
Chapter 11 {FUSED}

Qin Tang Long touched his chest. When he felt a sensation power of heat coming out of his body, he let out a scream as he crawled the floor. Golden reddish scales appeared red, and black cycle lines appeared around Qin Tang Long. His left arm, the purple eye that has always been closed awakening, opened it. The sky cracked into pieces. The purple eyes were looking down on the world as he fused with the green snake a white hulo ring appeared around Qin Tang Long his Layin Grass started changing its layers became stronger they looked the same other them the toughness nothing changed. The purple eye moved once again, sending thunder out.

Gong Qiu Linglong, who was wearing her silk pajamas she held out her hand as she blocked the lightning. Tun Xiao sucked the evil energy into his mouth and burped. Gong Qiu Linglong rushed toward Qin Tang Long she touched his hand, and she let out a sigh. She saw an egg shell, so it was a ten year old spirit beast, but it has a unique perspective on its body. Gong Qiu Linglong eyes narrowed as she held out her finger, and a butterfly landed on her fingertip.

"It seems it's happening earlier, then we thought I would protect you from any danger."

Qin Tang Long opened his eyes, and he let out a yawn. He looked up and noticed he was lying on the ground. What he saw was a breathtaking Gong Qiu Linglong leaning against the wall as his head was on her lap. Tun Xiao was on Qin Tang Long chest he stood up and picked up both of them. He put them in their room when Qin Tang Long walked to his room he released his spirit hulo ring it was white, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing right now this is amazing he thought to himself but it's white which is the weakest spirit beast but now he won't have to worry about being stuck behind. Qin Tang Long found a blacksmith room, and he held out his two hammers. At age four years old, Qin Tang Long started learning blacksmith, which is his secondary job. He took a deep breath and he waved his hand as he hit the metal in front of him his eyes shined brightly he was already fourth rank blacksmith for a young boy like him it made him the youngest fourth rank blacksmith but his master wouldn't allow him to enter any competition which he didn't mind it's not like he seeks attention from people.

Sigh, why must be a weak snake? Qin Tang Long stared at the little guy thar wrapped around his finger, and he smiled.

"Sonny, that's your name from here on out. we are a tike we came in late, but let's become stronger together."

Sonny seemed to understand, so he nodded his head.

"Cute," Gong Qiu Linglong said as she stared over Qin Tang Long, let out a scream.

"Sister Gong!"

"Qin, what you did was dangerous, but you end up doing it, so I will reward you before that I made a bath for you go inside it will clean all poison out of your body and it will help you awaken your first meridian channel."

"Thank you, Sister Gong, so what's my reward?"

"Oh, the reward is the bath unless you want us to do it. The Royal Qin Family rules disagreement we fight together in the training hall and the-"

"What how do..?"

"Auntie was the one who told me said I am part of the family, so any disagreement I am excited to fight you go and bath now."

Qin Tang Long rushed off to the bathroom he took off his clothes, and he noticed a golden red dragon symbol on his right arm he looked at himself. Wow, he looked like damn gangster. He poked his feet inside the warm water, and he hissed out.

"Elder Noel, should I?"

"Yes, this is actually going to clean all the old bones out and harden your body. If I were you, I would keep that little girl she seemed so powerful and beautiful."

"Elder Noel, don't make fun of me!"

Elder Noel laughed his laughter was deep, but he cared for Qin Tang Long like his own. As he watched over him, he held out his hand, and a Spear of Sea God San appeared to shake the whole room. Elder Noel was able to close all the sense of the world, so it was only Qin Tang Long and himself. Elder Noel didn't know why he was holding this weapon in his hand but found it that he should have it over toward Qin Tang Long.

Spear of Sea God San had a silver triple pointed spear that resembles the Trident of Sea God San itself, although the tips are aligned in a different way. This spear and the Sword of Sea God San are the most offensive weapons, the god of the seas, can offer his servants, carrying the greatest amount of physical power among them. The Spear of Sea God San gives one the ability to control the sea but also become a future Ruler of the sea but first Qin Tang Long must go through many tests in his life before he reaches Elder Noel level. A ring appeared on his finger he opened his eyes he felt his body was different he looked in the mirror and he let out a scream he rushed inside his room butt naked.

"Nice body, Qin."

Qin Tang Long turned around, and he let out a scream as he nearby a pillow at Gong Qiu Linglong, who laughed Tun Xiao and was lying on the bed as well.


"What your body is so nice and smooth," Gong Qiu Linglong said she ran her fingers on Qin Tang Long, with tight muscles. Qin Tang Long has a four pack each touch he felt he could sense some mysterious connection from her touch. Qin Tang Long face turned so red embarrassed of a beautiful girl touching her he kicked her and Tun Xiao out. Gong Qiu Linglong laughed and shook her head, even his embarrassed side his kind of cute, she thought to herself.

Phew girls are so damn scary!