
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 140: Training Completed

Despite sounding reasonable, Diana had grown smarter and was beginning to think independently. This was a positive development.

Peter maintained his composed expression and smoothly changed the subject, "Next, we'll handle several nearby strongholds."

Diana agreed without objection, but hesitated before extending her hand. She was covered in sweat, blood, and grime from the recent fight. Would Peter find her too dirty? The morning rejection of her hug still lingered in her mind.

Peter, though capable of reading most people's thoughts through his dual business and dynamic observation super-brain, couldn't quite grasp this more nuanced concern.

"If you don't come over, I'll have to carry you," Peter remarked.

Diana instantly shuddered. Being carried like a piglet was absolutely unacceptable to her!

Thankfully, the rest of the process went smoothly. Diana had tackled the toughest challenges already, so Peter didn't leave her to fight alone. Together, they swiftly cleared out enemy positions, significantly boosting their efficiency.

Even when the camps were on high alert, Peter's strategic strikes left no room for the enemy to respond effectively. Soldiers witnessed firsthand what it meant to be rendered helpless.

Peter refrained from killing anyone personally, ensuring higher survival rates compared to Diana's missions. His approach not only achieved their objectives but also instilled fear, with the name "Battman" spreading in whispered dread among the soldiers.

Throughout these operations, Diana observed Peter's actions, deepening her appreciation for Black Superman's abilities.

"He's truly incredible... Is there anything he can't do?" Diana wondered. Had he really treated her harshly only to train her?

Though the process seemed harsh, Peter's no-killing rule deeply impressed Diana. Despite the initial cruelty, he refrained from taking lives directly.

Once they dismantled a defense line through super-speed strikes, the enemy faced an unprecedented dimensional reduction assault.

Back in London, after a brief update for Steve, ignoring his surprise, Diana rushed back to the hotel for a much-needed shower.

In the bathroom, she removed her soiled skirt and stockings. While these items were considered Amazon treasures, they lacked self-cleaning functions and required manual cleaning.

As her clothes came off, Diana's toned, warrior physique was exposed—the muscular yet agile body of a powerful demigoddess. Holding a piece of soap, she meticulously cleansed herself, followed by a relaxing soak in the bathtub.

Over the next few days, Diana and Peter continued their daily assaults on various fronts, honing her skills and strengthening her physique.

Returning to London each day with war-damaged stockings and a tired body, Diana found herself reminiscing about her childhood training on Paradise Island.

In their downtime, Peter took her along to rescue oppressed civilians in villages, showcasing the darker aspects of human nature magnified by war.

Diana looked at Peter with admiration during these missions, grateful for the opportunity to learn from such a skilled mentor.

Steve No. 2, glancing over their budget for stockings, fell into silent contemplation.

However, these relatively peaceful days didn't last long. Soon enough, Diana noticed the collapse of the enemy's army, demoralized by Peter and her relentless attacks.

"Is the war ending?" Diana asked eagerly.

Peter nodded, slightly regretful that the battle had concluded so swiftly. "They'll surrender soon and engage in peace talks. Our strikes dealt a fatal blow to the Allies led by Germany."

Diana rejoiced, knowing her goal of leaving Paradise Island was drawing closer. Her eyes moistened with gratitude as she approached Peter, "Thank you, Black Superman. Without you, I wouldn't have made it this far."

Peter's slight frown went unnoticed by Diana, who took his words as praise for her own achievements. Her powerful thighs involuntarily clenched in response.

Observing her reaction, Peter thought to himself that he had nearly achieved his goal of molding her into a compliant tool. With a note of finality, he said, "Don't celebrate too soon. We still have one last task to complete."