
Ancient Dragon returns to DxD

This is a contuination and rewrite of an original story from fanfiction.net by Dragons123d. He has stated he will allow me to do this so hopefully it will be good. This DxD story strats with the rating game between Rais and Riser. Issei just saw Koneko get trashed and sent flying by Riser's queen Yubelluna. Instead of the Boosted Gear using his rage to send her packing, he insteads starts going down the road he everying everyone knew about him. he will change from his perveted, ignorant, self-centered, and arrogant self to a debenedable, caring, and understanding person. he becomes a full dragon and startes his new juurney with the rest of his freinds. Asia will have new skills as well as a new gear. and lets just say that the world will never be the same again. PS. DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER GOT IT FROM pinterest BY Black Dragon Emperor

heath_nielsen · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Dragons power.

Issei's POV

I was now back in the underworld as I watched the members of the council begin to take their seats around the table. The first to arrive was of course the secretary of Meetings, Alexander Munich. He was a tall man at 6'1" with green, short hair and green eyes. He was dressed in a silk business suit and only had a ring on his finger. For a man in his position, I would have thought he would have more pubis additives. But when he approached me, he bowled with respect and handed me a folder. As I opened it, since it was large enough for me to open without tearing the pages, he told me everything that would be discussed. First we would halve the business of Kuroka. Alexander understood that I wanted this to be settled as soon as possible so that I would be able to get to the bottom of the incident that made her a wanted fugitive. I expressed gratitude to it and flipped to the next page, which detailed the agreement between myself and the two ladies of Gremory and Phoenix. With a legal document in hand, the council would not be able to do anything about Veleana and Akane joining me as my wife.

Turning to the next page, I was surprised to see a legal document that was titled "Reparation to One Issei Hyoudou for DAMAGES from having to fight for His wife, One Rias Gremory, and members of his fellow peerage." Looking at the man with a puzzled expression, Alex answered "Since you had to fight Riser again after beating him far during the unofficial rating game, our laws specifically state a person is challenged again after winning a legitimate rating game, whether official or unofficial, then that person is allow to gain compensation from the other party. Since you had to fight Riser again after the rating game, it means that you are entitled to his peerage, lands, title and any and all wealth you wish to take. And since the lord is facing treason charges, the other two sons don't want anything to do with the lands that their brother owns. Basically, you are now a high class devil without trying."

I was stoned when I heard this. It was thought that the other two brothers would have jumped at the opportunity to gain more land wealth from the demise of their younger brother. I guess that SirZechs probably had some part of it and was making sure to please the law and myself. He was a slay man when he wanted to be. Although I had to ask, "How come Ravel is not getting these? Since she would be the next in line wouldn't she be given the first Dibbs on what she wanted?" "No." Alexander said to me as he flipped to the next page. On it was a marriage certificate between myself and Ravel. Alex the began to explain, "Since you and Ravel have become husband and wife, all of her belongings and any right to family lands, peerage and titles become yours to take or give away." "You mean that she is just property in devil law!?!?!?" I quickly interrupted the man as my anger spiked. Alex quickly bowed and said, "I apologize Lord. Forgive my ignorance and for not explaining better."

"It better be a good one." I snarled as Alex opened a magic circle. After it disappeared, he placed the book that was now in his hand down on the table as he flipped through the book to a certain page. Once he found it, he increased the book size so I would be able to hold it and read what it said as he began, "Normally devils such as yourself and your friends would not need to know this information until after you became a middle class devil. However, since you are now a god being I have to give you a crash course on two particular devil laws. Law 19 of the new Government states that devils, either pureblooded or half breed, are considered mature devils at the age of 43. That means that both pureblooded and half breeds must have been devils for 43 years before they are considered fully mature devils. This restriction can be lessen if said devils operate in the army or air force and sever three four year terms. At which point, they will be considered mature adults depending on when they leave the army or Air Forces."

"So what you're saying is that since Ravel is only twenty years old, it means that she is not considered to be a mature devil. Even though she is pure blood?" I asked to read the rest of the law. It was very detailed about what Ravel would have had to do in order for her to even prove that she was capable of leading her territory. While I have full faith in her abilities, I also know that the councils, or at least certain parties within it, would make her life hell on earth in order to gain more power and influence within the populist. "Yes. That is correct. It is better to give it to you because it will serve as compensation to you and for the second law that I mentioned." Alex said as he used his magic to flip the pages to the second law.

