
Angel eyes

And " so that guy he is kind of cute. What did he say?" I rolled my eyes and explained to her again. She then realized what I meant and blurted out, " you should totally go for it. If you do not say yes I will say yes for you." I put my hands up surrendering and I got my phone out and texted to axel, " hi, this is haley, we met at the concert I will do it, but just let me know if there is any details for your band. Ty" so I told chance, " what if they don't like me. Maybe I should delete it?" She smacked my hand, and said, " Haley I have known you for so long you are going through with this. Now let's go." So I am going through with this and well I get to pursue my dream. fully published

LegendsLostStories · Music & Bands
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chapter 3: joining bands

I woke up in my bunk this morning still in last night's clothes. I sighed, and got out of bed face planting on the floor, so I ignored the guys and no one was in the bathroom so we had this thing if no one is in the bathroom go for it.

Because the guys take forever. And I don't take long. But I got dressed into something comfortable, since today we fly to the U.K. For download fest. That is for about two days then we go to Australia. Now I know what you are thinking. How are you going around the world? Well shattered soul has been growing since 2011. And the fans have pushed us towards this. So this is how we are doing.

So I got done and I wore my demonia boots, galaxy leggings, and my cupcake cult shirt. It has a little Dino on it eating a cupcake. It is adorable but I put my hair up in a ponytail, and I wear glasses so I put those on then I had to wake the guys up. Haha.

So my way of waked going them up is

Silly string

Bucket of ice water

Air horn

I was going with air horn today, and if that doesn't wake them up plan b. Silly string. So I grabbed the air horn and I had to hide, so I hid in the bathroom, and before I did I opened the door to bunk alley, and let it go.

I hid in the bathroom and I heard thuds. I started to laugh my ass off. I got out of the bathroom and yelled, " good morning crazies. Get up we have to catch a plane in an hour. And you take forever to get ready. And I made coffee so you don't have to complain much." I walked over to the coffee pot and we have this tiny oven in the bus, so I made bacon.

They took only a half and hour and I was proud of them. But we grabbed all of our luggage. And we had equipment over there so we were ready to go. But I grabbed a piece of bacon and the guys came out and one said, " I smell bacon, thank you."

So axel grabbed a piece and he acted like a heathen. I laughed, " come in take it with, we have to go." So our manager christine was going to meet us over there. And we headed to the airport and the guys had the bacon so it would keep them quiet for now. And I think I am the most mature but I know they think differently.

So we got to the airport and the flight would minimally take seven hours to get there. But I was going to take a nap. But my thoughts were on last night.


So I was awoken by axel and he said, " hey wake up we're here," I started to wake up and I don't think you need to know this because it is pretty boring.

At the hotel

So we were going to be here for a few days and this is for download, I think we were playing the side stage to the east. But this was freaking huge. We haven't played download yet so this is going to be a tough crowd. But our set list for tomorrow was:

Set list:

Shattered wings, scar, demons awake, escape this hell, lost world, broken mind.

Broken mind was a new song we were working on and we have two albums out now, but we are going to work on the road. So the rooms were

Rooms: two bed

Axel and Jake 230

Nikki and dj 233

Then me and Christine 234

So our manager she was like a sister to me. We never fought, we always agreed on things and well she helps when the guys are insane. But I also get to talk to her about what is going on, so basically in other terms: boy talk. I know it is cliche, but it gets us through. But we got to our rooms and Christine was coming up the elevator, and I had the room 234.

So we weren't far from the guys. But after a while I heard a knock on the door I left it open a little, " hi Haley." I saw Christine and I gave her a hug and she sat on one bed and I sat on the other, " hi Christine." She replied, " hey Haley. So first the band. You guys are playing on the east stage, at 2:45. Got that." I paused for a moment and grabbed a notepad. And wrote that down.

" okay?" She repeated and spoke, " so you are playing that stage Tuesday, since today is Monday, and wednesday you are playing the main stage." I dropped the note pad and said, " okay repeat that please?"

She did, " you are playing main stage, wednesday." She moved my head up and down, I laughed. And I couldn't believe it we were going to be playing main stage. " okay now her is a list of the dates and places you are playing for the demeanor tour. Which is in Australia. So wear something warm." I laughed and said, " okay." Then she smiled, " now to boy talk." See what I mean.

But I explained, " so the guys and I went to a party last night and it was a Halloween party, and this was after our set chance was throwing it. But there was this one mystery guy, he wore all black, and a black mask. He was tall blue eyes and very sweet." She smiled and said, " did you catch his name?" I nodded and said, " yes his name is Chris."

She squeaked, and I heard Nikki yell from the side, " hey stop squeaking I can hear you from the other side." Christine said, " sorry Nikki." He then quickly replied, " never mind, hi Christine." " hi Nikki. Tell dj I said, hi." I got a text from dj and it's said, " hi Christine," I laugh and show her. So we are this weird family. And I heard a knock on the door, " one moment?" I awkwardly yell. And I saw my band mates, " hi guys. You can come in we have to tell you something."

They walk over and sat on the one bed and Christine moved to the other and she knew what I was doing. " guys I have to tell you something." They look at me and axel screamed, " are we all out of bacon?!" We all look to him and I busted out laughing. Sometimes I wonder with him. But I said, " no not yet." He looked at me like what?! " no that is not it, we have better news. So Christine told me the layout and tomorrow we will play east stage. And wednesday, we are playing main stage my friends." All they did next was get up and squeal. It was hilarious.

So I did have one question, " really quick who are we going to be touring with for going to Australia?" She looked to me, " well one new starting out band I forgot the name but you will be touring with them and I think black veil brides." My eyes widened, we were touring with black veil. I am so happy but I kept my sanity. " Haley are you okay?" Axel asked me and I replied, " yes I am just trying to keep my sanity." They all looked at me, then busted out laughing. " okay I know I don't have any sanity left" I laughed with them.

But we talked for a while and well then it was getting late and well we needed sleep. We were lacking sleep so we look like zombies. But I headed to bed after I read a few chapters it was a new book I was reading, IT by Stephen king. I love his books and I can get finished in two days, three days max. I read in my free time or before we have a show. Or before I go to bed. But for now I am going to bed.