
Angel Meet Evil

All of us live peacefully until someone come into our live to be part of the family since he say he does not have any family or relative and we accept it without knowing that he already plotting something behind us. He start as a nobody but everything change drastically after we accept him as our family.

Kim_Jin_Xia · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Danger !

Seo Yeon: He always follow me at school...He is everywhere at school !! I dont know how he can always appear at the same place as me at school...!!

Seok Min: Wow !! I m suprise..No wonder you say that he was dangerous..

Seo Yin: Did he also follow you when you go home??

Seo Yeon: Yes..brother Yin

Min: OMG!! How dare him to stalk you?! Only brother Yoonji always do that to Seo Yeon!!

Seo Yeon: What?! Brother Yoonji..

Yoonji: Yah! I only follow you secretly..because I want to know you are safe when you arrive at home..But he is really brave to follow you openly..

Tae: You follow her because of that??

Yoonji: Yup, I follow her. But sometimes I m also wondering why that guy..Hangyul always follow her when she go home..

Seo Yeon: I didn't know that you always follow me when I go home...

Yoonji: You didn't realise it because I follow you secretly and carefully ..you know?!

Hoseok: You are like a pervert brother Yoonji...!

Kook: Yep!! Thats true!! You are like a pervert brother Yoonji!!

Seok Min: Ahemm..Seo Yeon did you forgot that we stay in the same house??

Yoon: It's so hilarious that you forgot your housemate!!

Seo Yeon: I know that but I can still say that it was my house..since I was the one who always pay extra money to buy the house... ^_^

Seok Min: Yah!! I also pay for the house okay??! Nevermind about that...but I want to ask..How can I never know that Hangyul follow you when you go home??

Seo Yeon: Well..how can you know when you always go dating with Kook..^_^

Seok Min: Yahh!! Didn't I tell you to keep that secret!!!

Seo Yeon: Well..a slip of tongue..^_^

Seok Min: Humpp!!

Seo Yeon: I know brother Yoon but we all are human..not a robot like you!! Who always memorize every word you see?!!

Yoon: Well..my bad..I m soryy.

Seo Yeon: I accept your apologize..

Tae: Seo Yeon, I have an idea to solve your problem..but I m not sure it can help you though..

Seo Yeon: It is okayy...just tell your idea..

Tae: We can make a fake id to enter your school, then we can protect you from that stalker Hangyul!!

Seo Yeon: Wow!! But, the problem is..how can you guys make a fake id..The fake id is really expensive right??

Yoon: Yup! The fake id is really expensive since it is fake...

Seok Min: Actually..I can make the fake id easily..

Yoon: How?!! Even I cannot do that...How can you do it?!

Seo Yeon: Yahh!! Dont think you are the only one that smart here brother Yoon...

Yoon: Okayy..I m sorry Seok Min..

Seok Min: Nevermind..

Seo Yeon: But how can you make fake id??

Seok Min: Actually..--