ready and - have that snack? Or, what do you want to do?"
With a sly smile, Daphne replied, "Snack, first. As you said, we'll give her time to properly unpack. Then, I think, we should head for bed. While it might be only 7.00pm, here; it's midnight where we left. And, we did have a very busy day."
"Ummm - okay," he sheepishly replied. "That - makes a lot of sense.
After a few nibbles on snacks, Harry asked, "Yes, a-and - umm - what shall we do now?"
Daphne giggled and said, "Well, Lord Potter, it's time for you to make your wife - physically." She took him by the hand and dragged him upstairs to the master bedroom.
"Oh. Yeah," he said, as he was being dragged along.
Harry woke the next morning to sunshine coming in through the window. At first, he wondered what was lying cuddled to his side and partially on his chest. Then he remembered.
'Wow!' he thought, with a grin. 'That was a-maz-ing.'
Thinking back to the previous evening, he remembered Daphne dragging him up to the master bedroom of the penthouse and practically ordering him to get ready for bed. He ducked into the ensuite bathroom, brushed his teeth and stripped down to his boxers before returning to the bedroom.
As he walked out, Daphne looked down and saw his 'excitement' before giggling and brushing past him to take her own turn in the ensuite.
He'd crawled in to bed and waited.
He'd almost drifted off to sleep when Daphne finally came out. It would have been disastrous if he had. She was wearing a short diaphanous nightgown that left nothing to the imagination of what was underneath. Especially, as she was backlit by the light coming from the bathroom.
With a sultry smile on her face, she calmly walked over to the bed, drew back the covers and climbed in. Harry was as hard as a rock in anticipation.
They started together quite tenderly, with just a cuddle and sensuous kiss. Then things got going from there.
By the time he was poised to enter her for the first time, he hesitated. "I've heard it can hurt a girl; the first time..." he said.
Looking up at him, she tenderly brushed his cheek with the palm of her hand. "Don't worry," she near whispered. "I've taken a special potion Mum got for me. It won't hurt."
With a groan of relief, Harry then pushed through; forcing himself right to the 'hilt'.
He didn't know for how long they made love that night. But, from the angle of the sun coming in through the window, he knew it was early to mid morning outside, New York time. That would make it early afternoon back in magical Britain.
He was trying to move in such a way as not to wake his new wife - 'Wife!' he thought to himself, a grin plastering his face. 'I'm married and have a wife!' - But realised, when she suddenly grabbed him tight, that he'd woken her anyway.
"Good morning, Lady Potter," he quietly said.
"Mmm," she said, relaxing and snuggling in. "I like that."
"So do I," he softly replied. "But, I've got to get up."
"No, you don't," she softly whined. "We're on our honeymoon."
"Actually; yeah, I do," he replied with a bit of a chuckle. "Nature calls."
With a grumbling sigh, she released him. "Hurry back," she said, as he climbed out of bed. "I think I need you to make me Lady Potter, again."
Harry startled a little before he dashed into the bathroom to do what he needed to do. A quick breath freshening charm and he ran back to the bed, diving under the covers.
Daphne giggled and said, "Find motivation, did you?"
Though she couldn't see it, he grinned back before snuggling in for more of what he had the night before. Daphne giggled again.
An hour later and they finally decided it was time they both got up. Daphne had planned on showing Harry the sights of MaNY; and New York, in general. And, she'd lose the opportunity to show him around if they didn't make a start on it.
Dressing in lightweight mugglewear, Daphne took him direct to MaNY.
Harry was astounded. While the area did not appear to be 'ultra-modern', it was way more modern than the Victorian era style shop façades back in Diagon Alley. Inside, the stores were just as modern.
They had electric lighting and cash registers. And this surprised no one.
"Electricity!" Harry gasped to Daphne. "They're using electricity."
Daphne nodded and said, "Yes. The magicals of America aren't as backwards as they are in Britain. I love my home country, but we're just so - antiquated!
"While we use magical candles and torches, they've moved with the times and modernised. It's an area I intend to explore when we've finished our education."
"You've not spoken much on what you planned to do once we graduate, before," he said. "Is this what you want to do?"
Hesitating a moment to think on it, she replied, "It is. As you know, my father is involved in the import business. I want to start up a similar endeavour and import much of what they take for granted, here."
"That's a wonderful idea," said Harry, happy she'd decided on what she wanted to do with her life.
"The Wizengamot and Ministry have blocked, through legislation, much of what I wanted to do," she said. "However, now that you've just picked up two new Lordships - soon to be three - you can now work towards getting the support of your fellow Lords, to see that legislation overturned."
Nodding, he mused, "I can do that. I needed a focus for my legislative agenda. That can be part of it."
