
An Echo of Determination: Isekai Investigation Unit

The world is in Peril, The Dragon balls had no power in the first place. The only hope we have left. Is a person who can't seem to shut up about determination. This is also far from a standard Dragon ball world. Also, What's this about an Isekai investigation unit? "Heya. You've been busy, huh?" I look around at the devistation King Piccolo has wrought. . . . (King Piccolo Power level 9800) "So, i've got a question for ya." Piccolo looks at me, and says. "You know nothing. When I killed you're friend Goku, I thought You would fight me at your full potential." I continue as if I wasn't interrupted. "Do you think even the worst person can change?" That everybody can be a good person, if they just try?" I start to laugh. afterall, I, An Otaku, am the last person alive on this planet. "All right. Well here's a better question. Do you wanna have a bad time? 'Cause if you take another step forward- You are REALLY not going to like what happens next." Piccolo swipes his Arm at me. in a forward chop and I dodge, "Welp. Sorry, Goku. This is why i never make promises." energy starts to crackle around me as the sky turns dark. (The Echo Is Resonating with your determination. All Physical Aspects have been Increased.) "It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. . . On days like these, kids like you. . . Should be burning in hell." King Piccolo continues to use more esoteric martial arts. every kick dodged, every swipe missing by a hairs breadth. "You think I'm just gonna stand there and take it?" I charge, "MASENKO!" SHIT! I die. But not for the first time. (The Echo Has Granted you a boost in your Reaction speed and Kinetic Movement. Try again.) "Heya. You've been busy, huh?" I look around at the devistation King Piccolo has wrought.

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

A Red Ribbon In the Night. 1/2

I wake up to the sound of auto-turret fire.



Very loud Auto-turret fire. I exit my room and see Bulma about to knock on my door. She pauses mid-swing and then looks at me, panic in her eyes. "Uhh, if I say you were right about bandits would you be mad?"

I simply glare at her, and then sigh. "How many are there?" I ask still grumpy from being woken up so suddenly. "about a small army." she says, "also, I can't get out there and reload the auto-turret."

"How much is a small army?" I ask.

"We started with about 730 but most of them are dead. The autotarget sensors say 7 hostiles Surrounding us." She looks nervous, "The Auto-turret seems to just have bullets bounce off a few of them too."

I approach the door as I start hearing the auto-turrets going empty and powering down, followed by cheering.




Fight the Red Ribbon Army Pillaging and Acquisition force. Defeat and kill them all while protecting everyone. Then escape.

Recommended power level is 504.

I stare at the recommended power level in disbelief. What the fuck? is Raditz running the Red Ribbon army or something?!

[Message from that asshole who reincarnated you incoming.]

"I see you have noticed something special about the world I sent you to." I hear, a monstrous grin in the voice of that asshole who wants me to suffer. "You see, little boy. this world Is a death world. the power level of every enemy you will face is a lot higher than what you thought." He sounds delighted by my suffering. "In fact, King piccolo will have a power level of 9800, and raditz a power level of 45000. You catch my drift? Extrapolate ad nauseum for every villain in dragon ball through dragon ball Z. SUFFER! AS I HAVE SUFFERED!" the monster ends the call, still laughing. "but don't worry, Your eyes will never go above 3 tomoe and therefore you don't have to worry about ever going blind or getting strong enough to face me."


I gulp, Heart hammering in my chest. I see someone come through the window, and in a flash. my head is off my shoulders.

(You weren't fast enough. You are now 2x as fast and can perceive things 3 times as fast Reaction speed is quadrupled. Power level 29>32.)

I come aware with a start-, as the bastard comes in through the window.

Before I die again, I get a glimpse of his power level and the chakram blade thrown to kill me. I don't even have time to duck.

his stupid power level is 58.

Then I Die again.

(You weren't fast enough. Power level 32>39)

I see him throw the chakram, I dodge, and then I see him twist his arms, the chakram comes right back around, and slices into me, and then kills Bulma. I scream internally and then die. as the chakram comes back round burying itself in my forehead. Then Being Pulled back.

I have to protect her She's innocent Is the last thing I think before darkness takes me again.

(Power level 39>44)

He breaks into the Mansion again. This time, I don't let him throw, I use a skill Krillen learned while observing the core-disciples Only now am I strong enough to barely use it and even then, the side-effects will kill me.

Burning body mantra.

(You are burning your blood essence. Gains will be doubled for this life. but you will die after this run. This boost is not temporary.)

FUCK! I don't care, no matter what I do, I'll die anyway!

(Power level 44>88)

I rush forward using my arm as a guillatine and catch his neck right as he throws the chakram towards Bulma. That bastard knew he couldn't beat me, so he tries to take out the civilian. FUCK HIM! He's dead, but I need to save Bulma. I rush forward and grab the chakram out of the air right in front of Bulmas face. It was literally inches away from piercing her skull.

"Tachi! You saved me!"

I nod at her and say, "Hide underneath something out of view. I'll handle this."

I rush forward, and attepmt to Kick down the door, as I attempt to, the door is blasted off its hinges and I am Knocked back inward. and a muscly looking Redhead with a scar across his nose comes in, smoking a cigar. He's 2 meters tall and is way too huge. He grins at me. Then everything turns to black. His power level was briefly seen.

Red Ribbon Army General Green's bodyguard. Garedo. Power Level 301.


(Power level 88>122)