
Angel & Agent

'One Shot' is the nickname of the best sniper and secret agent who's about to get a promotion - if this mission goes well. But little did he expect to meet an 'Angel' on the roof that night who'd mess up his chance. But that is only the start of the weekend. The drunk angel is not who she seems to be, and soon, both fall into a web of intrigues they might not get out alive. Watch out for this action romance drama! If you only have one shot, you better make it count. Weekly updates planned. SPOILER ALERT: Now for those who want to figure out the story and the character background themselves, I'd advise you to stop reading from this point as the next paragraphs will contain SPOILERS of season one and the characters. SPOILERS AHEAD! (proceed with caution): Three candidates have made it to the final round to the next promotion as top secret agents. Alexander (aka "One Shot") with a perfect record is in the lead; Jack, a self-proclaimed rival, is close behind, and unknown to both, a third candidate is in the race: Angelica (aka "Angel"). The two followers pursue different strategies to make One Shot fail: Jack wants to make him mess up, but his plan fails when Angel interferes. She has a different motive: to make him choose her out of his own volition and give up his position as a secret agent for love. Jack mistakes her for One Shot's girlfriend and changes his plan. His new idea: kidnapping Angel and threatening One Shot to give up the promotion. Things become even more complicated when friends and family become involved, an ex-best friend's betrayal with the ex-boyfriend, and a wedding. Who of those three will win the promotion? But maybe more importantly, what are their motives behind getting it? A new order comes in and only the one who successfully finishes this will be promoted. The mission: find the traitor among the spies.

rayroy · Fantasy
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64 Chs


< Athaire Starlight Hotel

UTC+2 0548 PM

Rooftop Garden >

With hands tightened around her waist, the wedding planner glared over to the trio. One step at a time, she staked over on her high heels, each step putting another edge to the tone of her voice as she hissed, "First, I hear the groom leaves the photo shoot and then I hear the bride has somewhere to run off to as well after all the preparations are done?! And now, look at what we have here. The troublemaking brother who couldn't be bothered to reply and the surprise guest I was assured wouldn't show up. And now what? You want to change the plans and have him walk you in?! Does he even know what to do?! We have minutes to go and look at the state you're in –"

By now, she was right in front of Jenny, towering over her through her extremely high heels. Jenny had seemingly shrunk while her head was taking cover between her shoulders. She glanced over to Angel. But Angel had already shifted to move in between Jenny and the pissed-off wedding planner.

"I'm sure," Angel began and let out her most professional business smile, "we can all count ourselves lucky to have this perfectly capable wedding planner to create the necessary adjustments and fix up our beautiful bride just in time for her big entrance. I have complete confidence that you will make this a wonderful wedding. Thank you for your service."

"I mean..it's not like it can't be done." The wedding planner sighed. "Fine, as the bride wishes. You two follow me. You," she pointed directly at Jenny, "need a new make-over and you," she turned her glare to One Shot, "need a quick run-down and fix your suit. You," She turned to Angel, "Can already go downstairs and take your seat while all the protagonists of the show are getting ready here."

"Thank you. I'll leave you to it," Angel smiled. She turned to Jenny.

Jenny reached out and grabbed Angel's hand.

"Don't worry, she'll take perfect care of you. I look forward to seeing you in a few."

"Don't go."

"I'll just be downstairs, waiting for you." Angel squeezed Jenny's hand and gave her a reassuring smile. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks!" Jenny jumped up to wrap her arms around Angel once more. Angel returned the gesture, very briefly before pulling away. She turned to One Shot who had just passively watched the show.

"See you later."

One Shot nodded. Without words. But with a smile that wasn't entirely honest. Why was it that each time he could spend five minutes with her, someone would see it as his duty to ruin their moment? It was only for a day that he could meet her. Maybe…maybe tomorrow. If she agreed. On Monday, he'd have to fly back at the latest. But for today at least, each moment he could spend to get to know her a bit better was precious. On the other hand…it was already a precious moment to see her face overflowing with kind warmth when she looked at Jenny like her own precious sister. Just thinking back to the short moment brought a smile to his face. He didn't know this side of her. Not this expression. His eyes strayed from the leaving Angel to his sister, who was enthusiastically waving after Angel.

"Later, Angy!" Jenny shouted after her. In leaving and with only a slight turn to reveal her profile, Angel nodded.

Inside, the hallway was abandoned. Most of the guests had apparently already left to enjoy cocktail hour in the main hall. It was about time she joined them in the lobby to find her seat before the grand entrance. Glancing at the window front, she could see her own reflection critically evaluating her every movement. In walking, her hands loosened her hair and arranged it anew. She brushed over her dress to straighten it out. That works. But the face in the reflection remained frowned. Maybe she was tired. But not physically. She was perfectly fine. She wasn't done yet. She couldn't show weakness now. The day wasn't over. There were things to do. And a few issues that had to be sorted out. She pushed up her glasses and came to a halt in front of the elevators. Something was still bothering her. A piece of the puzzle was missing. She could feel it as certain as the breeze rustling her dress. The conviction sat in her mind like a nail driven deep inside and refusing to budge. A nestling doubt. Nothing more than a suspicion, but if her suspicion turned out to be reality…what could she do? Lost in thoughts, when a hand suddenly grabbed her shoulder, she uncharacteristically flinched. How could she have missed this person approaching when the aura he was emitting was so strong?

"How can I help you?" she asked.

Many thoughts can occupy the mind; some make us happy others thoughtful. Unfortunately, there are issues in the world that receive less attention than others. Usually, only the issues that are perceived as most urgent and relevant to our personal situation are dealt with actively in our minds. However, should we also take a few moments each day to think about those issues that are bigger than our own person, our time, and generation? Otherwise, wouldn't we simply follow a flow but unable to change the course of this flow we move along? One of those issues would be social justice, another global warming. It is present, but how often do we actively engage with these issues?

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