

Rachel lost all the colors of her life even before turning 20. She never thought she could fall in love again. On that day, she lost her hopes and the desire to live. The only thing that kept her alive was her memories with him. It was the day when Aaron first saw her. He had never believed in love at first sight. He saw her crying miserably. He stood there the whole day watching her. Later he learned, that it was the day when she lost the love of her life, her husband. He couldn't believe himself that he actually fell in love with a girl at the funeral - her husband's funeral. "Don't leave." Aaron had run behind her, getting drenched in the rain. He was scared, scared that she would leave him. She pushed him hard and shouted, "I don't like you!" Aaron stood there, rooted to the ground. Staring with a blank expression he asked, "Why?" She tightened her lips, scared of showing her weaker side. He continued, "Because of your husband's death?" Rachel felt her world collapsing. She hadn't expected him to know about Eric's death. Seeing her expression he continued, "Rach, you can't live with memories forever. You have to move forward with someone. But I want that someone to be me." Rachel took a deep breath. "I'm not going to get married again." Seeing her being adamant, he said, "Yes, someday, you will." "No, I won't." He asked, "What if you change your mind in the future?" "That will never happen. If that day comes, then I will come to you." Rachel just wanted to get over with this as soon as possible. She didn't think much about her words as that day would never be going to come. Arron narrowed his eyes and asked, "Promise?" She nodded. With an evil grin, he went near her. Holding her face, "Let's seal this promise." Saying this, he kissed her hard. His first love. Can he bring back the happiness that she couldn't even find in her dreams? Him and her? Is it possible? Is it an inevitable fate? Note : Criteria to read this novel - "PATIENCE" Why? because ~My first novel :) Comments, votes, and reviews are appreciated. You can share your thoughts, curiosity, questions with me through the mail. It's a way for me to learn about my readers' minds. ID: joyousbird04@gmail.com Thank you :)

Joyousbird · Urban
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96 Chs

Chapter 24 : After a long time. (2)

A loud piece of music greeted them. Rachel instinctively covered her ears with both of her hands. It was too loud! And, people were dancing around as if they had gone mad. A few couples were hugging while dancing, and a few were... kissing boldly.

'Oh, what a sight!' Rachel thought. Now she understood what that bouncer meant.

'It's open for everyone,'

She turned her head towards Crysta, thinking to ask if she wants to leave this place as it might make her uncomfortable. But, guess what? That friend of hers was grinning like one idiot. Rachel shook her head. She should stop overthinking.

Crysta dragged her to the corner table to sit. She wasn't the least bit uncomfortable. Rather, she wanted to enjoy as much as she could while she was here.

A waiter came up to them to take an order.

"One Bacardi 151 and one Everclear please," Crysta ordered without even looking into the menu. The waiter took the order and left.

"Hey! You know I can't hold my liquor well. I will just accompany you." Rachel protested. She didn't want to drink. If she gets drunk, then she would...

"No arguments. You are drinking with me tonight." Crysta dominated.

The drinks arrived soon and they held the filled glass in their hands.

"For meeting after a long time. Cheers!" The clicking of glasses came.

Rachel just took a sip, while Crysta emptied the glass in one go.

"So, how're things abroad?" Rachel asked.

"Same as shit. I had told you before that I have been wanting to open the art class, right?"

Rachel nodded.

"Yeah, almost everything is set. A few more things and it will be ready to open." She gulped another glass of liquor after answering.

"How are things between you and Petter?"

"We broke up." Crysta shrugged without any care.

Rachel stopped her movements. Was this girl serious? If she remembered correctly, they had been together only for two weeks. Or, maybe less than that.


"He was boring," Rachel felt speechless.

"You gave the same reason when you broke up with Richard."

"Yeah?... mm... then, Petter was not hot enough. Will this do?" Crysta innocently blinked.


"He was your 14th boyfriend?" Rachel asked helplessly.

"Bingo!" Crysta winked at her and laughed off.

Rachel shook her head. It was just useless to speak to her friend. Everything about her was fine but, she didn't understand why she would date so many people when she didn't have any feelings.

"What about your... dad?"

Rachel asked cautiously. Crysta had not mentioned about her adoptive father for so many years. Sure enough, Crysta's expression changed.

"Crysta, is there any problem? If so, you can tell me you know," Rachel probed further. She wanted to know what happened there which made her friend change completely.

"Geez, girl, why do you have so many questions? I'm fine, okay? "

Crysta covered her anger with a fake smile. She had practiced a lot before to control her anger when someone asks about her father. But, it was still difficult. She couldn't help it.

"Let's talk about you, okay? What are you up to?" Crysta changed the topic cleverly.

Of course, Rachel noticed her change of expression. She chose not to expose her. She decided to play along with her.

After taking a sip from her glass, she replied,

"I got engaged." She said it as a matter-of-fact.

"Puff- " Crysta spluttered a mouthful of liquor that was in her mouth. God! Was she kidding?

"Was it a joke? It wasn't funny at all." She reached for a tissue to wipe her hands and mouth.

"Joke?" Rachel had a serious expression on her face.

Crysta knew about Rachel and her deceased husband, Eric. Back then, Rachel was adamant to stay single forever telling that she could never forget Eric in her life. But now... she was engaged.

Instead of happiness, Crysta felt fear for her friend.


"Darren, Eric's childhood friend." There were no feelings in her voice.

Crysta took a deep breath and asked,

"Were you forced?"

Rachel didn't speak, instead gulped down the whole glass of liquor.

Crysta got her answer. Rachel's silence meant everything and she knew, she had guessed correctly.


At Lee industries.


Aaron's phone rang continuously indicating a series of numbers. He answered the call without hesitating. A male's voice could be heard from the other end.

"Sir, today at 8.30 pm, the Grand hotel. It's confirmed."

"Okay," He ended the call and took a deep breath.

His eyes were bloodshed and filled with determination. He wouldn't leave anyone who tried to hurt Rachel in any way. Including Darren.

As promised, here is the bonus chapter. This chapter is dedicated to all the silent readers. Keep reading.

Upcoming chapter,

Rachel and Crysta get drunk...

Happy reading time.

LOL :)

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