"Part?" she asked. "What else are you planning."
With a shrug, he replied, "Overturning the laws discriminating against half-bloods and muggleborns.
"While talking with Professor Flitwick, I learned that half-bloods pay about a quarter again what purebloods pay, and muggleborns pay about double. I told him I wanted that immediately scrapped, but the Professor said it was a legal requirement.
"Therefore, I need to overturn the law that forces it. And - since I'm going to do that, anyway - I thought I might as well get rid of all the laws that discriminate."
"Mmm," she chuckled. "The pureblood traditionalists are going to hate you."
"They do, already," he smiled. "After all, I just bumped off their hero, Riddle."
"True!" she mused.
After shopping for a bit, and checking out a store that sold enchanted electronic equipment to homeowners, the newlyweds stopped at a coffee shop to go over some of the information Harry managed to get out of the storeowner who sold the electronics.
"They're enchanted," he said. "They use runes to create null-magic fields within the electronic equipment to stop ambient magic effecting the inner workings.
"Plus, they can also use specific power runes to provide electric power in place of electric cords and plugs. It's all so very clever."
Daphne nodded and said, "I've ordered and paid for a couple of different items to be shipped home. I'm going to open them up and have a look how they do it."
"You're not worried about intellectual property?" he asked.
"No," she replied. "I'm hoping I can design a different way; so we can do it, ourselves, back in Britain. If not, then I'm hoping to pay a royalty fee for the use of their rune set designs. And, if I can't do that, that's where the import business comes into play."
Harry could see the logic of it and nodded.
After their bite to eat, they headed out into muggle New York to have a look at some of the sights, before finally returning to the penthouse late afternoon.
They spent the evening practicing making Heirs.
After a couple of days in New York, they moved up to Salem, Massachusetts. There, they caught the magical ferry from Palmer Cove and visited The Salem Witches' Institute, which had it's own island under a combined Muggle-Repelling Charm and wide area Fidelius in Salem Sound near Beverly Harbour.
As they boarded the ferry they were shown a huge sign that said, 'The Salem Witches' Institute is located in Salem Sound'.
Harry wanted to know how the whole thing worked if there was a Fidelius, so talked to the pilot of the ferry.
"Well," the man began, "when a secret keeper dies, those who knew of the secret at that time all become the new secret keepers.
"The founder of the school, Samantha Stevens - bless her immortal soul - chose a secret keeper for the Charm who did not have long to live. And, before that person died, she had them make that sign you saw when you boarded. Plus, two more.
"That way, you can only get to know where the school is by boarding this old ferry, at least once. At least, this one or one of the other two. We've got three now. And, when a ferry needs replacing, that sign gets moved to the new one.
"The other huge Hiding Charm on the school is the Non-Mag Repelling Charm. I think you folks call it a Muggle Repelling Charm - don't care much for that term, myself; nor did I care for the term we used to use here - 'mortal'. It made no sense, seeing as we're also mortal - just longer lived.
"Anyways, this is all information you can read about in the book, 'Salem: A History'. You can buy a copy of it in the bookstore available on the island."
After thanking the man for the information, the two sat back to enjoy the short ride out to the island.
"This is nice," said Harry. "Don't know if I'd think so if there was a major storm, though."
"I'm sure they have magical means in place for just such an eventuality," Daphne replied.
"And, what did you think of that huge hall we came through to board the ferry?" he asked. There were more fireplaces than what I remembered at the Ministry. Plus, they had an attached multi-story carpark."
"The brochure says it appears to be a huge abandoned dockside warehouse to muggles; or, non-mags, as they call them here," she said. "For muggle parents, the driver wears a bracelet that allows him or her to see where they need to go. Other muggles in the automobile are warned to close their eyes just before they pass through the ward because it can be - disconcerting - otherwise, for them."
On the island, Harry and Daphne were met by the School Headmistress - or 'Principal', as they call them in America - 'Mizz' Tabitha Stevens.
After a short tour, the two were escorted to the Principal's Offices. She offered them refreshments before Harry said, "I have to admit, I expected to see a school for witches, only."
Tabitha, as she asked them to call her, chuckled and said, "We've been 'co-ed' for almost thirty years, now. Originally, it was just a trial - to have boys attend - but it remained in place. Officially, it's still just a trial; just - ongoing.
"I very much doubt we'll be going back to witches only, though. There is something to be said, psychologically, for allowing boys and girls to learn together rather than apart. The boys' school in Richmond, Virginia, - The Richmond Warlock School - now caters for our little ones."
"Your name - Stevens..."
"My mother was the founder," she interrupted. "The witches, in our line, maintain their maiden name. I was trained from a young age to eventually be the Principal for the school. I guess, you could say, this school is my birthright."
