
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs


Chapter 141: "Baitman!"

"What?" Diana asked curiously.

"Isabel Maru, a radical chemist, was hired by the German army to develop biological weapons using poisonous gases for them. She and her faction are radicals who seem unwilling to end the war," Peter explained, his tone serious.

"Even as desperation grows, she's become increasingly erratic, attempting to use biological and chemical weapons to tilt the war's balance, even if it harms both sides," Peter continued.

"The reason Steve was chased and inadvertently landed on Paradise Island previously was because he stole Dr. Maru's research notes," Peter added, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

After participating in the war for some time now, Diana was no longer a novice. She understood well the destructive potential of weapons like "poison gas" and "biochemical weapons."

"We cannot allow them to unleash such devastation. We've come this far; we must stop them before they cause more harm," Diana asserted firmly.

Peter nodded approvingly, then pulled out several sets of clothes he had purchased in London.

"So, choose one. We're not heading to the battlefield this time; we're infiltrating the enemy's rear. You'll need attire that helps you blend in," Peter instructed.

Diana nodded in understanding. After Peter left, she examined the clothes laid out before her and began trying them on.

The first set was an office lady (OL) outfit: a pencil skirt that accentuated her curves, paired with a fitted blouse that highlighted her figure. But Diana found it too restrictive for her usual activities.

Next was a low-cut dress that emphasized her bust but lacked practicality for her mission.

As she sifted through the choices, Diana realized each ensemble highlighted her femininity—a stark contrast to her warrior identity. She eventually settled on a dress with a hat and veil. This choice would help conceal her identity, especially since her face might have been recognized by now.

Before leaving, she glanced at the pantyhose by the bed and decided to wear them, opting for practicality over discomfort.

Their target: the German High Command, a critical military hub bustling with civilians.

Peter guided Diana there discreetly, avoiding unnecessary attention. He pointed out the building where the Germans were discussing the release of the poison gas.

"Are we going in together?" Diana asked, uncertain.

"This time, it's just you, Diana. Your performance has been commendable," Peter replied, his confidence in her evident.

He wasn't here to babysit Diana anymore; she had proven herself capable. Plus, Peter had nearly amassed 1 million points, bringing him closer to acquiring an anchor point in the Marvel Universe—a significant step forward for him.

Excited by Peter's vote of confidence, Diana vowed, "I won't let you down!"

They parted ways, and Diana navigated the streets towards the designated building. She skillfully avoided patrols, drawing on her training in stealth and infiltration.

Arriving at the building's exterior, she found the main entrance heavily guarded. Instead, she sought an opportunity at a second-floor window. Swiftly incapacitating a guard, she concealed him in a utility room.

Her mission to locate Dr. Maru led her to scour the second floor, where she found a map indicating Dr. Maru's laboratory was likely in the basement.

Every guard or clerk she encountered was swiftly subdued and hidden away, maintaining her stealthy approach.

Descending to the basement, Diana encountered dimmer lighting and a singular passage, offering no escape routes.

Thankfully, no patrols hindered her progress this time. Arriving at the end of the passage, she peered through a window and confirmed Dr. Maru's presence by her distinctively disfigured profile.

As Diana prepared to confront Dr. Maru, footsteps approached from behind. Realizing time was of the essence, she acted swiftly.

Her enhanced physical prowess enabled her to overpower Dr. Maru swiftly. Holding her at sword point with the Broken Sword of God-Killing, Diana awaited the unfolding events.

"Who are you!?" Dr. Maru demanded, her initial panic subsiding into caution.

Diana remained silent, focused on the approaching commotion.

A middle-aged general in military uniform burst in, alarmed by the unusual scene unfolding before him.

"Guard! Guards!" he shouted urgently.

Dr. Maru's hope surged as she called out, "General, quickly, help me!"

The approaching figure was General Rudolf, leader of the radical faction, whose ambitions were intertwined with prolonging the war for personal gain.

Expecting victory, General Rudolf's plans were disrupted by the mysterious "Baitman," who had eluded all attempts to capture or defeat.

Reports of "Baitman's" audacious exploits had unsettled Rudolf's colleagues, prompting discussions of surrender—a prospect Rudolf vehemently opposed.

Determined not to capitulate, Rudolf intended to unleash a secret weapon: biochemical poison gas, to salvage his ambitions.

Arriving at Dr. Maru's location, he was shocked to find her held hostage, and his rage intensified upon recognizing Diana as "Baitman."
