
An Echo of Determination: Isekai Investigation Unit

The world is in Peril, The Dragon balls had no power in the first place. The only hope we have left. Is a person who can't seem to shut up about determination. This is also far from a standard Dragon ball world. Also, What's this about an Isekai investigation unit? "Heya. You've been busy, huh?" I look around at the devistation King Piccolo has wrought. . . . (King Piccolo Power level 9800) "So, i've got a question for ya." Piccolo looks at me, and says. "You know nothing. When I killed you're friend Goku, I thought You would fight me at your full potential." I continue as if I wasn't interrupted. "Do you think even the worst person can change?" That everybody can be a good person, if they just try?" I start to laugh. afterall, I, An Otaku, am the last person alive on this planet. "All right. Well here's a better question. Do you wanna have a bad time? 'Cause if you take another step forward- You are REALLY not going to like what happens next." Piccolo swipes his Arm at me. in a forward chop and I dodge, "Welp. Sorry, Goku. This is why i never make promises." energy starts to crackle around me as the sky turns dark. (The Echo Is Resonating with your determination. All Physical Aspects have been Increased.) "It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. . . On days like these, kids like you. . . Should be burning in hell." King Piccolo continues to use more esoteric martial arts. every kick dodged, every swipe missing by a hairs breadth. "You think I'm just gonna stand there and take it?" I charge, "MASENKO!" SHIT! I die. But not for the first time. (The Echo Has Granted you a boost in your Reaction speed and Kinetic Movement. Try again.) "Heya. You've been busy, huh?" I look around at the devistation King Piccolo has wrought.

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


As the sun starts setting, Bulma gets out of the ATV and we stop.

"I think that's far enough for tonight," she says. looking tired as all hell.

I nod, "Alright, I'll get the firewood, and goku, you can go hunt. Shouldn't take--"

Bulma interrupts me, "Hey none of that is neccissary,"

I start going towards the trees to start chopping down firewood and stop as she starts talking.

"How else are we supposed to make a camp?" I ask, not wanting to seem suspicious. Even if I know she has a ton of capsules full of stuff I definitely shouldn't know that at this point.

Bulma looks at me and makes a smug face. Pulls out a capsule, and drops it on the ground, as a big box full of other capsules appears.

I look shellshocked. using Krillin's memories I know what that is. the most expensive compilation of EVERY SINGLE CAPSULE EVER. I guess they kinda glossed over this in the anime. "hmmm... houses, houses. mansion! there!" I hear her say, as she throws a a literal Mansion over to the edge of the clearing. They really undersold how big this thing is in the anime too.

I tap bulma on the shoulder and she jumps 2 feet in the air.

"AH!" she then turns around. "Don't scare me like that!"

I frown. "Don't you think throwing out a billion zenny mansion is a little dangerous? I mean, what if bandits come to attack us for loot. let's be honest here. This is a big ol' 'I'm rich please rob me' sign. right in the open. and you have more than one of these? this single mansion is worth 1 billion Zenny. Hell it's capsuled so its worth 5 times as much." I look at her.

"Just how rich are you?"

Looking smug, she ignores the beginning of my concerns and instead brags. "I'm the heiress of capsule corp, and I probably have a net worth of around 200 trillion Zenny!"

I work my jaw. "Pretty sure thats the size of 6 times the entire planets GDP." I shrug. "cool."

She deflates. "Cool? I'm only just cool? maybe have a little more of a reaction." she looks up and pouts. I shrug. "Well, I am basically 20 times as strong as a normal martial artist, I think that's cool."

She grins at me. clearly having an idea. She starts going through the capsules beginning to ask, "What's your favorite food?"

I nod, and immediately say "Sushi."

She looks back at me, and says. "Prepare to have the best sushi on the planet."

and it is.

She pulls a bento out and opens it, it has sushi of every kind. including ones with 7 different types of caviar. I literally start drooling, Goku style. "Hell yes bulma. If this is an engagement gift, I accept. I do, and I-" She glares at me. "Stop joking around." I grin, and just nod.


She closes the massive sushi-boat-bento and casually passes it to me. I approach her and give her a huge hug. she then stiffens in my arms. "This is the best gift anyone has ever given me."

She melts into my arms, clearly having some kind of fantasy. just as it seems like it's about to get good and her eyes glaze over I push her away.

because I'm an asshole.

She shakes her head, blushing.

"You're welcome." She turns her head away. smiling a bit. she goes back to sorting her food, pulling out some kind of expensive pasta.

I am literally crying while I eat this sushi.


We enter the mansion and I say, "I'm going to take a shower, make sure you turn on any security system you might have on this Mansion. I don't wanna wake up and have to deal with bandits later."

She grins, and says "I'll activate the autoturrets." I shrug. "Autoturrets."

and then Goku asks, "What's a shower?"

I look at him and say. "It's like a bath except standing up."

He looks even more confused. "What's a bath?"

I sigh. This is going to be a long night.


after teaching Goku how to bathe, and leaving him to his own devices. I enter the other shower room, while Bulma is in the other-other shower room. This place literally has four bothrooms, and six bedrooms. 2 kitchens, and a breakroom. It also has a game room and a movie room.

The last thing I think before going to bed is.

Kami this place is massive and this bed is the best I've ever slept in.