
Blot out

What is worse than to blot out nothing but sometime people will see a illusion that confused that losing loved ones, dignity, loneliness, failures is worser and they will never make it up for that, they are choosing blot out , the worst mistake of life's. After their morning routine to class it was perfect until teachers told that there was test on each subject tomorrow, of course everyone was sad cause who likes test,they eat their lunch. They got call from diana "I am outside come Please ""I can't come today I have test tomorrow ""you are taking 3 weeks holidays ""but study is important if we like it or not " "Okay after this mission you can study morning till night now just come and eliana Lizzie ava Emily are here you're the only who is not"diana. At principle office "hello good afternoon " texila said to the teacher "Good afternoon why did you call me" teacher "in your class 6 children will not be there for 2,3 weeks " "but tomorrow there is a test and it is really hard pick up the class" "you don't worry about that " texila. In the hideout there was no one cause everyone was heding towards the 2 km away an old apartment only 4 of them get inside so that people would get panicked angelica diana Armanto and Lizzie these were the people who get into his room slowly opened the room into a surprise he has done the worst mistake blot out for a instand suicide from his hand the blood was flowing his eyes was open, quickly Armanto closed the door so that angelica and Lizzie won't see this mess ,he quickly called someone then told them to sit in the car . From long red ambulance came 2 nurse wearing they gone up as the people started to panic. they covered criminal in white clothes . It was too late to save him , his funeral was in his mother's house, his mother was crying loud and his dad standing staring at his son's body with red eyes and stopping his tears. Oh wish I could say him a little earlier that you are not only ending your life ,you are ending your loved ones . The funeral was intensely sad . After as a for the evidence angelica and diana went to the room ,searched everywhere for every evidence but didn't found any evidence but a small diary . It was already night and they went to hideout, Armanto called a meeting "so tomorrow we are going to chatch the wolf so we will go through the plane and then we will reach there by an 4 hour then we'll plan the rest . Every one goes to sleep

Never about this

Ashley_Jaancreators' thoughts