
Angel of Death Named Moriarty

Ravana Moriarty, also known as Raven, came from a background of crime. The Moriarty name is the balance of bad to make good. This life only brings death, by inflicting fear and controlling all of the criminal undergrounds. This life was not only dangerous, but that world was something Raven never wanted to experience. Raven escapes her life by moving to Los Angeles and creates a new life as a Detective and Therapist in the LAPD. Her well-known knowledge of every criminal background gives her the advantage in every case, but once an obsessive, sexual, and handsome Devil, Lucifer Morningstar, breaks every rule to be your partner. Created the key to doors to a reality Raven knew was impossible. Raven is a logical character that doesn't understand the isolated Devil's mannerisms and only wants revenge by destroying her family name. Lucifer wants Raven to believe the truth and prove himself worthy of Raven's hand. Will the past cloud Raven's future and destroy the peace she worked so hard to achieve? Or will Lucifer show Raven what she is missing to live her life to the fullest?

lilith_lucifet · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Meeting the Handsome Devil - 7

2Vile and Grey Cooper walk towards Raven with a confident stride. Both held confidence as if they owned the world as they glared at Jimmy. "You see, what gave Jimmy here away was simply the Rolex he is wearing. The shooter hired to murder Delilah wore the same watch as 2Vile and Cooper. Delilah gifted these watches to them as a symbol of their relationship. I wouldn't blame her for moving from man to man. Jimmy here couldn't satisfy her. I doubt she ever truly has a sentiment for the old fellow other than money." Raven chuckled deviously as she spoke clearly to her audience. The insult hit Jimmy to his very core. Not out of resentment or disagreement, he knew Raven was right.

"2Vile genuinely loved her but felt like Delilah was making him crazy as Cooper cheated on his girlfriend to have sex with the Victim. In this case, Delilah made it easy to find her killer because her therapist was the only solace she had to help her with her work." Raven said, looking at Jimmy. "Soundtrack to Time Will Tell, Jimmy produced," Raven said dismissively. "Whitney Houston hit the top ten for album sales after Delilah's death." You say in a blunt and obvious tone as Raven claps her hands together, making everyone's attention back onto her. "But that made sure a boatload of royalty checks was heading Jimmy's way," Raven said in an excited tone as she explained the very motive of why Jimmy paid a low-class drug dealer to murder Delilah.

Lucifer looked at Raven with such fascination as Raven's influence captivated the audience and shattered every wall Jimmy had put up. Finally, putting Jimmy in the trap, Raven has set for Jimmy. Raven looked at 2Vile and Cooper with a confident smile, "2Vile and Cooper had no motive to murder such a pop singer." Raven said, clearing their name once again.

"So, in full summary, Jimmy here murdered Delilah out of the checks that would be sent to him for Delilah's death," Raven growled disgustedly at Jimmy, finding his entire being distasteful. "Now, let's say the watches were just a coincidence." Raven started as she glared at Jimmy; Raven's voice sounded like she was mocking the idea that it was, but she dismissively tossed the question away with another fact. "According to her therapist, Jimmy was not only verbally abusive to the poor girl, but he physically put her on drugs as a threat to keep her mouth shut. That's what made the connection between the drug dealer to Delilah. Eddie was also Delilah's drug dealer." Raven said with the words like death herself swinging the blade on their next subject.

Raven walked towards Lucifer swaying her hips confidently. Making the room know she was in control of the room. Lucifer opened his hand, figuring that Raven wished to see the mystery everyone was anticipating. Lucifer was utterly astonished, but something was off that Raven wasn't noticing. "Let's end this dance, shall we?" Raven said as Raven grabbed the tarot card she drew and flipped it over horizontally to show the face of Judgement. "Judgement in the upright position," Raven smirked with ungodly confidence. Jimmy knew better than to correct her, knowing full well that everything Raven said was true. The witnesses to prove it was right ahead of him. 2Vile glared at him crossing his arms as he felt betrayed that Jimmy would murder the love of his life. Sure, Delilah cheated on him, but death wasn't something Delilah deserved.

