
An Yveltal'S Dimensional Misadventures Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Dimensional Descent

    The Third Dimension is collapsing. The Fourth Dimension is descending. First it seemed that only technology would evolve, but who knew the world itself could too? It wasn’t as simple as climate change or tectonic movement. No, the fundamental laws of physics that governed everything were changing. Leonel was fairly lucky. His family was decently well off, his father loved him enough to brew vomit inducing nutrient rich smoothies every morning, and this was both the day of the National Championship and his 521st confession to his dream girl, Aina. As his father always said, nothing was more important than respect and persistence. Unfortunately, everything changed that night. At the after party of ages, the world reached a saturation point and an apocalypse descended. Abilities awakened. Sub-Dimensional Zones opened. Invalids rampaged through the Earth like a virus... Those who could evolve would have a slim chance for survival. Those who couldn’t would die. This novel will be a unique spin on the dungeon/system genre. Dungeons won't be dungeons and the system won't be a system... Take a look to find out what I mean :) -------- For Updates - @Awespec on twitter or https://discord.gg/awespec for discord https://www.instagram.com/awespec_/ https://dimensional-descent.fandom.com/wiki/Aina_Brazinger

    Awespec · Fantasy
  • An Owl's Rise

    Evelyn had a normal happy life until the untimely death of her mother. Her loving father soon became an abusive drunk that would constantly beat her and her older brother Mason. After years of abuse one day Evelyn and Mason managed to escape the terror of their father, when Evelyn finally snapped and killed him. Unfortunately, even though they escaped their rotten father, their lives came to a violent and early end at the hands of a cruel fate. However, when Evelyn woke up after dying, she found herself in a dark damp place. And when she broke free from what confines her, she finds herself reborn as an owl. Follow along as Evelyn lives her second life as an owl in a world of magic and mystery, as she aims to rise up and become the strongest. So, no one can ever dictate her fate again. Warning: This novel is going to be very dark in places, especially the prologue. If you are faint of heart, I recommend you not read this novel. Artwork By Radiopaque.

    MegaC · Fantasy
  • Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

    Terrorized by the Seed Crystal Virus outbreak, the dimension where Stein was created had its civilization destroyed. Once a world developed with technology as its core, now it was just a wilderness with remnants of tech that's inedible. Unknown if it was a call of good or bad luck, Zhang Qin Feng was chosen as the one to bring life back to this lawless, desolated place. What can he do? How can it be done? For what purposes? Is it worth risking his life for? There's no one to answer Zhang Qin Feng, as he was the only one with such a privilege. But he knew... That everything came with a price. "STEIN, Inventory!" Zhang Qin Feng grabbed the Phalanx X-02 that took four inventory spaces from his Dimensional Storage. Holding the pistol with both of his hands, he fired a shot accurately at one of the incoming zombie's head.

    yanglin · Action
  • An Ordinary Complex

    _ _ _ _ MXFXF relationship. Please read the note. Please add it to the collection then and support me. All feedback will be appreciated Perhaps everyone was right, but Lisa Grace was cursed. How else would you explain what happened to her life and her dream of living an Ordinary Life? ——— ‘This will not work out, so we should break up now. It’s not you, it’s me! I recently found my soul mate and want to be with them.” Lisa was not shocked when her boyfriend told her this. She did not even have enough energy to be angry or demand answers. Perhaps she would have said something if this was the first time this happened. However, after being broken up for the 24th time, Lisa had no hope of ever having a meaningful relationship again. After all, Lisa was an ordinary girl with an extraordinary rumor - if you dated her, you would find your soul mate. So, when a stranger approached Lisa with red eyes, a charming smile, and a beautiful face, she expected it to be a quick relationship for her. But little did she know she was stepping into a world she could never escape. Would the flash of gold she saved become her salvation? Or would that beautiful temptation make her forget her world? …… “All I ever wanted was an ordinary life with someone who cared! It would have made my mother’s neglect and my father’s absence much easier for me to bear!” Lisa wanted this in her life—to be ordinary and never worry about her place in the world. However, just because ‘SHE’ wanted to be left alone did not mean that the ‘World’ would let her be alone. She had made these two fall for her, and now she would be stuck with a vampire’s obsession and a werewolf’s possessiveness. ______ This story will have a straight pairing as well as Yuri and will have abo themes as well as fantasy themes. Female Alphas are Futas. If it's not your cup of tea, leave before you enter. MXFXF relationship, age gap, and unbalanced relationships. Please read the note, add it to the collection, and support me. All feedback will be appreciated. Leave a lot of feedback for me.

    Holy_mackrel · Urban
  • Surviving An Apocalypse

    In this Apocalypse, things that were once hidden are shown in a way that would make your blood boil in horror, but also in hilarity at the circumstances they unfold in and the way the MC, Travis experiences things. Follow along with this book for a well thought out Apocalypse/ all-conquering man who becomes a god, who then claws to the very height of the Universe, and then to the height of every Universe in the Multiverse of all connected strings. In a world where Zombies, beasts, and Awakeners dominate, power is absolute. There is no law save for who is the strongest. Follow Travis on his journey to Survive and Thrive in a world that is keen on dragging his soul to hell. ______________________________________ Informational: The novel is mainly action based and has occasional R18 scenes. The main character is focused on becoming strong, but he has family and friends that he wants to protect as well. The main character has a dark past and has to grapple with it throughout the story. The mana and Magic of the world has a lot to do with emotions.

    Cosmictear · Fantasy
  • The Erotic Misadventures of an Alien's Slave!

    I was the ruler of galaxies, and now some alien race had transformed me into a poor, helpless slave. This is a kinky, no holds barred, love story!