Alex cleared his throat as he said " Law 43: If something happened to the current head of a clan, the next in line will assume the role as head of clan. If said first born does not wish to assume their right or are incapacitated, then the line of succession will be followed. If there is a hair to the clan, but is not a mature devil then the council will give said person three options to choose from: Option 1: said person has four mouths to find a person of ether A) Power, B) society statues, C) Maturity or D) a combination of all three that is at the same level or greater then said devil hera to take ownership of lands, money, peerage and business transactions until the said heist is a mature devil and has passed the four statins test. Option two: said hair can forgo all rights to said entitlement and become a new head of clan while allowing the council to give out said entitlement to either themselves or to those who are considered Extra Devil." "Extra Devils?" I asked. It was the first time I had heard about Extra devils and was curious about what they were. Alex nodded, these devils were a part of the original pillars of the devil race. Unfortunately, during the devil civil war most of those devils lost all or most of their family members or clans; which caused their family name to be removed from the current list of top households. It is why there are now only 72 families that are regarded as the top families. As such, if a circle member has a selected extra devil in mind then the council member would push for the extra devil to get it. Making both parties wealthy and an increase of statice for the extra devil."

Taking a sip of water, Alex continued "This group also refers to the relatives of devil servants. As you know a reincarnated devil can become a king of his own peerage if he or she wishes." I nodded as I remembered Rias telling me about it during the few hours of the week she taught my devil history and devil laws. Seeing me nod, Alex continued, "However, there have been those that don't wish to create a peerage and wish to settle the land that was given to them for their services. After a time of ten years, those former peerage members can have their pieces returned to Lord Beelzebub while deactivating the servant master pact that is placed within a reincarnated person."

"This is how we as devils have been able to expand the working class instead of focusing on the work of peerages. We now have movie's, author's, clothing, gardening, and doctors. We even have some best selling children's books and adult novels in the human realm that were created by the devil author." Alex said proudly as he handed me a book. I recognized man on the cover as I read the title "How to Make a Women leak on the First Date"

I had seen the commercials for it on some of the few questionable websites that I used to visit and had looked it up. It had some very glowing reviews, with a few notable reviews for the best publishing networks in the U.S.A. Looking back to Alexander, I said "So you're the author of the Book?" "Yes. I just love the American Book and Literature industry. So long as you have a good handle on what you're talking about then they don't care what your name is. They just want the money that flows in." Alex said as he took the book back. He continued, "It is because of these noteworthy individuals that more and more former devil servants became extra devils. Which is what SirZechs and the other kings wished to happen. We are now at a point where half of the population is made up of Extra Devils while the other half is made up of High Class devils and their peerages."

Once he had finished, I remembered what Riser had said during both the rating game and our little dule. It made sense as to why the council wanted a marriage between devil houses, it was to keep the number of High Class devils above those of extra devils.

From what Rias told me, High class devils have lower birth rates due to their extreme power. Which could prevent an egg in the women or sperm in the men becoming sterile. It was the reason why many high class male had multiple women as wives. To keep the bloodline from dying out because of a woman not having an egg to fertilize or the man not having fertile sperm.

Since I am now a dragon, I have the opposite problem. Dragons have a special area that is protected from all of the medical power stored in our bodies. This area is usually the tail while others have it located in their wings depending on their type. When we mate, our connection is far away from the source of our power, which preserves the DNA that is withheld in our eggs and sperm. which , unlike dragons, Devil don't have such protection. It is why the devil council would make a high class devil from one family marry another from another family.

Seeing that I was in thought, Alex tapped on my nose as he said; "Yes, that is correct. Since extra devils don't have as much power as their former masters due, they are able to have more and more children than those of the higher class. While yes it takes a very long time to conceive a child, an extra devil will at least have four to five children in their full life time than a high class family as they would only have two at the least or three at the most." I pointed at the marriage document as I asked, "Then why don't Venelana or Akane have one too?"

"That is mainly because both women are no longer at child producing age in terms of Devil physiology. As such, the council could care less about them as they don't have a purpose in their eyes. You are already marrying Rias which blocks them from the Gremory household and with this new piece of paper, you block out access to THE PHINXES hose as well. It would have been different if they were able to have even one more child." Alex said as he closed his eyes. He then said, "Grayfia was a maid first before she married into the family. That is why she too doesn't have a marriage certificate. Even though she is still able to bear another child, the council can't get involved with any member of the four kings' servants. It is seen as bad form on the counselors point so it is usually frowned upon."

Alex stopped as I growled in anger. To hear that devils didn't respect women after a certain number of births was very irritating. However, I calmed down as I knew I shouldn't be mad at Alex, or anyone else for that matter. It was devil culture and it had been around for thousands of centuries. Hell, it even made it to today. So, if a majority of devils don't see a problem as of right now; then there is really no charging it now. Only with time will these people in power understand the error of their ways. When they are finally out of power and living with the rest of society.

