
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

A Beauty’s Nightmare


I feel the Alpha's presence, his body pressing against mine, and his hands trailing down my thigh. A rush of desire surges through me, and for a moment, I'm captivated by the intensity of the moment. But just as the heat between us begins to consume me, a loud horn blares from outside the palace, shattering the sensual haze that enveloped us.

Startled, I instinctively pulled away from the Alpha, my heart racing with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. The horn's blaring sound echoes through the halls, reaching our ears with an urgency that demands attention.

"What was that?" I ask, my voice filled with a sense of concern, my eyes searching for answers.

The Alpha's expression shifts, his eyes narrowing as he listens intently to the echoing sound. He releases me, his touch relinquishing its hold, and steps back, a seriousness settling upon his features.

"I'm not sure," he replies, his voice laced with a hint of worry. "But it sounds like something urgent. We should find out what's happening."

I nod in agreement, the desire from moments ago momentarily forgotten as a new sense of urgency takes over. We exchange a quick glance, a silent understanding passing between us, before we move swiftly toward the source of the commotion. As we make our way through the palace corridors, the sound of hurried footsteps and muffled voices grows louder. The sense of anticipation hangs in the air, and I can't help but feel a mixture of trepidation and curiosity about the unfolding situation.

We reach a large gathering of palace staff and members of the Alpha's pack, their expressions a blend of concern and urgency. The noise from outside becomes more distinct, a chorus of voices shouting orders and the sounds of vehicles in motion.

"What's happening?" I inquire, my voice joining the symphony of questions that fill the air.

One of the palace guards approaches, his face lined with worry. "There's an emergency outside the palace grounds," he explains, his tone hurried. "We believe there's a threat approaching, and we're taking necessary precautions to ensure everyone's safety."

My heart skips a beat at the mention of a threat, a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. The gravity of the situation becomes apparent, and I find myself holding my breath, awaiting further instructions. My heart starts to beat out of its chest. Horns means only one thing.

A raid.

"There you are Alpha Rhy's," Oscar comes in. "Glad you are safe."

"What the hell was that?" He ask the others.

"It's an intruder." Oscar replies.

"Intruder?" Rhy's sounds worried. "Are they the Krae people?"

"We are not sure. It might be."

The Alpha's looks back at me. His desire for me has completely fizzled out and is replaced with care. He faces the other pack members. "Take my mate and her sibling to their rooms. Make sure no one gets in or gets out until the palace is under control."

"Yes sir."

I feel a sense of urgency ripple through the air as a palace guard approaches my sister and me. His eyes are filled with concern as he delivers his message.

"Please, ma'am," he says, his voice tinged with urgency. "You and your sister need to go upstairs to a safer location. We're taking precautions due to the approaching threat."

My heart races in my chest as I exchange a quick glance with my sister. Fear and uncertainty cloud our eyes, but we trust in the guard's judgment. Without hesitation, we nod and follow his guidance, making our way towards the stairs that lead to the upper floors of the palace.

As we ascend, the sound of muffled voices and hurried footsteps fills the halls. Panic grips me, tightening its grip with each passing moment. The tension in the air is palpable, and I can't help but wonder about the nature of the threat that looms just outside the palace walls.

Suddenly, a loud noise reverberates through the corridors, causing me to freeze in my tracks. It's a jarring sound that resonates deep within me, and a chill runs down my spine. There are two guards hanging on to an old man's head bowed down to the ground. Past his white hair and beaded, and hidden face, I feel a familiarity just hearing his labored breath.

"Father?" I blink.

"Mel…" he wheezes. Brown eyes like mine focusing on me. He twists his face directly at me like he doesn't recognize me.

"Oh my god…" That's all that can come out of my mouth. What is my father doing here?

"Nesa!" Father says with a bit of life to his voice.

"Father, what are you doing here?" I ask him. My eyes almost want me to tear up then Nesa comes down the steps in a heavy fit.

"Why did you follow me here?!"

"He followed you here?" The Alpha turn to her.

Nesa doesn't say anything like her words are seized.

"It was true. I followed Nesa all the way here." Father finally speaks.

"How is it possible to make it here? With your bad leg." I say to him.

"I'll do anything to get my other daughter home."

"Other daughter?" I chuckle. "You are truly cruel. You know that."

He grit his teeth. "How am I the cruel one when I have given you a good life."

"I hate to interfere with your family drama right now, but I have something to say." Alpha Rhy's steps in.

"No, I have had it with you Melanie." Father manages to break free from the guards. "I have given you a great life. Be grateful—"

"Enough!" The Alphas voice booms in space. "I have been far too nice for these mere minutes. Mr. Rivers you have no right to enter my kingdom without permission. And as for you Melanie." He narrows at me. "You have stepped over me as your Alpha."

"It was not my fault that my father came all the way here."

"You're right. It was my fault that I was too soft on you. Now, because of my weakness, I have almost put my people in danger." He takes a deep breath, meeting in the eyes. "And this is why I will have no choice but to allow your family to leave Wolvendom."

"What?" I say out loud. My heart takes a flip in my stomach hearing his words. "You can't take Nesa away from me."

"Your sister has overstayed her visit. It is time she returns home." He shifts himself. "Now, say your goodbyes."

I open my mouth but nothing comes out.

"Mel." Nesa walks to me, tears in her eyes. "I don't want to go back."

"Me too." I bring her close to me.

I shoot a glare at my father, my eyes filled with anger and frustration. It's his fault that Nesa has to leave, his absence that allowed this situation to unfold. If only he had stayed home, none of this would have happened. The weight of my disappointment and resentment settles heavily upon my shoulders.

As I try to process the news, a palace guard approaches me, his expression solemn. He delivers the message that confirms my worst fears - Nesa will now have to leave. The reality of the situation hits me like a sudden gust of wind, stealing the breath from my lungs.

Tears well up in my eyes, threatening to spill over, but I fight to maintain composure. I refuse to let the guard see my vulnerability. With a trembling voice, I manage to choke out a question that's been haunting me since the moment Nesa's departure was mentioned.

"Why? Why does she have to leave?" I plead, my voice laced with a mix of desperation and sorrow.

The guard's gaze softens, his tone empathetic. "It's for her safety," he explains, his voice tinged with regret. "The threat that looms requires us to take precautionary measures. We need to ensure the safety of everyone within the palace walls."

A knot forms in my throat as I struggle to accept the harsh reality of the situation. The knowledge that Nesa will no longer be by my side, that she will be whisked away to an unknown fate, feels like a cruel twist of fate.

I turn my gaze towards Nesa, my heart aching with a mix of love and anguish. We share a silent understanding, a bond that words cannot fully express. I take a deep breath, trying to steady my trembling hands as I reach out to embrace her for what might be the last time.

Time seems to stretch, the moment elongating as I hold onto her, unwilling to let go. My fingers grasp hers, and I can feel the weight of our shared memories, the unbreakable connection that has defined our lives.

I pull my sister back. "Remember what I told you." I give her one last hug before she is taken away from me.

Darkness enshrouds me as I stand in an empty hall. Every joy within me evaporated like water on a humid summer day.

"I'm sorry Mel." Ophelia places a hand on my back, rubbing it.

"It will be alright." Solaria takes my hand, squeezing it.

As much as I appreciate their sympathy, my sadness turns into rage. I stop away from both of them. My heart feels heavy, the emptiness left in her absence like a void that cannot be filled.