
Whom to blame

Sofia( Breathing heavily)

Women- "Doctor, Please save my niece"

Doctor- " Nurse, take her to the operation theatre. Mam, she's very critical, You please have a seat"

Sofia was taken to OT. The doctors were trying to handle her as she has lost a lot of blood and is bleeding continuously.

After 3 hours ...`

Women-" How is she?"

Doctor-" She is pretty well now. But."

Women-" But?"

Doctor- " Sorry to ask again. Who are you to Sofia?"

Women-"I am her Aunt. Aunt Dina"

Doctor( sadly)-" Mrs. Dina, she survived but her baby is no more"

Dina-" What?"

Doctor-" We are sorry for your loss. Also, the case is of firing, so we had to even inform cops about it"

Dina-" Okay. But can I see her now"

Doctor- " Sure!'

Dina reaching to Sofia

Sofia( speaking slowly)-" Aunt. Oh my god, aunt is that you?"

Dina( crying)- " OO my baby. Thank god, You're fine"

Sofia-" Where is Jon? Is he okay?". Where is he?"

Dina- " OO my baby, I am sorry."

Sofia-" And my baby"

Dina Stay silent

Sofia- " Oo my god, Oo my god. No no, Please tell me he's okay"

Sofia crying loudly

Dina-" Sofia, please control yourself. We can not stay here for long, the cops can come anytime. We must leave"

Sofia( crying)-" No aunt. I don't wanna go anywhere. I don't wanna live, let me die. My baby died because of me. I always thought about money, gold, never thought about myself, my family."

Dina-" No baby, please don't cry. My friends will be here in a minute, with stretcher and ambulance so we must leave"

Sofia- " No, no. I will not go. Leave me, aunt"

Dina-" I am sorry honey. I can't leave you."

Dina gave her anesthesia

Dina( whispering)-" I am sorry honey, I had to do this"

Dina, however, manages to escape Sofia from the hospital. She takes Sofia to a town called Los Altos in Santa Clara.

Sofia wakes up

Sofia-" Ahem. Where am I, Aunt?"

Dina- " Don't get up. Lay down"

Sofia- "But where am I?"

Dina-" Somewhere, Where no one will find you. Where you are safe"

Sofia( yelling )- " I told you to leave me, let me die"

Dina-" Just calm down, baby"

Sofia( Crying )- " How can I stay calm. I have killed my baby, my love"

Dina- " It's not your fault, Sofia. Stop blaming yourself"

Sofia-" It's all my fault"

Dina- " That bastard Jack, It's his fault. Whatever happened to you, to your baby, To Jon."

Sofia-" I am not gonna leave that bastard. Where the hell is he?"

Dina- " Right now, you just need rest. We will talk about it later. I will bring you some soup"

Sofia( softly )- " Okay"

Dina brings soup for Sofia

Sofia- " Thank you"

Dina- " Honey, you shouldn't have called me that day. Because of that, Eric tracked you and Mix up with Jon. And that's good that you told me everything in the SMS."

Sofia-" But how did you know that we are still inside the bank"

Dina- " I was on the place, where you told me to stay that heist night and where you will bring all the money to me. But you never showed up, so I got worried and came inside the bank. There I saw you, with blood on your body and then I checked your heartbeat, your heart was still beating and I even checked Jon's heartbeat, but he was dead. So, I took you to the hospital and rest you know"

Sofia-" And what about Olive?"

Dina- " Still looking for her. By the way, why did Jack betray you all? And you never told me about your pregnancy. Whose baby was it?"

Sofia- " The baby was of Jon and me. But I didn't tell you because I got to know about it on the heist morning and I didn't get time to tell you"

Dina- " But Why did Jack betray you?"

Sofia- " Because he saw the test in the bin"

Dina- " Okay, now I get it. But what took you so long inside the bank"

Sofia explains everything that happened inside the bank

Dina- " Hmm, But I thank god that you are safe"

Sofia-" So how are Jon's kids?"

Dina- " They are safe in the hostel and living a good life. But Why didn't you tell Jon about his kids"

Sofia- " I was gonna tell him about this after the heist. And now I think I should have told him before about his kids. When I made Jon's arrest, I didn't know, where to send his kids except you. I knew that you will take good care of them. But I did wrong with Jon's kid and now my kid had to scarify for my mistake."

Dina-" As I always say. Never take Karma lightly"

Sofia-" Now tell me about, Jack. Where the hell is he?"

Dina- " After the heist, he took all of the money, and now he is ruling on some island named Majorca in Spain. He has a big bungalow, Half of the island is owned by him, and has his people all around the island."

Sofia- " In three days?"

Dina- " Honey, You were in a coma for 5 months"

Sofia- " What?"

Dina- " After I gave you anesthesia and brought you here. Doctors told me that you were in a coma. Honestly, I lost hope in you. I thought that you will never wake up. But you did"

Sofia( Shockingly) - " Oo my god."

Dina- " Yeah!. And forget about Jack. We can not reach his level to kill him. Even if we try to kill him, we will be dead before killing him"

Sofia-" No way aunt. I will not step back. I will send that bastard to hell."