
An Immortal (kind of….)

A boy neglected by everyone and everything. Even his dog left his side, what can the world offer to a boy like this. Immorality(ish)

Kumo_Smh · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Turn out I’m a level three mage (kind of..)

It been two days since I figured out I have the power of self regeneration, well that's what I thought. I went to the agency which sorts out the categories of all the mages just to see where I rank.

to summarise they are three levels a mage can fall in, one being the lowest and three being the highest and within the three levels the a three tiers 1-3 and I am a 3-2 with the power of immortality. The excitement I felt when I heard this, I was basically on the moon. The thing I did not anticipate is, being a mage with high of a level comes with perks. All most instantly I got treated with far more respect, even being offered a ride home in a hover craft. Would of said yes but the lack of a home kinda forced me to say no.

I ran to my nearest shikari hut. There job is to assign jobs for shikari's (hunters/adventurers) who rid the world of fiends , a intelligent race born to feed of the mana of humans, the interesting thing though is a human can turn into a fiend if the heart is filled with enough hate towards a person with mana. Anyways enough rambling.

Although being a level 3-2 shikari, since I never did a quest before, I'm stuck with C-class quest. They normally stuff like kill low-level fiends which I could use to learn things about my power of "immortality" what that even suppose to mean. I went out to the immersion field, which is a simulation to train your powers. This is where every piece of the puzzle fit. Turns out I can not die, I can train to receive less and less damage per hit, but I can not die. I can also absorb the physical defense and also mana of the opponent I can defeat. Save to say, this ability must a sorry gift from the spirits or something but it's about time.

Before I set out for my first quest, I went to the market to find new gear and thanks to my rank, I can receive most stuff for free. I got a hand crafted dark purple long coat, black trousers and a mask to conceal my identity. On the slim chance I become famous, I do want to have a private life. The moon creepin in, let's get this job done.