
Angel Meet Evil

All of us live peacefully until someone come into our live to be part of the family since he say he does not have any family or relative and we accept it without knowing that he already plotting something behind us. He start as a nobody but everything change drastically after we accept him as our family.

Kim_Jin_Xia · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter3: Boyfriend ??

Seok Min: Actually what Seo yeon ?? Did someone ask you to be his girlfriend ??! Tell me,tell me !!

Seo Yeon: Yes...

Yoonji: Who is it ? Tell me..

Seo Yeon: It was..

Seok Min: Is it one of our friends ??

Seo Yeon: No..it was Han-Hangyul..

Tae: I m sorry..what did you say ?? It was Hangyul ??!

Seo Yeon: Yes...it was Hangyul..

Tae: I think .. I have heard that name...

Yoon: Seo Yeon...please stop send it one by one...just tell me !!

Seo Yin: Yoon,please be patience...and relax..she is trying to tell us..just tell us Seo Yeon...relax okayy ??

Seo Yeon: Ho-How c-can I-I tell you gu-guys..about it...??

Min: Why did you type like you were shattering..?? Did you catch a cold ??

Seo Yeon: H-He..ju-just..te-tell..me..t-to..da-date..hi-him..if..I reject him..he will disturb me..until I accept him...

Seok Min: I think I have heard that name..but I dont remember when I heard it..Have you meet him beforeSeo Yeon ?? If not just ignore him..dont bother to think about him..and if he has your number just ignore his chat and block his contact..Seo Yeon

Seo Yeon: But..I dont have gut to do that..cause I think he is dangerous...

Seo Yin: Excuse me..ahmm both of you still young and still in high school..

Seo Yeon: I know about that Brother Yin..I dont like him..but he keep pestering me..How can I escape from him...Also, he always bothering me at school...

Seok Min: Ahh..I remember now..Did he is the boy that attend the same school with us ??.. and his class is next to our class..Is that right Seo Yeon..Also,did he always disturb you at school ?? How can I dont know about it ??

Seo Yeon: Yes..that true..You dont know about it because he only disturb me when I m alone...

Kook: Well...this guys is really dangerous indeed..

Min: Yes..he dare to bully our younger sister..!!

Tae: Yeah !! I will teach him a good lesson..later..

Seo Yin: Tell me,what have he done to you until yoh said that he is really dangerous ??

Seok Min: Yeahh tell us..I also want to know !!

Seo Yeon: Well...actually..