
Angel Down, Deception

Angel Kael refuses to believe that his brother has fallen. Logan was a great guardian angel; he would never become a fallen angel. Another question that baffles Kael is who murdered Prophet Joshua of earth and why? These questions drive Kael to break one of heaven's rules - that of going down to earth to investigate. On earth he quickly discovers that nothing is as it seems and before long, he finds himself breaking a few more rules as he unravels numerous secrets and mysteries, and the most important rule that he ends up breaking is that of falling in love with a human. Angel Down, Deception is a supernatural, romance thriller.

Ursula_Graetz · Fantasy
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26 Chs


As Kael and Custo walked up to the Great Hall heading to his office to consult, both Maria and Julia spotted them.

Julia squealed with delight, and straightaway ran towards him, flinging herself into his arms. Once Maria caught up to them, breathless, she nervously glanced at Custo, who was clearly not impressed with this untoward behaviour.

"You're back," Julia squealed with delight.

"Of course, I told you I would be, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did. It's official, I can say I trust you." She beamed joyfully as she hung her arms around his neck.

Kael's arms were wrapped around her without a second thought, as if they were the only ones in heaven.

Custo cleared his throat. "Kael, may I speak with you in your office for a minute - alone."

Guiltily, Kael nodded and reluctantly tore himself out of Julia's embrace.

"I'll be back to see you a little later," Kael whispered in Julia's ear before following Custo, who had already started beelining his way to Kael's office. Kael could picture steam coming out of his ears, that's how annoyed Custo appeared.

Custo closed the door behind them before turning to shower Kael with a scornful scowl. "What are you doing?" he blurted. "You need to be careful. You are so close to overstepping the boundaries where loving a human is concerned." He shook his head contemptuously. "You know it's forbidden; how can you be so brazening about this."

"You're overreacting. There's nothing to worry about. She was just relieved to see that I was safe. That's all." Kael's soul was beginning to be sorely vexed. Perhaps his own guilt had something to do with it. But he also knew that he would never give in to temptation and betray his calling, not now, not ever. Why did everyone keep doubting him?

"Heed my warning, Kael. Temptation and lust are powerful tools of Satan. And the Kingdom cannot afford to lose you too, and not to those kinds of sins. Countless angels would fall if you fell. I've seen how many angels admire and look up to you. Think about them if not about yourself."

Kael dragged out an audible sigh before defending himself. "I just wish everyone would stop worrying about me. I'm stronger than you think, and I'm staunch in my ways. Besides, Julia will be leaving soon."

"Good. The sooner the better. It's breaking the rules having a human in heaven, but of course, you are fully aware of that fact."

There was just no end to the disdain in his voice, it irked Kael. "There are exceptions to the rules," Kael reminded him. "And this was one. You know I had no choice but to bring her here," Kael stated, trying to motivate his actions. Then he added further motivations. "For some unknown reason, she's tied up in all of this – our war and an entire list of celestial problems – whether we like it or not."

Custo lifted his hand to rub his chin while he scrunched his forehead in a frown. "I know, it is quite strange. This target is on her back. It doesn't make any sense." Then he shook his head, a grim look on his face. "Just like all the losses today – senseless. Anyway – she still has to go back to earth."

"Fine, I'll take her home right now. But when I return, I don't want any interruptions. I need to go through the late Prophet's book asap." He removed the book that had been nestled in a pocket inside his cloak and placed it on the table.

Custo objected profusely. "You can get someone else to take her. James perhaps."

"No, I will take her home," he blurted out too quickly and realising that he probably sounded desperate he quickly added, "I'm not even sure if taking her home is such a good idea. She is not safe there."

Custo argued with him. "Satan made a promise not to harm her. She will be safe. Besides, you leaving the Kingdom again is not a good idea. Your place is here, and your task is to oversee all of us, from right here at HQ." As he spoke, he pointed his index finger to the floor to emphasize his point.

Suddenly Kael felt like he was in a prison. He hadn't even realized it before. No wonder he felt something was missing. Was it a little freedom perhaps? Not that it mattered, he reminded himself. This was his calling now. And he could not afford to fail, for everyone's sake – heaven, earth and all the angels who looked up to him.

"I will be the one taking her home and that is my final decision," Kael informed him, highly agitated that everyone kept objecting to his decisions and orders, especially Custo who was boldly giving him orders instead of the other way around. It grated him to no end. Kael then forcefully opened the door and marched down the hall to find Julia.

Julia was sitting with Maria in one of the small courtyard gardens, chatting away happily when Kael marched up to her, a frown on his forehead and a surly look on his face. Even his lips, she noticed, were so tightly pressed together that they formed a straight line. Her heart sank. What had happened now?

"Come," he barked.

Even his voice was filled with anger. It reminded her of the first time they had met. Yep, it was the same anger raging through him. What on earth had happened in the last ten minutes that had turned his mood from happy to foul? Should she dare even ask? She finally sighed. "Okay." Turning, she then gave Maria a hug. "Thank you for everything, Maria, you were so kind."

"Not at all," Maria assured her. "It was such a pleasure having you around. You take care now. You hear?"

