
An Unfamiliar Ceiling

In utter dread, I wake to an unfamiliar scene once again, and the cycle repeats. A new room, new world, new reality, I never know where I will go next, but I keep going forwards to find salvation, the light at the end of the tunnel. -----------‐-------------------- Don't expect frequent updates or good story, just started writing on a whim.

MostScaryCat · Fantasy
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4 Chs

An expanse of shelves (2)

Filled with determination to achieve my newfound goal, I explored the new area I had found myself in.

However all that I could ascertain was that the shelves weren't never-ending like I had previously assumed, instead they were seperated by varying square-shaped rooms, some were like little canteens with food and cutlery strewn about on tables, others were bedrooms with beds that were all colours of the rainbow.

I thought this was a little weird, why are these here? It wouldn't make sense for a warehouse to have fully assembled displays of furniture that nobody would see, I even tasted some of the food and it was warm, as if recently cooked.

Another thing I had found out was that there were more of those mannequins, though in different shapes and sizes to the one that had snuck up on me earlier.

Some were short, some were absurdly tall, I had even seen one with long, thing arms like the thing that had chased me. Were they related in some way?

Eventually, I'd come to the conclusion that I should start searching for an exit. So, after careful pondering, I worked up the courage to speak to one of the wooden workers that roamed the shelves.

"Excuse me sir"

I came up to one of the more human-like mannequins and tapped it on the shoulder.


It spoke with a cold, detached voice, like it didn't want to be here.

"C-could you please point me to the exit?"

The courage I had mustered up slowly faded after hearing its dead tone.

"Its over there."

It pointed towards a large pillar in the distance, one of many I had sighted so far, and scurried off before I could say another word.

I guess that was my objective, I would slowly trek my way through the shelves to get to that pillar, what lay beyond? I don't know, but i sure hoped it was the outside I was striving for.