"Your - mother?" asked Daphne.
"Alive," sighed Ms Stevens. "She retired when my father - a non-mag - passed away about five years ago, now."
"I'm sorry," said Daphne.
Ms Stevens waved it off and said, "It was expected. Dad died of cancer. A non-mag disease that, thankfully, does not strike us of magical ability." With another sigh she said, "Dad loved this place. He was an advertising executive, by profession. Almost until he died he handled all the advertising and public relations work for the school. My younger brother, Adam, has taken over from him.
"Anyways," she said, giving herself a bit of a shake, "Sorry for reminiscing. Maudlin moments strike me now and then. You've come to see if you can - acquire, shall we say - information on improving standards at Hogwarts. I must say, I find I feel relish for the opportunity to assist."
Harry and Daphne spoke with Tabitha for quite a while. She even brought in some of her teaching staff to give their ideas. Mostly, it was felt the old castle needed to be modernised before much of the modern teaching practices could be implemented.
They came away from the school quite happy with what they learned, though. Tabitha was even willing to host the odd professor, or two, from Hogwarts to show them teaching principles and methods they employed.
As a treat, Harry took Daphne down to Florida for two and a half days of fun at Disneyworld, staying at the top class hotel in one of their penthouse suites.
She'd never before been to an adventure park resort. She'd heard of them, but never even seen one before. Then again, neither had Harry. He just knew of their existence and knew they'd have fun; which they did. The days were filled with fun and thrills where they played, hard. The nights were filled with a different sort of fun.
To calm things down a bit, they took an international portkey across to France, to spend a few days at La Retraite De Potier, the Potter family chateau on Chemin Lieutenant Aviateur Paul Gueyraud in Toulon on the south coast of France. This required a major time zone change so, unlike what they did in New York, they actually took their Time Jump Potion to get their inner clocks synchronised with the local time.
The next morning they awoke to wonderful views and a gorgeous sea breeze. From the south facing balcony, they had a beautiful view over Costa Azzurra - the French Riviera.
While in America, they had sex; in France, they made love. In America, it was hard and energetic; in France, it was slow and sensual. After two and half days - and Harry rebonding the two house elves to House Potter while there - they moved on.
They headed for the Basque Country in northern Spain near the city of Bilbao. Daphne was on a mission for her father to renew contact with one of his contacts, who worked imports for him from Spain. They found him at the Port of Bilbao in the port business area of a Barakaldo.
On the way to see the man, Harry asked, "So, what does this old Basque gypsy do for your father?"
Daphne laughed and said, "Oh, he's not a gypsy. Though, that's the image he cultivates. He's a Basque 'aidekist'. That means - magic user. At least, that's what he likes to think he is. For us, what he is, is an exporter.
"He works as the collection point for many of the magical growers in Spain. He gathers all the plant-based potion ingredients, fruits, vegetables, and the like that Dad imports, and exports them to Dad.
"There's another man in Antwerp in northern Belgium, and another in Esbjerg in western Denmark. At least, those are the ones I know down the west coast of Europe. But, anyway, we don't need to worry about any of those, we just need to see Señor Caballero."
Harry burst out laughing. "Seriously?" he asked. "That's what he calls himself?"
"Yes," she replied. "What's so funny?"
"Well," he snickered. "Señor Caballero can translate out a number of ways. 'Mister Mister', is one; so's 'Sir Knight' aaaaand - 'Gentleman Lord'.
"When we see him, call him 'Sir Knight' and see what he does," he suggested.
When they finally did track him down - in a magical waterside dive bar, at that - she said, "Well, sir knight; is this the way a gentleman lord should behave?"
He burst out laughing and gave her a light pinch on her cheek. "I like you, Lady Greengrass-Potter. You have - how they say - Agallas! Yes?"
"He means spunk, pluck, courage," Harry wryly supplied for her.
"And this fine young gentleman with you?" the old scallywag asked her.
"My husband, Lord Slytherin," she smirked. "My father, Lord Greengrass, requests you contact him and let him know by which name you're going by now. His messages to you don't seem to get through."
He laughed a big raucous laugh, and said, "Then I shall do just that - Missus Slytherin."
"Thank you," she said in a flat voice.
He tried to get her and Harry to join him in a drink of the local wine, but she begged off and the newlyweds took their leave.
After they walked out, Harry said, "A rather unsavoury sort, is he not?"
She shrugged and said, "Maybe; but, generally reliable. He's able to acquire goods Dad's unable to get anywhere else - and, we'll leave it at that."
Harry grinned and said, "We can do that."
