
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Alpha's Eyes

Days have gone by and the time for my sister to leave is coming close. I walk through the dimly lit hall, my sister by my side. Shadows dance along the walls, casting an eerie ambiance that matches the clandestine purpose of our journey. My heart pounds in my chest, a mixture of nerves and determination fueling my steps.

"Why are you bringing me to this place?" my sister asks, her voice filled with curiosity. I take a deep breath, trying to maintain a composed facade despite the turmoil within me.

"I just wanted to show you a cool hangout spot," I lie through my teeth, my voice betraying no hint of the hidden agenda that drives me. It's essential to keep her trust intact, to ensure her cooperation in my plan for escape. If she knew the truth, she might inadvertently compromise my efforts.

As we continue down the dark corridor, I study the architecture, searching for any signs of the palace's past. The whispers I've heard among the servants speak of hidden passages and secret doors, remnants of a time when this part of the palace was connected to the main structure. I cling to this hope, believing that it might be the key to my freedom.

I scan the walls, my fingers tracing the ancient tapestries that line the hallway, searching for any irregularities or hidden mechanisms. My sister walks beside me, oblivious to my ulterior motives. I must be careful, treading the delicate line between deception and protection. We reach a seemingly dead end, a section of the wall devoid of any discernible features. But I refuse to be deterred. With a mix of determination and anticipation, I press against the wall, searching for any give or subtle shift. My heart flutters with excitement as my hand brushes against a loose stone, hidden from sight.

Gently, I apply pressure, and with a barely audible click, the stone moves, revealing a narrow opening. A rush of anticipation fills me as I turn to my sister, masking my excitement with a casual smile.

"Check this out," I say, pushing the hidden door open to reveal a concealed passage beyond. My sister's eyes widen with curiosity, and I motion for her to follow me. Together, we step into the darkness, the unknown stretching before us. As we navigate the hidden passage, my mind races with possibilities. Will this secret route lead me outside the palace, away from the clutches of the Alpha and the confines of Wolvendom? I hold onto that hope tightly, knowing that my survival and my sister's safety depend on the success of my escape.

With each step, the darkness envelopes us, but I am undeterred. My determination fuels me, guiding me through the labyrinth of hidden corridors. I am a woman on a mission, fighting against the oppressive walls that confine me, searching for a glimmer of freedom.

As we continue our journey through the secret passageway, uncertainty hangs in the air, but it is outweighed by a sense of purpose. I will find a way out, for both my sister and myself. I will not rest until we are free from the clutches of this palace and the Alpha's control.

"I'm scared," says Nesa.

"It's okay, just stay close to me."

As we navigate the shadows together, I cling to the flicker of hope that lies within me. My sister's presence beside me reminds me of the stakes at hand and fuels my determination. I feel cold air calling me, and I follow the trail of cold air that cuts through the otherwise stagnant atmosphere. The sight that greets me is unexpected—a hall filled with discarded items and forgotten relics, as if time had frozen in this forgotten corner of the palace.

My eyes are drawn to a colossal portrait hanging on the cracked wall. The vivid colors and meticulous brushstrokes depict an older woman and man, their regal demeanor unmistakable. Standing beside them are two boys—one with familiar blue eyes, a mirror of the Alpha's gaze, and another with white hair and those same piercing blue eyes.

"What is it?" Nesa, my sister, asks me, her voice filled with curiosity. I can sense the intrigue in her eyes, mirroring my own bewilderment. I pause, my gaze fixed on the portrait, contemplating the implications of this unexpected discovery.

"It looks like a portrait of the Alpha and his family," I respond, my voice barely above a whisper. My mind races, connecting the dots, and a sense of unease washes over me. The Alpha, enigmatic and secretive, has never mentioned any family members beyond himself.

I study the portrait again, my eyes lingering on the boy with the white hair and striking blue eyes. Who is he? What role does he play in the Alpha's life? Questions swirl in my mind, seeking answers that lie just beyond my reach.

"Let's hurry up and look for what you came for. This place is giving me the creeps," says Nesa.

