
Never plan anything before…

Reaching Federal Bank.

Jack- "So, girls here we are"

Olive (gasp)

Olive-"Why is this fucking so laborious?"

Sofia-"I am ready"

Jack-"Jon is already inside the bank and handling the security. I think Sofia, you must enter the bank now"


Olive-"All the best, sis"

Sofia left the car with earphones in her ear and catch the bag from the car trunk. Heading towards the bank

( Entering bank)

Sofia- "Jack, I am in. Do your work now"

Jack hacking scanning machines and cameras

Jack-"There we go"

Sofia towards the security check

Security-"Mam your bag please"

Sofia Keeps the bag on the scanning machine and gets herself checked as per security protocol. After the check, she was about to collect the bag from the machine, But

Security-"Mam we have to check the bag personally too"

Sofia(Mumbled)-"OH shit!"

When security was about to open the bag...Jon arrives

Jon-"Security, She's my wife. Let her in"

Security-"Sure sir… sorry mam."

Sofia-" It's ok!"

Jon hosting Sofia

Sofia-"Thanks Jon"

Jon-" Ok throw the explosive in the bin I will pick it up."

Sofia-" Okay…."

Jon-"Back to work now Sofia"

Both of them are on their way. Jon visits the top floor and heads toward the restroom. Sofia near the locker

Sofia-"Here… I am near the locker.


Jon-"Yeah almost done."

Jon Disconnects the communication. Jon making a call

Jon-"You must arrive in 15 min"


(Phone disconnects)


Jon-"Sorry guys, earphones popped out from my ear, and the call got disconnected"

Jack-"okay. Are you done with your work?"

Jon-"I guess, It's time to complete it"

Olive-" Okay. Sofi and Jon, Head toward the case"

Jon-"Heading ahead"


Jon-"We are near the locker. Do it now!!"

Jack-"Olive press it"


Lightning in the building….

Every security staff running towards the place where the explosion took place. Even the security near the locker ran towards the top floor…

Sofia-"We are entering Locker"

Jack-"Guys, we only have 3 min till the guards arrive back. You have to be quick"

Jon-" Okay Olive, we have placed the bomb….. press the button.."

Sofia and Jon getting away from the locker…

Boom….( 2nd explosion)...

Jon-" Finally we did it!"

Jack-" Fill up the bags fast."

Both of them filled their bags with dollars and gold

Olive-"Now it's my time to enter"

Olive reaching out to Sofia and Jon

Olive-"Let's fill one more bag guys"

Jon-"The staff would be coming towards the locker. I should go and distract them"

Security arriving near the locker

Jon-"Guys I will check there, you go and check the employees of the bank. And call CBI. Say them to arrive fast"

Staff leaving

CBI arrives

Jack-"Come out now. CBI's here"

Jon-"Pick the bags and let's leave. Olive takes one bag and leave. I and Sofia will reach out to you both soon."

Olive-"You both Come out fast"

Olive leaving

Sofia-"Let's go, Jon"

Jon removes earphones

Sofia-"What are you doing, Jon?"

Jon( laughing)-" Sorry Sofia"

Sofia-"Jack, Run"

Jack-" Hey! What's wrong.?"

Jon points the gun at Sofia

Jon-"Cut the call and leave the bags on the floor and turn around"

Sofia turns back, and she finds...

Eric-"Hello, darling"

Sofia-"Eric?. How is this possible?. We killed you"

Jon-"Not we, only me"

Sofia(panting)-"Why are you doing this Jon?. What about our plan, Our love..."

Jon(Chuckles)- "Our plan?. It was never our plan"

Eric-"The plan was of me and Jon. Now Jon will have 77% of the money. That was all our plan."

Sofia-"And what about our love?"

Jon-"Still you didn't get it Sofia. That was just the part of the plan"

Eric-"And did you really, think that Jon will forgive you. I mean after whatever you did to him"

Jon-"And because of you, my wife died. How can you even think that I will leave you"

Sofia(sobbing)-"I should have never trusted you"

Jon-"Yup!. But you did and we are not gonna arrest you."

Eric-"We are gonna kill you, darling"

Sofia-"No no, Please no"

Eric-"Now get down on your knees"

Sofia on knees

Sofia-"Please stop, Please"

Jon-"1, 2, 3..."

Sofia-"I am pregnant Jon, I am pregnant with your baby"

Jon-"WHAT?.No no, your lying"

Sofia-"No Jon..."

Eric-"She bluffing with you Jon, Shoot her"

Sofia-"I am serious Jon, yesterday after you left the washroom, I vomited. I thought that it was just sickness. But at midnight I had dizziness and I did a pregnancy test and it was positive"

Jon-" No no, That's not possible"

Sofia-" Why would I Lie?"

Eric-"Don't believe her Jon, Shoot her"

Jon stood still and was shocked

Eric-" Shoot her Jon"

Eric takes out his gun

Eric-" I am gonna kill her. Back off Jon"

Jon-" Dare you to do that Eric"

Eric-" OH I guess I am"

Jon-" Stop, or I will shoot you, Eric"

Eric didn't stop, as he was about to shoot, Jon pulled the trigger.

( Shooting sound)

There Olive and Jack

Olive-" Where are they, Jack?"

Jack- "That motherfucker betrayed us"


Jack( frustrated)-" I am not gonna him now"

Olive-" What are you gonna do?"

Jack-" Listen to me Olive, You should leave. CBI is coming for us"

Olive-" And You?"

Jack- " I will come with Sofia. You should go now"

Olive-" But Jack..."

Jack( heavy voice)-" I said, leave"

Olive left. Jack enters the bank

Here Sofia and Jon

Jon- " Come on, get up. We must leave"

Sofia- " Yeah"

Jon-" Jack?"

Jack-" Hello Love Birds"

Sofia-" What are you saying, Jack?"

Jack-" You, stay quiet. And Jon. GOODBYE"

Jack shoots Jon

Sofia( Crying loudly)-" Jon, no no, Please wake up. Jon, Jon, Jon"

Jack-" OO, so sad. But your love story ends here. Do you think I am a fool? I knew about you and Jon. And now It's your time to die"

Jack points the gun at Sofia

Sofia-" I am pregnant"

Jack-" Don't you think I know about that too?. I saw that test this morning in a bin. And I am not gonna kill you, but the baby…

(Shooting sound)...