"Will do," Julia promised, a sad smile permeating her features. This was a visit that she had thoroughly enjoyed and was sad it was at an end. Kael had been right; heaven did bring her peace.

"Kael, you make sure she's safe now, you hear." Maria pointed a warning finger at him.

"I will," he assured her. "When I get back, I will appoint a temporary guardian angel to watch over her until we can get Logan back."

"That will be the day. Nobody watches over Julia but me." The familiar voice made them all turn around.

The newcomer was full of smiles and had a joyful spring in his step. "Did anybody miss me?"

"Logan, you're alive." After realizing what she had just uttered, she added, "stupid me, of course, you're alive. You're a freaking angel."

"Hello, Julia," Logan smiled with relief. "I'm really glad you now know the truth. It was getting a little awkward." He hugged her and then turned to hug Maria who was bawling her eyes out with joy at seeing him.

"It's all right, Maria. I'm back in full force. Soon you will be wishing I was back in purgatory," Logan joked and was immediately reprimanded with a smack on the arm.

"Hush! Don't you say such a thing," Maria complained, but she couldn't keep the joy off her face.

Then it was Kael's turn. Logan grabbed his brother in a bear hug and would not release him.

A knot formed in Kael's throat and for a minute he couldn't utter a word. When he finally managed to take reign of his emotions, he stepped back to inspect his younger brother. "It's about time you got back, brother." His voice was rough with emotion, but he quickly cleared his throat. "You know, this taking a vacation and avoiding your responsibility had me worried there for a while. I almost thought you ran away from us."

"You wish. Not even the gates of hell can keep me away."

"Why don't you sit down and tell us all what happened," Kael insisted. "I know that Drake possessed you and then Taria transformed herself into the likes of Julia to make it appear as though you guys were, you know, a thing."

"Yeah, they caught me off guard. You can't imagine how dirty I felt with that disgusting thing inside of me. Ugh. Never again! I was actually more relieved to die than have him inside of me for another minute longer."

Julia gasped at the word die. Wow, would she ever get used to this new truth hidden from mankind's perception of reality? A sudden thought occurred to her. "Will all those angels who died in battle today also be resurrected?"

Kael shook his head sadly. "Most of them won't."

"But why not?" This didn't make any sense to her.

"Only those who have a purpose that no other angel can fulfil. It's not easy to bring angels back from the dead, you see."

"I take it that could apply to us mere mortals too," Julia remarked, seeing that Kael and Logan and been resurrected after being human.

"Absolutely," Logan replied.

"But where do those who are not resurrected go?"

Logan did not even hesitate to enlighten her. "Both humans and angels who have pleased God will go to the seventh heaven."

"Seventh heaven?" Julia was highly intrigued.

Kael answered this question. "It's a place of unexplainable joy and peace, where souls rest for the rest of eternity."


"But Julia, you cannot tell a soul about any of this," Kael implored. He had already allowed Logan to divulge too much information. He should have stopped him.

"Of course not. Who would believe me anyway?" Julia was actually hurt that he didn't trust her – as usual. Trust worked both ways.

Logan frowned. "Speaking about no one believing you. Sadly, no one believed me when I told them I was innocent of the allegations. Can you believe I was cast into purgatory to await judgment day, innocent or not? One has to wait for judgment day to prove their innocence, it's crazy. That could take thousands of years. It's no wonder Satan came up with his plan. He intended to make the Kingdom vulnerable so they can take over." He shivered just thinking about it. Then he glared at Kael, revealing a seriousness that was unnatural for Logan, "I'm warning you; this was all meticulously planned. We must not underestimate Satan."

"So that is his plan? To get as many angels as possible down to purgatory to await judgment day, by hook or by crook?" Kael was appalled.

"Of course, it all makes sense now," Maria blurted. "Then they would have little resistance with the few remaining angels left to defend heaven. They will then force their way into heaven and take over." Maria was horrified.

"Yep, it doesn't matter if an angel is guilty or not, an accusation is a good way to clear heaven of its angels," Logan commented. "Trust me – I found that out the hard way."

"Unbelievable." Kael was utterly dumbstruck. He would have to change the rules of purgatory with regard to fallen angels awaiting judgment to prove their innocence. This was clearly the Kingdom's weak point and Satan's vantage point. Very clever Satan. Unfortunately, rules couldn't be changed overnight. There were procedures in place. And that could take time and consensus would need to be reached. It annoyed him. How could they have missed this? Anyway, he would make sure that that rule changed as soon as possible.

"Do you think that's still Satan's plan?" Maria asked fearfully.

"Now that they know we're onto them, I guess they will be more vigilant," Custo said, deciding to speak up. "They know we'll be more cautious now, and less gullible to believe that our angels have fallen, especially into the trap of temptation." Custo still battled to process the ghastly details of Satan's plan with disbelief.

"First things first," Kael began. "We need to appoint a new prophet. When I get back, I'll look through the late Prophet's book to see if he has left us any clues as to who the next prophet will be. We really need one and soon, to guide us safely into the future."

Custo cleared his throat to get Kael's attention. This habit was starting to annoy Kael, especially since he knew that a reprimand usually followed. "You won't be going back to earth, Kael. Logan has returned. He will take Julia back. Why don't you go through the book now?"

