
Angel eyes

And " so that guy he is kind of cute. What did he say?" I rolled my eyes and explained to her again. She then realized what I meant and blurted out, " you should totally go for it. If you do not say yes I will say yes for you." I put my hands up surrendering and I got my phone out and texted to axel, " hi, this is haley, we met at the concert I will do it, but just let me know if there is any details for your band. Ty" so I told chance, " what if they don't like me. Maybe I should delete it?" She smacked my hand, and said, " Haley I have known you for so long you are going through with this. Now let's go." So I am going through with this and well I get to pursue my dream. fully published

LegendsLostStories · Music & Bands
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18 Chs


Hey I am Haley and well I am 18 and I live with my friend, chance. The good thing is she is crazy like me, and well this is me.

Hobbies: drawing and reading

Likes: rock, metal, books, roses, horror movies, D.C. Comics.

Dislikes: spiders, fakes, liars, bullies.

Appearance: brown eyes,brunette, pale.

But that is pretty much it for me. But now to chance.

Hey I am chance but I go by crazy or hq. I am the same age as Haley. But this is a little about me.

Hobbies: reading, drawing, painting.

Likes: horror movies, zombies, creatures, cats, dogs and glitter.

Dislikes: horror movies, losing family, spiders, snakes, fake people, liars.

Appearance: purple hair, blue eyes( contacts: black), pale

Tattoos: sleeves( left arm: nightmare before Christmas and corpse bride),love and hate( knuckles) diamond( small and under my left eye) halloween( on my right hand).

Piercings: septum, tongue, eyebrow, belly, shark, and angel bites.