
Ancient Dragon returns to DxD

This is a contuination and rewrite of an original story from fanfiction.net by Dragons123d. He has stated he will allow me to do this so hopefully it will be good. This DxD story strats with the rating game between Rais and Riser. Issei just saw Koneko get trashed and sent flying by Riser's queen Yubelluna. Instead of the Boosted Gear using his rage to send her packing, he insteads starts going down the road he everying everyone knew about him. he will change from his perveted, ignorant, self-centered, and arrogant self to a debenedable, caring, and understanding person. he becomes a full dragon and startes his new juurney with the rest of his freinds. Asia will have new skills as well as a new gear. and lets just say that the world will never be the same again. PS. DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER GOT IT FROM pinterest BY Black Dragon Emperor

heath_nielsen · Anime & Comics
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Day After.

As Issei waited for the Two Phenex's to come into the garden, He and Requiem started to go through the memories of the Fight with Riser. Issei knew that the power that Riser had during that fight was not natural, and he also knew that the power was very dangerous if it was. Requiem was puzzled at Issei, asking him;" Issei, why do you know of this power? While I have felt something like this before, you have not. Is there something that you are not telling us?"

Issei sighed; "Yes, don't try to find it in my mind, Requiem. If I told you now, you would have a heart attack. It would be better to show you and explain it better. While I did say I don't like keeping secrets from everyone, this is one that I most keep, until I know everyone is ready for it" Requiem, knowing that if he pressed any further, he would get nowhere fast and would not get any more information from Issei, said, "All right, if that is what you wish then I will wait" "Thanks, Now let's see the two.... Wait, Is Rias with them?" Issei asked. "No, I do believe that is Rias's mother, Venelana Gremory. Although, with how much she and Rias look alike; you can forgive yourself for mistaking them." said Requiem

This made Issei chuckle, mentally say 'I could have some fun'. As the three walked up to Issei, He could see the beauties and admirer their figures, Starting with Ravel; His newest wife: She looked very beautiful with her dark blue eyes that looked like sapphires. She has long blonde hair tied into twin tails with large, drill-like curls and blue ribbons keeping them in place. The front of her hair has several bangs hanging over her forehead, with a V-shaped fringe hanging over the bridge of her nose. Her dress was a very long, pink dress with white frills and a magenta bow in the front, sort of how her dress looked like during the wedding that He had crashed. On top of her head, she had a small tiara with a bule, Rosie shaped sapphire in the center. Issei also noticed that a beautiful, silver ring with a sapphire was on her ring finger on her left hand that added to her own natural beauty.

Next was Lady Phenex. Just like with Rais and her mother, The lady looks exactly like her daughter, Ravel, but in her early twenties with the same blonde hair and blue eyes. The only exception of her looks was her hair being done up very high with ornate hair decorations. Issei also noticed the same tiara and ring that here daughter was wearing, in the exacted same place as her daughter. Issei also noticed that the mother was very, beautiful with her Hour-glass body. With her Breast's and ass amble and Issei could only hope Ravel would get when she got older. As Issei was eyeing her, Lady Phenex hoped he liked what he saw and blushed beat red on her checks as she felt his eyes and power flow over her.

Then finally, it was Venelana Gremory's turn. Issei looked to her and just like the other two, Venelana looked just like the older version of Rias. The only difference physically was her hair and eyes, which was shorter, flaxen hair and her violet eyes looked like eye would capture your soul if you looked into them long enough. As with all older devils, she appears around the same age as her daughter and her son, both of whom appear to be in their early to mid-twenties. Issei noticed that Rais also got her figure from her mother, which also excited Issei to see Rais when she was older. As with the two Phenex's, Venelana had a Pear shaped, Blood red Dimond on a silver ring and a tiara that also had a blood red diamond on her head. As Issei looked at Venelana, she too was looking at Issei, blushing as Issei in his Dragon god form was the very powerful and handsome to a decree. Soon, she to feel the aurar from Issei and she blushed even deeper. But unlike the other two, Issei spread some of his aurar over to her breast and to her lower lips. Gasping, she looked to Issei, not with hate or lust, but with passion and care.

This caused Issei to stop his teasing and wonder why she was the way she was. Once the three got close, Issei moved three chairs from the gazebo and told them to sit down. Ravel took a minute, in which Issei moved his hands and picked her up. Caressing her check, which made Ravel blush and barred her face onto his shoulder. This was when Ravel knew that while she may have been a little rash in her decision to offer her live in exganche for Issei spearing her brother, she did not regret it. She then kissed Issei before she sat down on one of his arms.

