
An Immortal (kind of….)

A boy neglected by everyone and everything. Even his dog left his side, what can the world offer to a boy like this. Immorality(ish)

Kumo_Smh · Fantasy
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3 Chs

I’m dead (kind of..)

TW: suicide, self-harm.


god damn this machine annoying. Ughh my stomach hurts so bad, feels like I got stabbed in eight different places.

"you got stabbed in eight different places within your abdominal area, how your able live after an attack that ruthless we don't know, I guess you got lucky."

some people can call it luck, but maybe just maybe it was sign for me to go. Clearly I was not blessed by the spirits nor can I work anymore because of this stupid knife wounds. Why struggle, why fight, why live.

"please be careful on your way home… bye"

she seems nice, she probably just doing her job though. I go home to be greeted by a familiar scene, darkness and emptiness. Mana overload is the fasted way a person can die, can't even do that properly. "I'll just stick with a blade" I told myself, bringing it closer to my neck. 


The next two seconds after was something i, honestly, could never even dream about. The skin and muscle which was cut instantly rejoined together not even leaving a mark. "THIS IS IT. MY POWER, IM FINALLY NORMAL" I shouted, birds staring at me with bewilderment probably questioning my sanity but I could not care less, I finally have a power.