
Angel eyes

And " so that guy he is kind of cute. What did he say?" I rolled my eyes and explained to her again. She then realized what I meant and blurted out, " you should totally go for it. If you do not say yes I will say yes for you." I put my hands up surrendering and I got my phone out and texted to axel, " hi, this is haley, we met at the concert I will do it, but just let me know if there is any details for your band. Ty" so I told chance, " what if they don't like me. Maybe I should delete it?" She smacked my hand, and said, " Haley I have known you for so long you are going through with this. Now let's go." So I am going through with this and well I get to pursue my dream. fully published

LegendsLostStories · Music & Bands
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18 Chs

chapter 5: goodnight

Next day

So I woke up and I heard dj yell from the side of the wall, " Haley wake your ass up. We have to get ready!" I rolled my eyes and got up. I was going to wear my demonia boots today, and I wanted to wear my motionless in white shirt, and a black and white stripe skinny jeans. But I got dressed and for today, I was going with black bleeding eyes, with a slit throat. I know bloody and defenseless, but hey that is just me.

So I got dressed and did my hair in a death hawk again but I wanted to dye my hair again. Maybe a galaxy combination? But I walked down stairs with my bag and we did the same thing but we finally got there and we had to walk to the stage. And I think there was more people. But once again I felt more nervous.

So we went on and I don't think I could make it. We got to our second song, and I kept hesitating. And soon enough I was laying flat on the stage losing vision, and soon enough I blacked out.

Axels pov

So we were playing and we got to the second song and I heard Haley, she was hesitating, then she just collapsed to the floor, and we stopped and I went by her and said, " Haley, come on stay with me." She passed out. I told Jake to get her legs and we both carried her off the stage and well we felt bad and I got her a water bottle and splashed it a little on her face, after a few tries she started to wake up, and dj let out a sigh of relief, " thank god you are okay.

What happened? Are you feeling okay?" She looked at us like what? " what happened?" She asked and Nikki explained. " well you passed out halfway through the song." She looked at us shocked, " what! Omg. I am such an idiot. I hate nerves." She snapped. And started to get up.

Haley's pov

I got up and said. " sorry guys. Just I felt so nervous." They looked at me and gave me a big hug, " we are just glad you are okay. Just you can talk to us okay." I smiled and we went back the bus and well they told the stagehand that there singer had the flu so we went to tell Charissa, " hey Charissa?"

She looked at us and said, " you are back early. What did you do?" She looked to axel, and Nikki. I laughed, " no they didn't do anything. That I know of anyways. But I was really nervous and well we got to the second song and I didn't make it and passed out from what the boys said."

She looked at us and said, " well I am glad you are okay. But if you want you can talk to me if you want. Or possibly any of the guys. Alright?" I nodded and then she said, " okay so tonight will be the last night you stay here, and tomorrow you fly to Australia.

And that will be about another seven hours so stay up late so you can sleep on the plane. But make sure you get there on time please." They nodded yes. But we drove back to the hotel and I got my makeup off and I didn't feel like doing anything so I was going to read and wear my jack skellington onesies pajamas. Yes I have a jack skellington one and a batman one. I do not care.

So I read and I almost got to the chapter but I was rudely interrupted by someone knocking at the door. I went to answer it and I saw my band mates, and Jake asked, " we were going to go out, and get a movie. We were wondering if you wanted to go?" I sighed, "No it is alright. I am on the last chapter so I was going to read a different one.

But don't stay out too late okay. Text if you need me." They said, bye and I shut the door. The next book I was going to read was a ' realm of shadows'. I got that book out and started to read the first chapter. I think I can get this book done by tomorrow. After we land. It was a five hundred page book which is like nothing to me.

But I started reading that and it was about two hours later. Which turned into four. So I called dj s phone and no answer. I then get a call from this unknown number and I answered it. " Hello?" Low and behold from a dug grave, it was dj. " haley. Hi." I rolled my eyes, " what happened?" I swear if they did something, I will kill them.

" nothing much. But someone framed us. And now we're in a holding cell." My eyes went wide and I screamed, " what!" Dj said, " it is not our fault. Someone thought we were the ones who started a fight and well we really do not know for sure who did it. But. Can you bale us out please?" He almost pleaded. I sighed, fine but if Christine hears about this I say start planning your funeral."

He said, " thank you. See you soon. It is the downtown police station. Near the courthouse." I hung it up and said, " you boys are going to be the death of me." So I called a taxi and told him to go to the town hall, and he got there fairly quick.

But I paid and said thank you. I walked into the police station and asked, " hi, I need to bale out Damien, axel, and Nikki." She pulled me into the back room and said, " okay since this is their first offense, there is only a small charge. But sign here and pay the fee then I will go get them." I nodded , " thank you. How much. Is the fee?" She replied, " 200."

I felt my heart drop. I payed her the money and she went to the back for a moment and she came back with them and well I was mad at them. So I called another taxi and the ride back was total silence, when we got back and we went into my room I told them to sit on the bed and well I gave them a lecture. " do you know how much trouble you could of gotten in? What happened anyways?" They kept silent and I asked again more annoyed, " what happened?" Nikki spoke up, " well we were coming out of this store and well the alarm went off and none of us bought anything. And next thing we know mall security called the cops and well that happened."

I sighed, " I love you guys but you are going to be the death of me. And I am fine with that." They laughed and I told them, " okay lecture is over, now we have a plane to catch for tomorrow go to bed." They went to there rooms and said night. This is going to be a very long tour.

But I read a little more then went to bed, I had already finished packing and Christine said, that she had to go back for a meeting. So I told her I would keep an eye on the boys and she said, and I quote, " oh, good luck." I laughed when she said that. But I was tired and we had another early plane to catch so I went to bed.