I asked, "Is that way SirZechs is pushing for this alliance with me? To force change where it is needed." "Yes, he and the other kings have grown tired of the council dragging their heels in matters such as this. If they won't change willingly with the time then they will force it. They don't want, however, to have another civil war, which won't do for any one." Alex finished with a bow. He turned to finish when I stopped him as i asked, "Where is Rias certificate?" Alex smiled as he handed a bigger sheet of paper from a magical storage spell. Pleasing it in front of me, he said, "Once you place a drop of blood on the paper, it will be sealed and sent to the official document recorder in the capital. Then, during the meeting the record will travel across the devil world; telling all that you and Rias are engaged to each other and will announce your wedding date in a month or two."

Nodding in acknowledgment, I used one of my claws to cut my hand. Once that was done, I watched as the blood drop got sucked into the paper. In a flash of light, the paper disappeared as Alex went back to his duty. As I watched, I heard Kiba and Tosa approach from behind the wood. I laugh at the sight of a very flustered prince charming being pulled by his girl that he loved for years. He was now beaming with happiness and as he approached me, I said, "So, the Prince of Kouh Academy finally lost his virginity? It is going to be such a shame when that girls back home find out that you are no longer a virgin." Kiba blushed as he rubbed his head while saying, "I don't know. Hopefully they will understand." Kiba then placed his head on Tosa's as the two locked their fingers together. "When you find the person you really love, you can't help yourself from acting on your impulse." Kiba finished as he began to kiss Tosa, who returned it with viger. As the two did their thing, I Took a look at Kiba's wings. One was now black while the other was pure white. Both of them had the same gold detailing that I have, which signaled that he was under my rule. Considering that Kiba had sacred gear, I had an epiphany about why his wings were colored that way.

I was about to ask Requiem about it when I heard Kiba say, "Now that I have had sex with Tosa, what's going to happen now?" I smiled as I opened my magical storage, which Requiem had when he was turned into a sacred gear, and pulled out a special piece of paper. Placing it in front of Kiba, I told him to use Tosa's claws to prick his finger. Once he had done so, I told him to smear the blood on the paper.

Kiba had finished, when the blood on the paper began to glow and from the glowing blood appeared letters. The letters were Dragonic in nature and Kiba had a confused look on his face. I awakened Requiem, who was taking a nap, to tell us some of the words; as I had only had the basic understanding of the written Dragonic word.

Requiem took a minute to read the paper before he spoke. He said, "Well Issei, You have done very well with this young knight. Even at the age of 17, he already is at level 70 in speed and dodging, level 100 in swordplay, surprisingly level 50 in duel wielding sword play, level 15 in marksmanship, level 100 in gentleman appeal and social status." Kiba beamed with pride as toas patted his head like a puppy, telling him that he did a good job.

Requiem, however, couched a few time to get his and hers attention as he said, "While those stats are impressive in their own right, you still need to work on your defensive maneuvering, which is level 15, strength, which is level 38, magic attack and defense, which is level 30 and 31 respectfully, as well as your new abilities. Dragons roar, Dragon fire, dragon sword, as well as close quarter combat and dragon speed. You have a lot of work ahead of you before you can say that you are a true knight." Kiba was gob smacked when Requiem was finished, while Tosa laughed at the face he was making. I found myself chuckling as Kiba said, "I had known that I needed some work, but I did not know it was that bad. How come i have been able to fight some of those mid level stray devils?" Both Requiem and myself launched as both Tosa and Kiba looked at me with confused faces. We laughed, until Tosa pinched one of my wings; as she did not like laughing and wanted the answer.

Requiem began to explain to them that most supernatural beings, no matter the race, reach a power level of 100 before they eventually reach their max level, which varies from person to person depending on their skills, combat potential, and magical abilities. For those that are able to break through to the level of three hundred, like SirZechs who was level 350, they lose their reproductive ability much faster and can't break to level 400 no matter what they tried. That is why Kiba was able to fight those mid level devils before; as middle class and High class are just titles that represented their place in society. Kiba then asked why the combat test for both the middle and high class test were focused on so much.

Alex had returned by this point and explained that the test was more of a practical exam than an actual combat test. He then gave an example, with a low class devil enter a peerage and is able to fire three fire balls every three minutes then that is placed in his records. When said devil takes the middle level test and proves that he is growing or practicing his abilities, i.e. he is able to shoot more fireballs for longer or a large grouping with a shorter cool down period then he has already passed. If the said devil really pushes himself during the test and impresses the teacher, then that devil will only have to take the history test during the high class test as he had already proven himself. He then told us that out of Riser's peerage, only two were High class devil's while the rest were middle level devils. Of curse Ravel was already a high class devil because of her family, but to our surprise, Yubelluna, Riser's queen, was a High class devil. She had impressed the teachers during her middle level combat test, which allowed her to skip the high class test and just do the writing exam.

