
Angel Down, Deception

Angel Kael refuses to believe that his brother has fallen. Logan was a great guardian angel; he would never become a fallen angel. Another question that baffles Kael is who murdered Prophet Joshua of earth and why? These questions drive Kael to break one of heaven's rules - that of going down to earth to investigate. On earth he quickly discovers that nothing is as it seems and before long, he finds himself breaking a few more rules as he unravels numerous secrets and mysteries, and the most important rule that he ends up breaking is that of falling in love with a human. Angel Down, Deception is a supernatural, romance thriller.

Ursula_Graetz · Fantasy
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26 Chs


"Where are we? What is this place?" Julia asked, mesmerized. Had Kael flown her to Rome? The place where they landed had a large hall that was made of giant marble pillars, and they were surrounded by beautiful, lush gardens. It was as if they had been transported into a Hercules movie or something.

"This is Angel Headquarters," Kael said proudly.

"You're kidding. We're in – heaven?"

"That we are."

Julia was speechless.

As soon as Maria saw them coming towards the hall she screeched delightedly, dropped the books she had been carrying, and hurled towards them, her tears stinging her eyes as she ran. "I was so worried about you. When they told me about the poisoned arrow, I thought I'd never see you again." She gulped. "And the war. Oh Kael, what is going to happen to us all?"

Kael gently put Julia down and turned to comfort Maria. "Now, now Maria, everything's going to be alright."

"You really think so?" she sniffed.

"Of course. Where's your faith?" Kael's voice was soothing.

"I'm sorry, I guess you can say we were experiencing our own hell in heaven when we heard what was happening on earth." She sniffed again.

"Everything is going to be okay, trust me. But first, I would like you to meet Julia. Jules, this is Maria, she's kind of a mother-like figure to us all. The head of the house, if you'd like. I need you to take care of Julia for me while I'm away," he instructed her.

Maria just gawked at Julia, a shocked expression coloring her face. "Good heavens, a mortal in heaven. That's a first," she exclaimed.

"She is very important. Satan wants her dead," he said solemnly.

"Oh, my goodness. That's terrible. Do you know why?" She glanced nervously at Julia and then focused her attention on Kael.

"That's what I'm going to find out. But right now, I need to go and help out in the war."

Kael didn't have time to explain. He knew he was breaking yet more rules by bringing Julia here, but it could not be helped.

"Oh, yes of course. And yes, I will gladly look after Julia." She offered Julia a warm smile.

Julia returned her smile and added an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry to impose on you like this."

"Oh, don't be silly, my dear. You're not imposing at all. Come this way and I'll show you around. But first, I need to put those books back in their place."

"Let me help you," Julia offered politely.

"No need. I'll be back in a jiffy," she promised and scurried away.

Julia simply nodded, trying hard to feel less anxious as she watched the sweet old lady or angel, or whatever she was, disappear around the corner.

Kael twirled Julia around to face him. "I'll be back before you know it. Don't look so glum."

"You better be." She forced a smile.

"You've been really brave about all of this," Kael told her. "I'm truly impressed. James was right, you're stronger than I gave you credit for."

"I prefer the truth rather than being kept in the dark, no matter what that truth is." What she said was true, yet these latest revelations and circumstances were taking their toll. She no longer felt grounded. It was as if her identity, even her very roots and belief systems were unravelling, and too fast for her to process. But she didn't want to tell him that.

"Take this time to relax. Walk in the gardens. You will feel rejuvenated in no time," Kael assured her.

He was just about to leave but she reached out and clung to his arm. "Kael…" She looked up at him, a tear unexpectedly slipping from its hiding place. She was cracking. She didn't want him to go. What if she truly lost him this time?

"I'll be fine. I've learned from my mistake. I won't allow another poisoned arrow to get me." He joked, winking at her but then became more serious. "Trust me, Jules, everything's going to turn to be okay."

Julia tried to adorn him with a quirky smile, but the attempt failed hopelessly. Her mouth wobbled instead. She sniffed back another threatening storm of tears. "You do realize that you asked me to trust you before and then we were attacked by demons, you almost died, and wait, oh yes, a war between heaven and hell broke loose."

Although the war was not a topic to be taken lightly, he could not help but laugh at her comment. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also humorous and brave too. He could not help but marvel at her. She was truly something.

He winked at her. "See you soon."

Julia loved his laughter more than anything on earth and vowed that if, no, when he returned, she would make sure he did more of it.

"I'm warning you; you better get your ass – oops, I almost forgot I'm in heaven," Julia smiled sheepishly. "You better return in one piece, or you'll have me to deal with."

With another grin, he opened his wings, flapped them and then flying away.


It seemed as though the war had come to a temporary halt. All the angels and demons were standing around, waiting.