From northern Spain they headed direct to Paris. Daphne wanted a couple of nights in the City of Lights and romance before they finally headed for home. And Harry wanted to drop by the Delacours, to meet the promise he made to Jean-Paul and Apolline during the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
They stayed the night in the District de Magie and sent off an owl. The next morning, Apolline turned up and practically ordered them to pack and follow her through the floo to Delacour Manor in the little coastal village of Piriac-su-Mer on the Bay of Biscay. Straight line it was about four hundred kilometres due north of where they were in Bilbao.
As Harry stepped out of the floo in Delacour Manor he was almost tackled to the ground by a pale blonde haired nine year old. He first thought a younger version of Tori had planned to meet them there.
"Harry, mon héros, vous avez frappé à visiter!" (Harry, my hero, you've come to visit!) gushed the girl.
"Gabrielle?" he asked the top of the head of the little person who was currently trying to squeeze the life out of him with her hands wrapped around his waist.
"Oui!" (Yes!) she said, looking up at him.
"Comment vas-tu, ma petite princesse?" (How are you, my little princess?) he asked with a chuckle.
"Je vais bien, merci." (I am well, thank you.) she brightly replied. "Pourquoi êtes-vous ici?" (Why are you here?)
"Vos parents m'ont invité." (Your parents invited me.) he replied.
Pulling away from him and looking at Daphne, she asked him, "Et qui est-ce?" (And, who is this?)
"Ah!" replied Harry. Reaching out to take Daphne's hand, he said, "C'est ma femme, Daphne - Dame Daphne Greengrass-Potter. Vous n'avez pas eu la chance de la rencontrer alors que vous étiez à Hogwarts." (This is my wife, Daphne - Lady Daphne Greengrass-Potter. You didn't get the chance to meet her while you were at Hogwarts.)
She backed away from him and stamped her little foot. "Vous auriez dû me marier! Vous êtes mon chevalier en armure étincelante et vous m'avez sauvé du fond de ce lac horrible." (You should have married me! You are my knight in shining armour and you rescued me from the bottom of that horrid lake.) she grumped.
"Gabrielle!" snapped Apolline. "'Arry and Daphne 'ave been togezzer since zey were eleven years old! Zey 'ave been betrothed to one anozzer since zey were born. It eez unfair of you to deny the love zey have for one anozzer!"
Gabrielle just stood there and pouted before her expression, again, changed to one of happiness. She ducked back in and hugged him again. "I am steel glad you are 'ere!" she said, before she released him and ran off, giggling.
"Another of the hostages?" asked Daphne.
Harry nodded and said, "Fleur's hostage."
"Come," said Apolline. "I shall show you to your room."
As the newlyweds followed Apolline through the manor, Harry said to Daphne, "The Delacours are of the singular impression I am responsible for saving Gabrielle's life. I am unable to disabuse them of that notion."
"Because eet eez true," Apolline said firmly, over her shoulder. "You alsso may not agree; but, you did eet again when you keeled that bâtard, Tom Reedle, on the night off ze theerd task."
"That, my lady," said Harry, with a bit of a sad grumble, "was just Potter blind luck. And, I killed him to save my own life. Everyone else's was just - supplemental."
As Apolline stopped and indicated an open door off the hall, Daphne reached across and smacked Harry on the back of the head.
"Ow!" he said, glancing over at her. "What was that for?"
With a sigh, she said, "Because, sometimes, you're an idiot. You trained since you were eleven years old to take Riddle out. For three and a half years you worked hard to develop the skills necessary to defeat him. That is not 'blind luck'."
She then stormed into the room a few steps before spinning around and glaring at him again. "Honestly, Harry," she said, exasperated. "You worked hard to beat him. You trained, hour after hour, against those target dummies. You figured out how to draw in more magical power to augment the impressive amount you already had. You practiced holding that magical power within you. And, when you weren't actually training, you were learning more curses, charms, hexes, jinxes and even just cantrips just in case any single one of them could have been the one that allowed you to beat him. You trained to increase your speed, your magical and physical stamina, your casting - everything. Anything you could use, in some way, to defeat that evil man, you learned and added to your list of impressive skills."
Throwing her hands up in mock despair, she said, "Harry - you are a hero - you're Gabrielle's hero - you're Apolline's hero - you're Magical Britain's hero - But, more than that, you're my hero. Accept it, you noble git!"
Harry strode the couple of steps forward it took to wrap Daphne in his arms, and did so; holding her tight.
"Well said, Daphne," Apolline firmly said. "Very well said, indeed."
Hesitating a couple of moments, she then said, "Make yourselves comfortable, I shall meet you down in ze informal zitting room." Then she pulled the door closed on the two.
Once again this is not my work. Original work is written by Sinyk on fanfic.net