"You bitch!" Jimmy exclaimed as he stood up and rushed toward Raven with adrenaline grabbing her gun from her right holster. With a shaky hand, Jimmy pointed the firearm at Raven's head as he wrapped his arm around her neck. "Oh, dull..." Raven said, rolling her eyes in a whisper. Everyone in the building started to run out of the Club building leaving Jimmy, Raven, and Lucifer to stay. Screams and shouts were heard as they stormed out of the building. 2Vile waited on the top of the stairs calling the police on his phone. "I made her, and she ruined me. She humiliated me. She owes me." Jimmy said in distress and sounded like he snapped utterly. "You're not god, Jimmy. You didn't make her," Lucifer said calmly, walking closer to Raven, feeling the need to protect her as she can't run faster than a bullet. Raven's face was stern and bored. Raven didn't look intimidated as she let Jimmy take a stance of cowardice control. "You back off, you freak. I mean it. My life is not in control of this bitch. No chance!" Jimmy growled with venom holding the Raven tighter. Lucifer's brow twitched at the insult he made toward Raven. Sure, he is used to many different insults, but insulting Raven ticked a nerve Lucifer couldn't comprehend.

Lucifer walked calmly to get closer to Jimmy. "Lucifer..?" Raven said curiously, intrigued yet confused about why Lucifer was approaching. Naturally, this is against every protocol the academy has taught Raven, yet Raven's instincts tell her she is in danger. So, Raven just kept your position but questioned further. "Lucifer, this isn't wise," Raven said in unwavering confidence. "Back away," Raven said a bit more sternly. "I told you, it's fine. I'm immortal." Lucifer said, looking back at you with a cocky smile. Raven rolled her eyes, unsure if Lucifer was joking, but how he presented himself proved that Lucifer was stubborn to follow Raven's orders.

Raven's instincts kicked once again, making the back of her neck feel like a new heat was creating the small hair spike. Raven's eyes widened and reacted fast as Jimmy pointed the gun at Lucifer. Raven rushed forward and kicked Jimmy's knee backward, making Jimmy growl losing his focus on Lucifer, and feeling his knee snap upon impact made him howl in pain. In that split second, gunfire rings through Raven's ears. A noticeable thud was heard on Raven's left shoulder as the bullet's impact pushed her forward toward Lucifer. Lucifer's eyes widened from how fast the entire encounter went.

Lucifer rushed to remove the firearm from Jimmy, nearly getting shot in the process as he punched Jimmy in the face making Jimmy knock back in a complete daze, dropping the gun. Lucifer picks up the gun and throws it up to the second floor. Lucifer looked back toward Raven to notice her placing her right hand against her left shoulder, no longer in shock from the gunshot. Raven growled at the pain, but she still held her ground. The flood spilling from her body was fast, and Raven felt lightheaded. The stinging pain felt like needles stabbing through her entire left shoulder. 2Vile gasped and rushed out of the building, yelling at his phone and telling them Raven was shot and to bring an ambulance. Throughout the entire time, 2Vile was witness to the whole encounter staying on the phone with the police officer over the phone.

Raven had a crazed look in her eyes, angered by the amount of pain she was feeling. Adrenaline dies out in her body, and Raven starts to tumble. Lucifer rushed toward her, making her lie down, "Why did you do that?" Lucifer's voice was laced with more curiosity than worry for the detective. "He was g-gonna kill you..." Raven said, confused as she winced in pain from Lucifer making her lay down. "No, Nonono, You're just letting him off too easy. He needs to pay! He needs to suffer! He needs to feel the pain, not escape it!" Lucifer said, looking at Raven's red and violet-tinted eyes, not realizing the pain you were in from the adrenaline his body was feeling. "Don't worry, and I'm sure that's the least of our worries." Raven rolled her eyes, looking away as she mockingly laughed at Lucifer tiredly from the sudden pain. Despite the pain, Raven felt she couldn't help but think if Lucifer was upset at Raven for taking the bullet for him or if she was trying to find a reason to be upset.

"No. No, it's not. And you know why?" Lucifer said with growing anger. Raven looked at Jimmy, and her eyes grew wide as her instincts started to scream at her once more that life was in danger. "Because I'm here and..." Suddenly, another gunshot was heard, interrupting Lucifer. Raven had raised her right leg over Lucifer's head, throwing him to the floor as Raven gets shot in the left upper arm. "AAA!" Raven screamed in pain as she moved her right hand to cover the bullet wound. Raven growled at Jimmy as Jimmy stumbled to stand up, noticing the extra gun in his hands. How he got another gun, the holster was now very present on his ankle.

Raven could tell it wasn't Lucifer's desired outcome, but what could she do? Raven would've gotten in trouble if she didn't do anything to prevent Lucifer from getting hurt. Lucifer rushed from the ground to Raven again, entirely shocked by Raven's reflexes. "An odd way to go, don't you think?" Raven chuckled lightly as the tears started to well up in her eyes, feeling a small stab to her heart. The pain was now growing completely unbearable.