
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

A Heated Meal With the Alpha

"Checkmate!" Nesa slams the table. The chess pieces fall to the side of the board, revealing the black king tucked securely under my queen. I stare at my opponent, unable to believe it. All this time...I've been playing the white knight! I lost a game of chess to my sister.

"Care for a game of seconds?" Nesa arranges the chess pieces as she talks. I get up from my spot on the chair and slump on the couch of the lounge room.

"I'm not in the mood for that right now." I've played countless games and things to keep my sister entertained. Though we both come from the same mother, we do not share much in common apart from blood. I love the outdoors, horses, hunting, planting, and physical work.

My sister, on the other hand, she's a loud, yet timid girl who loves the indoors. Reading, painting, crafting, whatever to keep her hands busy. My father used to joke and say that a stork dropped Nesa off our door because of how different she looked from us. Her pitch black hair, and eyes that shimmery with browns and blues. Sometimes, I'd think she was adopted.

"Who am I going to play with then?"

"Play on your own."

"A chess game requires two people."

"I'll join you," Solaria says, walking into the room with a tray of tea and bread. She sets down the tray on the table in front of me. I don't even bother talking a bit. I don't feel like eating anything today. My mood has been down for some reason.

Solaria sits down on the table across from my sister. I notice that Ophelia is nowhere to be seen. Those two are always together. Strange.

"You can play chess?" I ask Solaria, lazily from the couch.

"I was the chess champion in my home village. Don't underestimate me, girls." She cracks her knuckles.

Though I hate the game of chess, a curious itch forces me to watch my sister and Soliara play a game. Nesa starts off the game, eyebrows folded in to focus like Solaira watching every move being shifted across the checked table.

Watching them play a game like chess on a clear summer day just sets off a comforting buzz throughout my body I've been feeling all week. Having my sister here has made living in Brightcrown less daunting, and boorish on the day.

"Ah-ha, I have cornered you." Solaria smacks a chess price on the table. I don't even get to see what is happening with her large reddish hair covering most of my view. I catch a snippet of my sister with a sly frown, but she beams wide.

"It was a nice game." She shakes Solaria's hand.

"You're just a kid. I went easy on you."

"Ready for a game of round two?"

"I thought you wouldn't ask."

"Hey Solaria," I called her before their next game, "where is Ophelia?"

She shrugs. "Somewhere."

The both of them continue their second game. I can't bear to watch them continue playing a game I hate so much. I slip out of the bed in the next second.

"I'm going to go look for her."

"Good luck," says Solaria.

"Oh sis," my sister asked me before I could leave the room. "Can you get us extra biscuits? I really like this flavor."

I pursed my lips. "Sure."

I set out of my room. Bumps ripples across my body from the chill roaming in the air. I don't get why most of the palace is always colder than outside, and why most of the windows curtains are never open. I make myself through the hallway. I don't know where Ophelia could be out of this large place.

Whispering from people sounds once I enter the servant hall. All eyes are set on me like the first day I came here. I forget that now I am not just a regular human girl, I can't just stem into the servant hall anytime I want. I swallow the intimidation and press on forward. More whispers bounce around my ears like little winged creatures.

"Alphas mate." Someone sits in my view. "I'm sorry but you cannot be here."

"I know. I came here to look for Ophelia."

"Ophelia is not here."

"Do you know where she is?"

Just like Solaria the servant shrugs.

"Thanks for being helpful." I let out a heavy sigh. "Oh, one more question. Can you please bring some biscuits to my bedroom? Thank you."

I continue my search for the bubbly servant in this palace. The last place I plan to check is the kitchen. She's usually on cleaning duty over there.

I descended the spiral stairs till I reached the main hall. Busy workers clean around the dining table, prepping the table for the alpha afternoon meal. To my shock Ophelia is nowhere to be seen.

I guess I have no choice but to spend another boring hour watching Solaris and Nesa play chess until it's time for dinner. I stop in my tracks heading giggling coming from somewhere. I follow the sounds to a door hidden behind the dining room.

"Oh, sorry—" I quickly shut the door, catching a glimpse of Ophelia and Oscar sucking each other's faces off in the condiment room.

