
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Alpha's Heart

Today is the day my sister sets out to leave Wolvendom. And I intend to leave with her. I sit on the edge of the bed, packing my meager belongings into a small pouch. My heart races with anticipation, knowing that I am about to embark on a journey fraught with uncertainty. The dress I carefully fold, the dried food I stash away—it's all I have to sustain me on this daring escape. But there is one more thing I need to do to ensure my safety.

Glancing around the room, I spot a butterknife resting innocuously on the table. With a quick glance to confirm that the other servant's attention is elsewhere, I seize the opportunity and slip the butter knife into my stockings. It may not be much, but it could be the difference between freedom and capture. A knock at the door startles me, and I hurriedly tuck the pouch beneath my sister's belongings, making it appear as if it belongs to her. It's another servant at the door. The alpha has been sending a lot of servants to my bedroom all morning, and I think it has to do with the fact my sister is leaving and he probably thinks I might make a scene of something. Nothing does he know I plan to leave.

"Hello, I see you have finished your breakfast. Will you like some water, Melanie?" the servant asks, her voice laced with concern.

I force a smile, trying to appear composed despite the nerves that coil within me. "No, thank you. You can go now," I reply, my voice steady but my heart pounding.

The servant nods and takes the tray, casting a curious glance at the pouch but saying nothing. As the door closes behind her, a sigh of relief escapes my lips. With one less eye on me, I can finally breathe, even if only for a moment.

Time is of the essence, and I know I must act swiftly. With a final glance around the room to ensure I haven't forgotten anything vital, I stand up, the butterknife pressing against my leg as a reminder of the risks I am willing to take

"Who was that?" Nesa asks from the vanity set.

"It was just the servants."

"Ophelia and Solaria?" Her eyes light up saying their names.

"No, it was some other ones."

"Oh." She says quietly to herself. Fiddling with the comb in her hands.

"Here, let me help you with that." I take the comb from her and start to brush her hair.

"I'll be leaving soon."

"I know,"I say quietly, with an edge to my tone. I can't believe today is going to be the day my sister leaves. I try to keep my tears at bay as I comb down my sister's hair. I want to make sure she is taken care of once she leaves.

I watch the servants haul some food into the carriage from my bedroom window. I never told Alpha Rhy's about the extra food being given to her. I want to make sure my sister doesn't return home empty handed. The goods should last her a few weeks with the winter cold preserving most of it, but I don't know how she's going to cope after that.

"Your father will probably sell her to the highest bidder." The ominous voice in the back of my head tells me. I grip the handle of the brush tight. If I find out my father had sold my sister, I don't know what I'll do. I'll make sure he–

"Mel, ouch, stop, you're going to rip out my hair." Nesa swats my hands off her head.

"Sorry, I just got carried away. Do you have everything you need for the journey back home?"

"Yes, mom I have everything packed." She mocks me like the other times she catches me dotting on her. Ever since our mother died, I always had to take care of her and father when I was just a child myself at the time. I never got the chance to mourn her death much. I had to take on her role as mother of the house.

"I'm glad you're leaving." I put the brush down on the table. Grinning from one side to the other.

"Aren't you upset? You won't be seeing me again."

"I was kidding."

She faces me. "Well, I wasn't joking this time. I just want to know if you're upset I'm leaving."

"Of course I am, but I'm trying my best not to think about it. My life is already full of disappointment. Stuff like this is expected." I let out a sigh moving on to my best task. I take out a small box from the closet. I never really opened it only once, maybe for my debut. "Here." I gave her a box of jewels. "Sell this in the marketplace when you get back. You can get a lot of money for it. Buy yourself some food, new clothes, and a train ticket to the city. Maybe enroll yourself in theater arts since you love taking so much."

Nesa grins. "I do not talk a lot."

"For the most part, yes you do. Your voice will be great. And you might become a famous star. You won't have to worry about money again. Or about me."

Nesa face droops. "No, Mel. I'm not taking it."

"You have to or you'll starve."

"I can't do this. What if you get into trouble?"

"Since being here, I've gotten in all sorts of trouble. I will be fine."

