
Ancient Dragon returns to DxD

This is a contuination and rewrite of an original story from fanfiction.net by Dragons123d. He has stated he will allow me to do this so hopefully it will be good. This DxD story strats with the rating game between Rais and Riser. Issei just saw Koneko get trashed and sent flying by Riser's queen Yubelluna. Instead of the Boosted Gear using his rage to send her packing, he insteads starts going down the road he everying everyone knew about him. he will change from his perveted, ignorant, self-centered, and arrogant self to a debenedable, caring, and understanding person. he becomes a full dragon and startes his new juurney with the rest of his freinds. Asia will have new skills as well as a new gear. and lets just say that the world will never be the same again. PS. DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER GOT IT FROM pinterest BY Black Dragon Emperor

heath_nielsen · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Devil Meeting Part one. R-18

R-18 FOR Graphic content.

(Author here, I just want to let you know that I don't condone rap and find it grotesque and immoral. However, we are talking about devils here and I need someone for Akeno, Raynare, Shuri, Kalawnare and Millte to torment and torcher in later chapters. also, It give me a reason to kill off four of the Dievl counsel in this chapter. I Apologize in advance if some people are put off by this.)

Alex coughed as he drew our attention. At the mouth of the Garden was Riser's former peerage. Although, they looked like they went through hell, quiet literally. They had busses on their faces as well as burn marks over their legs, arms and bodies. When they saw me, they all ran over to me and gripped on to my body like there was no tomorrow. They then started to cry. It was like their emotions were flowing uncontrollably for the first time in years. Even Yubelluna was crying her eyes out. I instantly wrapped them up in my wings and tails to help them, spreading my healing flames over my body to heal the physical wounds on their bodies. As they cried, I began to whisper to them, telling them that they are safe now and no one will harm them. As I patted them, I looked to Alex for an explanation. He looked at them with sadness in his eyes as he told me to wait. What they needed right now was the man they have now chosen to be with.

I gave him a questioning look, until I felt the peppering of kisses spread all over my body. When I looked, I soon felt all of the girls kiss my lips; After which they soon fell asleep. Whatever they had been through was enough to forgo any chance at being with another peerage. Which was something that I was willing to do as I felt that these girls should have had the choice. However, their choice; the one they had just chosen was one of binding. I just hoped that later on, they would not hate me for this decision. But, what concerned me more, was what had happened to them. Especially the two youngest of the group, the second pair of twin pawns Iie and Nel. These two especially were clinging on to me, even now that they are asleep; I could feel their bodies tightening around my tails. When i tried to move them to a better gripping location, their bodies jumped and they shouted, "Pleaseeee!! Don't touch us.!!!!!" I instantly asked Requiem's help, to soothe them. Thankfully, he had just the spell and both girls lessened their grip on me. I then moved them both to my chest as they cuddled up to it. It was like my heartbeat was the only thing keeping these two sane. 

I know that I am not as smart as some people, but I do now one thing. No girl would have this much of a reaction unless of one thing and one thing only. The anger inside me as I held on to these two was getting the better of me as I said, "Alex!" in a low rumble. He instantly snapped to attention as I said in a murderous voice, "Tell… Those… Old… Hags… to Get Here Right Now Before the Underworld Really Becomes Hell On EARTH!!!!!!"

Tosa, at this point, was gently rocking the other two twins as I heard them talking in their sleep. For that man to do this to his son's own peerage was inexcusable. Although, I am pretty sure that Riser also had a hand in this as he had three days to hurt these girls for the loss. But to do what he did to Ile and Nel was unthinkable.

Soon enough, SirZechs, Serifall, Beelzebub, and Asmodeus arrived at the table as the other minister and council member took their seats. Everyone had the look of fear in their eyes, which I understood as I was not holding back how pissed I was. I am sorry Koneko, I have bigger fish to fry. Alex was about to start the meeting when I told everyone, "Let's cut to the chase, Bring Me Lord Phenex. RIGHT NOW!!" Everyone, except SirZechs, was taken aback. Even the guards felt afraid of me as I was releasing a lot of aura. SirZechs told the Guards to do what I said, which quickly made them run to the dungeon. An older man was standing from his seat and was going to say something arrogant. However, Kiba made quick work of him. Forcing the man to sit back down in his seat before his head was chopped off. 

