
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Alpha's Lustful Desire

"Melanie, don't you think your sister will look nice in this dress?" Ophelia says, showing off a green and pink dress from the depth of my closet.

"Yeah, yeah." I focus my attention in my journal. I sit in my room, the weight of boredom pressing upon me like a suffocating blanket. As the Alpha's newly chosen mate, my days are filled with mundane routines and empty hours that stretch on endlessly. There are no responsibilities, no meaningful tasks to occupy my time. I find myself trapped in a cycle of eating, dressing up, and engaging in conversations that may or may not lead to intimate encounters with the Alpha.

It's not that I don't enjoy his company, but the constant uncertainty and the pressure that comes with it leave me feeling apprehensive. I can't help but cower away at times, my insecurities overshadowing any pleasure that might arise from these encounters. It leaves me longing for something more substantial, something beyond the superficial interactions that define my existence within this palace.

Avoiding Madame Fara, the Alpha's advisor, has become another pastime of mine. Her scrutinizing gaze and calculating demeanor unnerve me. I can't help but feel that she is always watching, silently judging my every move. It adds an additional layer of unease to my already monotonous days.

Nesa, my beloved sister, used to be my partner in crime, seeking adventure and fun in every corner of our lives. But now, she seems distant, preferring to immerse herself in her own pursuits. I can't help but feel a pang of guilt, as if my presence has somehow robbed her of the joy and excitement she used to find. I only wanted to keep her safe, shield her from the perils that lurk within this palace.

In the midst of this suffocating boredom, I find solace in my journal. The crisp pages welcome the ink of my thoughts and feelings, providing an outlet for the whirlwind of emotions that swirl within me. I write about my frustrations, my fears, and my desires, pouring my soul onto the paper. It becomes a time killer, a way to fill the void and silence the restless thoughts that plague me.

But even as I pour my heart onto those pages, I know deep down that something must change. I yearn for purpose, for a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond the superficial trappings of my current existence. I long to make a difference, to carve my own path within this palace's walls.


"Yeah?" I shoot her an annoying stare. "What is it?"

"I asked you a question?" She flashes the dress at my face. "I asked if this dress would look nice on your sister."

I shrug.

"That's not an answer."

I close my journal after quickly writing down the last bits of my thoughts. "Sorry I've just been in my mind lately."

"I can tell."

"What is the dress for?"

"Nothing. Alpha is throwing a small dinner party."

"Just you and your sister and some of his pack members."

"Ugh." I sound out. If I have one more meal, I think I might want to throw up.

"You should be getting ready too." Ophelia stands shyly at the corner of my bed.

"I guess." I reluctantly roll off the luxurious bed, my limbs feeling heavy and resistant. The thought of preparing for yet another dinner party in this opulent palace fills me with a sense of weariness. But duty calls, and I must present myself as the Alpha's mate, adorned in all the finery befitting the occasion.

With a sigh, I make my way to the grand wardrobe that holds an array of extravagant dresses. As I leaf through the gowns, each one more dazzling than the last, I can't help but feel a sense of detachment from the materialistic world that surrounds me. The glittering jewels and intricate fabrics no longer hold the allure they once did.

After much deliberation, I chose a gown in deep sapphire blue, its flowing silk adorned with delicate embroidery that catches the light. It's a dress that commands attention, a garment that befits my role as the Alpha's chosen companion. Yet, as I slip it on, I can't shake the feeling of being trapped within its confines.

I move to the ornate vanity, where an array of cosmetics and brushes await me. As I meticulously apply layers of makeup and style my hair, I catch my reflection in the mirror. The image that stares back at me feels foreign, like a facade carefully crafted to please others. I wonder, is there a woman beneath the layers of artifice, yearning to break free?

As I finish my preparations, I feel a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. The dinner party will be a display of power and prestige, a gathering of influential individuals from within the realm. It is a chance for the Alpha to assert his dominance and for me to play the role of the dutiful mate. Yet, a part of me longs for more. I yearn for genuine connections, meaningful conversations that extend beyond the superficiality of the palace walls. I yearn for a purpose that transcends my title, a chance to make a difference in the lives of others.

But for now, I must put on a smile, hide the restlessness within, and step into the role that has been bestowed upon me. The grand halls of the palace await, adorned with decadent decorations and the murmurs of anticipation. As I descend the staircase, the weight of expectations settles upon my shoulders.

I remind myself to be graceful, to engage in polite conversation, and to play the part of the Alpha's enchanting mate. But deep within, a flicker of rebellion stirs. I will hold onto my true essence, my desires, and my dreams, even as I navigate this world of luxury and obligation. With one last look in the mirror, I straighten my posture, summoning the strength to face the evening ahead. I step forward, ready to embrace the facade, but also determined to seek a sense of authenticity amidst the glittering masquerade that is my life in this palace.


