
sweet scent


I was standing on my door as I watched the rain when a sweet scent hit my nose it smells like strawberries I lock my cabin door and moves towards the woods where the scent is coming from my wolf is very excited which I have not seen him like this for long ' what happened Vickey ' I asked my wolf his name is Vickey ' am just excited let me out' he pur at me ' fine ' I let him out and I shift to my wolf form as run towards the end of the woods on east side when I get there the scent is strong I look around and I see a car door opening and my jaws drop on the beauty in front of me she looks at me and I can see the shock on her beautiful face I hid behind the trees i watch as she moves towards the cabin carrying her bags . I shift back to my human form and stand near her opened car door she is shocked when she comes back I ask the where about of Kira, she doesn't know am Kira's brother since I have never appeared when she was with my baby sister. it's raining heavily and we are standing on the rain after some seconds she ask me to come inside the house and when she is closing the door i turn around to see that perfect face of hers since I could not see well due to darkness but when her eyes meets mine she stares at me yeah I know am hot I let her stare at me for about two minutes and I clear my throat she blushes due to embarrassment and head to the kitchen to make us coffee and I busy myself making fire for her. I take my coffee and by the time am done the rains stop I bid her goodbye and leave. If I stayed there for a minute long my wolf would have take control ' MATE MATE ' Vickey shouts at me as we live ' I know vickey she is ours but we have to give her time you don't want to scare her do you ' ' no friend am soo happy we finally found her ' yes I reach the wood move a little deeper I turn into my wolf as I run towards the cliff I sit down on the edge and howl roundly.


Andrew scared me but he seems nice and those eyes oh God am in love with them,his hair I wish i can run my fingers in it ' Tash what are you thinking' I slap myself of course in my mind .He leaves after having his coffee before the rain can start again.I lock the door drop the the cups in the kitchen sink well I will clean tommorow right now am Soo tired I need a glass of wine, soak myself in the warm water and a goodnight sleep I tell myself as I grub the red wine from the wine shelf I make the fire in my bedroom place the wine under the chimney and move to the barcony I open the door and the cold hit my face and i see the same wolf from before but now it's not running away just standing there staring at me I shiver I don't know if it's because if cold or am afraid of the wolf .I get back inside drop my cloth on my bedroom floor and get in the tab soak myself as I sip my wine am really tired and I don't know when I fall asleep. I open my eyes when the sun rays hit my face am still sleepy but as soon as I remember I had fall asleep in the bathtub and now am in bed I panic and am now fully awake i look around me and nothing suspecious I start questioning myself first I like sleeping when am naked and here I am fully dressed in my PJs and my long hair tied in a messy bun oh God what did I do last night I clean myself and put on my high waist blue shorts and a tank top and my black sport shoes as am planning to explore the woods after my breakfast . I get to know the kitchen after cleaning myself I make sund wich and a warm glass of milk I have to go shopping later after that I do my chores and off I head to the woods . In the woods I hear some noise of water fall I follow the sounds of water I get lost in the woods I can't hear any sounds of water I look around looking for a way to get back to my cabin but nothing I seat down on a lock to rest and there not far from where I was I see a deer it's Soo beautiful I move towards it and stop half way not to scare it but it nods at me and turns aloud and start walking I just stand there 'am I supposed to follow it or what is happening' as I am thinking it stop on it's track and stares at me I make up my mind to follow it my legs are aching and I have no idea for how long I have been in the woods after walking for gods know how long the deer stops and I look ahead and there is my cabin before my eyes am so grateful to this deer for bring me home but then am scared when I see what is standing in front of my door the wolf that I have been seeing around since I got here 'well if it is said am going to day today in this cabin well i can't change that ' I tell myself as I muster my courage and walk towards my door ' did it just smirk at me or am I going crazy ' I rub my eyes but there is nothing I get close to it and stand before it waiting for my fate but to my surprise it rub itself on me I scout down on my knees and touch it's fur and it's very soft I stand up open my door and let it in I know you think that am crazy letting a wolf in my cabin but I have been fantasizing rubbing it's fur since I saw it.I get a glass of wine switch on TV and start watching my favourite soap Bazaar it moves close to me and look into my eyes I pat the space besides where am sitting indicating for it to sit next to me it does so and drop it's head on my lap and silence engulf us only the sound of TV is heard . I make dinner and offer the stake to the wolf it's Soo happy after cleaning the dishes I get to my room and it follows me I just let it as usual I get my glass of wine and get in the bathtub as the wolf stares at me all the time when am undressing and getting in the tub his throat moves up and down I shake my head it's very cute when doing that when I get in the tub I stroake it's head and clean myself I don't want to sleep in the tub like yesterday of which I have no idea how I got in bed. I get out of the tub naked and move to my bedroom as I dry my hair and the wolf is still following me as I get my bathrobe it jump on my bed I take my novel(she- devil and it's alphas ) it's my favorite I drop on the carpet near the fire place and start reading . Time to sleep I get in the bed " get down wolf boy,wolf's don't sleep in bed" it stares at me with puppy eyes which is so hard to refuse " fine only today you get to sleep in my bed as for tommorow you sleep outside " is it smiling at me, God Tash you have been thinking nonsense this days I scold my self as I cover my body with quilt.I drift to sleep not long after getting in bed.