I scour the room, my eyes scanning the dusty shelves and forgotten corners in search of any further clues or hidden treasures. My fingers brush against a stack of old books, sending a cloud of dust into the air. As I cough and fan away the particles, my gaze falls upon a tattered map tucked away between the pages.

Hope flutters in my chest as I carefully extract the map from its hiding place. My heart sinks a little as I realize it's just a map of the palace itself—a detailed layout of the grand halls and corridors that we have become all too familiar with. Disappointment washes over me, realizing that this won't provide the answers I seek.

Nevertheless, curiosity compels me to study the map more closely. My eyes trace the lines and labels, and then something catches my attention. A section of the palace is marked off, seemingly blocked from public access. My curiosity deepens, wondering what lies beyond those boundaries, what secrets are hidden in that restricted area.

A glimmer of hope reignites within me, despite the setback. Perhaps there is another way out of this palace, an escape route that remains concealed even on this map. I search for any indications, any hidden paths or hidden doors that could lead us to freedom, but my efforts prove fruitless.

"What is the matter, Mel?" Nesa's voice breaks through my concentration, and I hastily fold the map and slide it back into its resting place. I force a smile, not wanting to worry her further.

"It's nothing," I reply, my voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. "We should leave before anything else." I take her hand gently, guiding her out of the room and back into the familiar halls of the palace.

As we walk, I can't help but feel a sense of determination settling within me. The dead-end I encountered in the room may have dampened my spirits momentarily, but it has not extinguished the fire of my resolve. I will find a way out of this palace, for Nesa's sake and for my own.

Together, we make our way back to the other side of the palace, my mind racing with thoughts and plans. I will continue to search for hidden passages, secret doors, and any other means of escape. No matter how long it takes or how many obstacles we face, I will find a way to lead us to freedom.

I assist Nesa into the hall, her trust in me unshaken despite the uncertainties that surround us. With her by my side, I know I have the strength and determination to persevere. We will navigate the shadows, confront the secrets, and overcome the challenges that lie ahead. Our escape may not be easy, but I am resolved to make it happen. Together, we will find a way out, and a brighter future awaits us beyond the confines of this palace.

My heart skips a beat as I catch sight of the Alpha, his figure appearing unexpectedly in the dimly lit hallway. Panic surges through me, for I never expected to encounter him here, especially not with my sister by my side.

"Alpha Rhys..." The words escape my lips, a tremor of fear lacing my voice. I exchange a quick glance with Nesa, sensing her unease mirroring my own. The air around us grows heavy with anticipation as we wait for his response.

He turns his gaze toward us, his eyes piercing and commanding. There is a flicker of surprise in his expression, quickly masked by an inscrutable facade. My heart races, uncertain of how he will react to our presence in this forbidden part of the palace.

"Melanie, Nesa," he says, his voice smooth and controlled. "What brings you here?" His tone gives nothing away, leaving me on edge, my mind scrambling for a plausible explanation.

"We were... exploring," I stammer, attempting to compose myself. "We stumbled upon this hallway and got a bit turned around." I force a smile, hoping my words and expression convey innocence rather than the tumultuous thoughts that swirl within me.

His eyes study us, a mix of scrutiny and something I can't quite decipher. A silence hangs in the air, the tension palpable. Every fiber of my being screams for escape, for a chance to retreat from this unnerving encounter.

After what feels like an eternity, the Alpha breaks the silence, his voice measured and composed. "I see."

The Alpha's gaze sets on me for a moment, each second sends a tingle down my skin.

With a final nod, the Alpha continues on his way, leaving us standing in the hallway, our hearts still racing from the encounter. Relief washes over me, mingled with a lingering sense of unease. Taking a deep breath, I turn to Nesa, her eyes mirroring my own unease.

"That was close," I say.

"Really close."

We share a silent understanding, knowing that we must exercise caution and discretion in our future actions. The Alpha's watchful eyes are ever-present, and we cannot afford to let down our guard.

"We should go grab some lunch. I'm starving."

"Okay." I take Nesa's hand and move along the hallway. I cling to the hope that one day, we will find the opportunity to slip away, to leave behind the shadows and secrets that bind us. Until then, we must navigate this treacherous path, always aware of the Alpha's presence and ever-mindful of the consequences that loom over us.