Kael could feel the thick tension in the air lick his sweaty cheeks. As soon as he spotted James in the distance, sitting on the rock outside the warehouse, he headed directly towards him. "Hey James, what's going on?"

James jumped up, seemingly overjoyed to see him.

"I was wondering when or if you'd be back," James grinned.

"What do you mean if? Why would you think I wouldn't be back?" Kael was offended.

James sniggered, "well, you were flying off into the sunset with your sweetheart."

Kael growled, shaking his head angrily. "You would have liked that, wouldn't you? Admit it, you're just waiting for me to be cast out of heaven so that you can get another chance at the seat of Overseership."

"What are you talking about?" James was a little taken aback by the response, but he had probably asked for it with his stupid remark, he realized. He had better start learning how to bite his tongue.

Kael was not letting go, however. "Come on, you've been hinting or perhaps forcing something between Julia and me since the beginning. That's why you insisted on coming to earth to join me, isn't it? You wanted to be the Overseer. You probably realized that it was a mistake turning down the position in the first place, and now will try anything to get that offer again."

James sighed despondently. "You know, there was a time, I admit, that I was disappointed that you became Overseer. You were still a new angel, a little rough around the edges. I thought you wouldn't be able to handle such a great position. But I didn't blame you. For heaven's sake, Kael, I have always liked and respected you, even though I would never show it, but this – this animosity you harbor against me, these recriminations – they're totally misplaced and uncalled for."

"Don't give me that. I know you have ulterior motives for insisting on being under my feet and in my way while I investigated Logan's alleged falling."

James started getting angry. "As I told you before, you know nothing. You've been heaven-bound for what, ten years now? Well, I've been an angel for almost a century. The things I've seen – all the suffering…"

"So - what - that makes you an expert on suffering now? Even if I wasn't an angel, I'd still be able to tell you were hiding something."

"Is being obnoxious and suspicious just a part of your nature, or merely a preference?" James kicked a rock angrily away from his path and started to march away.

"I'll get to the truth, James. Mark my words. I'll find out what you're up to," Kael yelled after him.

"Blah, blah, blah." Then James stopped abruptly and turned around to look at Kael once more. "Did it ever occur to you that my personal agenda might actually have nothing to do with you or your brother?"

With that, James stormed off and headed towards Michael, who was standing with his warriors, looking exhausted, glum, and waiting anxiously with the rest of the survivors.

Furious, Kael grunted as he too headed toward Michael. No matter how hard he tried, that little angel really got under his skin.

Looking around, Kael wondered again what everyone was waiting for. Then the door of the warehouse opened, and Satan stepped out. He was strikingly beautiful for a man and dressed meticulously in his black suit, the exact color that matched his slick black hair. Even his shirt was black. The only item he wore that did not consist of black was his blood-red tie.

Satan looked around and a wicked smile erupted from his face. He was guarded on either side by Taria and Drake and followed by the two dark angels that had tried but failed to transport the demons and Julia away.

Kael glared at each one of them in disgust.

Then Custo and an angel came walking out of the warehouse. They went and stood beside Kael.

This intrigued Satan. He turned to Taria. "Is he the one?"

"Yes, Sire – that's Kael."

"Well, well, well. He certainly looks the part; I'll give him that. All mighty impressive and intimidating. I can see why my own demons and dark angels recoil at the mere sight of him."

"Sire, I have the late Prophet's book. Would you like to see it now?" Taria was clearly over-eager to please her master.

"Give me back that book. It doesn't belong to you," Kael darted towards her, ready to kick her right back to hell.

Amused, Satan merely leered at Kael, marvelling at his boldness and lack of fear.

"Taria, hand the Overseer of heaven the book," Satan commanded in a sweet tone that could melt crystal.

Her jaw dropped. "But sire, the prophecies – the secrets this book holds," she protested.

"Give him the book, I will not ask twice." His tone had changed. It was sharp and brazen.

Sulkily, Taria handed the book to Kael but she couldn't find herself to actually let it go. Kael had to forcefully wrench it out of her grip.

Everyone stood uneasy, wondering what Satan's next move was. The tension was uncanny, and the desert's heat was scorching, making the moment almost unbearable.

"You've caused quite a stir in the underworld since you've taken over as Overseer. I'm quite surprised and impressed." Satan's sweet honey tone was back. "And I'm even more surprised that you were chosen to become an angel in the first place," he let off a quick laugh, a wicked nerve-twisting laugh, which stopped as quickly as it had come. "And now escaping the jaws of death from Taria's poisoned arrow. It seems you are a difficult soul to get rid of. I think we're going to become good friends, you and I."

Kael rumbled and shot him a glare of pure disgust. "I'd rather die."

Laughing, the devil replied, "I've tried that. It didn't work. You just refuse to die. But if that is your wish, who am I to deny you? And I'm not one to give up – ever. I have time on my side."