The next second, the door opens and it's Oscars fixing a slight glare at me. I only share an awkward smile.

"Mel, what are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing."

"We're just talking…"

"Ugh don't bother." I walk right past them. I don't have the time to talk about how they were with each other right now.

"Melanie." Oscars catch up to my stride. "The alpha would love it if you had dinner with him this evening."

"I can't. I'm busy."

"It's not a choice."

I pause in my steps, staring at Oscar's red lips and cheeks. "Is he now forcing me to do things now?"

"Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger."

I let out a groan. When can I ever get a day where I don't have to see the alpha. Sure, I'm the alpha's fated mate, but I feel like this title is just another fancy way of saying I'm his personal servant— minus the cleaning and cooking part.

I turn to Oscar. "Fine, tell the Alpha I would love to have dinner with him."

"You made a great choice."

The Alpha leaves and yet, I feel like his words were more a threat.


I made sure Ophelia and Solaria distracted Nesa while I went out to go meet the Alpha for dinner. I simply told her I had a tummy ache and wanted to rest alone. I don't want her to worry about me when I tell her I will be having dinner with the alpha. I just want these seven days to be full of good memories with my sister– in case my plan to escape here fails.

I trail behind the servant, my steps light and cautious, as we make our way through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace. My heart pounds in my chest, a mixture of anticipation and anxiety coursing through my veins. I must remain inconspicuous, blending into the background as I follow the servant to the main dining hall.

As we approach, I catch a glimpse of the grand doors, adorned with intricate carvings that speak of wealth and power. They swing open, revealing a sight that surprises me. The dining hall, usually opulent in its regal splendor, now boasts a romantic ambiance that veers from the norm. The walls are adorned with cascading floral arrangements, delicate blooms in vibrant hues that infuse the room with a soft, ethereal glow. The tables are adorned with delicate lace runners and flickering candles, casting a warm and intimate light across the room. Crystal chandeliers overhead twinkle like stars, their light reflecting off the gleaming silverware and crystal goblets.

The scent of fresh roses fills the air, mingling with the tantalizing aromas wafting from the kitchen. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation, as if the very walls hold secrets of the evening's events.

I glance around, searching for familiar faces, but my eyes don't find what they expect. The Alpha is nowhere to be seen in his usual seat, his absence both puzzling and intriguing. The servant, sensing my confusion, gestures toward a seat near the Alpha's main seat. "This way, please," she says softly, her voice a mixture of obedience and hidden sympathy.

I nod, feigning compliance, and take my place at the designated seat. From this vantage point, I have a clear view of the room, able to observe the comings and goings of the servants, the interactions that take place under the watchful eyes of the palace guards.

I sit alone at the dining table, the emptiness around me amplifying the weight of my worry. The Alpha is unusually late, and a knot of anxiety forms in my stomach. He is never late—punctuality is a defining trait of his character. His delay can only mean trouble, and I fear the repercussions it may have for my sister. I glance around the lavishly decorated dining hall, the opulence now marred by my growing unease. The flickering candlelight casts dancing shadows on the walls, mirroring the restlessness within me. The room feels too vast, too empty without the presence of the Alpha and the familiar faces that usually grace this space.

Frustration mixes with my worry, and out of sheer boredom, I find myself reaching for the glass of wine in front of me. I hesitate for a moment, contemplating the consequences of indulging in this forbidden pleasure. But tonight, my nerves need calming, and the sweet allure of the wine is too tempting to resist.

I take a sip, and the flavors explode on my tongue. It tastes of ripe strawberries and succulent grapes, tinged with the unmistakable warmth of alcohol. Living in Wolvendom has changed me. Lately, I find myself drinking more often. A pang of guilt tightens my chest as my thoughts wander to my uncle John, the embodiment of a drunkard. I remember the times he would stumble into our lives, his slurred words and unsteady steps a painful reminder of the destructive power of addiction. He would pass out in bars, on the streets, and even on our front porch during his sporadic visits. But ever since my mother's death, his visits have become less frequent, as if the pain of loss made him retreat further into his own despair.

I take another sip of the wine, the familiar burn sliding down my throat. Fear gnaws at me—fear of losing control, fear of becoming like him. I cannot afford to lose myself in the numbing haze of alcohol, not when my sister's safety hangs in the balance.

