
An Extra's Gambit

What would you do if you found yourself trapped in a world of a game? Would you panic? Rejoice? Just give up? This is a conundrum I found myself after waking up one day in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room, with no clue of how I got there. Magic powers? I had none of those… A cheat-like system? Nowhere to be found. All I possessed was a single skill that seemed meager at best… [ Vanish ]

Abnormally · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Ash Morningstar


Cold air filled my lungs as I jolted awake, feeling the rough bed sheet beneath my trembling fingers.

"What's going on…?"

Grabbing my throbbing head, I winced in pain.

"And where am I?"

My eyes traveled from the unfamiliar bed I was lying in to the dimly lit room, surrounded by four wooden walls with many holes and cracks within them.

In the corner of the room, I also noticed a broken mirror lying on the floor, its shattered fragments spread everywhere nearby.

Without even hesitating, I approached the broken furniture and carefully picked up one of the larger shards, holding it up to examine my reflection.


I flinched.

This appearance…

This is Ash Morningstar!

As I touched my new face in disbelief, a sudden window appeared before my eyes.


◈ Survive The Assailants

Scanning the interface, I quickly realized the gravity of my situation.

This was Ash Morningstar's tutorial quest!

Adrenaline began to rush into my head.

Somehow, in some inexplicable way I had been transported into the world of the game, into the body of a character I've played for more than 10 years.

Just to double check, I reached into my pocket and took out a small, broken watch with a cracked screen.

Yeah, I was definitely transmigrated into the body of the Ash Morningstar. This was a watch his character always carried around throughout the story.

⌜Broken Watch⌝

» Item Tier - Common

◈ Description - A broken wristwatch… It doesn't seem to serve any purpose.

Looking at its description, I sighed.

With a slight push, I stuck my fingernail into the side of the watch and pried it open.

As the broken screen tilted, a small piece of paper fluttered out, and I quickly snatched it from the air.

⌜Starfall Academy - Entrance Certificate⌝

» Item Tier - Common

◈ Description - This certificate confirms the holder's acceptance into the prestigious Starfall Academy.


Looking at the document, I felt a frantic fear rise within me.

'Wait! If my memory serves me right…'

Pocketing the certificate, I frantically threw myself to one of the cracks in the wooden walls and peered outside.

"Where did that damn kid run off!?"

Just as expected, a group of gruff-looking men were scavenging the area with their weapons drawn.

Suddenly, one of them noticed the hut I was currently hiding in.

"Go search that cab over there!"

Hearing his command, I felt my heart sink to my stomach.

'What now?'

There was no way I could try to hide in this desolate and half-empty shack, running away was also not an option, as they would easily catch up to me. I couldn't fight them either - I possessed no weapon.

'What am I supposed to do…?'

I bit my lip until I felt the metallic taste of blood.


Suddenly, another system window appeared before me.


◈ You are now able to use『 Vanish 』!

For a moment, I froze.

'I can use『 Vanish 』!?'

If that is the case, this changes everything…

Being a person with no Magic, Ash Morningstar has only had『 Vanish 』throughout the entire story of the game. It is also a spell that I had practiced for the whole ten years.

'What a deadly combo…'

Muttering underneath my breath, I glanced at the spell's description.


» Spell Tier - ★☆☆☆☆

» Mastery - Lv. 1

» Cooldown - 5 Seconds


As I was making sure everything was in order, the sound of doors being kicked open echoed through the shack.

'Damn, they're already here!?'

I cursed internally.

There was no time left!

Quickly running toward one of the cracks in the wooden walls, I took a deep breath and took a glance outside, into the snow covered landscape.

『 Vanish 』

One moment I was standing in the dimly lit hut and the next, I landed on the snow-covered ground outside.

"He's there! Chase him!"

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to celebrate as one of the men instantly spotted me and shouted, making the entire group aware of my presence.

I bolted through the snowy mountains, the icy wind biting at my face as I sprinted away from the pursuing men. The harsh crunch of snow under their boots was a constant reminder of how close they were.

My breaths came out in sharp, cold puffs as my heart pounded in my chest.

Every five seconds, I felt a surge of relief as I activated 『 Vanish 』, blinking several yards ahead. Each time I reappeared, I would stumble slightly, my legs struggling to find their footing in the deep snow, but it gave me a crucial head start.

"He's using some kind of magic! Don't lose him!"

One of the men shouted, his voice growing more distant for a brief moment before drawing closer again.

I pressed on, my legs burning from the effort.

As the cooldown ticked away, I prepared myself for another teleport. Just as I was about to use 『 Vanish 』 again, I caught a glint of metal out of the corner of my eye. Instinctively, I threw myself to the side, vanishing mid-dodge.

A knife whizzed past where my head had been just a moment before and embedded itself in the trunk of a nearby tree with a solid thud.

I reappeared a few feet away, snow spraying up around me as I landed hard.

Without wasting a second, I ran to the tree, yanking the knife out and gripping it tightly in my hand.

The cold metal felt reassuring despite the danger pressing in around me. I continued running, the knife now my only means of defense.

"He's armed now! Be careful!"

Another voice called out, but I didn't dare look back.

Suddenly, I heard a strange sizzling sound behind me.

Twisting my head just enough to see, I noticed one of the men raising his hand, a bright light forming at his fingertips. My eyes widened in horror as a magic missile formed and hurtled through the air toward me.

『 Vanish 』

I disappeared just as the missile streaked past, reappearing several feet away as it exploded into the snow where I had been.

The force of the blast sent a shockwave through the ground, causing me to stumble but not fall.

Panting heavily, I forced myself to keep moving, my breaths ragged and my vision blurring slightly from the exertion. The terrain was getting steeper, making each step more challenging. The men were relentless, their shouts and footsteps ever-present behind me.

Just when I thought my body might give out, I saw the outline of a dense forest ahead. If I could reach it, I might be able to lose them among the trees. With renewed determination, I pushed onward, the cooldown for 『 Vanish 』 ticking away in my mind.

"Almost there…"

I muttered to myself, the trees getting closer with each step. I just needed to hold on a little longer.

As I neared the edge of the forest, another knife flew past me, missing by inches. I used 『 Vanish 』 one last time, reappearing within the cover of the trees. The dense branches and thick trunks provided a semblance of safety.

I crouched down behind a large tree, trying to steady my breathing. My pursuers entered the forest moments later, their shouts growing frustrated as they searched for me.

Holding the knife tightly, I prepared myself for whatever came next. I wasn't out of danger yet, but for now, I had a moment to gather my thoughts and plan my next move.

I had two options:

Try to fight or try to lose them in the forest.

'What to do…'