Custo cleared his throat. "Satan, don't forget the promise you just made with God. You are not to harm Kael or his family in any way, ever again."

In a charming response, Satan smiled at him sweetly, and said, "I wouldn't dream of it. Besides, if he dies, we won't get the chance to become good friends, now, will we?"

Michael and James approached them. Both of them looking driven and hyped up, ready to defend against an attack. Michael's white cloak was covered in bloodstains and dirt, and in some places even torn.

"Ah, Michael. So good to see you again." Satan gleamed with delight. "And under such perfect circumstances. How I miss a good war." Satan's smile faded. What a pity he missed most of it. How he missed the gladiator days.

Michael grunted and regarded him with distrust mingled with disgust.

Satan laughed at his look and started walking towards his army but just as he passed James, he hesitated, then gave him a quick courteous nod before proceeding.

Kael noticed this unusual gesture and it added fuel to his already mounting suspicions against James. There was an alliance there, he was now sure of it.

When they were out of ears reach, Taria dared speak up. "Sire, what about the book? The mysteries that that book will reveal is now in Kael's hands. Surely, he will now discover the truth, and what his true calling was before you killed him. And he will surely find out the rest of the predictions."

Satan smiled in response, unperturbed.

When she failed to elicit a response, she continued to protest. "What about the predicted doom of countless of our demons and angels because of his spawn? We need that book back sire; they should not have it."

Satan stopped walking. "Taria, my little weakling, the one thing I have learned through the ages is that things constantly change."

"I don't understand, sire".

"Of course, you don't. That's what makes me the Prince of Darkness and you a mere demon that I can break in half with a snap of my finger." Satan's smile faded as he glared at her with black abhorrence.

That gaze clouded her heart in fear. "I apologize, sire. I will not dare question your decisions again."

Satan started walking again but then stopped. "The future is not written in stone, my dedicated little demon. I may have agreed to certain terms with God, yes. The Kingdom of Heaven has far too many boundaries and laws and countless by-laws to their by-laws," he added hoping to elicit a touch of humor but Taria did not grasp. He sighed. Hopeless minions, the whole lot of them. "What I'm trying to teach you is that I am the king of loopholes. Finding loopholes is my natural-born talent and my personal forte." He grinned. Taria nodded but shadows of doubt still lingered.

Satan called his army together and within minutes the surviving angels, battered and bleeding, spread their wings and flew off, finally dispelling the dark cloud, and leaving behind the devastating destruction.

Kael threw James a questioning look, his brow semi-arched. "What was that about?"

"What?" James was caught by surprise. What was Kael assuming now?

"The way Satan looked at you? Don't think I didn't notice it."

"What? How am I supposed to know what goes on in that evil thing's mind, or do you think I'm a mind reader?"

"Do you two never quit?" Michael patted them on the back. Then looked at Kael, "I'm glad you made it, brother."

"That makes two of us," Kael grinned sheepishly.

"Right now, we need to recuperate our losses. I'm going to get my surviving warriors and regroup. Should we meet back at HQ?" Michael asked Kael.

"Yes. But first, do you need help getting rid of all the bodies? We wouldn't want humans investigating this massacre."

"We've got this," Michael assured him. "We'll build a large pyre and burn the bodies. It's what we usually do after a war, especially one of this magnitude."

Kael nodded glumly. "I'll set a date to commemorate our brave angels who have lost their lives in this war," Kael informed him, and then scanned the area as far as his eyes could reach. All this tragic bloodshed and loss – it all seemed so pointless.

"Will do." Michael gathered his remaining angels together.

Kael nestled the late Prophet's book tightly under his arm and was just about to take off when he noticed Custo walking toward him. "Are you going back to HQ?" Custo asked him. He looked shaken and distraught.

"Yep, do you want to join me?" Kael asked.

"Yes. I have healed as many as I could. I have had enough of war to last me another lifetime."

"I hear you," Kael nodded, frowning disheartened. "Where's James?"

"I don't know."

"Oh well, he knows his way back." Kael was in no mood to have James accompanying him on his flight back anyway.

As they took off, leaving Michael and his warriors behind to take care of the cleansing, Kael was sorrow-filled to the rim. It pained him to see all the dead bodies scattered everywhere, so many angels lost, and all in a single day. What pained him even more was that this had all happened under his watch as Overseer.

What a tragic day for heaven, indeed. He was just relieved he had recovered the late Prophet's book. There would be no sleeping for him until he had read through every one of the prophecies contained in the book. Stopping Satan achieve his goal, whatever that may be, was now his main objective. They could not afford to lose any more angels, and it was his task to ensure that. The safety of the Kingdom and all its angels, as well as the safety of earth and its inhabitants, was his duty as an Overseer. He could not afford to fail them any further.

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