The air around me turns a bit tense then I find the Alpha stepping into the dinning hall. He has one rather casual fit with some regal touching to his outfit. His hair is slicked back, showing the slight scar on his temple.

"Sorry I was late." He sits down. "The meeting took longer than expected."

"You have a lot of meetings."

"Being alpha comes with a lot of responsibilities."

I set the glass down. "Oh yes, kidnapping women from their home lands, and talking with old men in bathrobes is so hard."

"You've started again. And we haven't even gotten to the first meal."

"Started what?" I smirk.

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

He looks at me dead in the eyes. "Being so sexy."

My mind is consumed with thoughts of what I want to say to the Alpha, but before I can gather my courage, the servants enter the dining hall, bearing trays of food. The tantalizing aroma of grilled meat fills the room, mingling with the fragrant herbs and spices. The centerpiece adorned with succulent cuts of meat, perfectly seared and seasoned. My mouth waters at the sight, my hunger momentarily overshadowing my preoccupations.

I watch as the Alpha, finally seated at his place, begins to devour his meal with a voraciousness that suggests he hasn't eaten in days. The food disappears from his plate in rapid succession, and I can't help but be amazed by the sheer intensity with which he consumes it.

Once eating, the servants take our plates.

"What are we having for dessert?" I ask.


My heart beats. "What?" I blink at the Alpha who just looks at me. Then the corner of his lips twitch like he wants to laugh. "Oh I see what you did there."

He chuckles. "Maybe I was joking. Maybe I wasn't."

"Well this was nice eating with you. Now I have to go." I stand up and the alpha also stands. "What?"

"You have something on your face."

I touch my face and the alpha shakes his head. Without a word, he reaches his hands to my face and rubs sauce off the corner of my lips. His fingers stay on the side of my lips, then he shifts his thumb over my lips.

"Why are you so beautiful?"

"Because I finally got some food in my stomach."

Alpha Rhy's smiles. "And funny too."

"Okay, you can let go of me now." I took his hand but that seemed to have signaled something within him. I stand frozen in place, my eyes widening in surprise as the Alpha's lips descend upon mine. The world around me fades into oblivion as a surge of electricity courses through my veins. His kiss is unexpected, catching me off guard, but it's impossible to deny the magnetic pull between us.

His lips are warm and demanding, conveying a raw and untamed desire that sends shivers down my spine. It's a kiss that ignites a primal fire within me, awakening sensations I never knew existed. In that single moment, time loses all meaning as we become entangled in a passionate dance of lips and tongues.

His arms encircle me, pulling me closer to him, his touch igniting a cascade of sensations across my skin. The heat between us intensifies, and I can feel the pounding of our hearts synchronizing in rhythm. Every brush of his lips against mine sends waves of pleasure crashing through me, erasing any doubt or hesitation that may have lingered.

As we continue to kiss, the world outside fades away, and it's just him and me, consumed by a hunger that defies reason. The Alpha's allure is undeniable, his presence commanding and irresistible. In this moment, I surrender to the intoxicating blend of passion and desire that envelops us, losing myself in the depths of this forbidden connection.

The sensations are overwhelming, sensations that awaken a part of me I thought I had buried. It's a dance of power and surrender, of fiery attraction and vulnerability. My body responds to his touch, arching into him as our kisses deepen, our connection growing stronger with each passing second.

Yet, even as the flames of passion rage between us, a voice of caution whispers in the back of my mind. I remember my purpose, the mission to find my missing sister, and the countless questions that remain unanswered. But for now, in this stolen moment of desire, I allow myself to indulge in the intoxicating magnetism of the Alpha's kiss.

Eventually, we break apart, our breaths ragged as we try to regain our composure. His eyes meet mine, smoldering with a mixture of desire and something else—something I can't quite decipher. Something in him that wants him to lift me up on the table and fuck the soul of out me. The air crackles with tension, and I know that this single moment has forever altered the course of our lives.

The Alpha takes my hand rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. He leans into my face, then craning his neck to my ears. My ears heart up from the heat of his breath blowing on the skin. "I cannot wait for the day I get to officially have you as mine."