    Neil_H · Sci-fi
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  • Briefe an Romeo.

    [Reifer Inhalt, keine Vergewaltigung] Alles, was es brauchte, war, eine Regel zu brechen, die sie nicht hätte tun sollen. Er war der böse Junge mit den Tattoos. Sie war das brave Mädchen mit der Brille, und sie gehörte ihm. - Als Julianne Winters beschließt, in das Studentenwohnheim der renommierten Universität zu ziehen, hat sie alles geplant, um ihren Abschluss zu machen und den Ort zu verlassen. Doch ihr Plan gerät schnell ins Wanken, als der Blick von Roman Moltenore aus der Abschlussklasse auf ihr landet. Und seine Erscheinung schreit nichts anderes als TROUBLE. "Welche Regeln?" fragte Julianne stirnrunzelnd, als sie die Seite durchlas. Sie war sich sicher, dass sie auf der Website keine Regeln für den Campus gefunden hatte. # 4. Keine Handys benutzen. # 12. Studenten sollten sich nach elf Uhr nachts nicht mehr außerhalb des Campus aufhalten. Je weiter sie las, desto bizarrer wurde es. Ihre Freundin blätterte um und zeigte dann auf die letzte Regel Nr. 29. Höre auf Roman Moltenore. "Das ist erfunden. Schau, die letzte ist sogar mit Bleistift geschrieben." Julianne konnte nicht glauben, dass ihre Freundin aus dem Nachbarschlafsaal dachte, sie würde darauf hereinfallen. "Und kein Telefon?" "Es ist wichtig, dass du dich an alle Regeln hältst. Vor allem Nummer neunundzwanzig", sagte das Mädchen in einem ernsten Ton. "Denk daran, dich nicht mit Roman einzulassen. Solltest du ihn zufällig sehen, laufe in die andere Richtung. Es gibt einen Grund, warum das hier aufgeschrieben ist." Angesichts der Regeln auf dem Campus greift sie darauf zurück, ihrem Onkel handgeschriebene Briefe zu schicken. Aber wer hätte gedacht, dass sie in den Händen eines anderen landen würden!

    ash_knight17 · Fantasy
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  • Misadventures of an Overlord

    The Overlord is often a title given to the leader of the forces of evil. However, in our world, the title of Overlord is a symbol of power, respect, and admiration. The Seven Overlords are heralded as the most powerful beings among those entities that aren't human. As much leader as they are protectors, each one of them has their share of stories and legends, and the Overlord Aundra is no exception. A beautiful and powerful dark elf, she has been the reason why the Eastern Continent has enjoyed an era of peace and prosperity under her reign. It's not just monster girls who have followed her leadership, there is even a village of human refugees who have fled from the wartorn mainland to find a peaceful existence in her dominion. However, the truth is that Aundra wants nothing more than living a peaceful existence, a desire that is quite difficult to be satisfied when you are constantly chased by a foolish wanna-be hero and have your subordinates constantly drag you into misadventures!

    Reikiko · Fantasy
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  • Dimensional Artificer: Forge of Creation

    A charismatic and talented 3D modeler in his mid-20s, who finds himself mysteriously transported to a world of magic and power unlike anything he's ever known. Unlike the conventional magicians and warriors in this realm, Ailord discovers that his unique power lies not in traditional sorcery, but rather in the ability to manifest his creations from the digital realm into physical reality. As Ailord navigates this fantastical world filled with mythical creatures, ancient civilizations, and treacherous adversaries, he must harness his creativity and technical prowess to forge innovative tools, weapons, and constructs that defy the conventional limits of magic. With his modern military knowledge and expertise in 3D modeling, Ailord becomes a formidable force as he blazes a trail of ingenuity and innovation, reshaping the very fabric of this new world.

    Jayzentz · Fantasy
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  • Dimensional Transfer

    Chosen apparently at random Daniel finds himself in a low fantasy world remarkably similar to that of anime and games. His one advantage being the System he has received and the unique powers it provides. Using his ability to return to Earth at will he must get stronger and take advantage of his blessed start to survive this hostile new world and build his colony in to a beacon for all of humanity. With his only obligation being survival he can build this world up to be his personal paradise or work towards a greater goal and the mysteries of this new world.

    Daniel_B_2466 · Games
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  • Ruma’s Multiverse Misadventures

    awesome67 · Fantasy
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  • The misadventures of an assassin

    follow Heath and his sister Quinn as they navigate the world of crime

    M1y4_c0m · Urban
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  • An Villain's POV

    NOTICE [ SEND 1 CASTLE, I'LL SEND 20 CHAPTERS] __ What is a villain? Is anyone born a villain? The answer is — no. A villain is made by their circumstances. Society is the one that creates villains. It’s pretty straightforward. These concepts are familiar to many, but does anyone care? No one does. As long as someone is benefiting from something or someone, it doesn’t matter to them what harm or anguish they are causing others. But then again, it doesn’t matter. Everyone perceives things from their own standpoint, believing themselves to be right and judging others accordingly. Everything is a matter of perspective. No one is inherently evil or angelic. We are the ones who decide what’s wrong and what’s right. This story explores that mindset. He is the one who is forced to become a villain in everyone’s eyes—a villain who, from his own perspective, isn’t evil. A villain who doesn’t care about others’ perspectives. This is a villain’s point of view. ~~~~~~~~~ DISCLAIMERS-- This story follows the trend Villain's are not born but made—making the character development and story where there will be a motivation given to MC for his actions. I want to deal with emotional state of MC and give him a valid reason to be a villain, it's slow paced but immersive. You can try first chapter and based on that you would become aware about what writing style the whole first Volume will follow. Read now

    Avi_Lekhak · Fantasy
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