The term 'looks could kill' was an understatement as Kael glowered at Custo.

"Custo is right," Logan agreed, "I'm back now and ready to be a guardian angel again. So, Julia, are you ready for the long flight home?" Logan glanced at Julia who merely responded with a half-hearted smile.

This surprised Logan. Perhaps she loved heaven so much she didn't want to go back, he assumed. Who could blame her? Being in the Kingdom was a majestic experience. But sadly, she had no choice. This was no place for humans.

"Logan, can I have a word with you before you go?" Kael beckoned him to the far end of the Great Hall where they would not be overheard.

"If you'll excuse me, Julia. I'll be back in a jiffy." Logan winked at Julia before obediently following his brother.

"Firstly, about your apartment," Kael began. "Your style of living…"

"Hold on there, Kael. I know what you're about to say, and I disagree. I know it's a little lavish, yes, but in my defence, that furniture was already in the flat when I got it, and I do need to keep up appearances to make it appear as though I fit in. That's why I left it like that. You'll be surprised how people accept almost any strange or unexplainable occurrences if you are meticulously dressed and appear well-off."

"Yes but…"

"But nothing," Logan insisted. "You should know me better than that. I love being a guardian angel. I would never jeopardize my calling. Not for anything, and especially not for a beautiful woman like Julia. You have to believe me. I mean really, who would be that stupid?"

Kael almost choked and turned a slight shade of red, avoiding the guilt that hummed through his veins that were whistling its own mocking tune. "Who indeed?"

"So, was there anything else you wanted to discuss with me?" Logan asked, eager to return to his calling.

"Um – well, only that I wanted to make sure that you take good care of Julia. She's – um, been through quite a lot – past and present," Kael said.

"I love her like a sister. So, of course, I will. Besides, big brother, you know I'm good at my job."

Kael smiled affectionately and patted Logan on the back. "I know you are. Have I ever told you just how proud I am of you?"

"Hey, I was in purgatory, not dead. Okay, maybe a little dead – okay, completely dead. But I am back, and better than before. So chill. All's well again." This time Logan slapped him on the back before heading back to where Julia stood waiting.

Logan noticed that Julia's eyes were glued to Kael. Through all of this, she had been unusually quiet – a direct contrast to her personality. It worried him. She must have really been through a lot, he thought sadly. Well, he would make it up to her, with lots and lots of whole nut chocolate, her favorite.

Julia couldn't bear to drag her eyes away from Kael. It tore her apart knowing that she would probably never get to see him again. At first, she never wanted a man, and now she wanted a man she could never have. Would her heart ever feel complete?

With a heavy gait, Kael walked up to her. "You take care of yourself, you hear?" It was almost a whisper because he didn't trust his voice.

Julia swallowed back a tear but leashed her disappointment that he was not taking her home himself. She nodded and then asked, "will I ever see you again?" Hurriedly, she gulped back a lump in her throat that was quickly forming into a mountain.

Kael hesitated to reply but his face was so grim that it served as her answer.

"I guess that's a no then." Despite that, she braved a smile even though her heart was cracking.

With a heavy sigh, Kael pulled her to one side, out of ears reach. "I meant what I said before. I will always watch over you."

She started to cry, and no matter how strong she wanted to appear, it wouldn't stop. Betrayed by my own body's mechanisms!

"I can make you forget if that's what you want," Kael offered, feeling overwhelmed by her sadness which seemed to mirror his.

"No, please don't. I need this memory. I want it." Pausing, she tried to tame her emotions. "Kael – if this is all I can have; I will settle for just this. This – what we had, what we've been through, this knowledge I have about your world, it's the most precious thing to me." She wanted to add that he was the most precious thing of all, but that would be futile.

"I am really sorry I can't offer you more." His voice, she noted was thick with emotion.

She nodded. "I know." With a sniff she quickly gnawed on her upper lip to stop herself from bawling.

"I don't want you to suffer," Kael said sadly.

Julia let off a genuine smile. "Believe it or not, what we've been through kind of makes the dreadful things I've been through in my life, more bearable. Just knowing that angels are watching over us – that you're watching over me…"

With a rough hand, Kael gently caressed her cheek then bent down and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

She sniffed and wiped away a few tears. "You take care of yourself too, no more poisonous arrows, okay?" A smile adorned her face to camouflage her pain.

"I promise."

Turning reluctantly, and with a breaking heart, she walked away from Kael and into the arms of her guardian angel.

Logan opened his arms before placing them around her, but not before casting Custo a quizzical look. Had something happened between Julia and his brother? No, surely not. Kael always lectured him on trust, and his brother was staunch in his convictions, always walking the talk. So he dismissed the idea and opened his wings. After letting off a few powerful flaps, he swooped Julia up with him into the air and flew away from Angel Headquarters.

Kael held them in his sight as long as he could and watched as Julia drifted further and further away from him. He stood there even long after they had disappeared. Finally, with a heavy sigh, he turned around, and with legs of lead, he trudged his way down the hall and into his office. Shutting the door he attempted to block out the world, hoping it would shut out his pain.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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