
Chapter 12 {Spooky Mountains}

A week later.

Qin Tang Long stared outside and notice a gray cloudy smoke he slowly turned around the moment they were inside the gray smoke he could sense a strong death sense. Qin Tang Long clenched his fists together what kind of place is this even his Layin Grass seems to be upset about it. Everyone else joined Qin Tang Long and looked out.

"This is Akyu Mountain, as you can feel this mountain is known two things monsters and death let's go," Gong Qiu Linglong said in a bored tone and jumped off the air boat. Qin Tang Linglong followed Gong Qiu Linglong. Everyone stared at each other before following along. Qin Tang Linglong landed on the ground he found himself covering his mouth what kind of place is this. The soil on the ground was dry bodies were on the ground some new, old, or even skin and bones. No one dares move forward even Qin Tang Long found himself worried he notice Gong Qiu Linglong moving forward she turned around.

"Let's go!" Gong Qiu Linglong shouted she grabbed Qin Tang Long hand as she waved her hand a wind cycle appeared and everyone followed them. Gong Qiu Linglong pulled her hand and let out a sigh.

"Sister Gong, this place is dangerous should.."

"As long as you follow me we can come out alive this is a spooky mountain. We are here for three things one to help Yao Yun to awaken her abilities fully, second Qin Tang Long will need a spirit hulo ring, third we will go to the crystal lake to help our body that's my gift to you, we will be attack by monsters but as long as you follow me we won't have a problem."

"Oh my gosh Sister Gong I just remembered something other top elites will be here for joint training! Miao and I we were supposed to go but we came here instead I thought to warn you."

"So troublesome," Gong Qiu Linglong mattered before she turned around and started moving. Many of them felt like Tun Xiao her pet was lucky he was being carried by her. Qin Tang Long eyes traveled trying to remember his surroundings. When he landed on a rock he found himself breathing massive amount of air and he opened his eyes his stomach started grumbling. Gong Qiu Linglong handed him some food. Qin Tang Long smiled and shoved food in his mouth he notice how warm it was his soul power that has been at rank 16 for a long time has finally made a breakthrough. He let out a sigh and he clenched his fists together.

"Aren't I am awesome?"

"Sure you are dumb Sister Gong thank you for the food," Chikaru Hotaru said bowing his head.

"I just don't want you guys to hold me back let's go," Gong Qiu Linglong said in a cold manner. Riko Ai Lili has about had it with this girl.

"Stop being a bitch look we will listen to you but you don't need to be rude okay?"

"Riko right beat me first and then I will listen to you," Gong Qiu Linglong said as her eyes darken. Riko Ai Li released two spirit hulo rings one pink and yelllow as they stared at each other Gong Qiu Linglong let out a sigh.

"I am only going to save those I like and you aren't one of them," Gong Qiu Linglong said and moves forward.

Everyone was now in a sore mood. Qin Tang Long explained to everyone that Gong Wiu Linglong grew up in the mountains and never talked to anyone that's why she acts like that. If made since to them.

Everyone stopped moving today they are done traveling they sat down and Qin Tang Long started a fire. After he was done he started cooking roasted beef. Everyone was hungry Tun Xiao jumps in air with excitement and devoured the beef. The three new comers were shocked on how much this little beast can eat he and Qin Tang Long are the same so crazy.