I was not in the mood to play policies, nor would I be nice for the four camera men. Two from the Angles, while the other two were from the Fallen. Unlike the devils around me, these four did not have the same amount of protection from SirZechs like the others, so they were feeling the effects more. I did not care. In fact, Once Lord Phenex appeared in the garden. I increased my power ten fold. SirZechs himself was finding it hard to keep everyone stable as I glared at the man with complete and total anger. I loved watching the man, the man who did such an atrocity to these two, squirm in my threatening gaze. He knew why he was here, he knew he was looking at death, right in front of him. And yet, he could not move away from me. He was stock and the man pissed his pants.

I looked at SirZechs as I said, "We were going to talk about Kuroka first as part of the agenda today. But I Had Just learned of a horrible truth. The Man In Front of You Is Hear By Charged With Rape In the First Degree. We WILL HAVE THE TRIAL NOW!!" I roared the last part out. If SirZechs wants change, then I will give it to him. The Chief Judge was about to say something sung or condescending. But when he looked into my eyes, he would see the future of his life if he said those words. Thankfully, he chose to save himself instead of the bastard in front of me as he asked, "Lord Phenex, You are in front of this court for the crimes of treason and rape in the first degree. How do you plea?" "Not guilty, your honor." Was all the man could say. That just made me angrier as the Judge asked, "Lord Requiem, While you have provided the evidence of treason against Lord Phenex, Do you have proof of Rape?"

I was about to eat the man, but Tosa saved him by saving, "Yes your honor. We do have evidence of rapping of Iie and Nel. If you would be so kind as to allow me to disclose my findings, I think we all will have a clear answer of his crime." "For the record, young miss. Could you please tell me your name?" the Judge asked nervously. This time I answered, "She Is Tosa Requiem Hyoudou, My Flesh and Blood. Born From My Body In A New Life. First Mate of My Dragon Knight, Kiba Yuuto. I think that IS GOOD ENOUGH, IS IT NOOT!" I roared in anger. I should really eat that man when I have the chance to.

This time the Judge bowed his head as he acknowledged my answer. He asked Tosa to stand and give the evidence. She started, "when the girls came into view, I was able to see the surface and deep surfing from a severe beating. Also on a few of the girls arms, legs, women hood and backs i located severe burns, most likely from a cigarette. However, the two girls in this case, Ile and Nel had extreme damages ranging from deep, severe busing, to severe third degree burns on their nibbles, legs, torsel and to their genitals. I would also like for the council to know that the most recent burns; the ones on the genitals still have heat rederating from them. It is in conclusion that those burns were only caused about an hour ago. I also did an outside examination of their bodies and have concluded that their hymens were forcibly destroyed. I believe that when the guards testify to the council about how they found the accused, I am sure we all will know the truth." She then picked up the two girls and began to walk into the house to care for them. A man was about to say something, but my low growl made it clear that if he said anything then he would not be alive.

SirZechs then called upon the squad that arrested Lord Phenex and gave their testimonies. They all said the same: they boarded the train and searched the train looking for the accused. They then found him in the baggage car laying on top of Iie while her sister was unconscious right next to them with a pool of blood sounding at her entrances. When they pulled Lord Phenex' s body, they also found that his dick was covered in both sisters' blood. They took samples of both blood areas and handed the results to both the judge and SirZechs. The paper showed that the sables taken matched the records of all three. After the men gave their testimony, the judge told SirZechs that while rape was a taboo in their current climate; it wasn't Illegal to do it. Especially since both girls were once property of Lord Phenex as maids. Riser only added them to his peerage for a complete set. when Riser lost his title, Lord Phenex was exercising his right as their master. While they were a part of the the peerage, they where also member of the house hold and as such, the charge of rape would have to be dismissed. The charge of Treason, however, would be pursued and that they will prosecute. The council nodded in agreement, while a few of the younger ones looked at lord Phenex in disgust. Seeing this action, lord Phenex was smiling in his mind as he looked at me. I was pissed off. However, i had my ace up my sleeve. 

Here is the first part. I reworded the titles becuase this chapter and the Next have the acutall meeting while the other two that I posted did not have any part of the meeting in them.

Next chapter, the stubid bird brain and four member of the councle loss their minds.

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