I sit at the dinner table, surrounded by Alpha, my sister, and the rest of his pack. The atmosphere is incredibly awkward, with everyone's eyes glued to my sister and me. I take a sip from my drink, desperately trying to quell my nervousness. As I lower the glass, I catch the Alpha's intense gaze fixed upon me. It's unusual for him to remain silent throughout the entire dinner. He always has something to say, some witty remark or comment.

"So, are all of you guys related?" My sister's voice rings out, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Oscar looks at me with a hint of surprise before responding. "By blood, no," he says, his voice carrying a tinge of sadness. "But we do see each other as brothers."

"That's cute," Nesa says.

Suddenly, a man with dark green eyes and curly brown hair leans toward me, his gaze challenging. "Who are you calling a cute, tiny human?" he growls. The tension in the room thickens, and I feel my face flush with embarrassment.

"Devin, leave her be," Alpha Rhy's voice cuts through the tension, his tone strained. It's the first time he's spoken directly to me all night. His voice carries a mix of protectiveness and frustration.

I meet the Alpha's gaze, searching for some semblance of understanding. His eyes soften slightly as he continues, his voice filled with a mix of apology and explanation. "She is just curious about our kind, Devin. There's no need to be hostile."

Devin grumbles but backs off, his eyes still fixed on me. I feel a mix of relief and gratitude towards the Alpha for stepping in. The atmosphere at the table eases slightly, and conversation gradually resumes, albeit with a lingering tension.

As the evening progresses, I find myself stealing glances at the Alpha, trying to decipher his emotions. He's usually confident and commanding, but tonight he seems distant and preoccupied. I can't help but wonder what might be bothering him.

Despite the awkwardness and the occasional hostility, I try to engage in conversation with the others at the table. We talk about mundane things, the weather, recent events, and anything to distract ourselves from the underlying tension.

"I'm sorry for the tension tonight," he says, his eyes meeting mine. "My pack is not used to other outsiders in our midst."

"I understand," I reply softly. "It's a new experience for me too."

The Alpha's gaze lingers on me for a moment before he nods. "Thank you for your understanding," he says sincerely. "Perhaps with time, things will become less awkward around here."

I simply nod. With that, I stood up. "If you excuse me." I look down at my sister. "Will you be fine?"

"Don't worry about me."

Leaving the dining hall behind, I feel an overwhelming need to catch my breath and escape the lingering tension. My heart still pounds in my chest, and I can't shake off the weight of the awkwardness that clings to me. I search for a quiet space, somewhere I can gather my thoughts and regain my composure.

Spotting a nearby door, I hurry towards it, hoping to find solace within. As I open it, my breath catches in my throat. Standing before me is Alpha Rhy, his presence commanding and his gaze focused on me. Surprise flickers across his face, but he quickly recovers.

"I thought I'd find you here," he says, his voice filled with concern.

I cross my arms, feeling defensive. "What do you want?" I ask, my voice tinged with frustration.

Alpha Rhy steps closer, his eyes locked on mine. "I just came to check on my mate," he replies softly. "You seem off."

His words catch me off guard, and I feel a mix of emotions flood through me. Confusion, surprise, and a hint of longing intertwine within my heart. Mate? I never expected him to use that term in speech, not after the tension-filled dinner we just had.

"Why are you looking at it like that? Am I not your mate?"

I shake my head. "I forget sometimes."

He chuckles. "It will take you a while to get used to it. Everything."

I meet the Alpha's intense gaze, feeling a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. There's something about his eyes that draws me in, captivates me. I swallow hard, searching for the right words to say.

"Everything?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper, my heart pounding in my chest.

Alpha Rhy's expression softens, and he nods. "Yes, everything that a mate is required to tolerate for her mate," he replies, his voice filled with a mixture of solemnity and longing.

I take a moment to absorb his words, the weight of their meaning sinking in. A surge of emotions courses through me, the realization of the commitment he expects from me. It's overwhelming, but there's also a sense of comfort in knowing that he values our connection so deeply.

"You look very lovely," the Alpha says suddenly, breaking the silence that hangs between us.

I feel a blush creep up my cheeks, his compliment catching me off guard. "Thanks," I reply, my voice tinged with both gratitude and shyness.

We stand there for a moment, the air heavy with unspoken words. The Alpha shifts his leg, the movement drawing my attention. It sparks a memory from the dinner earlier, a conversation that now feels relevant.