What Issei did not know, but this action had solidified the two older devils' decision. After a maid came from the house to deliver some tea for the three ladies', Issei said" I am glad that you and your mother have can today. I did not know if you, Ravel, would have come today. I thought you would like to stay home." Ravel placed her ring hand on Issei check saying" I am now your Wife. While I would love to be a little older before finding someone to have both my life and heart. I do not regret to become your wife." Issei placed one of his fingers along her cheek, say" I will always treat my women well. Also, I have a question, why do you all have the rings and Tiara right now? While I know Ravel is marring me, she doesn't have to do it right now. It is the reason why I said she had a year to get ready. As for you two, If I remember right, both of you are married. So why are you...."

Before Issei could Finish, Venelana, Lady Phenex, and Ravel all kissed him at the same time. Soon, all three felt the mark of Issei burn onto their necks, starting their conversation into his new mates. Issei was at a loss for words. He just could not believe that Lady Phenex and Venelana would just willingly become his Wifes and leave the devil world for him.

Seeing the confused look in his eyes, Ravel started to explain," The reason why my mother and Venelana is because we have found out some troubling information, Information that would endanger their lives. I hope you can forgive me for conversing them to become your wife's, but I did not want ether one of them to be killed for the information they have found. Venelana is an old friend of my mother from before she married into the germery family, and I see her as an aunt. Please forgive me." She finishes with a few tears in her eyes. feeling the truth in her words, Issei moves his hand to wipe the tears from her checks. Taking a deep breath, Issei told them," I am not angry, a little mad, but not angry. Tell me the information that you two have found and I will let you know what we will do after this. As for you Ravel, you shore that you wanted to do the conversation now? You will have to come to the human world with us and l was hoping that you would finish your studies here in the underworld. Won't that affect your standings with the other devils.?"

Ravel looked to Issei and said" Yes, I know that leaving now would mean my standing as a devil heist will be affected, I don't really care. Not with the information that we found. I don't want to be a noble if nobles are selling themselves to someone other than the Leaders of our race." "I see. Then let's see what you all have found then." Issei said with a inteced look. He then asked Lady Phenex that last question he wanted to ask," What is your first name? I would like to know your first name now that you are determed to stay with me." She turned to face him and said, "My first name is Akane.... When do you want to announce me and Venelana joining you?" Issei healed up a claw a said, "First, let us see what you two have. I am still a little mad about you two pulling a fast one on me. I will only agree to this if you two tell me the answer to this last truthfully, do you Akane and Venelana have true feelings for me?" Both Ladies looked into his eyes, both at the same time saying yes. Seeing the truth in their eyes and in their hearts, Issei sighed, "Very well. I will accept you both as my women now. Although, Vele-chan. You are going to have to explain to both Grayfia and Rais when they return. They may not be happy that you act without telling them. Am I right?" "Yes, I will make sure to tell them. Now let us get to these files and show you what we have found," Veleana said.

Handing Issei's copy of the files to Ravel, who helped Issei read and flip the papers to show him what they found. Some of the paper showed Riser's power levels before Issei had joined the devils and during the last fight between him and Issei. Issei now knew that the power that Riser had during that last fight was not natural, and as they went thought the rest of the files; it seems that there where a lot of shady deals between Lord Phenex, an unnamed third party, Lord Gremery, and Riser Phenex. They reviewed all of the documents and information that the two had gathered for over an hour, by which time Issei was sure of his suspicions where correct.

As the four finished going over the information, Rias and the other girls returned with lunch and drinks for everyone. Rias and Grayfia where both shocked and happy to see Vele there, but their happiness turned to worry as they felt the change in Veleana's power from pure devil to Half Devil and half dragon. Seeing the faces of the two, Veleana show them her new dragon wings that she gained from Issei. See the wings just like Rais's, the two knew at once what had happened to her. They looked at Issei, asking why She was a mate now; Issei said" Ask your mother and she will explain. I am sorry Rais, Grayfia. But she did not ask me to turn her, she did it on her own."

Veleana motion for the two to follow her, saying" I will explain as we walk, my dear. Grayfia you most come as well." As the three family members left, the other girls asked Ravel and Akane about their dragon wings, which were no longer the fiery, free formed wings like Riser's. They now had two red-orange wings with gold accents to the tips of their wings. As the girls settled down and began to converse with the two new members of the family, Issei went into his mindscape to talk to Requiem.


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