"I really can't take this. I refuse to do so."

I hold my sister's hands. "Please promise me you will do better for yourself. Do it for mom."

She nods. "Okay."

"Come along. Let's get down stairs."

After my sister and I left the room together. Walking down the narrow halls was quite between. We walk side by side slowly in the hall; just to spend some extra time with each other. The images of taking off with my sister plays in my mind. Me taking her arms, jumping on the traveling carriage and riding all the way to the human world. Taking all our belongings and quickly fleeing the city– or perhaps the country. The more I play the thoughts in my head, the more I start to think of the alpha who might hurt those I care about in retaliation: Solaria and Ophelia. I can't really leave them under the Alpha's mercy. But I have to be with my sister.

We get to the common place. The only person that greets her is Madam Fara standing in the middle. She turns to us wearing a practice smile on her gray face. "Good day Melanie. You look nice."

"What is the matter?" I step down the rest of the stairs.

"Can I not greet you now?"

"You never compliment me." My eyes trails her worried gaze to my sister.

"I see Miss. Rivers are ready to leave."


Madam Fara fixes her glasses. "Well I will let the alpha be aware of your departure." She walks off to the other side.

"She seems nice," Nesa says.

"No she's not. She is only playing nice because you are here." Once my sister leaves, Madame Fara is going to go right back into bullying me.

Something sparkled in the back of my head, and spread into my body, enticing me to act out my grand plan. I pull Nesa's hands to the side and walk to the front door with her.

"What is the matter?"

"We are leaving."

"What?" Nesa stands still.

"I am leaving with you. We are both going home."

"But, what about the alpha? He will find you. What of father–"

"We'll go into the city."

"And what then?"

"We can pawn the jewelry–"

"That's obscured, Melanie. You can leave–"

"Who says you're leaving?"

The alpha saunters right into the space. He is wearing his usually silk long sleeve tops in varying colors. Today's colors: black and white. He crosses his arms looking at both me and my sister. I am not sure if he knows we are planning on escaping. He doesn't look upset or betrayed that I would plan to leave. Instead, he is like a calm wind that might turn into a storm at any given moment.

"When is the carriage coming?" he asks.

"It's already here." Madam Fara answers.

"Good. Then Call the carriage off," he commanded her.

"What, why?" Madam Fara blinks.

"Yeah, what?" I blink.

"I've changed my mind." His eyes meet mine. "Your sister can stay here for another week."

"Really?" I say. Then a heart beat later, I ask, "Why the change of heart?"

The alpha saunters, stopping by me. "You left a gift in my room last night." He leans into my face next, whispering in my ear. "I suppose I can do you a favor."

And like that, he leaves the common space without a thought of his own words. My lips open to a gape. He really left my sister all because she got to touch me in the most private areas. I fix a glare at his back disappearing off into another hall.

I turn to my sister and hug her. "Did you hear that? You're staying!"

We hug like this for a while. I can't believe I will be having my sister stay here for a while longer. Another week with her, and another week to perfect my escape plan. Nesa pulls away from our embrace. She doesn't seem to be happy like me.

"What was that all about?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I'm asking."

"It;s nothing," I shrug. "The alpha was being nice."

I feel my sister staring right through me like a cat stalking its prey from the hidden bush.

"Did you sleep with him so I could stay?"


Nesa narrows at me. "I'm not a little girl, Melanie. I know men don't just go doing favors for the kindness of their hearts. Especially if it's for a woman."

I take a deep breath, feeling defeated.. "Okay, I may have planned on sleeping with him– but I owed him."

Nesa shakes her head, starting to walk off. "I don't like this, Melanie. I don't want you at the whims of that monster all because of me."

"He could throw you out if I did nothing. Be glad you're staying here instead of going back home."

"The alpha is manipulating you."

"No he's not."

"Well, he is using me against you."

I sigh. "You don't think I know that?"

We both sit in silence together for a while then Nesa turns to me.

"What about father? He'll be left alone."

I glance at the carriage being hauled with stuff. I take a moment to process her words until I say, "Father will be getting a taste of his own medicine."