Once he said that, it finally clicked in my head as to how Akeno was able to stand toe to toe with her during the rating game. I had asked if her magical resistance was a lower level than Akeno's, to which Alex nodded. Pulling out a small device, Alex showed us the comparison between Akeno and Yubelluna. Akeno and Yubelluna were the same in most areas, however Yubelluna had weaker magical defense and dodging while Akeno, when she doesn't want to use her holy lighting, has a slightly lower magician attack but a much higher magical defense and dodging. It was the reason why she had the bottle of Phoenix tears and not his sister or one of the knights. If she had used that bottle, Yubelluna and Akeno would have defeated each other after they had fallen to the ground. Alex then explained that Riser never had his peerage do any hard training or participated in any of the hunts to track down stray devils. As such, Yubelluna was comfortable using long range attacks, but when an enemy like Akeno (who had plenty of time training and fighting) who could move and dodge against her, she would have a hard time. That is why Riser gave the bottle, as he knew that Akeno would eventually fight her and would have defeated her outright or defeated her as she too was defeated. The only reason why Akeno lost the fight was because she was distracted and when she noticed the bottle it was too late.

When Alex finished, Requiem continued to explain that a Dragon, even a low level dragon, can break the 500th level while dragons such as myself can pass to power levels in the thousands. Only SirZechs in his Lucifer form, Micheal in his Warrior form, and the remaining gods of the other pations could reach that level of power. However, they have to take a break, or they would lose themselves to the power; as power along with greed can corrupt the mind and heart. Dragons, however, are beings of Power. We are power incarnate. We don't have the same weakness because our power comes from inside us and we generate power. It is why we eat a lot without getting fat, because our muscles and mind generate power that is close to the power of the sun. Our Fire is ours because we create it ourselves.

We are powerful beings, which need even powerful wife. Alex was listening more intently as Kiba brought Tosa closer to him. A dragon's family is the most important thing in his life. It is even more important than the vast wealth he has. Since dragons are powerful, they don't have a natural death. Yes, people can kill a dragon, but if the dragon is powerful enough; then he can outlast even the universe destroying itself. But what does that life mean without someone to share it? It is a lonely existence if you have no one to talk to, to watch it grow from egg to adult, to love and share memories that can eclipse lifetimes? It means nothing if you can basically live forever and never find a person to share it with.

It is why dragons place their families above all other things. And it is why dragons have many wives. Even a low class dragon will at least have three to four wives, depending on how much his final power level is. Middle dragons can have up to 8, while high dragons can have up to 20 women. Kiba then asked about him, to which Requiem said that since Kiba is my Dragon Knight, then he could have up to at least 40 women. This surprised Kiba, as it included the small group of girls that like to follow him around as well as a few extra girls that I have seen around the school. I laughed at Kiba's face as I said, "It looks like you will be busy, aren't you, Kiba?"

Kiba just blushed as Tosa Giggled with excitement. I could tell she couldn't wait to expand his harem and make babies with him. Requiem then told me that I had the greatest honor, OR dishonor, of all. Since my power will continue to grow; my full power level can't be counted. Every time my body sheds its scales, more power will be generated. As such, my harem will grow and grow and grow. I knew that i would have a large harem, since I wanted to be a harem king, but to find out that it would grow to the highest that i didn't even imagen surprised me. Once more, Requiem said that while I have some control on who enters, I don't control the amount of women that will, WILL, want to be with me.

I asked if I didn't accept them into the harem, hypothetically, what would happen to that person. Requiem said that the person would live a heart broken life. Never to find love ever again as the one person they wanted, the one they wanted to be what would not want them. It is the reason why people and the supernatural call this the Dragon's curse. It is a curse placed only on the male dragon, as he is the pinnacle of the family. He is the father, Husband, lover, Protector, guide, friend and to his children; want they wish to become.

He is everything to his family, and if he dies; then so is his family. It is a heavy price to pay for this power. Everything is at your disposal, but with it you carry the hopes and dreams of your family with you. It is why dragons always avoid offending other families, as offending one family is a death sentence. If the father's fight, then one of the families will die.

I was silent for a moment. This was a lot that, while I had known, still had a little trouble wrapping my head around. Requiem said that there was good news however. I had Rias and all my other friends and wives. They will guide me, just like I will guide them. They will be there in the happy time and the bad. They will comfort me just like I do to them. No one is ever perfect, which is why the women that come to me, or to my girls, will be the right fit. It is as natural as the seasons changing, or when new life is born. Hearing him have such a calming voice, that sounded with sure confidence made it better. Yes, I will have a lot of responsibilities; but Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Ravel and the others will be there with me. Just like I will be there for them.

sorry for the wait. here is a new chapter.

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