"Remember at dinner when Oscar said you are all brothers?" I ask a question bubbling up within me.

Alpha Rhy's brow furrows slightly, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Yes, well, we are not really brothers," he answers, his voice holding a touch of intrigue. "Why do you ask?"

I take a deep breath, gathering my courage. "I was meaning to ask you," I begin, my voice steady. "Do you have a brother? A blood one?"

There's a brief pause as the Alpha considers my question. His eyes search mine, perhaps trying to discern the reason behind my inquiry.

"Why are you asking me this?"

"I just thought you might have a sibling."

"You found the room with the portrait didn't you?"


The Alpha shakes his head. "I should have locked that place when I had the chance."

The Alpha turns to leave but I stop him. "You didn't answer me."

Alpha's Rhy's looks at me for a moment, Eventually, he speaks, his voice laced with a mix of sadness and vulnerability. "I did have a brother once," he says, his tone filled with a tinge of regret.

A wave of sympathy washes over me, realizing that I've touched upon a sensitive subject. I reach out instinctively, placing my hand gently on the Alpha's arm. Alpha Rhy's gaze softens, and he places his hand atop mine, a silent gesture of gratitude.

As we stand there, the unspoken questions and uncharted emotions linger in the air. I feel the tension between us, a palpable energy that crackles in the air whenever the Alpha is near. His presence is both comforting and unsettling, his gaze holding a depth that unnerves me. As we stand in close proximity, he reaches out, his fingers gently playing with strands of my hair.

"You feel scared," Alpha Rhy's says softly, his voice a gentle rumble. "But you shouldn't be scared. I'll take care of you."

His words, though meant to reassure, send a shiver down my spine. I try to gather my thoughts, to regain my composure, but his touch on my hair distracts me. I attempt to take his hands away, but they seem to be glued to his own, refusing to let go.

Confusion and panic wash over me as I realize that he's taken my resistance as permission. Before I can react, Alpha Rhy's leans in, his lips inching closer to mine. Time seems to stand still as his breath brushes against my skin, and I find myself torn between instinct and uncertainty. My mind races, weighing the consequences of this potential leap into the unknown.

But in that moment, as his lips hover so close to mine, I feel a flicker of curiosity mingling with the apprehension. There's a magnetic pull, a connection I can't quite explain, drawing me closer to him.

Before I fully comprehend my own actions, I surrender to the inevitability of the kiss. Our lips meet, and a surge of electricity courses through me. The world around us fades into the background as I immerse myself in the intensity of the moment.

The Alpha's kiss is both gentle and passionate, his touch igniting a fire within me. In his embrace, I feel a mix of vulnerability and strength, the intertwining of our desires and fears. But as quickly as it began, the kiss comes to an end, leaving me breathless and craving more. We pull away, our eyes locked in a shared recognition of the depth of our connection.

Alpha Rhy's breathes heavily, his voice husky as he breaks the silence. "I didn't mean to rush things," he admits, his tone tinged with a hint of regret.

I find myself struggling to form coherent words, my heart pounding in my chest. "I... I didn't expect it either," I manage to say, my voice trembling.

I gasp as the Alpha's lips find mine once again, this time with an intensity that catches me off guard. His kiss is hungry, filled with a raw desire that sends a jolt of electricity through my veins. Instinctively, I move back, trying to create some distance between us, but he follows, his relentless pursuit unyielding. A moan escapes my lips as his lips trail along my neck, leaving a trail of heated sensations in their wake. The Alpha's touch ignites a fire within me, and my body responds, craving more of his intoxicating presence.

My mind swirls with a whirlwind of emotions, a mixture of anticipation, uncertainty, and a primal need I can no longer deny. I find myself surrendering to the waves of pleasure that ripple through me, lost in the intoxicating sensation of his lips on my skin.

I feel a rush of anticipation as the Alpha's body presses close to mine, his warmth enveloping me. The electricity in the air crackles with an undeniable tension, and I can't help but be aware of his every move. His hands, strong and sure, trail down my thigh, sending a thrill coursing through my veins as they inch closer to my sex. I moan in his mouth as I feel his fingers circle in wet buds through her underwear. I place a hand on his chest and the other in his hair. I feel like a part of me wants to push him off and fight him, and the other part of me is waiting for him to stick his fingers inside of me.

The Alpha takes a hold of my thighs and lifts me up. He breaks away from my throbbing lips, his eyes dark with lust. He slides one one to his belt where a tent had formed. His gaze met mine; his dark orbs telling me he is not yet satisfied. I take a breath when I hear his belt unbuckles and I think I might want him more than ever—