
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 168: What a Great Seedling!

Long before Peter left Marvel and went to DC, Harry had begun to mess with the Black Superman Church. This led to some delightful conflicts with Kingpin, who was imprisoned at the time. Even in the six months since Black Superman's name was forgotten by people, the church had not been forgotten. On the contrary, it had undergone further transformation and development.

Although Harry and Kingpin had forgotten the term "Black Superman," they hadn't forgotten the fervent and passionate feeling associated with it. They found that they seemed to have admired a certain role model, looked forward to a new future, and firmly believed in a certain creed, even though they couldn't remember it. This spiritual lack and ambiguity made them irritable at times, doubting whether all this was real or some kind of hallucination.

Thanks to the existence of the church, their emotions and minds became more stable, as if they had a place of sustenance, confirming that all this wasn't an illusion. However, they were exceptions. Most people didn't have such strong emotions and sustenance, having joined the church out of trends and interests. These people forgot everything, including what they shouldn't have forgotten.

At this time, the Black Superman Church, which had just begun to take shape, almost collapsed. Under such circumstances, Harry and Kingpin, who had once been diametrically opposed, began to commiserate with each other for the first time. They found they were the only two beings in this noisy world who could talk to each other, becoming close friends. The Eastern and Western Black Superman Churches in New York regained new vitality under their joint integration. The black and white churches took over, and their development was even greater than before.

Harry and Kingpin had a tacit understanding, each in charge of their own areas. Not long ago, the church even launched a member of their parliament. However, big trees attract the wind, and under the current climate in New York, the rapidly growing church became a breeding ground for corruption. The middle and high-level people started trading power and money. Kingpin himself excelled in this, but Harry, due to his limitations, couldn't see it.

After Harry, Peter took a rough look at the records of Steve and others. Steve had some rifts with S.H.I.E.L.D. during the Battle of New York but remained at the level of a grandfather. After meeting with the elderly Carter and chatting with her several times, he returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. Now, he had more freedom and choice, often staying in the Justice League building, the original Tony Stark Building. He found that by opening his heart, he gradually made some friends and connections in this era, possibly influenced by the youth version of Carter.

Peter, having read the records of others at super high speed, saw nothing wrong with them. But when it came to Gwen, he had to be serious. The Ancient One seemed to understand this and while calling up Gwen's record, she asked, "How do you want to deal with your identity after returning?"

Peter glanced at her, "You seem to have an idea."

The Ancient One smiled, "Just a suggestion. We talked before. I hope you can serve as the next Sorcerer Supreme. The current situation is special and suitable for you to take over, isn't it? As long as you serve as the Supreme Mage, you can advance and attack, retreat or defend, and have many choices."

Peter was speechless at the Ancient One's rogue-like persistence. She continued, "As the Sorcerer Supreme , whether you choose to return as Peter Parker or as the Sorcerer Supreme, Kama Taj can be on your side, providing witness and explanation."

Peter saw the benefits. Weaving a lie that Peter Parker wandered in other parallel universes and was brought back by the wandering Sorcerer Supreme would provide a new foundation for his forgotten Black Superman identity, reducing the threat from the corrective power of the world. It was a convenient identity.

Peter looked at the Ancient One, "If I don't become the Supreme Mage, you won't help me?"

Her gentle smile stiffened slightly. She knew it would be a pity not to trick such a great Supreme Mage seedling. Ignoring her, Peter addressed the real issue, "How can I remove this magic that makes everyone forget me?"

The Ancient One became serious, "It's easy to say it's simple, but it's not easy to say it's not simple. The biggest problem is that the one who made the move has too high a status, making many methods useless. You have two choices: find a being of the same level to take action or use enough energy to solve the problem physically."

Finding an existence like Eternity was troublesome, and targeting other diversity at the next level offered more choices. But Peter thought it better to make himself diverse rather than relying on others. He didn't dismiss the proposal immediately, knowing anything could happen before the final step. The second proposal required sufficient energy, highlighting his current shortcoming: his combat power was exponentially exploded by stacking various talents, but his real energy level was only at the sub-single universe level. Superimposing the two phases gave him the combat power of a single universe, while the eternity that came was just a separate body with huge energy at the top of the suniverse.

Peter considered other options, like obtaining six infinity gems to solve the problem easily. The Ancient One asked again, "How about taking over as the Supreme Mage? It can help you solve many problems, Peter Parker."
